Influence: Michael Jackson vs. The Beatles VOTE!!!

I do have a rather long winded rant to make about this but I have to be at work in 20 mins so my mini essay on why Michael's influence is greater than The Beatles will just have to wait!!!!
i just get really upset, that we have had to battle and battle for years, to help michaels legacy, to help him up there, to fight for him. and others just get all praise thrown at them and nobody ever challenges them. michael was far more creative than the beatles, period. the beatles followed trends, followed what they saw. michael set them
Wow....I love Michael more but I also loved the "Beatles" back in the day. I loved the Beatles music and they produced mass hysteria on television and in live performances but unless you 'lived' that its hard to understand.

I was not interested in their personal lives at all, just their music. I find Michael Jackson, the man, much more mesmerizing as a human being.
i just get really upset, that we have had to battle and battle for years, to help michaels legacy, to help him up there, to fight for him. and others just get all praise thrown at them and nobody ever challenges them. michael was far more creative than the beatles, period. the beatles followed trends, followed what they saw. michael set them

Oh, I have to disagree here. The Beatles were not praised and unchallenged; not by a long shot. Their music was way ahead of its time and very original. Their costumes were original. Their haircuts were original. They were not followers. These guys did Military costumes WAY BACK on Sgt Peppers (If you look at the costumes, Michael could have worn them too). The Beatles got a lot of their own 'bad' tabloid press also back then so it was just a matter of a different time in history.

It was just a different time in history, just as Elvis Presley was so its very hard to compare the two as it was not a parallel universe.

I am a huge fan of Barbra Streisand (so was Michael Jackson by the way) but they are very different performers and had very different lifestyles. I don't think we need to battle to keep Michael 'up there'. He is his own celebrity and we really don't need to choose one over the other. Even Michael appreciated their music. He sang "Come Together" and I'm sure he enjoyed their music as well.
The Beatles compared to Michael Jackson are nothing, nothing, nothing.
once again, using MJ the biggest entertainer ever to promote the beatles and to gain more hits on their website. If they exclude MJ, who the heck will click on those pathetic link to vote.

When are the going to stop using MJ's name to promote the beatles, elvis presley, madonna, da da da?
They are nothing compared to MJ but the media just love to attach their name onto MJ, to make a poll between them to fool people to think they are at his level in terms of creativity and fame. :rolleyes: but fact is they are a million miles behind MJ. And fyi, the beatles hired people to act as some crazy fans, the hysteria (nothing compared to MJ's) was as fake as the scene in movies. Nonetheless, fans still have to keep voting for MJ. No choice.
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Oh, I have to disagree here. The Beatles were not praised and unchallenged; not by a long shot. Their music was way ahead of its time and very original. Their costumes were original. Their haircuts were original. They were not followers. These guys did Military costumes WAY BACK on Sgt Peppers (If you look at the costumes, Michael could have worn them too). The Beatles got a lot of their own 'bad' tabloid press also back then so it was just a matter of a different time in history.

It was just a different time in history, just as Elvis Presley was so its very hard to compare the two as it was not a parallel universe.

I am a huge fan of Barbra Streisand (so was Michael Jackson by the way) but they are very different performers and had very different lifestyles. I don't think we need to battle to keep Michael 'up there'. He is his own celebrity and we really don't need to choose one over the other. Even Michael appreciated their music. He sang "Come Together" and I'm sure he enjoyed their music as well.[/Q

yes, but they never had to put up with anything like what michael had to put up with :(
I would say:
Michael Jackson

Elvis Presley
The Beetles

Pink Floyd

but in term of artistry:
Michael Jackson

Pink Floyd

Elvis Presly

The Beetles
The Beatles did not always receive good press, its just that it was a long time ago and people tend to 'forget' the bad. They were also persecuted many times. Nothing compares to the accusers of Michael though.
The Beatles faced a lot of sizable scandals: John's "bigger than Jesus" remark; John's relationship with Yoko; accusations that they encouraged drug use; even their haircuts as Beachlover pointed out. Besides, other than Invincible, was MJ's musical talent ever in question, even after the accusations? Most of the media reports attacked his character but I don't think I ever read/saw anything in a credible publication/website/show that even insinuated that his output in his heyday was anything less than fantastic.

