In regard to new album and boycott

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But to call fans traitors 'cause they aren't gonna buy the album is just stupid. Fans need to do what they feel is right.

Yes, I agree.
The same way that I believe that calling fans traitors 'cause they are to buy the album(s) is just as stupid. You are not saying that, Emzi; this is meant to people saying that, not for you.

this is a sensitive topic, but as it was already said: everyone should do as his/her heart tells him/her to do.

Even at the highest (visible) part of his fight against $ony, Michael never asked fans to not buy his albums, but all the contrary, knowing that will feed $ony's pockets. And I guess that was a smart move, since at the end of the day it was all about money, so if the company wanted to have reasons to attack MJ for his lack of sales, buying the album will prove them wrong.

To be honest, I am tired of all the years media and haters and general public saying MJ was over because he didn't sell any more. Many didn't want us to watch TII... and at the end of the day, I guess we can't deny it did well to MJ and helped many to re-discover the great artist he is and to recognize that media had lied when they say MJ was over.

But even so.... it's $ony.... it's difficult. A personal choice, no further question :no: One thing that I do have clear in mind is that I don't mean to fight $ony doing illegal downloads, nor buying illegal copies of MJ music.
If we magically get every fan on board and each and every one of us refuse to buy Michael's music, who are we boycotting? Sony? or Michael? Refusing to buy Michael's music IS a boycott against Michael. And where would that get us at the end of the day? MJ lingering in the bottom of the charts... Media telling us no one is interested in Michael any more. He's over, Elvis is better blah blah blah. Even in the early 2000s, when MJ was against Sony, did he ever ever tell us not to buy Invincible? Did he ever tell us not to buy his music? Sure, Sony looses a couple of bucks, but how does Michael win? Explain it to me.

This. I think fans really need to think about what they are doing.
I can say I don"t like how Sony treated Michael and I will hold the grudge forever.
But at the same time can I not buy the album.??!!
I must have Michaels music, his voice...I am hungry for his music.
I will probably download it first but when it comes to the store I will just have to buy it....

Was it Sony or Tommy Mottola? MJ had a lot of good days with Sony and that shouldn't be discarded.
What was the point of starting this thread? Please, leave the fans alone who choose not to buy anything from Sony. Nobody started a thread with an opposite meaning yet. I guess there is a reason behind it.
What was the point of starting this thread? Please, leave the fans alone who choose not to buy anything from Sony. Nobody started a thread with an opposite meaning yet. I guess there is a reason behind it.

So they are aloud to have an opinion and I'm not? How is that fair?
A boycott would only hurt Michael. The public and the media won't say: fans boycotted Sony. They will turn it against Michael and say: nobody wants to listen to MJ any more.
A boycott would only hurt Michael. The public and the media won't say: fans boycotted Sony. They will turn it against Michael and say: nobody wants to listen to MJ any more.

exactly! Plain and simple..
I´m not sure what the deal between Michaels estate and Sony means.
I think I read Sony bought the right to distribute the projects and they sure want money when they do something.
I just don´t get how much.
Michaels children have enough with money already but what would they think if fans don´t buy their fathers album?Don´t fans love their father anymore? have they forgotten him?
I think it would mean a lot to them if their fathers album would be in top.
There are also 20% from money the estate gets that go to charities

I´ll buy it.
Someone said that I am a hater, because I'll buy this album :doh: :crazy
Personally, I'm of the opinion that by boycotting the album you're boycotting Michael, and Sony won't ultimately give a shit. Yes, I know there are issues with Sony, huge issues. But I'm not going to punish Michael's legacy because of that. I don't know, it's tricky, each to their own.
Boycotting the album won't make a difference to Sony......

The music business doesn't make as much money as it used to............

.........That's still a lot of money for Sony but tiny compared the profits Sony make with all their other business ventures.......

.........And how many of us can say they own zero Sony products.......

.........Cinema, DVD's, CD's, TV's, Walkmans, Hi-Fi's, Laptops, Phones, PS3's or anything to do with Blu's all Sony!!!!

.........They'll make money from us whether you buy the album or not!!!!!

.........Let's face it......Boycotting Michael's new album makes us the only losers!!!!!!
MJ was smarter than people give credit. we can't hurt him. Sony can't hurt him. we can't hurt the children and Sony can't hurt the children. MJ provided for them by way of other artists and his catalogue. MJ is a lot like sony, except he's good. the children shouldn't be regarded as 'having no understanding'. they come across as smart. they would most likely know what we are doing, no matter what we do.

Sony can't last forever being corrupt. record sales are dwindling, everyday. to think that MJ's sales are dwindling is not true. people buy MJ every day. people buy quality. they don't buy lack of quality. as MJ said..great music never dies. if people don't buy what MJ never wanted to be released, his legacy isn't destroyed. i don't think it's fair to him to get something that he may not have wanted released. what is special is his life..his legacy. something doesn't become special because of death. something is special on its own, or not special..death or no death.

so..nobody is handcuffed by whatever decision they make...

it's not fair to handcuff them. we don't know what MJ would have wanted. but it is taking credit away from him to think we have to do him any favors. his music that he released, when he wanted it released, is great all by itself, without our help. it attracted us..we didn't get charitable. and generations will continue to buy what is already out there.

and no..i don't have any other sony products..electronic or otherwise..and a lot of other people don't, either. there are a lot of companies out there doing well. the world doesn't revolve around sony.
What are the huge issues with Sony. My understanding is Michael was upset with Tommy Mattolla. That problem to my understanding was dealt with by Sony. So no, I have no problems with them receiving some profit. They profit anyway when you buy his older catalog. And we do know what Michael wanted. He said he left music to be released for his children's benefit. He also left an estate to handle his affairs so he gave them his blessing. I think the people who have a problem with the estate are those that believe in the conspiracy. Where is all of the outrage at Murray? That's what I don't understand.
Michael was upset with Tommy Mottola. He worked with Sony on Thriller 25.

