Is Music Today Really THAT Bad?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
People always say how horrible music today is, including myself, but sometimes I think that some of us might just be stuck in the past and have a hard time appreciating today's music. Sure, you have a lot of gimmicky artists with minmal talent like Soulja Boy and others and no one is exciting or innovative as MJ, Prince, Stevie, etc. but that doesn't mean there aren't good artists out today. I think artists like Coldplay, Alicia Keys, Ledisi, Jill Scott, Estelle, John Mayer, Duffy, Erykah Badu, P!nk and a lot more are good, it's not all bad imo. We can't compare everyone to artists of the past. I feel that happens quite a bit on here and other forums dedicated to old school artists. So, yes while there is a lot of crap out there, all music today is not bad. There are some good artists and quality music out there today, you just have to take the time to look for it because you're not gonna find most of it on mainsream or top 40 radio.
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mainstream-wise, yes it is that bad. i can think of only two massive successes that have truly deserved it the past couple of years: Amy Winehouse and Coldplay.

when people say "music today" they mean mainstream because most of the public aren't going to go hunting and digging for it - we've been conditioned to have it handed on a plate for us from big labels with massive marketing budgets, which isn't necessarily a bad thing if they'd take risks and introduce more creative artists.

try to make as objective a comparison as you can from previous decades, and you'll see how badly we've had it in this "era".

having said that, there are thousands of awe-inspiring acts from different backgrounds today that haven't got their deserved breaks.
Commercial pop/R&B is, but not all pop, R&B and rap music is bad. There's an album from an "alternative hip-hop" group named The Foreign Exchange that should be real good.
There's an album from an "alternative hip-hop" group named The Foreign Exchange that should be real good.
it's going to be awesome, but compared to their more "successful" contemporaries, virtually no one will listen to it lol that's the problem.

i'm proud of what Erykah, Jill, Common and Talib have done for soul in the last year or so - they broke out further than before commercially, but it's still nothing compared to the successes of more generic pop acts.

you have people comparing Lil Wayne's current stance to that of Bowie's in the 70s, ffs!
No, I don't think so. There's always been bad music around (remember all that godawful music around in the 50s and 60s, Bubblegum Pop?), and it's universally sound, not only limited to one genre. There are some really talented newer artists around, like John Mayer, Robin Thicke, Dave Matthews Band, John Legend, to name a few. Not to mention all the great rock bands around, especially in the alternative and indie genres.

I think the only difference between now and the 50s is that, back then, there wasn't internet filesharing around, so people were forced to buy a whole album in order to get one or two good songs. That has changed now, though, and that's why the record companies are so mad. They can't forcefeed us bad music, because we now have the option to pick and choose what we listen to.
it's going to be awesome, but compared to their more "successful" contemporaries, virtually no one will listen to it lol that's the problem.

i'm proud of what Erykah, Jill, Common and Talib have done for soul in the last year or so - they broke out further than before commercially, but it's still nothing compared to the successes of more generic pop acts.

you have people comparing Lil Wayne's current stance to that of Bowie's in the 70s, ffs!

I know, and that sucks, but you know? I'm really digging the music that "don't get promoted". Usually music like the Foreign Exchange's does something to your mind that songs by Lil' Wayne CAN'T do. I was just viewing J Dilla "Donuts" videos and I'm like "WOW" at the end of it!
I know, and that sucks, but you know? I'm really digging the music that "don't get promoted". Usually music like the Foreign Exchange's does something to your mind that songs by Lil' Wayne CAN'T do. I was just viewing J Dilla "Donuts" videos and I'm like "WOW" at the end of it!
exactly, which makes you think - I WANT THE GOOD SHIT TO GET PROMOTED INSTEAD - lol share it with the people because those artists deserve the recognition.

