Is there some reason we're not discussing "the doctor"? Its bugging me

Lord and to top it all off, this doctor was hired by AEG. Plz believe Joe Jackson, Al Sharpton, and good ol' Jesse will be putting AEG on blast. How in the hell AEG just give MJ any old doctor, why couldn't they let MJ use one of his previous doctors???
it was the other mj wanted him

My mother was a nurse and she said with morphine like drugs, they can weaken the heart over a period of time, but if it was given (and Demerol is only being guessed at) it can cause respiratory arrest to start with and then the heart stopped, if his brain was without oxygen for long enough he would have been brain dead and there would be no chance of re-starting the heart. If he had collapsed with the doctor seeing it immediately Narcan would start the breathing again.

The senario could be like Anna Nicol, where the drug was given, he falls asleep and then stops breathing, and it is not noticed in time because people assume is is sleeping.
this is what happened imo and gut feeling. its even worse that it wasnt just a heartattack and nothing could bedone it was cause by something when he was fine otherwise. whyyyyyyyyyy
it was the other mj wanted him

this is what happened imo and gut feeling. its even worse that it wasnt just a heartattack and nothing could bedone it was cause by something when he was fine otherwise. whyyyyyyyyyy

Elusive Moonwalker,
I also heard that the doctor was MJ's choice, and someone he has had as a doctor before, in Las Vegas or something...that's what I heard.

My suspicion is that the dose was too strong, and no one realized until it was too late.
If the doctor was panicked, that may have caused him not to think, and jut do CPR on the bed - you never know how people are going to react when they're panicked.

if it turns out that the dosage was too strong (by mistake), will we have the heart to forgive this doctor? Maybe it was an honest (but stupid) mistake..
Elusive Moonwalker,
I also heard that the doctor was MJ's choice, and someone he has had as a doctor before, in Las Vegas or something...that's what I heard.

My suspicion is that the dose was too strong, and no one realized until it was too late.
If the doctor was panicked, that may have caused him not to think, and jut do CPR on the bed - you never know how people are going to react when they're panicked.

if it turns out that the dosage was too strong (by mistake), will we have the heart to forgive this doctor? Maybe it was an honest (but stupid) mistake..
But is just so sad, everything only because of a mistake. If it was a mistake, I will of course forgive the doctor and you are right about that you never know how you act when you're panicking. But it's just so sad. Without this mistake.. he would still be with us.
What I don't understand is this: Yesterday it was all over the news that the doctor could not be found at the site, and later it was reported he had been missing for 20 hours. At the sime time, Frank Dileo said the Doctor was with them at the hospital when Michael was pronounced. Can someone sort through these conflicting news for me ... ?
I also heard that the doctor was MJ's choice, and someone he has had as a doctor before, in Las Vegas or something...that's what I heard.

My suspicion is that the dose was too strong, and no one realized until it was too late.
If the doctor was panicked, that may have caused him not to think, and jut do CPR on the bed - you never know how people are going to react when they're panicked.

if it turns out that the dosage was too strong (by mistake), will we have the heart to forgive this doctor? Maybe it was an honest (but stupid) mistake..

i think this is what happened. and that why he did a runner. he cause it whetehr it was an accident and hence all the panicing.if this is the case it just makes it harder to accept
:no: Elusive, I think you're right, but I think Michael was already gone when he got to him. I think Michael may have passed in his sleep and when they went in, found him and simply tried their best to revive him. They did all they could because of their shock and simply made bad decisions. I think I appreciate their efforts but unfortunately they were futle. I'd like to think that Mike went peacefully and was in no pain when he left. He simply took the angel's hand and followed him to heaven.:angel: Peace.
P: Jackson family upset by lack of info about Michael's final days

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Most of Michael Jackson's family members have gathered in their Encino compound, where they are contemplating funeral arrangements and caring for his three children. They are feeling confused, upset and angry by the lack of information about those who were around the pop superstar in his final days, a person close to the family told The Associated Press.

Jackson's family wants to know more specifics about what role AEG, the concert promoter that was staging his 50-date concert series at London's 02 Arena, was playing in his life, said the person, who requested anonymity because of the delicate nature of the situation. They also want to know more about the role of his advisers and representatives, who they believe were put in place by the promoter.

Jackson never communicated to his family who he had in place to handle his business affairs, the person said, adding that they were told by the singer's phalanx of advisers that the singer likely had a will, but it may be many years old. The family is distrustful of what they are being told — but they are determined to find out more, the person said.

"There are decisions going down without the family being in the loop; it's becoming an issue," the person said.

Randy Phillips, AEG Live president and chief executive, said earlier Friday that it was Jackson who insisted that Dr. Conrad Murray, a financially troubled cardiologist who was with the entertainer when he collapsed Thursday, be put on the tour payroll.

"As a company, we would have preferred not having a physician on staff full-time because it would have been cheaper without the hotels and travel, but Michael was insistent that he be hired," Phillips said. "Michael said he had a rapport with him."

