Jackson Estate Scores Deal on "This is It"

Sony and AEG live are making big $$$$$ off MJ's death, MJ's estate too but he's not here to enjoy it anymore:(
TMZ have been pretty spot on thus far.

Yes, like breaking the news of his death! It is surprising actually how spot on they have been.

Stop talking about another greatest hits album. That is not what I'm referring to.

A brand new full album, with brand new material, is being worked on alongside the new song that will accompany the This Is It soundtrack. No one has been able to tell me when it is planned for a release, however it is currently in the stages of production.

^Not really. It's such a tight ship, no one will budge with any info, apart from stating there'll be a new song obviously. Which is something I think is amazing.. can't wait for that :)

Edit: I can say that a round about the same people working on the new song, are also working on producing and mastering the new album (not to be confused with the sound track). In terms of the sound track, one of MJ's good friends is primarily incharge of mixing that which is awesome.

What is your source / qualification to know this info? Just curious.

Let me give my 2 cents.

We all know Mike liked to mix songs together (They Dont Care About Us/ In The Closet) add sound effects and change parts of the song (ie Dangerous)for live performances. I think it'd be cool if we got a studio album of the This Is It set list with all of the extra edits.

I say this assuming there is not enough quality live versions of the songs from the rehearsal. If there anything like the Dangerous rehearsals, he wont be all out singing.

Either way, im excited for the new song!

This would be my second choice in terms of what this CD could be.

1. Live singing from the rehearsals
2. Studio recordings but mixed as per the live tracks as per the above.
3. A greatest hits album based on the setlist for TII

I think it's gonna be number 3 which is disappointing.

-The CD will have an assortment of songs Jackson planned to perform at the This Is It concert series. Right now decisions are being made as to whether or not to include some live performances of his songs. (AEG has records of Jackson singing some of his songs live). These MAY be included in the CD to offer something new to fans.

This is all i got right now, more to come.

Sounds like number 3 alright. Disappoing if that's the case. We know he sang live at rehearsals cos we see it in the footage Oprah showed and the TV spot where her sings Billie Jean. I really hope that they do include the live recordings from the reheasrsals! That's what we want to hear.

Now that's enough songs to include on future releases...
I foresee Sony coming with a new greatest hits compilation every year from now 'till 2052 including one of the unreleased songs mentioned in the videos.

I think so too. It's how they'll get the most sales and how they can draw it all out. You may see 2 or 3 new songs released per year as bonus tracks on an otherwise typical greatest hits album.
Word is the new soundtrack album will be released October 27th. (Tuesday). If this is true, the album will be competing with the re-release of Taylor Swift's fearless which could be some good competition. Swift's album sold over 550,000 copies in it's debut week last November and should move between 100,000 and 200,000 copies when it's re-released on the 27th. This will be a direct competition with the This Is It soundtrack and may prevent it from being #1. The following week (Nov 3rd), there is a new album coming out from Carrie Underwood which also looks to be some hefty competition.

My solution: Up the release of This Is It: the Soundtrack to October 20th which will allow it for sure to debut at #1!