............. Is what I need

*** **** * *** & ****** *** is what I desperately need.
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What I need is to ask usagi, "Oh no, what happened to MJ in the bookstore?!"
^ hope SoS is okay.

I need to back waaaaaaaaaaay up and use more wisdom.
to thank these sweeties for caring is what I need :wub: thanks you guyz i'm ok :yes: *to vent was what I needed* :lol: ;)
For God to show someone what my heart is truly all about...is what I need and have prayed for.
My shoulder and neck... don't know why

Too try to sleep some more is what I need......
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Tension? You've been bothered about some things, I know. I'll pray that the pain will alleviate so you might get some needed sleep. :)

I need to trust more regarding certain people that God will have His way with them.