I don't want to come across a jerk or anything, but a baseless attack against the Beatles' skills isn't brave, just like the attacks against Michael weren't. To say that Revolver or Sgt. Pepper or what have you were the result of following trends is just flat-out inaccurate and dilutes the argument. It's ok to say that MJ had the bigger influence but when you completely write off the Beatles, it can't really be taken seriously.

Once again, I do apologize if I seem like a jerk with all this--I realize this is a MJ forum so naturally there will be more support thrown his way. But I just want to make sure people are looking at it more objectively. And like I said, I don't think voting MJ is inherently incorrect; there are legit reasons for voting that way but "The Beatles weren't original or good" isn't one of them.
'Course we all like what we like. But just saying~ George was a really mesmerizing human being, too. Michael always appreciated people devoted to their craft. George began at a young age to practice guitar and would practice all night long, every night. John and Paul were in the front of things for years because George was a quiet pisces. But if you watch the old clips, George was always the funniest one, always the one with a witty (if sometimes shy) comeback, accompanied by an amused grin. Also, often the finest songs were George songs, imo. An example is Here Comes the Sun, which MJ said he loved the lyrics of, btw.

When the Fabs broke up, George had his chance to shine and released a three record set (All Things Must Pass) which did very well for itself worldwide. He went on to make many many solo records which all are special in their own right. He helped form the Traveling Wilburys, which was his idea. George also paved the way for musicians to do charitable acts for others with his Concert for Bangla Desh. He was given the FIRST Billboard Century Award for his humanitarianism- LONG before Bono, Bob Geldoff, etc.

George supported his wife's endeavors to save the Romanian Orphans with the Romanian Angel Appeal. George recorded a song with the Wilbury's and a video, "Nobody's Child." I think MJ would have loved it.

Anyway, just want to say, it is pointless to step on one wonderful man to promote another wonderful man. Maybe some people here are not really aware how KIND George in particular was.

Paul has his own merits as well, such as his commitment to vegetarianism. MJ respected vegetarianism, that we know, even if his doctors may or may not have convinced him to give it up. (We can never know, conflicting reports...) Nonetheless, MJ is committed to helping the planet and rainforests and being vegan or vegetarian certainly does help that cause.

John wanted peace and was not shy to speak up for what he believed was right. John was a great feminist in his later years. Those who do not know much about him (maybe younger members) might look to find out. If anyone is colorful, it is John.

And then there is Ringo. He was always there for George and a good buddy so that's good enough for me. :)

I could not vote between George and Michael. Both had/have such sweet hearts and enormous talent. George was always one to downplay his talent and be so shy. He wanted to be remembered as a gardener. When called special, he likened his musical ability to making a cake. He said he knew how to mix in a little of this or that and make a nice finished product, but he said he did not feel he was of great ability. He was so humble. But fact is, he WAS of great ability. No one can copy George's slide guitar style, though many try to. George was very very very knowledgeable about music of all ages and cultures. He listened to music from old Hawaiian, old blues, rockabilly, tribal music, Indian music, etc etc.... he had VAST knowledge and he would use a sound taken from here or there layering his songs in the same fashion Michael layers his music with vocal hiccups or little keep hearing new layers for so long when listening.

And bad press... George had his share. He was terribly persecuted for saying "God"... he would say people are 'allowed' to swear but as soon as you say the word 'God' the room goes quiet! George said he decided if he had to stand up and be counted it would be with the religious community, no matter the press reaction. In that case, George stood with the Krishna's and got a terrible amount of flack. He stopped touring in '74 because the press were SO mean to him. He finally toured Japan again in the 90's, but never the US again because of the mean spirit of the press here.

George said he stayed behind his garden gates because that was where he felt safe and sane. Michael said the exact same thing. George said he was terribly bothered by the environmental damage. He sang about it since the late 80's. He dedicated an album to those who try to save the planet. "Rainforest chopped for paper acre gone in every hour... our birds and wildlife all keep some millionaires employed.."

George and Michael are two peas in a pod in many ways. Just sayin.
John Lennon was the most talented one of the bunch but most of time he asked for the bad press. His widow Yoko suffered a lot because of the prejudice in those days.

George Harrison was very talented but also the nicest person of of the bunch.