Jackson collapsed Thursday at his rented home in Los Angeles. Police seized Murray's car in search of evidence, but have insisted that the doctor has been cooperative and do not consider him a criminal suspect.

Records reveal years of financial troubles for Murray, who practices medicine in California, Nevada and Texas; his Nevada medical practice, Global Cardiovascular Associates, was slapped with more than $400,000 in court judgments, and he faces at least two other pending cases and several tax liens.

The person close to the family said that while there were reports that the singer was distant from his family, Jackson spoke with his mother Katherine quite regularly and his father, Joe, had seen his son shortly before his death. His other eight siblings, including fellow superstar Janet, may not have talked to him recently but were not estranged.

Much of the family was holed up Friday inside the Jackson family's Encino compound, including his three children, according to the person, who described them as doing looking "pretty good."

"I don't think it's fully set in yet," the person said.

No family members were present in the mansion when Jackson died Thursday, the person close to the family said. In the 911 call released by fire officials Friday, an unidentified caller tells a dispatcher that Jackson's doctor is performing CPR.

Asked by the dispatcher whether anyone saw what happened, the caller answers: "No, just the doctor, sir. The doctor has been the only one there."

Coroner's officials said they released Jackson's body to his family late Friday night. The family is still trying to determine what kind of memorial to have for Jackson and when, and are debating between the idea of having a private ceremony or a grand celebration open to the public, the person close to the family said.

Jackson appeared to have suffered a heart attack, another person with knowledge of the situation who was not authorized to speak publicly and requested anonymity told the AP on Friday. A heart attack is a blocking of the arteries that deprives the heart of adequate blood and can cause cardiac arrest.

Jackson's brother Jermaine said Thursday that it was believed the pop singer went into cardiac arrest, an interruption of the normal heartbeat that can be caused by factors other than heart attack.

The Los Angeles County coroner's office, which completed its autopsy Friday, said there were no signs of foul play or trauma, but determining the cause of death will require further tests that will take six to eight weeks.

Phillips said AEG Live held multiple insurance policies covering cancellation of the shows, and that some time in February Jackson submitted to several hours of physicals that the insurance underwriter insisted upon, and that Jackson passed them all.

"We had pretty good coverage, but a lot of it is going to depend on the toxicology results," he said. "We need to know what the cause of death was."
Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
I AM DAM MAD. I believe this doctor did something that he was not suppose to do. to me, they were too calm talking to 911 (no one is hardly ever calm in calling in emergency). Believe me, this doctor is under investigation the police are just not saying it. Why do you think they pulled his car? My grandmother went into cardic arrest in my house, the ambulance worked on her and she died at the hospital just in the same way that is said about Michael. No one investigated me or anyone in my family or who was there (and yes, my grandmother was on medication). There is more to this than what the authorities in letting on. I guess they want to have their ducks in a role. Mj had a physical and was given a clean bill of health. If there was something wrong with his heart, that would have came up in that physical especially since he was going to do alot of dancing. His heart rate and condition is the first thing they are going to look at. I do not want to hear this mess about Michael skinny. Michael always weighted a buck and a quarter. Something is not right with this picture and I am MAD. I can not stop crying.
Randy Phillips, AEG Live president and chief executive, said earlier Friday that it was Jackson who insisted that Dr. Conrad Murray, a financially troubled cardiologist who was with the entertainer when he collapsed Thursday, be put on the tour payroll.

"As a company, we would have preferred not having a physician on staff full-time because it would have been cheaper without the hotels and travel, but Michael was insistent that he be hired," Phillips said. "Michael said he had a rapport with him."

Jackson collapsed Thursday at his rented home in Los Angeles. Police seized Murray's car in search of evidence, but have insisted that the doctor has been cooperative and do not consider him a criminal suspect.

Records reveal years of financial troubles for Murray, who practices medicine in California, Nevada and Texas; his Nevada medical practice, Global Cardiovascular Associates, was slapped with more than $400,000 in court judgments, and he faces at least two other pending cases and several tax liens.

What a fu*k up doctor.

You couldn't even do CPR on a hard surface.

If this is truly his mistake, I am very much pissed off.

I'm out of here.
I want to know what the doctor said on the 911 hear him in the background...and why when they said get him on the floor, did the man on he phone not say it to the dr? dr murray couldnt have heard the instructions so unless he did it, how was he to knowbecause the man on the phone just says ok...would he of pointed or something?
A doctor on T.V. just said that if the doctor was indeed present there throughout the entire thing, then the minute Michael started experience shallow breathing, he should have been taken to the hospital. It pains me to know that stupid mistakes may have been the difference between his still being here and what we are dealing with now. I am praying that he did not have to pay the price for someone else's big mistakes.

You know how people say that they are ready to "go" based on where they are in life. Well, I just don't think that Michael was in that place and it is just so unfair. So massively unfair.
Just a theory, but if the Dr had accidentally administered the wrong dose or something like that that led to Michael going into cardiac arrest, he might have panicked. Hence, started CPR by himself and didn't call for an ambulance in the hope that he would be able to revive him. Then the Dr wouldn't get into trouble for his error. But when the CPR was not successful and the other person came into the room, they called 911. That might explain the delay in calling for the ambulance.

