"I've Been Told I Look Like....."

Do I have to post my picture ..? Maybe later.
When I was younger some told me I looked like Marily Monroe sometimes. ( on a good day ):)
I've been told I look like John James who is currently on Big Brother.

I've also been told I look like Fernando Torres.
Couple of weeks ago I was in a shopping mall and some girls were there in front of a mirror and on of them saw me whispered to her friend:" Oh my God this guy looks like Elvis" meaning me lol. I have been told I look like Tom Cruise, Ben Stiller, Evlis and even Michael lol
Couple of weeks ago I was in a shopping mall and some girls were there in front of a mirror and on of them saw me whispered to her friend:" Oh my God this guy looks like Elvis" meaning me lol. I have been told I look like Tom Cruise, Ben Stiller, Evlis and even Michael lol
Dude, post a pic. I've got to see what you look like and what kind of elvis young, middle age or old.

To be fair i could have a quiff and people would say i look like elvis
My dad looked alot like elvis

My bf says I look like Lacey Chabert (Gretchen Weiners from Mean Girls)....except I'm blonde....

I've also been told I look like Sarah Jessica Parker

I like this thread! Good choice!

^ you do..a lil bit!! :)

I said 'a lil bit' but omg gurrl you do!!! you look like Gretchen Weiners so much!! if she had blonde hair you's would be twins! :D

today I got Frances Bean Cobain & last week Claire Danes.

Yeah i think you look like Claire Danes.

aaaaa now i want a lookalike! :punk:
Dude, post a pic. I've got to see what you look like and what kind of elvis young, middle age or old.

To be fair i could have a quiff and people would say i look like elvis
My dad looked alot like elvis

I posted some pictures of me in the MJJC member pictures, they are on the last page. I have pictures from that day, but are 3mb and I can't upload, the website that I am using allows only up to 2mb pictures
Ohh cute!!
I get the animated character resemblance as well.

Yeah, me too. Haha. =P
Ariel, always. (The hair color and length, the bangs, the eyes, and the size.) LoL.
Of course Pippi. =P
Amy Adams (only as Giselle in Enchanted)
Emma Stone (Superbad, Zombieland, House Bunny)
Lindsay Lohan (Mean girls and before. During Parent Trap days we looked identical...haha.)
Julianne Moore
Nicole Kidman (especially in Moulin Rouge)
aaand Sissy Spacek.
wow I don't know... my friend told me once that I look a little like Mandy Moore & Britney Spears (when she was young). haha but I don't think so!! :laugh: :toofunny:
I've been told I look like Liz Taylor...I dunno. Liz is La Liz! NOONE could look like her!!


La Liz!!

I could only dream about looking like her....(sigh)
I do?? Really?? I thought those people were kidding...I actually walked into a patients room and they said "Hi Liz!"