Influence: Michael Jackson vs. The Beatles VOTE!!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
This is a discussion that I have had privately and have seen electronically. In the wake of Michael Jackson’s death, people are now re-examining his influence on music. In this context, the Beatles are often credited as being the only artists to have a similar or greater impact on popular music. This debate can get really intense and often polarizing along a number of lines (race, age, etc). That being said, I would like to know what you all think. In terms of artistry, performance, industry, and other aspects of musical culture, who has had the greater influence: Michael Jackson or the Beatles? Please vote and comment if you wish.

Who has had the greater impact on music: Michael Jackson or the Beatles?

This is so stupid....

Both of them have influenced their OWN generation.....

They shouldn't even be compared!
Greetings KB,

They're both talented pop-culture supernovas whose impressions will last forever. There is no true answer since it's subjective anyway, and tastes and trends will always change. I like and respect the similarities and differences of each entity, so I'll leave it at that.

. . . . I hope this thread doesn't turn into another "Beatles suck"/"John was a horrible person"/"Paul is cheap and jealous of Michael" thread, so I'm staying out of it lol. I'm a big fan of them and can't bear to read such statements lol. But I just wanted to say I like them all.

Have a nice day, and here's a mix-mash quote of the two acts: "All you need is L.O.VE"! See, they both used the message of music to spread love!
I voted, but why do they have to do such stupid polls??? MJ and the Beatles are two of the most influential artists in modern music!
I'm not sure if I could chose one.

Love this comment there: "The Beatles to Michael are like apples to oranges. They both make great juice and the music industry wouldn’t be the same without them. ".

another crazy poll?!?!

I'm gonna vote for Michael...beause me being 100% honest- I don't really know any Beatles songs, haven't heard a whole song all the way through, I don't have any songs, and nobody in my family is a Beatles fan. And I looove music, but my love for it hasn't brought me to the Beatles.

I'm sure and am aware that they have reached the world and influenced countless people. BUT- are they really a crossover act??

I found this quote hilarious:
"WAIT JUST A SECOND HERE…am I the only one who sees this?
can anyone here for once stop and think that we are comparing one man to four men??? 1 genius mind vs. 4 genius minds!! Who do you think would get more votes if we had a band of FOUR MICHAEL JACKSONS and how big would they be compared to the Beatles?? "
I found this quote hilarious:
"WAIT JUST A SECOND HERE…am I the only one who sees this?
can anyone here for once stop and think that we are comparing one man to four men??? 1 genius mind vs. 4 genius minds!! Who do you think would get more votes if we had a band of FOUR MICHAEL JACKSONS and how big would they be compared to the Beatles?? "

Michael Jackson is bigger than the Beatles. Its close but Michael left a bigger impact especially as a global icon. MJ broke down cultural barriers and was a symbol of freedom in some countries who were restricted from western music/entertainment until Michael Jackson!

The Beatles couldn't do it but Michael could... he was THAT big, those western stricken countries got entertainment freedom because of him. And at the end of the day ONLY Michael Jackson can sell over 108 million copies for ONE album alone! No one else ever could or ever will.
MJ permeating more cultures has everything to do with changing political landscapes and easier access to music. Both he and the Beatles would be successful no matter when they came onto the scene but Michael did have a significant advantage in timing. That said, even into the 80s Michael did have to deal with the automatic bias (more in the mind of the business than consumers) against black performers so I wouldn't say that either of them have a leg up on the other in that regard.

It really depends on the genre. You would have an easier time getting a rock act to admit to being influenced by the Beatles than MJ and vice versa for, say, a hip-hop act (which is about the only genre you rarely hear artists talk about how much they love the Beatles). So I think it's more about the non-MJ music you listen to. I listen mostly to 90s alternative bands, so I voted for the Beatles (of course, it doesn't hurt that they're my all-time favorite artist). But someone who listens more to R&B would understandably opt for MJ.
not a worthwhile poll IMO, but voted anyway. MJ's leading now. and the observation above is on target - that's 1 against 4 thinking heads. if MJ was born ahead of the Beatles, or if they were at least contemporaries, impact and influence could be more clearly determined. for me, Beatles is old school; MJ is timeless. that, to me, says a lot.
I found this quote hilarious:
"WAIT JUST A SECOND HERE…am I the only one who sees this?
can anyone here for once stop and think that we are comparing one man to four men??? 1 genius mind vs. 4 genius minds!! Who do you think would get more votes if we had a band of FOUR MICHAEL JACKSONS and how big would they be compared to the Beatles?? "

:laugh: A group of four MJ's would be the eighth wonder of the world
Couldn't chose between Michael and George. Love them both.

