Jackie chan and mj simlarities yes


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Think about it. Jackie chan is probably just as famous around the world and loved as mike. Think about it. He has a really huge fan base. He is the king of action movies. They both are real huge humanitarians. Jackie loves nature and children. He has one of the most recognizable faces out there.hes broken many records. At the age of 55 their is non stop. I wouldn't fight this dude lol. I'm a big jackie chan fan i love this guy. (no homo 4 real.) what do you guys think.
^^^ yes i'm serious i know it may sound irrational but think about it. Hes been in the industry just as long as mike. Mike wasnt the only super star out here.
well I kind of agree, he's one of the best actors ever, but he's still no MJ :p I do like him very much though.
^^^ yes i'm serious i know it may sound irrational but think about it. Hes been in the industry just as long as mike. Mike wasnt the only super star out here.

Of course not but he was one of the biggest or maybe even THE biggest! ;)
But I also love Jackie, he's really cool, friendly and very inviting! :)
Please no comparison. My kids don't know who he is. A three year old down the street has a speech problem knows who Michael Jackson is. This is one case their are many cases I just stated. Bless your Heart.



People in African huts know who MJ is. Need I continue. I am wasting my time hear.

You know what. You have made my day. I was very sad but you have made me laugh. Thank you. I needed that.
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^^^ wow that was really immature of you. i wasnt saying he was like mj or bigger. i'm just saying hes really big and powerful. i wasn't trying to compare him to mj. and my 4 year old son knows who Jackie is. trust me they know him in Africa please
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It is very immature of me. Very. You put it out there for people to comment on it and these are my comments. Everything can't go the way you want it. You did make my day though. I love Tupac too. I wish we could find out what happent to him. Sorry didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Come on pick up your lip and stop pouting.
*sigh* I'm keeping my eye on this thread. I dont want ANYTHING horrible said about Michael or any of the members here. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and yes you can disagree with it, but make it at least informative rather than making someone feel stupid for making the comparison in the first place.

Oh and ensleyave I merged you're posts into one, clean it up a bit.

^^^ wow that was really immature of you. i wasnt saying he was like mj or bigger. i'm just saying hes really big and powerful. i wasn't trying to compare him to mj. and my 4 year old son knows who Jackie is. trust me they know him in Africa please

As you can see I edited your post. There is totally NO NEED for the language you used. I found that highly offensive on too many levels.

Keep it clean and sensible guys...
Did I say something offensive or did the other guy not sure about your post. The child down the street with a speech problem is my cousin wasn't making fun of people with speech problems.
I'd like to say that Jackie Chan wasn't accused of molesting children or portrayed by the media as a freak.

Not that I don't like him, I actually don't have an opinion of him.
wow not the way i planed this to go but ok. my apologies to te members on the board. but hey. i wonder was mike ever a fan of jackie i know Jackie was
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I'd like to say that Jackie Chan wasn't accused of molesting children or portrayed by the media as a freak.

Not that I don't like him, I actually don't have an opinion of him.

I dont really know what this has to do with this topic :unsure:

Anyways. Jakie is great...Michael Amazing...of course i'm gonna say that cuz I LOVE MICHAEL very much. But I know ppl. love Jakie and KUDOS for them, I'm not gonna take away anything from that. But IMHO, his magnitude is kinda limited. If you've said Bruce Lee...maybe...but Jakie, umhhh...yea...

I'll say this
YOUTUBE Findings...
“jackie chan” results 1 - 20 of about 99,500
“michael jackson” results 1 - 20 of millions

But thats just me...
tnx for starting an interesting topic hun. :D

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Have any of you seen Jackie Chan's movie "Police Story", which is probably the best film he has ever Acted in, Directed, Choreographed and he even Sang the Soundtrack to it!!!!!

He also does a moonwalk in it!!!!!!!
according to Chris Tucker MJ was a huge fan of Jackie Chang.

I do not think Jackie Chan's fandom or worldwide recognitition is at the level of MJ's in present times or in a historical context either. I'm not sure if many people will know who Jackie chang is in 50 years. and like somebody said people in Africa living in teapee huts know who MJ is.

How often do you see a Jackie Chang impersonator?
I don´t see movies often.
Honestly I don´t know who Jackie Chan is.
I don´t remember the first time I heard Michael Jackson but it might have been about 35 years ago.
ok look i'm giving up on this thread i started it just so we could talk about5 similarities and such and now you guys are just puting my boy Jackie down. for ex. oh they don't know him in africa or if you type Jackie chan on you tube only a few thousand pull up and mj is over 20 million results etc............... this is ridiculous. i love mj i think hes the best. but putting others down isnt right.
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Jackie Chan is a legend. I love him very much. A very creative, loving, caring, funny, hard working man. He deserves much more respect than he gets in my opinion. But I think it's just because a lot of people don't know how versatile he is. He is a martial artist, actor, director, producer, stunt and fight choreographer, singer and a humanitarian. He does it all. Really one of my favorite personalities.

In comparison to Michael: Jackie is like I said a legend. In my opinion the greatest action movie actor ever. Known all around the world but Michael was and is on a complete different level. Michael has been in the media for all of his life and his life was made a living hell. I can't think of any person that had this kind of exposure around the world.
In Asia, I think Jackie is a God. Kinda like Bruce Lee was. If people think of fighting in movies I'm pretty sure the first name they think of is Jackie. But the level of fame Michael has is bigger than Jackie's. Doesn't change the fact that I love him, hehe.

But there are similarities. Both are very creative. I don't need to talk about Michael's creativity. Beyond greatness. But think of it. Just looking at Jackie's fight scenes will let you know how creative he is too. I saw a video where Jackie shows his home or something and he shows a big book where he writes down and keeps all the ideas he gets. And if I remember correctly, it was a lot.

Another, and in my eyes more important, similarity is the love for this planet. Both have donated millions of money for charity, visited orphanages, hospitals, schools and so on. There is a lot of L.O.V.E. and both of their hearts.

There is actually a funny story where Chris Tucker arranged a phone call between Jackie and Michael. Chris wanted to surprise Jackie with it. Unfortunately, Jackie was sleeping and his agent didn't wake him up which upset him when he found out who called. I'm pretty sure both man admired each other.

Jackie posted a message on his website too, after Michael passed. Just in case you don't know.