Paul McCartney is a waste of time...rubbish voice and his solo work proved that John was the real songwriter of the group. The best he did was working with Michael Jackson.
WOW fellow Michael Jackson Fans!! I am in awe here. Other Beatles fans too!! GO GUYS!!!! LOL

I think what we have here is a 'generation gap'. The younger Michael Jackson fans haven't really been exposed to the Beatles in the same way as the older ones. I am the same age as Michael, so I remember things a little differently than the younger fans. I was around when the Beatles songs were on the radio and I love the Sgt Peppers album.

They were the big thing back then and their albums, like those of Elvis, still sell today.
In any event, I think it speaks more to Mike because The Beatles had the collaborative and creative efforts of 4 ppl...while Mike pretty much did everything on his own. And for the media to be comparing 4 ppl to 1 says a lot about that 1 person. If you were to compare each Beatles' talents to Mike's, Mike would easily K.O. each one of them.
And fyi, the beatles hired people to act as some crazy fans, the hysteria (nothing compared to MJ's) was as fake as the scene in movies.
when they became famous I was a teenage girl. And I must say that, sorry, but it's a fact, there was such a big hype you couldn't imagine. This was a REVOLUTION, and the revolution was going against the society, incl. parents, authorities, teachers ...

Especially in Germany, the Germans had no tradition in popular music as the Americans or the British people. So it was said if you listen to the Beatles you are listening to the Hottentots (sorry if I use the word, but it was said so!) if you know what I mean. It was abnormal to do that. All the same if you are dancing to the music.
Comparing the two is like comparing apples and oranges. They are both hugely important and inflential in popular music. But The Beatles were 4 people, MJ was one. The Beatles played instruments on stage, MJ electrified the audience with dance, and both were diferent era. Both wrote their own songs and both caused mass hysteria. But as someone that thinks The Beatles are boring and being such a massive fan of MJ, MJ gets my vote!
Allllll right, after reading these comments I see that some of you are huge Beatles fans. And since we have some Beatles fans here I'd like to ask a favor....

I was born in 1986, and my parents and grandparents played music all the time. That's how i got into MJ. I'd go over to my uncles house and the Bad album would be playing, my dad went to the Victory tour concert, for some reason (I don't know who bought it) we had the moonwalker tape when I was little and we'd watch it all the time.

One group I had never heard was the Beatles. And to this day I have still never listened to them. As I got older I fell in loove with music and began to explore all genres and people before my time...but never the Beatles for some reason.

Soooo, my favor is- can somebody point me in the direction of grrreat Beatles songs/music so I can really hear what all the fuss is about (i'm sure they're great, yadda yadda). Cause if there are people that think the Beatled are better than Mike (music-wise) I wanna know if they're right!

Thanks in advance!! :)
Cause if there are people that think the Beatled are better than Mike (music-wise) I wanna know if they're right!
noway. Not better, and not to compare. And I understand that people which are born much later don't have an affection to them. So my daughter and more my granddaughter, the first are related to the Disco music and the last calls "The Beatles" boring.

As I said before in my post it was also the time when that happened. And The Beatles were the first ones, so fas as I know, who included music and instruments from other countries into the music.

And in the reason they are British, may be they had not the same importance in USA? But that I don't know.
Each Beatles fan will have their own favorites, just as MJ fans do.

My favorite Beatles album was Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band but the MJ song Come Together is taken from Abbey Road which is another one with some great tunes. It would be interesting to listen to Come Together by the Beatles. They did it first. Its a good place to start.

Like Michael Jackson, their music went through various stages and changed with the times.
Allllll right, after reading these comments I see that some of you are huge Beatles fans. And since we have some Beatles fans here I'd like to ask a favor....
Soooo, my favor is- can somebody point me in the direction of grrreat Beatles songs/music so I can really hear what all the fuss is about (i'm sure they're great, yadda yadda). Cause if there are people that think the Beatled are better than Mike (music-wise) I wanna know if they're right!

Thanks in advance!! :)

I don't think the Fabs are better than Michael. :) I just cannot chose!

I'd be happy to help you pick out some good songs, though! If you'll be downloading individually, I'll list some individual songs to try. Maybe you can preview them and see if any are for you. I'll pick ones which sound more contemporary to my ears. If you're a lyrics person, you are apt to prefer John or George, imo.

Here goes...

