Jackson family reality show is a go...

it's KINDA funny though reading first about their excitement about being reunited with the gloved one onstage but then later on it says he never signed to do it!! (michael)..
some reunion..
I read before that michael brothers and janet were going to perform onstage at the 02 concert with michael along with other special quests. and michael was not part of the a&e program, there were plans to reunite on stage at the 02 concert.
this really isn't right. First of all, Michael hated the tv stuff because it was over exposure and he felt it would ruin his career. Second, If one of my siblings has just died and I was famous, or not even a sibling, someone I cared about dearly I would totally hide from all the media and stuff and when i'm ready come out and give a statement.
I can't quite understand them myself sometimes either.

I'd much rather have seen a reality show with Michael instead. Is it just me or does it seem like since Michael announced 'This Is It', his brothers have been doing anything to try and get in the public eye?

Yes, but it seems that everyone is making the most of the time to appear more in the media and thus earn more money somehow. Unfortunately (if this is true), I do not like this idea. Reality Show? No comments about that... Sometimes the Jackson family scares me with certain attitudes. :bugeyed Well, I'll keep quiet and I will not say anything more about it.​
well it's not like this idea came from thin air. they already filmed a lot of stuff. in fact, they showed a few screen caps w/ joe and his grandkids (donte, jermajesty, and randy jr) when the rumour du jour was that they didn't want joe around mj's kids...said look, he's a good grandpa

and the show must go on. the best thing they can do is finish what they started and then mourn. mike wouldn't want anyone to exploit his kids or this situation BUT he would understand that this was already in conception before his passing.

the ONLY thing i don't like is how they say they wanna get some footage of the family grieving or at least dealing w/ m's death. so um....
Yeah, I can't quite wrap my head around the 'grief' part. I thought we were all suppossed to not cry and just get on with our lives and celebrate his music etc? In fact, last Friday night, I went to a friend's house to keep her company while her husband went away on business for a couple of days....I slept alone down stairs, and I layed there in the dark thinking about Michael. I decided to close my eyes and get some sleep...then the tears just came. "Damnit Mary, just stop, he's fine...think of the fun times.." I kept saying to myself. But it's the loss, that feeling of someone that although wasn't directly a part of your life, is now gone...esp from his own life. He had so much more to do with his childern etc...that feeling of a loss is what hurts the most.

I know the Jackson family are suffering, but I don't want to see someone who tells me that I'm supposed to be strong break-down themselves lol. I would love however to see anything that they could share with us about Michael, and about themselves too. It's nice to see them together, no matter what capcity or project they are persuing.

And no, they won't have the childern exposed in any way. They know that they're going through and what the public will make of them if they are given the chance. The Jackson's know how to protect those childern.

Bless that family, now more than ever b4.
well it's not like this idea came from thin air. they already filmed a lot of stuff. in fact, they showed a few screen caps w/ joe and his grandkids (donte, jermajesty, and randy jr) when the rumour du jour was that they didn't want joe around mj's kids...said look, he's a good grandpa

and the show must go on. the best thing they can do is finish what they started and then mourn. mike wouldn't want anyone to exploit his kids or this situation BUT he would understand that this was already in conception before his passing.

the ONLY thing i don't like is how they say they wanna get some footage of the family grieving or at least dealing w/ m's death. so um....

hi :waving: i hope this is o.k to share this story i found in my newspaper today about the jacksons show the A&E say is o.k :)

so here is story :)

if Jon and Kate can go on aftr 4 years- i'm sure the Jackson's can suceed without MJ- he would have never been on it any way. I say more power to them. At least its not a reality show about them or one of their kids looking for love........
Yeah, I can't quite wrap my head around the 'grief' part. I thought we were all suppossed to not cry and just get on with our lives and celebrate his music etc? In fact, last Friday night, I went to a friend's house to keep her company while her husband went away on business for a couple of days....I slept alone down stairs, and I layed there in the dark thinking about Michael. I decided to close my eyes and get some sleep...then the tears just came. "Damnit Mary, just stop, he's fine...think of the fun times.." I kept saying to myself. But it's the loss, that feeling of someone that although wasn't directly a part of your life, is now gone...esp from his own life. He had so much more to do with his childern etc...that feeling of a loss is what hurts the most.

I know the Jackson family are suffering, but I don't want to see someone who tells me that I'm supposed to be strong break-down themselves lol. I would love however to see anything that they could share with us about Michael, and about themselves too. It's nice to see them together, no matter what capcity or project they are persuing.

And no, they won't have the childern exposed in any way. They know that they're going through and what the public will make of them if they are given the chance. The Jackson's know how to protect those childern.

Bless that family, now more than ever b4.

I'm gonna watch, and I'm gonna watch Latoya's interview thingy and The View.

