Jackson Kids Save the Day

Michael would be so proud of his children.....just goes to show he taught them right and they are carrying on his teachings.....God bless those children
Scooby is just a start, watch what these kids are going to do next. They are going to be a real eye opener... Before, Michael was just one person. Now his in three different forms.

:cry: That was lovely.
Michael was such a wonderful man. I'm glad his children are taking after him in this way. People want them to have his talent and get into music and blah blah blah. And all that other junk people say about the children. Whatever. Most importantly, they have Michael's big, generous heart and in the end that's all that will matter. :heart:
When Michael first died I replied to a post in here somewhere where the subject I believe was something about people being worried how Michael's children would be without Michael in their lives and would they go on to good things like their Dad did. And my response then was this-

For an example of two young children who lost their ultra famous, larger than life parent when they were very young under the media glare and how they came out you need to look no further than Prince William and Prince Harry. While yes Harry has had some minor hiccups along the way, both William and Harry did turn out to be outstanding men continuing on with the good deeds and good work their Mum did. And also keeping the good values that she instilled on them. All under the watchful eye of the media along the way.

I think Michael was so much like Princess Diana in so many ways. From the way he was with his generosity and love of children and those less fortunate, to the way he brought up his children.

And here it is everyone-the first example of I am sure will be so so many of Michael's children continuing on the good deeds their Dad was so good at.

I am so proud of what they did here. I am a Veterinarian Technician and know just how much one of those Wheelchairs can be, and how effective they can be too.

So for them to do that, it literally brought tears to my eyes when I read this. For so many reasons.

Who knows, maybe one of them will go on to become a Veterinarian!

Michael and Diana live on everyone. They live on in their amazing children. For me, and I hope for all of you, that gives me so much comfort....

Michael is so proud of them...

I know I am.......
Could someone send an e-mail to the bravo magazine please? post@bravo.de

They are following and report about everything that the children do. Also they print too many of those paparazzi pics in their magazine. It has to stop. Please do complain!
When Michael first died I replied to a post in here somewhere where the subject I believe was something about people being worried how Michael's children would be without Michael in their lives and would they go on to good things like their Dad did. And my response then was this-

For an example of two young children who lost their ultra famous, larger than life parent when they were very young under the media glare and how they came out you need to look no further than Prince William and Prince Harry. While yes Harry has had some minor hiccups along the way, both William and Harry did turn out to be outstanding men continuing on with the good deeds and good work their Mum did. And also keeping the good values that she instilled on them. All under the watchful eye of the media along the way.

I think Michael was so much like Princess Diana in so many ways. From the way he was with his generosity and love of children and those less fortunate, to the way he brought up his children.

And here it is everyone-the first example of I am sure will be so so many of Michael's children continuing on the good deeds their Dad was so good at.

I am so proud of what they did here. I am a Veterinarian Technician and know just how much one of those Wheelchairs can be, and how effective they can be too.

So for them to do that, it literally brought tears to my eyes when I read this. For so many reasons.

Who knows, maybe one of them will go on to become a Veterinarian!

Michael and Diana live on everyone. They live on in their amazing children. For me, and I hope for all of you, that gives me so much comfort....

Michael is so proud of them...

I know I am.......

The thing is though that the Royal Family made a deal with the UK media not to take any pictures of William and Harry until they were out of full time education when they reached 18, which I very much doubt will be in place for Prince, Paris and Blanket. But yes the situations are similar. William and Harry have been criticised in the press but mainly its for falling out of clubs drunk at 2am in the morning and lets face it-they are hardly the only people in their twenties to be doing that!
What a lovely tender dog!!! God bless him and those children are so good, Michael raised them well
Three Humanitarians in the making???????

If the are like their father, then surely they will be!!!!!