Is there some reason we're not discussing "the doctor"? Its bugging me

I thought it was strange that when the Dr was asked if had seen what had happened, he just asked for the ambulance but then again if Michael Jackson was in front of me dying I would be panicked too.
he could've been on the bed cause he already passed :( when the emts got there he had no pulse. they guy on the 911 call said he wasnt responding. it could be it was too late. the emts wanted to call it. the dr wouldnt allow them to and insisted he be taken to the hospital. idk if emts got him back for a bit cause they said at some point he was in a coma, idk if the coma bit was true or somewhat of a delay tactic in saying he had passed already. in cardiac arrest the heart shuts down. i didnt hear any reports the dr was only one in the house with Michael, but that he was the only one in the room that was trying to save him. the timeframes are still confusing to me.
ok now im hearing that he was the one who ordred them to go to the hospital and try to revive mj. they wanted to call it at the house. it's a cardiac arrest. if u don't get a pulse by 10 minutes, it' spretty much over. but he made the emts take mj to the hospital. he made them try for another hr at the hospital.

then he went awol. so if it was his injection that caused this, he could've been scared. if he'd been supplying mj with copious amounts of pills, he's in trouble and could lose his license.
did'nt they say in the phone that " he did'nt respond to the cpr" ?
logically that meens that they gave him cpr but was unsuccesfull in getting his heart to beat again.
so they did'nt just watch him die.

point two - he was brought into a coma inside the ambulance!

that tells you that he has NOT been without oxygen to his brain for a very long time. If you are without a heartbeat for much more than few minutes then you die and cannot be brought into even a coma state.

So the doctor was giving cpr all the time, so that his blood was manually circulated in his body, but what they couldnt make him breath on his own. His heart would not beat on its own.
actually during a cardiac arrest, your body goes into a coma like state. he wasn't responding and they were performing cpr trying to keep him going but it wasn't working.
:( well then... yeah, he shouldnt've been doing it on the bed... god ... this is too much
Just a theory, but if the Dr had accidentally administered the wrong dose or something like that that led to Michael going into cardiac arrest, he might have panicked. Hence, started CPR by himself and didn't call for an ambulance in the hope that he would be able to revive him. Then the Dr wouldn't get into trouble for his error. But when the CPR was not successful and the other person came into the room, they called 911. That might explain the delay in calling for the ambulance.

And I agree, I can't help but think that the delay between the time Michael collapsed and the time the ambulance arrived may have possibly made a significant difference.
Just a theory, but if the Dr had accidentally administered the wrong dose or something like that that led to Michael going into cardiac arrest, he might have panicked. Hence, started CPR by himself and didn't call for an ambulance in the hope that he would be able to revive him. Then the Dr wouldn't get into trouble for his error. But when the CPR was not successful and the other person came into the room, they called 911. That might explain the delay in calling for the ambulance.

And I agree, I can't help but think that the delay between the time Michael collapsed and the time the ambulance arrived may have possibly made a significant difference.

well that is exactly my theory.
This is exactly like Elvis (as Lisa Marie commented). EP's "doctor" Dr. Nick disappeared after Elvis died.
I hope to God that the Dr didn't irresponsibly over medicate MJ. I can't deal with that idea.
This is exactly like Elvis (as Lisa Marie commented). EP's "doctor" Dr. Nick disappeared after Elvis died.

My mum was going to see Elvis in concert when he died and here we are with Michael us all ready to see him in concert and he dies.
dj that's the ONLY thing i can think of. a cardiac arrest i mean, either a stroke or a chronic heart probs would cause it. anything else would have to be medication related. but WHY was a cardiologist living w/ mj?

if he was givien the shot at 1130 like they claim, it makes sense that he had a c.a. due to an overdose and that the dr took too long to try to revive him and then finally had staff call 911
ok now im hearing that he was the one who ordred them to go to the hospital and try to revive mj. they wanted to call it at the house. it's a cardiac arrest. if u don't get a pulse by 10 minutes, it' spretty much over. but he made the emts take mj to the hospital. he made them try for another hr at the hospital.

then he went awol. so if it was his injection that caused this, he could've been scared. if he'd been supplying mj with copious amounts of pills, he's in trouble and could lose his license.

not to mention he could face jail time, a doctor in the Benoit murder case was jailed for supplying large amounts of drugs that are way above standard amounts to prescribe, he will face federal charges if these stories prove to be true. God I hope they arent.
yep. the da in this case is up for re-election. they said IF this proves to be a dr. shopping or irresponsible dr case, he will not only face criminal charges but federal ones as well.

