Isn't it supposed to be getting easier?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
uk, macroland
Everyone keeps telling me its going to get easier..yeah they said that last hasn't...


I've never felt so much pain before in my life! I can't.. i just can't get my head round it. I can't concentrate on anything!
I know we all feel the same.. I cant deal with this!

Can anyone please help me? I know there are loads of threads about this but omg..!!!!
i dont have the answer......

but hang in has been only 9 days since he died, you are still in a state of denial which makes everything harder
It will still take some time :(
Especially with the funeral coming up...
We just have to go through this somehow and try to be strong! I know it's easier said than done...
At least we all have each other and this forum is really a great help in this difficult time!

Feel free to PM me or anyone else that offers support if you feel you need to talk.
It's hard, I know. Watching Will You Be There just now made it all real. He's really gone. I've never lived in a world where Michael isn't in it. His impact on me is tremendous. I hope it gets better in time. I know it will. I think the best thing to do is to try and live your life like it was before. It will still be painful, that will never go away but it will feel better, in time.
I know exactly how you fel...
To me it is almost like the pain is getting worse instead of better..

i wonder if it will ever get better but i quess it will..someday.

I am heartbroken, i dont think i will ever be the same.
I feel like it's only getting worse...
I haven't listened to his music or watched any videos... it's tearing me apart even more.
I don't know what to do or where to go. I am begging God to have mercy on me and take me to Michael as soon as possible...
his death was such a shock to us all. it doesn't make any sense and it's just not fair, but it will get easier. it's understandable to still be in mourning, i know i was very recent.
Everyone keeps telling me its going to get easier..yeah they said that last hasn't...


I've never felt so much pain before in my life! I can't.. i just can't get my head round it. I can't concentrate on anything!
I know we all feel the same.. I cant deal with this!

Can anyone please help me? I know there are loads of threads about this but omg..!!!!

i feel exactly the glad someone else posted this cos its exactly how i feel. i guess it will get better with time but we haven't had any time yet. it will never go, you just learn to live with it

with sympathy and prayers to everyone who is feeling like this:better::better::better::better:
becca give yourself some more time.

Maybe... try to find something easy to do and keep yourself busy... something not needing too much concentration. I am cleaning my place... not in a hurry... I do it slow... always a bit then I come here and check.

Also I try to talk with understanding ppl... I have a few friends... I call them just when I feel like it and sometimes even tell them: I don't have a reason to call... I just don't know.

Maybe also try to find a buddy here... someone you can contact just like this... whenever you feel like it... no matter if you have something to talk or maybe just feeling like not wanting to be alone.
the pain seems to get worse....every day more........i have too watch out for myself not to get an depression.....
i will kick my own butt....
the pain seems to get worse....every day more........i have too watch out for myself not to get an depression.....
i will kick my own butt....
Jenny keep yourself busy... you have wonderful nephews... you have a sister who's a fan also. Visit her! You guys can sit down and watch a sad movie and cry your hearts out to then make eachother laugh again cuz you both do look stupid. Do something not only Michael related! Go to a playground or just all of you make stupid faces and find out who can do the stupidest.
Or if you can't help it... make some cookies and let's have a food fight in the chat?! ;)
Please keep in mind... you are not alone!!!
It's quite understandable that it's not getting any easer. The one thing making this so difficult is the fact that you cannot get closure through his funeral. And for some the grieving can't really begin until the cause of death is announced. So don't fear that your abnormally grieving or anything, because we are missing some key factors to start the real grieving proces.

This will get easier in time, just give yourself a chance to get there. And in the meantime, try to occupy yourself from time to time, just to clear your head for a moment. Maybe take a walk, eat something, call a friend, whatever you feel like doing. And if you feel the talking helps you, perhaps like Mechi said find a buddy or just come here and share your feelings with us. Hang in there ok!
It wouldn't get easier in such a short space of time, so don't worry. It's still hard for all of us. It was the shock of it that made it so unbelievable and hard. Then knowing that there's a media circus going on, doesn't help.

I haven't had a problem personally with listening to his songs or watching his short-films. In fact I put them on to break the horrible silence. But I understand if some of you can't listen yet. Just take your time..... but be aware that you can't avoid hearing his songs suddenly now and then, in shopping centres, on TV clips etc. in future.
So try and gradually prepare for that.

Personally it helps me to hear his voice. "Music is a doctor, that can cure a troubled mind". (The Jacksons, Music's Takin' Over). xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I haven't watched or listened to Will You Be There since.. I don't think I'll be able to bear it...

