............. Is what I need

^then start a deep or fun or interesting discussion with a friend or PM people randomly with whatever comes to mind.

I need to get in shape.
LOL not sexy when you get old and need them just for reading? :cry:


Poe you look good with or without don't be too hard on yourself :eek: nerdy :rolleyes: :lol: no way :)
I know the feeling. I've woken up, gotten ready for work in the morning without putting on my contacts with no problem seeing until I get to the front door and the street becomes a blur:(

Lunch is what I need, I'm hungry:girl_tantrum::lol:
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^ you guys are havin' a fun ol' time. :)

Inner strength is what I need at the moment.
yep, the life without glasses is blur for me, too. i likes mine :)

The good sleep is what I need
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^that's a tough place to be...but I've been there. Some people out there are still worth trusting, but it takes time to know.
1. To have a clean skin is what I need :mellow:

2. Ice cream is what I need :excited:

3. Summer is what I need :sun:

4. To go to dentist is what I should need :nooo:
A croissant sandwich, a poptart and a tall glass of orange juice is what I need. :wub:
An outlet for my rambunctious mood at the moment is what I need. Look out world! Take cover!