there's no doubt that the majority of the top commercial tier are dire. it wasn't like that, even though we still have fresh acts floating about underneath.
right now, I'm into OneRepublic. They sang the hit songs "Apologize" and "Stop and Stare". Take a listen to their other music....they are very good! Listen to their song "Dreaming Out Loud". You can find it on YouTube.
I am getting into more rock music these days like One Republic, Daughtery, Green Day, Linkin Park (some of their music), etc. Right now rock music sounds alot better than what the RnB groups are putting out....more substance IMO.
mainstream-wise, yes it is that bad. i can think of only two massive successes that have truly deserved it the past couple of years: Amy Winehouse and Coldplay.

when people say "music today" they mean mainstream because most of the public aren't going to go hunting and digging for it - we've been conditioned to have it handed on a plate for us from big labels with massive marketing budgets, which isn't necessarily a bad thing if they'd take risks and introduce more creative artists.

try to make as objective a comparison as you can from previous decades, and you'll see how badly we've had it in this "era".

having said that, there are thousands of awe-inspiring acts from different backgrounds today that haven't got their deserved breaks.

Well that's what I'm saying basically. There are good acts out there, just not in mainstream (well not for the most part anyway). I just think that instead of complaining how there is no good music out there, which I admit is what I tend to do a lot, why not go search for it? Don't sit there being lazy and complaining that there's nothing good out there especially when you haven't even bothered searching. It's really not that hard. There are some good acts out there today, you just have to look beyond what's on top 40 radio.

I do agree though that it would be nice if radio and record labels would promote some of these talented unkown artists, but unfortunately that's not what sells so radio wont promote it.
exactly, which makes you think - I WANT THE GOOD SHIT TO GET PROMOTED INSTEAD - lol share it with the people because those artists deserve the recognition.

there's no doubt that the majority of the top commercial tier are dire. it wasn't like that, even though we still have fresh acts floating about underneath.

I agree. Music of all genres ain't dead it's just what the mainstream is repping that is so bad that people think that's all there is to it, lol.
The problem with today is, there's good artists, but unlike 25, 20, 25 years ago, they aren't the mainstream artists and you have to really look to find them. The best used to be the most exposed and got the awards and were the most well known. Now it's the exact opposite, where todays mainstream, exposed, awarded acts are lame as hell while the talent gets hardly any exposure at all. It's not generational. I'm 23 and should be in to todays music and the music of the past ten years, IF it were generational. But I'm not, at all, because it sucks and anyone with ears should know that.
Well most music is crap these days, however, in the;s getting kinda good :D
we're basically on the same lines, Cinnamon...

Don't sit there being lazy and complaining that there's nothing good out there especially when you haven't even bothered searching. It's really not that hard. There are some good acts out there today, you just have to look beyond what's on top 40 radio.
but then we'd be giving up on Pop music! lol i think mainstream can still be a great thing like it was before. we've seen glimpses of it the past few years, and i see it as an indication of the similar potential just before the net came out and confused the labels.

I do agree though that it would be nice if radio and record labels would promote some of these talented unkown artists, but unfortunately that's not what sells so radio wont promote it.
they can sell if the companies market them like they market the ones who do sell. i think all you need is some superficial marketing and PR campaigns and you've got yourself a superstar. i don't care how they do it, as long as they bring out more unique artists and not strip away their creative input.
I haven't listened to the radio (on purpose) since 1990 or 91, so I don't know what's popular. If I do happen to have the radio on, I turn on the oldies station mostly or sometimes the 80s hits, adult R&B, classic rock, or jazz (not the smooth jazz one, lol) stations. The only time I hear current stuff is if I'm in a car with somebody or someone has it on at work. I listen mostly to old music and very few newer acts.
Yes, yes it is. The mainstream stuff these days is horrendous- noone is an artist anymore, they are all popstars or hitmakers.
Yes, yes it is. The mainstream stuff these days is horrendous- noone is an artist anymore, they are all popstars or hitmakers.

I have to toltally agree, the industry has taken the originality, and creativity away for what is marketable...
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I think artists like Coldplay, Alicia Keys, Ledisi, Jill Scott, Estelle, John Mayer, Duffy, Erykah Badu, P!nk and a lot more are good, it's not all bad imo.

