Is Beyonce Knowles TODAY'S Michael Jackson


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Providence, RI
I've read that some people think that she is...I personally don't think so but that could just be my own bias and love for Mike getting in the way of being objective.

SO...In terms of sales, image, indusrty respect, global popularity,music video innovation (yes believe it or not, people have said that her videos are "groundbreaking" for her generation in the same way MJ's were for his), ect...Do you guys think so???
i've seen beyonce live in concert shes great and i've seen michael live and it doesn't even compare to any concerts i've been to its just that mind blowing! .. the single ladies video is not ground breaking nor any of her other videos lol although the dance moves are fun to do like the thriller dance but michael jackson is way up there! beyonce has a long way to go to become even close to m.j's status .... and i'm a beyonce fan but mj is just like outta of this world ... .
Hell no, how can you even compare?! She is not a big deal, good voice, and just like everybody else.
Hell no, how can you even compare?! She is not a big deal, good voice, and just like everybody else.
Lol ok, just to be clear though...I'm NOT comparing the two artist (because quite frankly, there is no comparison) I'm just asking if ya'll consider B to be THIS generations MJ in terms of what I stated above. So really, I'm comparing B to the other artist of today and asking if she is in any way, shape, or form above them the way MJ was light years above/ahead of his peers. Again I don't think so...but their are people that do, if you are one of them, please tell me WHY you think so.
Lol ok, just to be clear though...I'm NOT comparing the two artist (because quite frankly, there is no comparison) I'm just asking if ya'll consider B to be THIS generations MJ in terms of what I stated above. So really, I'm comparing B to the other artist of today and asking if she is in any way, shape, or form above them the way MJ was light years above/ahead of his peers. Again I don't think so...but their are people that do, if your on of them tell me WHY you think so please.

I am one of the generation of Beyonce, and I don't think that she is at the same status like Michael. She is not above anybody, usually black people are the ones that like her the most, she even said that her music is more directed towards the african american community. People like different generas nowadays, there isn't one special icon for people. Her music is melodious, but nothing special in my opinion, it has been done before.
no never. WHY do people call celebrities "the next michael jackson" etc. there will never be another!
I've read that some people think that she is...I personally don't think so but that could just be my own bias and love for Mike getting in the way of being objective.

SO...In terms of sales, image, indusrty respect, global popularity,music video innovation (yes believe it or not, people have said that her videos are "groundbreaking" for her generation in the same way MJ's were for his), ect...Do you guys think so???

I will try to be as objective as I can. First off you will have to specify which MJ are you talking about? Mj when he was alive, after his death, what era?

If you are talking as a whole but not Mj post-death stuff then I will still say NO.
In terms of image she certainly has managed it well and in US it is obviosuly ALOT more positive than MJ (especially post 93 uptil his death).

Sales: This is the easiest to tell. Um NO. Not even close. However again which era of MJ. If you are talking Thriller or Invincible? But as a whole certainly no.

Industry Respect: I guess you mean in US right? Well post 93 or especially 03' there is really no comparison but if you are talking thriller era MJ then it becomes a joke.

global popularity: Mj is the emphatic KING here. No one and I mean noone (with the possible exception of Madonna) comes even close.

music video innovation: This could be disputed but honestly MJ's innovation in Thriller era videos was on a whole different level. His inovation never got less but if you want to talk "critics in us" stuff then thriller stuff is much ahead of Beyonce.

Look Mj worked with Steven Spielberg, Francis Ford, George Lucas, John Landis, Martin Scorsese, Stan Winston and Spike Lee to name a few. Can you see Beyonce working with all these people? or anyone else today? probably no.

The thing is I think it is a wrong comparison. You can probably compare Beyonce to Madonna and even then I would give all the edge to Madonna. Beyonce right now is like MJ right after the release of Thriller but before [Motwon 25 and Thriller video]. Actually Beyonce is more famous than that but certainly not at the level after 83 for MJ.

In my estimation the only 2 people you can compare MJ to who are alive is Madonna and Prince. Madonna is ALOT more popular than prince and a remarkable businesswoman. Yes, better than MJ i think! But rpince will get the edge on raw talent in my opnion. The problem with Prince is that he is a hermit (for past many many years) and therefore less known.

BTW these are also the two people MJ ever saw as his competitors and that says ALOT
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Michael hasn't been "gone" for a half year yet and this is already a discussion we want to have?!

A question though... if Beyonce is the new Michael, then who is the new Beyonce?

EDIT: And the twist is that Michael is still Michael - right now he's even bigger than Beyonce, so it's kind of like... how is a minion gonna fill out a giant's shoes?
Michael hasn't been "gone" for a half year yet and this is already a discussion we want to have?!

A question though... if Beyonce is the new Michael, then who is the new Beyonce?

EDIT: And the twist is that Michael is still Michael - right now he's even bigger than Beyonce, so it's kind of like... how is a minion gonna fill out a giant's shoes?
Rihanna... according to those "music critics" that stay doing this type of thing (looking for the "new" whoever).