I'd chose Michael over John, Paul, or Ringo, though. To me the Beatles have always been George, George, George, and George. :lol:
i really dont care about these kind of polls, i really dont, so i didnt vote, sorry

im sick of the over use of the word genius, non of the beatles were genius's at all. i play in an orchestra, i have studied works of the greatest genius's of all time. the beatles have had about 2 or 3 records that are musically amazing, 90% of all beatles music is the simplest stuff ever, with no real sophistication or skill taken to write them. sure its great and everything. when i say say amazing music, i dont mean fast or loud or whatever, amazing can be simple. but beatles records have the most basic of chord structures in most of them with very simple melodys that a high school kid could write, but if a high school kid sang it, they would be rejected, because the beatles had something no one else at that time did. they had nice records that people could relate to, likeable guys, great distinctive voices, and they were pushed up through a media worship and devted fan base, similar to MJ. but strip it all away and you have a catalogue that isnt really very genius at all, dare i say it. it takes a big man to challenge the beatles legacy, but im hearing more and more people say it, who are actually musicians. they turn round and say, whats so good about the beatles anyway? ive never got it, and people who didnt grow up with them, dont have all the memorys and the iconic stuff, they just have the music. Don't get me wrong its great music, but nearly all beatles records except maybe 2 are far from musical genius. remember a genius isnt just exceptionally talented, they are so talented its in comprehendable to the everyday man in the true definition of the word. off topic its the same with elvis, nearly all his records were twelve bar blues chord progressions exactly the same as the last with a different melody on top, far from genius.

as for michael, he comes very close, he is a pop music genius, his compositions for pop are perfection, absolute perfection, nobody will ever make better pop records. but i believe given training as a musician and playing an insrument properly and really dedicating to it, he could have wrote symphonies ect. which the beatles could never achieve in a million years. when you see these clips of him in the studio, his eyes, they are so alive, so eager, he had something inside him, so enthusiatic, he doesnt understand why people cant get so into music as he does. his enthusiasm shows huge talent in my eyes. the beatles have this whole aura of four mates in the studio who are guaranteed success with there next record. there is no eccentricitys about them. you can't get much more eccentric than michael and eccentric usually equates to genius in cases of people like michael. you could even debate michaels genius, because genius is such a supreme word, and it needs to not be used so lightly.

in terms of influence its much more even. this is where the beatles are huge and people often mistake this for genius. on a worldwide scale michael absolutly destroys the beatles. but in the US and the UK its much closer. but i will say this, everyday of my life, i hear the name michael jackson at least once somewhere in someones conversation. it was longer than i can remember since i heard someone mention the beatles.................. but MJ is still fairly fresh, thats all i can say on the matter
im sick of the over use of the word genius, non of the beatles were genius's at all. i play in an orchestra, i have studied works of the greatest genius's of all time. the beatles have had about 2 or 3 records that are musically amazing, 90% of all beatles music is the simplest stuff ever, with no real sophistication or skill taken to write them. sure its great and everything. when i say say amazing music, i dont mean fast or loud or whatever, amazing can be simple. but beatles records have the most basic of chord structures in most of them with very simple melodys that a high school kid could write, but if a high school kid sang it, they would be rejected, because the beatles had something no one else at that time did. they had nice records that people could relate to, likeable guys, great distinctive voices, and they were pushed up through a media worship and devted fan base, similar to MJ. but strip it all away and you have a catalogue that isnt really very genius at all, dare i say it. it takes a big man to challenge the beatles legacy, but im hearing more and more people say it, who are actually musicians. they turn round and say, whats so good about the beatles anyway? ive never got it, and people who didnt grow up with them, dont have all the memorys and the iconic stuff, they just have the music. Don't get me wrong its great music, but nearly all beatles records except maybe 2 are far from musical genius. remember a genius isnt just exceptionally talented, they are so talented its in comprehendable to the everyday man in the true definition of the word. off topic its the same with elvis, nearly all his records were twelve bar blues chord progressions exactly the same as the last with a different melody on top, far from genius.