I just wanna see the fam (which I just looooove) and I'm ready to hear somebody say some amazingly good things about Michael!

Sometimes, often actually- I just get struck with grief. I feel like watching these things are gonna help, idk why. If I see one more "special" or e! hollywood story being biased and not painting the picture that should be painted, I'm gona go crazy.

What kills me the most is that some people just DON'T get it. They dont get Michael, they won't try, and they'll never know. And they are the one missing out.
I'm gonna watch, and I'm gonna watch Latoya's interview thingy and The View.

I just wanna see the fam (which I just looooove) and I'm ready to hear somebody say some amazingly good things about Michael!

Sometimes, often actually- I just get struck with grief. I feel like watching these things are gonna help, idk why. If I see one more "special" or e! hollywood story being biased and not painting the picture that should be painted, I'm gona go crazy.

What kills me the most is that some people just DON'T get it. They dont get Michael, they won't try, and they'll never know. And they are the one missing out.

:clapping:I love them also.

Me too :(

:yes: Yep, yep!
A&E confirms Jacksons special will become a series

...Billed as "exclusive new video," the three-minute clip showed family matriarch Katherine Jackson as well as her sons Jermaine, Jackie and Tito, at home, relaxing and chatting. Correspondent Kevin Frazier told viewers the project included "the entire Jackson clan," adding, "sources tell us that Michael also participated in the filming."

"ET" did not say how it got the video, but promised to air more on Wednesday's edition.

"The footage was leaked without A&E's knowledge or consent," said network spokesman Dan Silberman.


I saw the leaked clip (couldn't find it any place online though) and I'm lookin' forward to it. :)

Ms. Katherine was sitting at a table outside near a Bar-b-que grill with two grandsons who looked to be in their late teens chit-chatting (one had a mohawk). One of the youngins asked her a question and said Huh Grandma? (I was on the phone) and she answered him yes and I think she said, it's been a long time. She looked great as usual, and with no makeup, and seemed to be just chillaxin'. (not sure when it was taped).

Then there was a scene with Jackie, Jermaine and Tito, singing together - Jermaine and Tito playing their guitars, then talking about performing together again. Jackie said he could not deal with a lot of conflicts, then one of them said who's gonna sing lead and Jermaine said I am, on all the songs (with a big grin on his face). Then Tito said it's Tito Time and they all chuckled.

Docu-series chronicles plan to mount reunion shows

The project, which was in the works with L.A.-based Point Seven Entertainment long before Michael Jackson's death on June 25, will now depict the impact of Michael's death on the extended Jackson clan.

A&E had planned to do at least an hourlong special focusing on the brothers' plans to mark the 40th anniversary of the group's breakthrough with its first Motown recordings.

The Jackson 5 reunion shows were to have coincided with Michael Jackson's big comeback push with his 50-concert stand at London's 02 Arena, which had been skedded to begin last month. Michael Jackson was to have taken part in the reunion shows with brothers Marlon, Tito, Jermaine and Jackie, and he appears in the footage shot for the special from January through early June of this year...

Gomes is a longtime friend of the Jacksons and a veteran producer who previously ran Magic Johnson's TV production shingle. She said the brothers gave serious consideration to tabling the show, but they recently decided to move forward in order to use it "as an outlet to communicate with their fans," Gomes said.

"The Jacksons have been courted to do a reality series for the past three to five years, but the timing was never right," Gomes told Daily Variety. "We got together last summer and started to plot out the 40th anniversary plans, and we decided it was time to do a show.

With Michael's death, a major focus of the hourlong series will be the impact of the pop legend's death on his brothers and their families, Gomes said.

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i think it looks good. i know i'll watch it. i ain't gonna front like im not. if it feels weird, i'll change it when they discuss shiitty but otherthan that, i wanna watch
I'm gonna watch, and I'm gonna watch Latoya's interview thingy and The View.
you and me both. I love Latoya, she's such a chracter (I mean that in a good way).

Insofar as the reality series/show is concerned I'm kinda looking forward to it. Katherine ain't gunna let no one make her family look bad, and its a opp for the family to do some positive PR. I think it will be done in taste. Besdies e'rybody and they mama got a reality show these days, why not the Jacksons? Hope the deal gives them a decent amount of creative control:yes:
I saw the clip and Jermaine and Tito had me laughing. Apparently Jackie is the peace-maker and Jermaine likes to be front and center (duhhhh). Tito looked mad with Jermaine.lol Brothers will always be brothers.
Michael probably was the LEAST messed up one in the family. They are all over the place.
how much of this do you think will be fake, like becasue there is a camera in there face they will act differently to it being there - not natural emotions and not do what they usually do
every reality show is fake so if it stays true to reality roots, they'll set up scenes and situations and teh family will improvise