Early songs (may be more simple, but often upbeat!): Chains, Do You Want to Know a Secret, Please Mr Postman, There's a Place, It Won't Be Long, Roll Over Beethoven, Hold Me Tight, Devil in her Heart (same idea as "Dangerous"), I'm Happy Just to Dance with You, Tell Me Why, Any Time at All, I'll Cry Instead, When I Get Home, Eight Days a Week, I Don't Want to Spoil the Party, What You're Doing, You Won't See Me, Nowhere Man, Think for Yourself, In My Life, If I Needed Someone.

Later songs: A Day in the Life, Across the Universe, Here Comes the Sun, Something, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, Being for the Benefit of Mr Kite, Within You Without You, Magical Mystery Tour, Your Mother Should Know, Fool on the Hill, I Am the Walrus, Strawberry Fields Forever, All You Need Is Love, Dear Prudence, Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill, While My Guitar Gently Weeps, I'm So Tired, Blackbird, Piggies, I Will, Julia, Savoy Truffle, Birthday, Yer Blues, Revolution (fast version), Hey Bulldog, It's All Too Much.

Entire albums: Help!, Revolver (George loved revolver), Abbey Road, and Let It Be.

(If you can get Sgt Pepper in entirety and White Album, that's good too.)
Check this out~ someone mixed George's song "Isn't It a Pity" with Michael's "I Want You Back."

Isn't It a Pity ... is about how we as people do not treat one another right, how we take a person's love and forget to honor them and give love back. Maybe this mood and message applied to Michael makes sense with how mean the media was to Michael. I think it came out sounding cool.
Soooo, my favor is- can somebody point me in the direction of grrreat Beatles songs/music so I can really hear what all the fuss is about

Oh, I wanted to add this one... George's group the Traveling Wilbury's did this song called End of the Line which is very much the same spirit as Michael's song Keep the Faith. Not saying they sound the same musically, but the message is similar.

If you would like, I can point you to George solo songs, too. :)
Allllll right, after reading these comments I see that some of you are huge Beatles fans. And since we have some Beatles fans here I'd like to ask a favor....

Soooo, my favor is- can somebody point me in the direction of grrreat Beatles songs/music so I can really hear what all the fuss is about (i'm sure they're great, yadda yadda).

It's a wonderful thing to learn what MJ's influences were, whether it's Motown, early musical dancers... or the Beatles. Michael LOVED the Beatles, and his music was greatly influenced by them. It's a great journey... have fun!

Those of us who are Michael's age have thrilled to watching him absorb these experiences right along with us, then be the first to turn them into something new and exciting.

It was so amazing to watch the Beatles grow, as you can see in these clips:

Here's a video of John singing a very early, beautiful love song called "If I fell..."

I think I would suggest Abbey Road as the first Beatles album for a new listener. Here's the famous "medley" portion on it, several short songs seamlessly woven together into something wonderful.

Here's a major goosebump-raising performance of Hey Jude -- many famous people are in the audience singing along. The song keeps building, so stay with it till the end. Remember, the Beatles weren't dancers, so you can't expect MJ's kind of entertainment from their videos. It's about the music... (But if the opening shot in this doesn't make you fall in love with Paul, you're clinically dead :) )

Cute snippet of acoustic rehearsal of Blackbird -- for those bashing Paul, you realize he writes beautiful melodies, has a sweet voice, and was kickass on guitar... (but I love them all equally, well, I love John more equally...)

Move from that sweetness to the headbanging energy of Helter Skelter (look OUT!) -- here's a video from the studio...

A fun video is their final concert on a rooftop: Here's Get Back.

This has been totally scattershot... it's impossible... you had to BE there... I have to say, I feel a little sorry for those of you who weren't :) (don't be mad...)

What you have to understand is they were among the leaders of a CULTURAL AND SOCIOLOGICAL REVOLUTION. It wasn't wholly about entertainment alone. They helped form a new world with a heightened consciousness, a greater social awareness.

Tink, have you mentioned George's Concert for Bangladesh... Here's a cool clip from some truly great rock music... and from what may be the first big benefit rock concert.

John Lennon learned so much in his life... including an appreciation for women. Listen to this gorgeous song, "Woman," from his final album before he was murdered. He apologizes for his early "rockstar" using of women and speaks such love for his true love, and for all women... He led many of us to fight for peace...

The Beatles TRULY helped the world realize that "All You Need Is Love."
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I think its great to have more than one interesting artist to listen to. I have a few that I listen to depending on the mood I am in. I can appreciate both the Beatles and Michael Jackson and many others.