Isn't it supposed to be getting easier?

it will get harder before it gets easier. i feel far worse this weekend cos last weekend was just tryiing to take in the shock. as reality hits it will feel worse and we will all have better days and bad days as time goes on .

when my dad died someone told me it takes a year for the sting to go out and i found that to be quite never goes but you do learn to live with it, although never easy and things are never the same
it will get harder before it gets easier. i feel far worse this weekend cos last weekend was just tryiing to take in the shock. as reality hits it will feel worse and we will all have better days and bad days as time goes on .

when my dad died someone told me it takes a year for the sting to go out and i found that to be quite never goes but you do learn to live with it, although never easy and things are never the same

"Things are never the same".
it's not getting any easier....and God, i can't takee it hurts just to stay alive. i don't know whats wrong.. but i lost faith in life itself... i struggle to go out of bed, struggle to get my self a glass of water.. and it's not getting easier.. and now i just have tears falling again while i am writing this... what are we going to do... it's getting just harder , not easier......... i want this pain to end in anyway, anyway
Emily: The way you feel is normal. It's part of the grieving process. Do what you have to to get through each day. We're with you. Don't beat yourself up. Allow yourself to grieve.

Michael made an indelible imprint on our hearts and souls. Even when he wasn't in the limelight we could still feel his presence and we were assured that he was "there" somewhere. Now that he's moved on it's natural to be going through hell like this. I hate it too.

Somehow we'll get through this but I don't think now is the time to try to force it. Grieving takes a while.

I'm trying to see if there's a thread here somewhere that lists groups of fans by City. I really need to be with other people who love Michael. You should try to find friends who feel the same way you do. You can be a support for each other.

Hang in there and hang on. *hug
Emily: The way you feel is normal. It's part of the grieving process. Do what you have to to get through each day. We're with you. Don't beat yourself up. Allow yourself to grieve.

Michael made an indelible imprint on our hearts and souls. Even when he wasn't in the limelight we could still feel his presence and we were assured that he was "there" somewhere. Now that he's moved on it's natural to be going through hell like this. I hate it too.

Somehow we'll get through this but I don't think now is the time to try to force it. Grieving takes a while.

I'm trying to see if there's a thread here somewhere that lists groups of fans by City. I really need to be with other people who love Michael. You should try to find friends who feel the same way you do. You can be a support for each other.

Hang in there and hang on. *hug

thank you resonnant, thank you so much..i know what you mean.. i have lost my father 8 years ago, and i guess up till now, i can't say i am totally over it...
but the thing is that now i feel even worse, coz i have this awareance that is in a way not depression, but an attitude to life.
i feel life is fake. have you watched "True man show", i feel i am living in the same world, where everything is made up and we are just puppets. it's harsh.
but thank you, hugs to you too my friend..i know you are in pain tool...
i want my mj pposter to come to standing here next to it hugging it willing him to come to life...

His death knocked me down...

Even when I wasn't a fan, Michael Jackson was a part of my life and when I became a fan in 2004/2005, he became my first (and i promised that he's also be my last) idol. A world without Michael Jackson is soo weird. It's lost it's magic and it's simple beauty. I don't know what's happened but nothing will be the same ever again.
i hope i get better after the least start getting takes sooo long..
Everyone keeps telling me its going to get easier..yeah they said that last hasn't...


I've never felt so much pain before in my life! I can't.. i just can't get my head round it. I can't concentrate on anything!
I know we all feel the same.. I cant deal with this!

Can anyone please help me? I know there are loads of threads about this but omg..!!!!

I really hope that you will feel better soon. Hang on!
its gonna take months/years. to get better. its the same when u lose anything that u love.
its getting worse for me too.. im so pleased i found this thread. i have the odd hour where i feel i can cope but then it hits me again .. harder than the last time.

I dont think life will be the same again. I wont ruin my life crying everyday as I am now.. but a certain sparkle has been forever lost. but that sparkle would never have been there had it not been for MJ... so i have reason to celebrate

I miss him :(
Ive just been reading some threads about Michaels funeral and its making it more and more real as Im still in denial but while reading the thread I started thinking This Is Real Michael will be burried and his body gone forever and this hurts so bad SO bad.
I know his soul will carry on and that the world will never forget him and will never be the same again.Why cant I wake up from this nightmare.Why did he have to go
It is very early days, and there is a lot to get through, the funeral, the dates the concerts were on, I keep thinking that he would have been in the UK now, and all the excitement. His birthday in August. We have lost a part of our daily lives and we will eventually fill that gap but it takes time, and time really does heal.

I can't listen to his music yet, I look at scenes on the news of fans dancing and singing and I can't relate to that, but a week ago I couldn't stop crying, waves of sobbing kept happening, now I can get through the day without it, just now and then. We have to stay strong, he would want that and just take it day by day, do things to distract you, force yourself not to think about him all the time, it's hard but life has to go on.
thank you resonnant, thank you so much..i know what you mean.. i have lost my father 8 years ago, and i guess up till now, i can't say i am totally over it...
but the thing is that now i feel even worse, coz i have this awareance that is in a way not depression, but an attitude to life.
i feel life is fake. have you watched "True man show", i feel i am living in the same world, where everything is made up and we are just puppets. it's harsh.
but thank you, hugs to you too my friend..i know you are in pain tool...

Wow, I know what you're saying about "an attitude to life". I lost my mother 3 years ago on July 2nd and things are very different now in my mind. Perhaps I've lost faith? I'm sorry about your Dad.

Life does seem very surreal and at times worthless. I understand the desire of some people to want to bail this life and with Michael gone there's a temptation to make a really bad decision. Michael was always "felt" whether we saw him or not. He represented "good" in the world to me. Now it feels like the damn has broken and negativity is flowing and he's not here to stop it. A pretty weird perspective but it's not right or wrong, it's just how I feel.

I'll repeat what someone else said, "we just have to go through it" and that may mean baby steps or just doing simple things like breathing and getting up in the morning and going to work. Try to avoid any excess stress at this time and don't make any major decisions. Treat yourself the way you'd treat Michael - with love, compassion, friendship. Be your own friend right now. We'll all get through this somehow.
It's still very painful for me. I can barely handle seeing footage of Michael on TV. And a few days ago a song of Michael's came on my friend's radio when I was visiting. It took every ounce of strength I had not to break down. Michael's death was just unnecessary to me. Every time I think about his death and try to force myself to accept it, it always, without fail, crosses my mind that this didn't have to happen. Then I spend the next hour trying to pull out of the anger and sadness I end up feeling just so I can try and go forward with my life. I hope at some point I can deal with it. The fact that I'm still angry about his death is starting to wear me out.
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It's not getting any easier for me. I am just as sad or even more sad as the day I learned he had died.
I am so depress and it's getting worse. I left work early after hearing the news of Micheal's passing and haven't been back since. I have been spending my days in bed crying and getting drunk. I have been drinking in order to numb the pain, why does it hurt so bad.I think that I'm becoming an alcoholic. I miss Micheal so much,, the tears wont stop! I don't understand why he had to to go. I feel so empty inside my heart is breaking.
It's not getting better, I would say it get more painful every day, everyday without Michael alive with us on earth hurts so bad in my heart. Cause something och someone reminds every day that Michael is gone and he is not comming back for us. He is not on vacation, he's gone and it hurts so bad, more and more every time I say it to myself.

Maybe I just don't get it yet, but it hurts so bad.
grief takes time. take care of yourself, try to eat good foods when you're hungry, get some sleep, and spend a little time in nature. being around plants & fresh air REALLY clear your emotions cos of all the ions in the air. when we get soo jammed up with emotion our brains don't think properly.

of course we need to feel our grief, sorrow, anger & all but it needs to FLOW, not condense inside us into a tangled mat. when it flows then with the emotions comes a little perspective, a little love, a little appreciation.

please sit out in nature for at least 10mins a day.

talk to michael - express your feelings to him out loud or in your head. getting it all out is good & can untangle the emotions. they'll still be there, just a lot easier to deal with. :better:
I feel the same way I find it hard to modivate myself and find joy in things it so hard to explain in words. All of my thoughts are about Michael and I feel so sad about so many different things relating to him. I cant believe hes gone and I know hes still here around all of us but its the fact that we cant hear or see him anymore. I feel like we have lost the greatest, most caring, child-like, innocent person the world has ever and will ever know and it hurts. I visited Neverland this week in hopes that it would bring some type of closure but it ended in a full day of non-stop crying. So far the only thing that seems to help is listening to him and watching Private Home Movies because they are so happy. Just keep in mind that he loved each and everyone of you and would want you to be happy and he is still here with everyone you just have to believe.
His death knocked me down...

Even when I wasn't a fan, Michael Jackson was a part of my life and when I became a fan in 2004/2005, he became my first (and i promised that he's also be my last) idol. A world without Michael Jackson is soo weird. It's lost it's magic and it's simple beauty. I don't know what's happened but nothing will be the same ever again.

gosh this is so true. it's not getting easier for me. yesterday i felt as if i came back to 25/06 and i just cried. life will never be the same. it looks like a riddle to solve. What now? i know - life, but what kind of life?
this is not getting better
if i think about it the pain hits me too hard and i feel like im going to choke
im so drained...i can barely talk or eat or sleep...i dont know how to deal...
i really dont know how much more of this pain i can take!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
years ago i used to joke that the world would be a firey black hole (kinda like the way it looks in Earth Song) if Michael was never born and now i feel like thats what its actually going to turn into. I feel like we have lost something so important and people dont even know how big of a loss this actually is other than the fans and of course his family. We have lost something that we will never get back and its hard to imagine living everyday for the rest of my life without him in the world. I feel like the world has just lost its innocents and beauty. i honestly dont know what to do or where to go from here and i keep trying to stay positive and tell myself its ok and hes here but then everything just comes back and i cry all over again
another day.......and still ain,t feeling better..........
help me michael, from wherever you are ......

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me

You used to captivate me
By your resonating life
Now I'm bound by the life you've left behind
Your face it haunts
My once pleasant dreams
Your voice it chased away
All the sanity in me
I actually just cant be bothered anymore.. i dont care what i look like for school or anywhere instead of putting make up on and doing my hair i just put my hair u quickly and no make uo at all. i dont listen in class.. i dont write properly anymore i cant even read my own writing.
i just urgh :boohoo