Those are the people worth listening to. I see your point very well. The music industry today is a joke. I mean, I don't listen to the radio, AT ALL. I can't stand it. I listen to radio talk shows like Steve Harvey because he plays real music. I think that people who complain about today's music is bad need to ignore it and focus on what is good. Mainstream music is not gonna change anytime soon. If people take the time to listen to artists who do not need the spotlight a lot to be heard then they can be a bit more appecirative (sp). I prefer to download music. I had to edit some things on my profile on myspace regarding the people in music I listen to and I am glad that I did that. I didn't like some of the artist on there. I think there some are very talented musicians out there that is played on the mainstream type radio but I prefer that people need to go online, itunes and go to concerts/performances of real talent in their local communities. The radio is not formatted to play true artists. You do have to look for real musicians because it is not serve in a platter like it was years ago.

Don't sit there being lazy and complaining that there's nothing good out there especially when you haven't even bothered searching

Exactly. People need to go and do something about it. I say turn off the radio, esp. when Steve Harvey is not carried in your city.

I know, and that sucks, but you know? I'm really digging the music that "don't get promoted". Usually music like the Foreign Exchange's does something to your mind that songs by Lil' Wayne CAN'T do. I was just viewing J Dilla "Donuts" videos and I'm like "WOW" at the end of it!

That is awesome. I feel like when people say someone is "popular" I just SMH. Because only the person can determine who is popular. Not some critic.

But I'm not, at all, because it sucks and anyone with ears should know that.

What sucks exactly? I was lost with your post.
I have to toltally agree, the industry has taken away the originality, and creativity away for what is marketable...


There's a lot of good music out there, yes.

But if we're talking about mainstream- these 2 quotes sum it up perfectly from ArX

but then we'd be giving up on Pop music! lol i think mainstream can still be a great thing like it was before. we've seen glimpses of it the past few years, and i see it as an indication of the similar potential just before the net came out and confused the labels.
Very true.

they can sell if the companies market them like they market the ones who do sell. i think all you need is some superficial marketing and PR campaigns and you've got yourself a superstar. i don't care how they do it, as long as they bring out more unique artists and not strip away their creative input.
Well said. It's not just the net- it's other things like technology and reality TV. It seems to me no one really has to sing any more... all they need is some technology, a producer, and some promotion. Songs in the top 40 are cold and lack meaning.

Even pop stars who have been great in the past- Usher, Mariah Carey, Janet etc are churning out crap to satisfy this "hit making" market. It feels like everyone is taking a step backwards and they are, like, dumbing down their own music or something. :scratch:

Sorry for my cynical post, but that's the way i feel.

Even mainstream artists who I rely on to make good music are sucking right now- Robin Thicke for example. He promised "Something Else" would be something else and the simple fact is that it is nothing else- we've heard it all before. :doh:

Thank God for the good old stuff (Stevie, Ray Charles, etc). And Michael Jackson's back catalog. :lol:

EDIT: Great discussion Cinnamon- and great point about searching outside the top 40 for good music. I completely agree ;)
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Even pop stars who have been great in the past- Usher, Mariah Carey, Janet etc are churning out crap to satisfy this "hit making" market. It feels like everyone is taking a step backwards and they are, like, dumbing down their own music or something.

You made a great point, Marni. I was saying this about Mariah when I heard her first single from her latest work. The song was something that Rihanna would sing. I felt that she was "lowering" her music quality just to get a hit. You hear it a lot on the radio. I have to disagree with you about Robin Thicke. I think he is actually daring to be different compared to the Ushers, Chrtis Browns, and the JTs of the mainstream music scene. It is not a Lil Wayne song at that. I do think he is going back to the days when R&B music was literally a staple (heck still is) but I doubt that he is sucking right now. Heck, that song is not even being played a lot of the stations that play the music aimed at the youth.

Sorry for my cynical post, but that's the way i feel.

