Jackson Kids Save the Day

Awww.. this just warms my heart.. Making their daddy proud!
Someone inside the house has to be selling these stories..

yes, but if fans continue to reading & commenting on TMZ, they will continue posting stories about the kids.

No one stops to question why we never got private stories of the kids' life while MJ was alive.

Crying shame! These kids cannot grow fast enough, they will find out on their own what their dad had to go through and why he kept to himself: You cannot trust too many folks in the Jackson circle.
this is sweet BUT we do not need to know every tiny detail of their lives. they should be able to go about their business without the whole world knowing about it.
I wish all children of the world had a father like Michael Jackson. He taught his kids manners and gave them a proper upbringing, something many kids are lacking.. When I was little I always wished Michael was my father.
yeah, well, the thought just... scares me. I hope Prince is not sneaking the internet. I don't want him to be reading the investigative forum. he's really, really bright, I think. I doubt much of anything eludes him.

I know what you mean. Just the other day I by accident ran into a website completely dedicated to Prince Jackson where some really young girls are swooning over him. I can only imagine what his dad (or some of his employees) would have done if they found out but now, I'm worried about all the information the kids will surely run into.

Anyway, it's a cute story and I'm sure Mike's smiling down on those three somewhere out there on the other side. :)
It's a lovely story, and shows what lovely kind-hearted children they are and how well their father brought them up.
ok so i wont post another story dealing with the kids... and Dr.Feelgood i highly doubt MICHAEL JACKSON'S kids take after you...?
sooo sweet!! Bless their hearts. That poor cute doggie! Now it's got wheels so it can frolick around all it wants! :D:D:D
Michael would be so proud! I'm sure he's smiling..and hope his kids know that Michael will lead the way for them.:wub:

Spreading love, they are his legacy,and they will do some great things in time, I'm sure...:yes:

Keep it going kids!

I miss our Michael... I just wanna cry again.
I wish all children of the world had a father like Michael Jackson. He taught his kids manners and gave them a proper upbringing, something many kids are lacking.. When I was little I always wished Michael was my father.

I think Michael looked on a lot of his much younger fans as his children as well. you can tell by the way he interacts with them. he always has this kind of fatherly, indulgent smile and his hands always pat them on their heads or their backs.

and he hoped that we would feel the same way about his kids.

Michael in the UK back in 2006: My children are your children.
:clapping:When they first reported it there were no pics so I was a little bit suspect of wether it was true or not even though it sounded like something they'd do. It shows just how great a father Michael was and how well he raised them. :) Good luck to the kids and Scooby Roo!
Bless their hearts. :wub: This kind of story is harmless enough but I hope it doesn't pave the way for more personal things to be revealed about them.
Now see ...that's the type of stories that tugs at the heart and has their father teaching's written all over it. :clapping:
Just like their dad. God bless Michael's little angels.

He would be so proud.
Scooby is just a start, watch what these kids are going to do next. They are going to be a real eye opener... Before, Michael was just one person. Now his in three different forms.
Michael would be so proud! I'm sure he's smiling..and hope his kids know that Michael will lead the way for them.:wub:

Spreading love, they are his legacy,and they will do some great things in time, I'm sure...:yes:

Keep it going kids!

I miss our Michael... I just wanna cry again.

I am sure Michael is smiling. Keep it going kids!
We miss our Michael.