as for michael, he comes very close, he is a pop music genius, his compositions for pop are perfection, absolute perfection, nobody will ever make better pop records. but i believe given training as a musician and playing an insrument properly and really dedicating to it, he could have wrote symphonies ect. which the beatles could never achieve in a million years. when you see these clips of him in the studio, his eyes, they are so alive, so eager, he had something inside him, so enthusiatic, he doesnt understand why people cant get so into music as he does. his enthusiasm shows huge talent in my eyes. the beatles have this whole aura of four mates in the studio who are guaranteed success with there next record. there is no eccentricitys about them. you can't get much more eccentric than michael and eccentric usually equates to genius in cases of people like michael. you could even debate michaels genius, because genius is such a supreme word, and it needs to not be used so lightly.

in terms of influence its much more even. this is where the beatles are huge and people often mistake this for genius. on a worldwide scale michael absolutly destroys the beatles. but in the US and the UK its much closer. but i will say this, everyday of my life, i hear the name michael jackson at least once somewhere in someones conversation. it was longer than i can remember since i heard someone mention the beatles.................. but MJ is still fairly fresh, thats all i can say on the matter

somones gonna nail me for sayin that now
90% of all beatles music is the simplest stuff ever, with no real sophistication or skill taken to write them

I take it you've never heard anything they recorded after 1964?

in terms of influence its much more even. this is where the beatles are huge and people often mistake this for genius

I don't understand why "genius" was even brought into the conversation; it was about influence. Personally I think using the word "genius" to describe someone who writes songs in general cheapens the word, which is rarely used properly anymore. I think 3/4 of the Beatles as well as MJ would qualify as musical geniuses, but I find it hard to justify a musician or actor or whatever as a plain ol' genius.

There's no reason to crap over one of the Beatles or MJ to build up the other. They both accomplished a lot and influenced music in tons of ways.
This is a discussion that I have had privately and have seen electronically. In the wake of Michael Jackson’s death, people are now re-examining his influence on music. In this context, the Beatles are often credited as being the only artists to have a similar or greater impact on popular music. This debate can get really intense and often polarizing along a number of lines (race, age, etc). That being said, I would like to know what you all think. In terms of artistry, performance, industry, and other aspects of musical culture, who has had the greater influence: Michael Jackson or the Beatles? Please vote and comment if you wish.

Who has had the greater impact on music: Michael Jackson or the Beatles?


Michael All day!
This kind of thing to me is like comparing Apples and Oranges
This is a superfluous discussion, but behind is always the idea to belittle Michael. But both The Beatles as a group, and Michael as a solo artist have had a substantial influence on popular music, each one at their time and at the time when it happened it was each time groundbreaking, but not really to compare.

I take it you've never heard anything they recorded after 1964?

There's no reason to crap over one of the Beatles or MJ to build up the other. They both accomplished a lot and influenced music in tons of ways.
here also I agree.
And to say the music of The Beatles would have been simple, sorry, this is simply said SILLY, unless that you mean the first records ...
This is a superfluous discussion, but behind is always the idea to belittle Michael. But both The Beatles as a group, and Michael as a solo artist have had a substantial influence on popular music, each one at their time and at the time when it happened it was each time groundbreaking, but not really to compare.

here also I agree.
And to say the music of The Beatles would have been simple, sorry, this is simply said SILLY, unless that you mean the first records ...

i hate to post in these things, cause i dont like to argue with other fans, it upsets me. I just think it takes someone brave to challenge the beatles legacy, any old coward can challenge michaels. but im seeing more and more professional musician turn round and say whats so good about them, like ive said. its all about iconism and nostalgia with them, or at least for me anyway, but i dont want to argue