Hey, do not apologized. I really respect your point of view. You were honest about what you stated. It is really sad because I remember a time when everyone was listened to. What happened to that?
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You made a great point, Marni. I was saying this about Mariah when I heard her first single from her latest work. The song was something that Rihanna would sing. I felt that she was "lowering" her music quality just to get a hit. You hear it a lot on the radio. I have to disagree with you about Robin Thicke. I think he is actually daring to be different compared to the Ushers, Chrtis Browns, and the JTs of the mainstream music scene. It is not a Lil Wayne song at that. I do think he is going back to the days when R&B music was literally a staple (heck still is) but I doubt that he is sucking right now. Heck, that song is not even being played a lot of the stations that play the music aimed at the youth.

Hey, do not apologized. I really respect your point of view. You were honest about what you stated. It is really sad because I remember a time when everyone was listened to. What happened to that?

I think that's where Robin went wrong though- his latest is really just a throwback album, clearly influenced by Marvin Gaye and Stevie Wonder. I was really disappointed. Don't get me wrong- I love RT, but his latest effort sounds lazy. :( You're right though- )it's probably my expectations of what the album was going to be-) I have very high expectations of RT, because he is different to the Ushers and Jt's of the pop world.

I wanna know what happened to it as well- there was a time when the top 40 was good- actually several times in the last 10 years... and mainstream pop / R&B even rock has taken a few steps back and is being so dumbed down right now. :mello:

But that's where we have to look outside the box and search for the good music that's out there- coz there is plenty of it. :yes:

Thanks Bee :D
is there anyone out there that isn't mainstream that you guys recommend?
is there anyone out there that isn't mainstream that you guys recommend?
google some of these labels and check out random releases.

if you're into soul/r&b/hip-hop:

Stones Throw
Delicious Vinyl
Kindered Spirits
A Touch of Jazz
Up Above
Half Tooth
OM Hip Hop
Hidden Beach
Garden Seeker
Donut Boy


Talkin Loud
Yes, there is still some good music about. But even then it doesn't make me feel the way music used to make me feel, and I think a lot of people feel that way today including people who were not around or old enough to enjoy music from the 80s etc when it first came out.
Even pop stars who have been great in the past- Usher, Mariah Carey, Janet etc are churning out crap to satisfy this "hit making" market. It feels like everyone is taking a step backwards and they are, like, dumbing down their own music or something.

Exactly. I love Janet especially. And I bought Damita Jo, 20 Y.O. and Discipline. I like them all. But still, there is something missing from all three that is in all her others. I hope she can take some time off and then come back in a few years with a brand new album that sounds like a mildly updated version of "Rhythm Nation". IMO she should get back with Jam and Lewis. And maybe even get Tina Landon again too for a new video. Alot of these stars need to get back the people who got them started (if those people are still alive and want to). I'm sure there's a way for them to go back to the basics while still maintaining some form of currency.
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Well I think there are artist out there that are just afraid people will forget about them, so they just churn out albums and don't care what it sounds like. I mean, I know there are some Imma forget anyway :lol: But back to my point; if they are serious about making their music sound perfect and timeless/classic, they need to take time out of the spotlight and focus on that. I don't think it's a good ideal to always rely on the "hot" producers of the era (year,day,whatever) to give them what they need. Expand your creativity, artistry, experiment. Look deeper into music. That's my opinion anyway. :happy:
In Michaels 1988 grammy performance, you see Prince, Stevie and Anita Baker in the audience. To think those peopl were considered mainstream at the time? I realy wish I was as old as I am now during that time! The Grammys these days have T-pain and the likes being nominated for Best male vocalist! Its sick times we live in realy..
Yeah Bongani, that's what I always notice. If you want to see how far the industry has really dropped off, just compare the Grammy audience from 20 years ago, or even 15 years ago to today's.
Mainstream music? Yes, yes it is. So bad. It's not even to be called music anymore.
Yeah, it's bad, but not so bad to the point where I won't listen. A lot of songs out now aren't meant for you to think about or take seriously, they're a bunch of party tracks. They keep throwing them at us b/c it's what sells. If that dirty south and snap garbage stopped selling, Soulja Boy wouldn't be yelling "Bird Walk" right now. I realize it's white suburban teenage boys who listen to that ish, but it's what's making money and money is all that matters.