And I agree, I can't help but think that the delay between the time Michael collapsed and the time the ambulance arrived may have possibly made a significant difference.
I read that the dr gave him demorol injection and demorol slows your heart beat ,the speculation the dr overdosed him, i believe the article was on tmz. and the doctor was missing, something is wrong with that, the dr should have given a statement to authorities of what happened since he was there!
:no: Elusive, I think you're right, but I think Michael was already gone when he got to him. I think Michael may have passed in his sleep and when they went in, found him and simply tried their best to revive him.

I think that's exactly what happened.
how fucked up is aeg right now? NOW this is mj's choice to have this dr? a CARDIOLOGIST on staff? a CARDIOLOGIST supplying those meds? y would a haert dr. give out morphine? anyone?

this is bullshit and they're trying to deflect blame. this family better fight for the truth

yeah i also think that he was dead already before somebody went to him... but i still think the doctor is suspicious cuz why on earth did he try so hard to get him to the hospital and not let the coroner come to his place? i think the guy has something to hide
I AM DAM MAD. I believe this doctor did something that he was not suppose to do. to me, they were too calm talking to 911 (no one is hardly ever calm in calling in emergency). Believe me, this doctor is under investigation the police are just not saying it. Why do you think they pulled his car? My grandmother went into cardic arrest in my house, the ambulance worked on her and she died at the hospital just in the same way that is said about Michael. No one investigated me or anyone in my family or who was there (and yes, my grandmother was on medication). There is more to this than what the authorities in letting on. I guess they want to have their ducks in a role. Mj had a physical and was given a clean bill of health. If there was something wrong with his heart, that would have came up in that physical especially since he was going to do alot of dancing. His heart rate and condition is the first thing they are going to look at. I do not want to hear this mess about Michael skinny. Michael always weighted a buck and a quarter. Something is not right with this picture and I am MAD. I can not stop crying.

Terrell, this makes a lot of damn since....that dr. did some shit he wasn't suppose to do...because he ran....uuummm his azz is definately under investigation...he just don't know it...
well the past won't change the present. this was his destiny. now we need to know the truth so someone can be liable
So AEG have a vested interested in Michaels death through insurance is this right?

the way i read it is if it comes back that he died of a certain thing the insurance company may turn round and say we arent it was drugs we arent paying forthat
this was his destiny.
it was a feck up that caused this. one thats been building to happen for many years and nothingwas done to stop it
it was a feck up that caused this. one thats been building to happen for many years and nothingwas done to stop it

People like his family & friends have tried to help Mike, but he wouldn't listen to them. How could they have stopped it? Mike chose the people who worked around him, the families/kids who lived in Neverland, etc. These things started happening when he broke away from the family pretty much. He didn't have these problems when he was with them. As Jermaine said once, Mike is too gullible and trusting of people, who didn't have his best interests at heart.
We lost our inspiration because of an doctor mistake?And why are they so calm.SCREAM IN THE PHONEEEE!!! MICHAEL JACKSON - THE GREATEST HUMAN BEING IN THE WORLD IS DYING.Take your ........ right nowwwww!!!

EXACTLY! Why are they so calm and slow and passive about it?
Elusive Moonwalker,
I also heard that the doctor was MJ's choice, and someone he has had as a doctor before, in Las Vegas or something...that's what I heard.

My suspicion is that the dose was too strong, and no one realized until it was too late.
If the doctor was panicked, that may have caused him not to think, and jut do CPR on the bed - you never know how people are going to react when they're panicked.

if it turns out that the dosage was too strong (by mistake), will we have the heart to forgive this doctor? Maybe it was an honest (but stupid) mistake..

Hell no!! I will never forgive him for making a mistake that killed our Michael!! EVer!
I AM DAM MAD. I believe this doctor did something that he was not suppose to do. to me, they were too calm talking to 911 (no one is hardly ever calm in calling in emergency). Believe me, this doctor is under investigation the police are just not saying it. Why do you think they pulled his car? My grandmother went into cardic arrest in my house, the ambulance worked on her and she died at the hospital just in the same way that is said about Michael. No one investigated me or anyone in my family or who was there (and yes, my grandmother was on medication). There is more to this than what the authorities in letting on. I guess they want to have their ducks in a role. Mj had a physical and was given a clean bill of health. If there was something wrong with his heart, that would have came up in that physical especially since he was going to do alot of dancing. His heart rate and condition is the first thing they are going to look at. I do not want to hear this mess about Michael skinny. Michael always weighted a buck and a quarter. Something is not right with this picture and I am MAD. I can not stop crying.

I agree with everything you said. I'm so confused. I don't understand. Something is wrong if he passed all those physicals, and then just died. Why??? I can't stop crying either. :boohoo: