Is Sony hurting MJ's rep as an artist?

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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All I have to say is the WE need to stop buying theese re-releases, MJ has such a strong and large fanbase that honestly i think they cover their expences from us buying the albums. If your a new fan then thats another thing, but like myself an many many others that have been fans for a long period, we should stop buying this kind of stuff. Sony knows by now that we buy everything with the name MJ on it. If they see the drastic fall in sales of these releases they may not release em anymore. ( i just realised my idea will never work.... lol)
They are doing too much re-releases. But then again, my first MJ cd was The Essential Michael Jackson which I got in 2006.
Really, wow, thats interesting, where were you all this time MJ was doing music, the newer fans simply amaze me. MJ vidoes and songs are still played but not as much as the newer acts are played, despite all that you decide to be an MJ fan? Wow!:clapping:
Really, wow, thats interesting, where were you all this time MJ was doing music, the newer fans simply amaze me. MJ vidoes and songs are still played but not as much as the newer acts are played, despite all that you decide to be an MJ fan? Wow!:clapping:

I have a question: "what took them so long?"
Thriller 25 was a great success and great idea. It brought Michael the artist back into focus. His music and artistry, his videos. How influential he has been. There was a lot of focus on the anniversary across the media. It's a great stepping stone for the release of his new music.
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Thriller 25 was a great success and great idea. It brought Michael the artist back into focus. His music and artistry, his videos. How influential he has been. There was a lot of focus on the anniversary across the media. It's a great stepping stone for the release of his new music.

That still doesn't answer why they're still releasing old stuff people got a million times already. :lol: The Thriller thing was the only thing that made any sense.

If they want to celebrate his 50th birthday, release a box set of all his s**t, don't just post the hits.
Right, because even the new fans have already heard Billie Jean and Thriller a million times. Let them her his other material so they know how great he is.
That still doesn't answer why they're still releasing old stuff people got a million times already. :lol: The Thriller thing was the only thing that made any sense.

If they want to celebrate his 50th birthday, release a box set of all his s**t, don't just post the hits.

cause they are lazy and its the easy thing to do. ppl forget that its all about making money and spending as little as possible so you get a bigger return
cause they are lazy and its the easy thing to do. ppl forget that its all about making money and spending as little as possible so you get a bigger return

And that's why the music business is in the shape it's in. No one is taking risks like they did in the sixties, seventies and eighties. Where's a Motown in this day and age? Where is career development? Where is the people making sure that legends' careers find a footing where they don't always have to rely on back catalogs?

That's why so many veteran artists are leaving labels because they can't stand being slave hands to plantation masters holding them out to produce product out in the field.
And plus the reason SONY released "Thriller" was to remind people how healthy the music business was after its release in 1982. That's why it made sense it sold two million worldwide because it brought people back to a time when MJ truly began to rule in his domain in the field of popular music.
Michael would have never done SONY DEMONSTRATIONS, spoken out against them if they never HURT his career.. And even if it's in the past, the PAST effects his position today..
He should've changed it to TOMMY SUCKS then. That was a mistake for him to say SONY sucks and have his fans chant along. Come on now...THINK. :lol:
Sony did suck... They allowed it... Come on now think.. :hysterical:

He was fired for a reason..

If a walmart employee left water on the floor, and you slipt and broke your hip.. U would not sue the employee.. U would sue Walmart for negligence..


ha ha!! Im just picturing a demonstration against a walmart employee...

Those damn greaters that never great you at the door.. ha ha!!!... Holding up signs outside.. "THEY NEVER SAY HI"

They say 'welcome to walmart' as if we just put them on time out for stealing cookies...

OK I'm getting off topic ... lol!
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Sony did suck... They allowed it... Come on now think.. :hysterical:

He was fired for a reason..

I did think, lol. It was still too much. It was like Mike was injecting his Little Richard into it:

"I'm the king of pop, he's the devil, Sony sucks" blah blah blah... :lol:

But I have a hunch Sony knew Tommy was a "schmuck".
Sony did suck... They allowed it... Come on now think.. :hysterical:

He was fired for a reason..

If a walmart employee left water on the floor, and you slipt and broke your hip.. U would not sue the employee.. U would sue Walmart for negligence..


ha ha!! Im just picturing a demonstration against a walmart employee...

That would be some H.A.M. (hot a$$ mess). :lol:

Mike does it, it's cool, if you and I did it, we'd be on the news tickers as "the dumbest people of the week". :lol:
^ Yup...

Even the local news stations would be talking crap about us..

Reporter 1: "Upset customers today, stood outside of a local Walmart holding signs, 'ASHLEY SUCKS'. The two customers say, Ashley left some water on isle 7 so she sucks. The customers plan to sue Ashley for spilling water and in effect breaking both of there hips. Ashley declined to comment, but Walmart has came to there employees defence saying.. 'these some crazy sums of bi***es"

Reporter 2: "They are some crazy sums of bi***es"

Reporter 1: "..... I'll plead the fith...." (having a 'those sums of b**es look on her face)

oh jeez... funny
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^ Yup...

Even the local news stations would be talking crap about us..

"Upset customers today, stood outside of a local Walmart holding signs, 'ASHLEY SUCKS'. The two customers say, Ashley left some water on isle 7 so she sucks. The customers plan to sue Ashley for spilling water and in effect breaking both of there hips. Ashley declined to comment, but Walmart has came to there employees defence saying.. 'these some crazy sums of bi***es"

oh jeez... funny

It'll still be funny saying WAL MART sucks Wal Mart. It was cool for Mike to do that in New York and London because he was FAR from Sony's offices... then again, that could've made a stronger protest. :lol:
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He should've changed it to TOMMY SUCKS then. That was a mistake for him to say SONY sucks and have his fans chant along. Come on now...THINK. :lol:
George Michael said Sony sucks before MJ did, and went to another label Dreamworks. But now that Mattola is out George resigned with Sony. Prince wrote Slave on his face and changed his name to the symbol because "Prince" was a "slave" to Warners. Back in his early career BB King said his label RPM ripped him off. James Brown said King Records wouldn't let him record what he wanted. TLC and Toni Braxton sold lots of records but were both broke. Elvis was almost broke when he died. The only reason that his estate became rich was because Pricilla took over after he died. It's nothing new or unique to MJ.
Many of those artists had legit gripes with their labels, it's not just MJ.

TLC especially. They had contracts that would have benefited them only if they were to turn out the way the labels expected them (think SWV). Nobody expected them to get as big as they did, and they were obviously extremely talented and successful, worked thier butts off, and were not fairly compensated.

I don't know what Prince's issue was exactly, but he changed his name to that symbol, acted weird and wrote crappy music on purpose, just to get out of his contract. He wrote "The Most Beautiful Girl In The World" to prove that he could write a hit anytime he wanted. He went back to his normal self once he successfully got what he wanted.

MJ's reputation was hit the hardest with the Invincible fiasco. Right now, I don't think anything wrong is happening. We shall see.