Not buying his CD won't make Sony blink at all. It will only hurt MJ's legacy. It will not hurt those who are firmly for MJ, but for those who are just starting out or those on the fence, they will be watching closely to see what happens. And, if it fails, they will be there to FOREVER point that out.

Illegally downloading the album angers me. You're still saying you will listen to a product Sony put out , you just won't pay for it. And yet, you are also saying you won't support anything Sony puts out. " Oh MJ I am so humbled by your battles with Sony that I am going to steal the music of yours that they put out, stealing from you, to show that i love you?"

That's so twisted.

People do have many Sony products in their home and they gladly buy music from other Sony artists, but when it comes to MJ, they suddenly develop a conscience?

Everyone will have to do what they feel is right, but we also must be consistent and use common sense.
i don't even illegally download music i hate. i really don't believe in illegally downloading. but..nothing can hurt MJ's legacy. many have tried..and they have failed. and if they keep trying, they will continue to fail.
Someone said that I am a hater, because I'll buy this album :doh: :crazy

That is the most weridest thing i've ever heard! how on earth can u be a "hater" if ur buying his record...????

Whoever said that to u must be a hater of mj themselves.
i don't even illegally download music i hate. i really don't believe in illegally downloading. but..nothing can hurt MJ's legacy. many have tried..and they have failed. and if they keep trying, they will continue to fail.

With all due respect, this sounds like a mantra. In reality, anyone legacy can be hurt by non-publishing and - as a result - by receding and aging fan base. As to the publishing rights of another artists, those right do not last forever. I am not an expert in US copyright law but as far as I understand, the artist or his/her heirs can claim those rights back after certain period of time.

Bottom line, if this album does not succeed, Sony won't lose anything being the huge corporation, but any future publishing of Michael's music might be in question.

And, by the way, didn't Michael entered into the new deal with Sony regarding Thriller 25? If my memory serves me well, it was in Raymone Bain lawsuit which was recently tossed out of court. Isn't this deal was done way after problems with Motolla who is now nowhere near Sony? And another thing, when talking about "what Michael wanted": I do believe that none of us here had access to his thoughts. However, I do know that Michael released demos and outtakes. And with this album, again as far as I understand, we are talking about finished material done within the last decade.

To clarify, I respect your opinion and I do believe that not much can hurt MJ's legacy. But I do believe that boycotting this album is equal to saying "well, I agree with naysayers who thought about Michael as a "has been" over the last decade. This is my opinion and this is why I am in no way boycotting this album.
With all due respect, this sounds like a mantra. In reality, anyone legacy can be hurt by non-publishing and - as a result - by receding and aging fan base. As to the publishing rights of another artists, those right do not last forever. I am not an expert in US copyright law but as far as I understand, the artist or his/her heirs can claim those rights back after certain period of time.

Bottom line, if this album does not succeed, Sony won't lose anything being the huge corporation, but any future publishing of Michael's music might be in question.

And, by the way, didn't Michael entered into the new deal with Sony regarding Thriller 25? If my memory serves me well, it was in Raymone Bain lawsuit which was recently tossed out of court. Isn't this deal was done way after problems with Motolla who is now nowhere near Sony? And another thing, when talking about "what Michael wanted": I do believe that none of us here had access to his thoughts. However, I do know that Michael released demos and outtakes. And with this album, again as far as I understand, we are talking about finished material done within the last decade.

To clarify, I respect your opinion and I do believe that not much can hurt MJ's legacy. But I do believe that boycotting this album is equal to saying "well, I agree with naysayers who thought about Michael as a "has been" over the last decade. This is my opinion and this is why I am in no way boycotting this album.

well then we would have schizos. for people to be eulogizing him the way they are right now, and think he would be a has been would be schizo, wouldn't it? nobody thinks he's a hasbeen. that's just jealousy talking. they knew he could never be a hasbeen. those who said that have said that for years..including, just before o2 sold out 50 shows. they've seen him defy that label over and over.

people think sony can never be hurt and MJ might be hurt.

but record labels have failed before. they can fail again. and MJ's publishing was bought years ago. and he doesn't just have one catalogue.

some may keep underestimating him..but..i've seen enough to know not to do that.

btw..i respect your opinion too.
If we magically get every fan on board and each and every one of us refuse to buy Michael's music, who are we boycotting? Sony? or Michael? Refusing to buy Michael's music IS a boycott against Michael. And where would that get us at the end of the day? MJ lingering in the bottom of the charts... Media telling us no one is interested in Michael any more. He's over, Elvis is better blah blah blah. Even in the early 2000s, when MJ was against Sony, did he ever ever tell us not to buy Invincible? Did he ever tell us not to buy his music? Sure, Sony looses a couple of bucks, but how does Michael win? Explain it to me.

My words exactly.
I have to buy it because it's Michael and official merchandise which goes towards the Prince, Paris & Blanket.

but record labels have failed before. they can fail again.

I guess Sony's multimedia arm, selling all the DVD/blu-ray's and the dvd/ blu-ray players that they are played on, will have to be the next target of your crusade. That'll work :smilerolleyes:
i won't boycott it. i don't really care about a few extra dollars that
will end up with the kids or not. (they don't have any financial worries anyway).
but why boycott... motolla is gone... Sony is the best option to release
a new MJ album.

sony is evil.. yea right. wake up. without "evil" record companies like Sony
there would have been no MJ career.

Too long; didn't read.

lol ...troll
People really spend their time on this sort of thing?

I think they should switch on the news look at what people have to endure in Pakistan, China & Afghanistan at the moment and re-assess their priorities.
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