Interview with Tom Mesereau

Thanks for posting the interview. Touching interview in so many ways...
If there were more people in Michael's life like Tom Mesereau i firmly believe Michael would still be here...the man is such a class act.
Well-said. I'm thankful that Mike had someone like Tom in his life on earth. I wish Tom all the best in everything he does.

@Staffordshire Bullterrier: Don't worry, they'll get theirs. Yeah Karma is a b****.
@caleb20003: Thanks for posting the part. I hope his book on his experience during the trial comes out someday. Even if it's low-key, I'll do my part to make it more popular.
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i dont think he's ever going to write a book, may be only years later
and only to tell the truth about Michael
he's a true friend

I'm secretly hoping that some years down the road Mr. Mesereau (should he ever retire "officially", he'll probably always do pro bono work of some kind, I admire that) will write a non-hysterical approach- explaining this farce of a trial from his standpoint and perspective.

That would be very interesting on many accounts- if he went into great detail about some of the inner workings and how he approached things (I read some of the material he posted on the website for a lecture) in the trial- that would make for great material for other students who might be inclined to take his approach as a positive role model.

And it would be a great tool of further vindication for Michael, explaining in detail what this horror trip entailed for him. So that people can learn from this great injustice- that would be my main hope for such a book- that people can take the lessons out of it as to make sure noone else has to suffer what MJ suffered through the media and it's conviction in the court of public opinion.

But I agree that now would not be the time (yet). Things are still a too raw, Murray's trial is approaching, the children are still very young.

But in all honestly- if Mr. Mesereau were to write a factual book that reflects his usual calm and dignified demeanor on camera- I'd be storming the bookstore to support that book, hands down. Maybe even as part of autobiography later, looking back at his life, why not.

Every time there's a MJ documentary somewhere- the difference in demeanor between him and hysterical figures like Oxman and Dimond is HUGE. They love to get down and dirty, Mr. Mesereau usually had an air of dignity around him that went amiss with all those other clowns.

The trial was also a high point in his career that could have literally broken him, taking him down as well- so it surely must be a big, impressive chapter in his life, because he is talking about it publicly.

So yes, I'm hoping for a book later. I am convinced it would be a book well worth reading.

Thanks for posting. It's just heartbreaking to read from that time of Michael's life.. thanks to God he had someone like Tom.