It's an interesting disscussion and should NOT be taken to heart by fans. We all know MJ is one of a kind...
She is not above anybody, usually black people are the ones that like her the most, she even said that her music is more directed towards the african american community.

She is certainly leaps and bounds 'above' a lot of the current artists in my opinion. I disagree with you on the bolded bit, I've seen no evidence of this at all, Beyonce appeals to everyone very much regardless of race.

The OP said in their second post that they are NOT comparing her to Michael Jackson in terms of her achievement VS his achievement. So lets not turn this into a Beyonce vs. Michael Jackson thread.

The OP IS comparing Beyonce to other current artists and whether she is something special compared to them. In terms of her live performances I'd say yes - she is an amazing live performer. I do think she is something special.

I wouldn't call her the next Michael Jackson though, there won't ever be a 'next Michael Jackson', he was more than an amazing performer, he changed a lot of things..he changed the music industry and the dance world.

I do think Beyonce will go on to have a brilliant career and could possibly be regarded as a huge star for my generation, I can't think of anyone else, perhaps Gaga will become like that because of her image..who else is there nowadays that has the potential?

ps. She was just voted 'The World's Greatest Popstar' by the UK public. I've noticed before that a lot of people from the USA don't like Beyonce.
ok imo no one can and ever will be the next Michael Jackson. there is no other talent that even comes CLOSE to Michael's. There will never be another talent like Michael's. So in answer to this question and others like it. There will never be another Michael Jackson.

"the often imitated, but never... duplicated... Michael Jackson"

no one will come close.
Rihanna... according to those "music critics" that stay doing this type of thing (looking for the "new" whoever).

It's an interesting disscussion and should NOT be taken to heart by fans. We all know MJ is one of a there is no need to get testy.

In my humble opinion, the distance between Rihanna and Beyonce is even further than between Beyonce and Michael.

I think it's incomparable and "strange" to claim anyone is the new of anyone since it's beyond who you are as an artist.

You know, Beyonce will most certainly end up as a legend if she keeps making music for 20 more years - but the same time she has to slow down with putting out music too often, or it will not be as exclusive anymore. (she has a new album already in the works, scheduled for release next year)

I think that Justin is playing the card right by taking like 4 years in between each album - that way he'll always build up that anticipation, just like Michael did.

But to answer the question, no I don't think Beyonce is the new Michael, and no one will probably ever will be the new Michael - the stars aligned perfectly along his way for him to become the artist he was.

Beyonce has that X-factor, no doubt - but I don't think that most people yet see that magic and monstrosity with Beyonce, no matter if you're a MJ-fan or not.
eh? whats beyonce got in common with mj. except the fact they both had a thing for each other.
In my humble opinion, the distance between Rihanna and Beyonce is even further than between Beyonce and Michael.

I think it's incomparable and "strange" to claim anyone is the new of anyone since it's beyond who you are as an artist.

You know, Beyonce will most certainly end up as a legend if she keeps making music for 20 more years - but the same time she has to slow down with putting out music too often, or it will not be as exclusive anymore. (she has a new album already in the works, scheduled for release next year)

I think that Justin is playing the card right by taking like 4 years in between each album - that way he'll always build up that anticipation, just like Michael did.

But to answer the question, no I don't think Beyonce is the new Michael, and no one will probably ever will be the new Michael - the stars aligned perfectly along his way for him to become the artist he was.

Beyonce has that X-factor, no doubt - but I don't think that most people yet see that magic and monstrosity with Beyonce, no matter if you're a MJ-fan or not.
Thank You...

Btw, JT most deffinitly took that "release an album every four years" thing right out of MJ's book, wether he would like to admit it or not.
Thank You...

Btw, JT most deffinitly took that "release an album every four years" thing right out of MJ's book, wether he would like to admit it or not.

Of course he did! :)
The whole Justified project was a reflection he and Pharrell Williams did of Michael's career - at a point Justin is calling "Like I Love You" for the "2000 DSTYGE" (which in many ways are true)

I did put together two MJ-related sequences from the Justified sessions and uploaded here (there is more, but I wasn't to keep to put the ~15 hours of footage under the microscope to find it when I made this video :lol:)

No, she's not. MJ is MJ. Bey is Beyonce!

Beyonce is a wonderful performer but as an artist, I question her abilities.

Her lyrics are not much to be desired. Only a few of her songs are actually really interesting. The rest is :brow:

In addition, I feel that she has played it safe in her career. I don't think she is groundbreaking at all.

She is really popular though but not in the same league as the masters...yet.

I think it's because she's overexposed so that there is not much hysteria when it concerns to seeing her. I'm not sure but have you guys ever seen a mania (like hysterics) over her?
They did? Where have I been? Is there a thread for this?

I never heard about Beyonce being interested in Michael - but according Diddy
(who likes to talk shit), Michael tried to holla at Beyonce at a party Diddy had.
He was like "Where is Beyonce" - and supposedly Beyonce and Michael danced.

But I mean, it probably was more innocent than Diddy wants it to look like.