and they're saying he's not a 'suspect' yet until they can figure out what really happened. they need to see if something is in mj's system. doa hair sample to see how much, if anything, mj had in his system through the months, and if this was just an accident or if this was a dr plying his patient and being irresponsible.

the lapd suggesting he had a massive addiction to a narcotic based on all that they removed of that narcotic from his home. put that along w/ what they found in the dr's car and i believe that this is waht liza was talking about.

we're abou tto find outjustwhat was going on w/ mj and she said that all hell will break loose for those who had no idea
If that Dr gave the wrong dose, that would just take me rt on over the edge. Bcuz then I will 4ever think that had the doc just taken the tome to chk the amount then none of us would have had to shed a single tear. The family wants to speak to the doctor bcuz they want to know why he was giving MJ those shots
i think we all know what all fits together to easily. this wasnt natural at all.this shouldnt have happend and after all these years of fans saying and talking about not having the right ppl around mj,mj has paid the ultimate price. it was always goona end like this unless something changed and we knew it never would.god this is so hard and knowing what was around the corner and mj was looking forward to it so much. ill never get over always hurt/angered me how nothing ever seemed to go right for mj (over the last 10 years or so) and now the worst thing of all happened at the worst possible time. its like someone has written a bad movie script mjs live was the trueman show
did'nt they say in the phone that " he did'nt respond to the cpr" ?
logically that meens that they gave him cpr but was unsuccesfull in getting his heart to beat again.
so they did'nt just watch him die.

may be it was said before but when doing cpr you first send someone to make a call to the ambulance and then you start cpr. not vise versa
If that Dr gave the wrong dose, that would just take me rt on over the edge. Bcuz then I will 4ever think that had the doc just taken the tome to chk the amount then none of us would have had to shed a single tear. The family wants to speak to the doctor bcuz they want to know why he was giving MJ those shots
Yeah.. It feels just horrible.. if it all was just an accident.. it feels horrible. This wouldn't have happened if the doctor would have been more careful. Michael would still be with us. Gosh... it's so sad. I can't believe it.. I just can't.

But I keep wondering why the doctor did the cpr on the bed..
Lord and to top it all off, this doctor was hired by AEG. Plz believe Joe Jackson, Al Sharpton, and good ol' Jesse will be putting AEG on blast. How in the hell AEG just give MJ any old doctor, why couldn't they let MJ use one of his previous doctors???
why was he not on the floor?

why didnt the doctor ring earlier????

According to MJ's family, Michael was complaining about not feeling well the night before he died. Why didnt the doctor hospitalize him? Why didnt they look into why he wasnt feeling well? Hell, Michael has been hospitalized for less....!!
We lost our inspiration because of an doctor mistake?And why are they so calm.SCREAM IN THE PHONEEEE!!! MICHAEL JACKSON - THE GREATEST HUMAN BEING IN THE WORLD IS DYING.Take your ........ right nowwwww!!!
My mother was a nurse and she said with morphine like drugs, they can weaken the heart over a period of time, but if it was given (and Demerol is only being guessed at) it can cause respiratory arrest to start with and then the heart stopped, if his brain was without oxygen for long enough he would have been brain dead and there would be no chance of re-starting the heart. If he had collapsed with the doctor seeing it immediately Narcan would start the breathing again.

The senario could be like Anna Nicol, where the drug was given, he falls asleep and then stops breathing, and it is not noticed in time because people assume is is sleeping.

It is odd that the doctor did CPR on the bed, that really stands out as incompetent at least. Surely if he was prescribing other drugs that could cause a danger with Demoral he would check as to whether Michael had taken anything first. On the other hand maybe someone found Michael collapsed and called his own doctor rather than EMT. We just don't know.
the doctor should hve NEVER done cpr on the damn put the person on the floor immediately.

How can you call yourself a doctor if you dont even know how to properly resusitate someone?

And then for him to dissappear when he KNEW that the family and lapd would hve questions for him just nails it.....something wasnt right....

And the coroner had to sign the death cert. and cnn said the doctor was supposed to do it?

qauck doctor.....:(
the lapd suggesting he had a massive addiction to a narcotic based on all that they removed of that narcotic from his home. put that along w/ what they found in the dr's car and i believe that this is waht liza was talking about.

we're abou tto find outjustwhat was going on w/ mj and she said that all hell will break loose for those who had no idea
That is what I fear will happen. The media is already running wild with stories of drug and medicin addiction.

We can speculate endlessly, but we won't know what went down that day until the investigation is closed. One thing I do know, something didn't smell right that day. Any dr. should know not to do cpr on a bed (we know that happend for a fact, right?) and the list goes on. We'll just have to be patient I guess.