That song has always been my favorite and listening to it now just brings my soul to an end. It's breaking my heart. I listened to it now for the first time in a long time and it was almost unbearable but I think I needed to listen to it to let the emotions and feelings free.
Its really difficult, I been a fan for 20 years or so (im 25 now), and me and my nephew and niece just sat down and watched moonwalker, and the we watched a dvd of the bad tour live in japan. When some of the moonwalker clips came on i just teared up a few times and had to look away, and it happens so many times when I hear his songs or see him.

It's extremely hard to accept, it will just take some time. Michael was set to totally blow the world away with his new music and london shows. He looked good, he died so suddenly, never showing the world what it was going to be like. Whats even harder for me right now is that as an Atheist, and no I will never believe in god or anything, that michael is just gone. Gone forever, i hate it so bad. I am very angry and pissed off about the situation. Such a wonderful person lost.

If people woud have been nice to him, treated him with respect, if these court cases never happened which must of made michael so anxious and ill, if all this stuff never happened I think Michael would still be here. It's people that caused this!

I want to live forever (seriously), I really thught MIchael was going to live forever.

Michael Jackson says he wants to live forever

I thought he'd live forever too and in a way he will. His music, his legacy and everything he did for the world will live on forever and I will take comfort in that. Michael Jackson will live till the end of time.
I thought he'd live forever too

I know what you mean. EVERYthing about the man emanated the message of living forever. He's the reason I have faith. His eyes said it, his body language said it, the joy of his voice confirms it. It was impossible to imagine a time like this was to come. Even though we know he's human, and he had to go sometime.... it was unimaginable as well.

Still is. xx
Thanks everyone - i guess because no one apart from you fans understand everyones expecting me to get over it by now everyones saying ;why are you still sad' and i guess because they're saying it its maiking me think i should.

i should just not listen to people who dont understand and just talk to you lot :|
serously sometimes i just want to leave everyone else and just have you as my friends :boohoo
today is the first day i did eat a little bit again......
But if i can say it,s getting easier?
No not really.....i,m just so tired of not sleeping and eating.....
I need to, also try too.........but in some way i really can,t...
I,m proud i eat something today,s a step forwards
in time it will becca , in time it will ,but, not now . give yourself time ..cuz the pain is raw , its fresh ...and its fine to cry and let all emotions flow , .....we have to remain strong and it huts sso bad its..... the pain is mangnatude , and we think we will never heal ~but in time we wil start to heal ..slowly ..babysteps . though its hard to comprehend at this moe ,

one day when you listen to michaels miusic again , you will smile and rember the memorys and what he taught you ....
each one of us , when we are ready ~ , we will carry michaels legacy for him and for his children , to make him proud, *manyhuggs* :huggy:
i am so lucky for mjjc and all the people on it .we are family :huggy: and will come togther and be strong and we will remain that way . ! :huggy: :heart:forever michael !:huggy:
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It's going to be easier after his funeral I think. :( I'd like him to be burried as quickly as possible. All the media, people talking about him and new fans that appeared after his death makes me feel angry and sad. :cry:
All the media, people talking about him and new fans that appeared after his death makes me feel angry and sad. :cry:
yes that makes my stomach twist! where were they when he was alive?
we the real fans who always loved him we feel empty and lost, and all this sudden "empathy" does not bring Michael back and does not give us any consolation, on the contrary it makes us feel bitter and angry
I swear I barely remember reading anything positive on Michael or hearing any non-fan say anything good about him when he was alive... and now look what they did to us! :cry: I hate the world
I'm in the same boat and pouring through youtube videos. I don't know if it's therapeutic or machocistic. can't stop crying and it feels like there's a gaping hole where my heart used to be.

Someone said the memorial will bring closure. What if I don't want closure? I know it's unrealistic and illogical but all I want is for him to be back. I know, I know...

Going back to work tomorrow will be interesting. The bags and dark circles under my eyes isn't something I can hide. And I don't feel like explaining and then bursting in to tears.

As someone here said, "its something we just have to go through". I still hate it.

Thanks for letting me sob all over you.
^ oh god yeah school..great!
i just looked around my room and saw all the new pics from magazines and newspapers and started crying again

It will get easier but you need to give yourself time.
Come here and let all your feelings out, definitely don't block them inside. For me it helped writing my thoughts on paper.. Just always remember that we are here for you and we know how you feel. You're not alone. :huggy:
you're right, time is the only won't go away but you will learn to live with the loss

we haven't had any time yet. grieving is something you have to go through, you can't get round it or over it etc, the only way is through it, with all the difficulties that brings. its only after going through the process that you can come out the other end with some healing having taken place.
No, not for me either. Its getting harder. The more he is gone, the more I miss him.
And I wake up feeling so sad and helpless. Hes always on my mind when I wake up. And I have this constant feeling where it feels like its hard to breathe. Im very very sad today.