Is there some reason we're not discussing "the doctor"? Its bugging me


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
sorry if there's a thread, i was just wondering

its bugging the crapp out of me

i couldn't find a thread on it
yeah there are mentionings but i dont understand why theres not a clear thread on this

1. the doctor was doing CPR on a BED

2. by the phonecall to the hospital, it sounds like the doctor was there and the incident happened, way before this other person arrived and rang the hospital. WHY was this other person not saying it had only just happened? WHY DID THE DOCTOR LET HIM GET LIKE THIS BEFORE AN AMBULANCE WAS CALLED. sounds like there was severe delay
I am starting to worry that the doctor delayed calling for help, and that delay made the difference, I agree with the comment about doing CPR on the bed, I have been trained to do it and you have to have a firm surface underneath, in hospitals the ER room beds have the firm base.

It is sounding as if Michael was found in bed in a state of collapse having been given medication. If it was like this the only consolation is that he would have slipped peacefully into unconciousness and not suffered.
Re: How come they couldn't find "the doctor" where'd he go and why'd he leave when his patient died?

I'm going to change the title of this thread to what it is that is bugging the shhhht out of me brb
Why did the doctor leave after his patient died? How come they couldn't find him??

OK the thread title doesn't seem to want to change ..

the guy on the phone told the 911 operator that the doctor was there attending MJ right?

Why could they not find him after MJ died?

Why did they tow the car?

Why wasn't he in or near his own (sister's) car?

Where could he have gone?

Why the hell did he leave?

What am I completely misunderstanding here?
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State of Shock, your name is how I feel right now... but moving on..
Dude I have been ripping into that doctor since yesterday..
here is what i put in another thread..
Al & Papa Joe are going to get in that ass if the toxicology report comes back positive for something.. There is going to be some SMOKE IN THE CITY do you hear me!!!! I want to know what kind of dumb ass doctor does CPR on the bed??
I want to know why ppl can't just let the dead rest in peace, why must Lisa Bloom and the other old biddies on court tv keep talking about that damn trial.. Oh I wish these news shows would let real ppl talk and not these bastards.. Oh damn, my blood pressure is skyrocketing..

don't get me started about that doctor. If I go to L.A. I am raisin' hell in that city. Mama Jackson doesn't need to get her blood pressure up cuz she is almost 80yrs old, but @31yrs of age I will go to whomever will listen and act a F'n donkey. I will do my best to be interviewed by someone and put all these imposters on blast. Cuz these damn news anchors aren't asking the right question..

However Sanjay Gupta did put the doctor on blast when he was talking to Wolf Blitzer. They had just finished playing the 911 tapes, and Wolf asked Sanjay for his opinion.. Well the first thing Sanjay said was "I want to know why didn't the doctor answer the guy on the phone question. *the question was "Was the doctor in the room when the person stopped breathing?"*.. I stopped crying and started clapping like I was in church.. FOR ONCE SOMEONE ASKED AN IMPORTANT QUESTION!!!

Another doctor on Faux News stated that had they called the EMTs when they first found him, then MJ would or could possibly still be alive.. When I heard that I was trying to email Al Sharpton right then and there.. The damn tears came back and my face swole up again.
One of those news anchors on Faux news was making some valid points, I will have to take a moment to recall them all, but believe me, he was saying stuff that was going against the norm and really putting many ppl on blast..


OK, valid points - all and I'll go back to them because I need to address something else first cause its bugging the livn' shhht out of me.

From what I understand, after MJ died ...



Am I missing something? I may have only gotten half reports.

Did y'all not hear that??
I dont get why the Dr did CPR on a bed instead of on a hard surface like the floor.

Also between 12:41pm when the ambulance was called until 2:26 when he was pronounced dead is a long time. What the hell happened in that 2 hrs?
Oxman said that man was going to kill him, predicted it years ago. He was on Nancy Grace by telephone and he was balling his eyes out, telling Nancy Grace that he was just devestated.
he died at the hospital and they had spent over an hour trying to revive him so the other hour was just the response time, being at the house, travel time etc. seems to me.

I'm trying to understand how any doctor has any patient who dies and the doctor suddenly cannot be found!

Somebody please help me !! Please
The car was towed by the cops because it is believed to of had meds in it. The police have questioned the Dr twice.
Because they couldn't find MJ's doctor that is another reason the coroner became involved. Has his doctor been at the hospital, a death certificate would've been signed, but since his own doc wasn't there they sent him to the coroner to have other test done since they (the hospital) didn't know his medical history..

Somethin' in the milk ain't clean!!

I just need to get to L.A., that doctor would have diarrhea at the mouth once I finished with him.. I know the state of California better be putting in the paperwork to have his Med license revoked.
Sometimes we have to act ignant (lol) in order for things to get done and questions to get answered.. I am more than willing to do it for the sake of finding out who dropped the ball..
OK, I'm in theory mode

I can't think of one atm, but shhhht ... this crapp needs to start making some damm sense

ya knoww??
I DEMAND justice! I want them to find this doctor!:mat:

I WANT TO KNOW THIS: (somebody please give me a clue)

of doctor LEAVES their patient????????



THAT'S what I want to know.
LAPD better do one helluva job on this one, cuz if they treat this like some rinky dink case I promise you, I will be one letter writting fan trying to get justice.. I'm going to need for them to ask the FBI for help.. Hell taxpayers pay for all kinds of other stuff, I want my hard earned tax dollars to go towards who was giving MJ these pills.
Calm down people, the doctor has been in LA, he has been talking to the police department, all their questions will be answered. WE are in now way qualified to pass judgement right now, especially now.
ok and what could he possibly have to hide?

I mean ... he treated his patient with a shot for pain, the patient went into cardiac arrest

he treats the patient for cardiac arrest and DISSAPPEARS??

What am I missing?
Calm down people, the doctor has been in LA, he has been talking to the police department, all their questions will be answered. WE are in now way qualified to pass judgement right now, especially now.
ok agreed (on not passing judgement)

I want to know now lol

but I mean ... seriously, what possible reason could he have had for being missing since yesterday? I worked in the medical field. I just can't even PICTURE any doctor doing anything of the kind.

All by itself, it begs a lot of questionings. I just can't even imagine!!
LAPD better do one helluva job on this one, cuz if they treat this like some rinky dink case I promise you, I will be one letter writting fan trying to get justice.. I'm going to need for them to ask the FBI for help.. Hell taxpayers pay for all kinds of other stuff, I want my hard earned tax dollars to go towards who was giving MJ these pills.
with all due respect to your one fan letter writing but baby if that were to happen, L.A. would make the Rodney King riots look like a day at Disneyland. lmho I'm just kidding Love

I'm just punchy and its late ..
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Are you kidding me , people will come from every part of the face of the earth to turn L.A. completely on its head. Yes I think they'd better do just that.

I don't understand where they found the doctor's car (or his sister's car they say)

and nobody's helping me understand :boohoo:
They'd better tell me that it's just a nature death because of heart attack, if that doctor did something wrong to Michael that makes us lost him, I'll kill him, I'll kill him...God, plz tell me it's not true
^ I guess we'll just have to do as they are saying and be patient and wait and see *sigh*
But can someone answer me this please

re listen to the telephone call

why/ who was this person ringing?? He sounds like hes only just on the scene and had no idea when/how this happened. Why didnt the doctor ring earlier> he said the doctor had been the only one in the house.. Why did it take someone else arriving to make the call