In regard to new album and boycott

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I have read a lot about this on twitter and i gotta say I am disappointed. I know a lot of you have a personal beef with Sony. And too be honest i completely understand. HOWEVER... Boycotting something never works the way you expect it to. It just adds to the hype and makes people want it more. Yes i do understand that Sony may or may not have aided in Michael's death but regardless of this fact, we can not boycott the album. I shall give you 3 reasons why. Paris, Prince and Blanket. they do not understand our hatred for Sony. Therefore i do not think it fair to punish them by not buying Michael's new album. For half the money that the album brings in will go to them. This boycott of Sony will do nothing but make them think we don't want the album at all. Personally I want the album, I understand full well the feelings of other fans on this subject and do not care if you agree or disagree with me.

The fans on twitter try and sway your emotions to where you believe them. I will not be swayed. Michael has meant a lot to me over the years and i respect his reasons for leaving Sony when Motolla was there. But i cannot tell you how bad that makes me feel. I know this is the only place willing to give us what Michael had finished. I hate to see the fans boycott something so wonderful. Michael would have given this to us in his own time which would have been MUCH later. Time meant next to nothing to this man if it wasn't perfect. I know what we get may not be up to Michael's standards but we all have to realize that Michael is no longer with us and what we get now is special. I know in my heart that Michael would have wanted his fans to have the music. Maybe not in this form but he would have wanted us to have it. My only wish is that the fans see this an take it as a gift instead of something evil and negative brainstormed by Sony.
I know in my heart that Michael would have wanted his fans to have the music. Maybe not in this form but he would have wanted us to have it. My only wish is that the fans see this an take it as a gift instead of something evil and negative brainstormed by Sony.

I completely agree with this. I won't boycott the album.
Why on earth would any MJ fan boycott an MJ album?

That's beyond me. MJ and SONY was doing fine in the last years of his life. Get over it, Mike did so sure we can too.
Boycott breaks not only the name of Sony, but breaks specially the name of Michael Jackson. I can't take ppl saying that he don't sell cds enough!

I will not boycot!!
I am going to support new album and estate because it is for ppb .some fans are venting in wrong direction.
I could never boycott any of his albums...I love his music too's like a drug to me...we KNOW he wanted us to hear it..
a few fans boycotting isnt gonna make much difference to any sales anyway. fans should do what they feel is right. each individual.personally i got slightly more important issues to deal with than going back to 2001/02.
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Rather than boycotting something that benefits Michael's estate (Michael's children), why not use that energy and focus to eliminate things that try to tarnish Michael's legacy?
I told to myself for a long time that I am not buying anything from Sony period. I am going to dowload a new music from the net and I do not feel sorry for Sony. They are profiting from Michael's death. I have my own point of view at MJ estate finance run by some individuals, I do not respect one bit.
What Michael wanted and what he did not want it is all about speculations. He had problems with Sony till the end of his life. It is clear as a day.
You guys have to read Leonard Rowe's book before you stopping some fans from boycotting Sony. Everybody makes own choice.
Have a nice day everybody.
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I'll agree with no boycotting, I wanna get that album too. Anyone who boycotts the album are traitors.
Boycotting Michael's album won't do a thing to Sony. They make their bread and butter by conning other artists as well. As long as they have albums to sell, Sony won't go down the tubes like some wish it would. The only thing boycotting the album will do is reflect negatively on sales of Michael Jackson CD's.

It won't make them regret what they did, it won't bring him back. They've got plenty of other artists to exploit, so they'll be too busy to really care about the bad album sales.

At the end of the day, PPB get half of the sales, don't they? Half of Sony is still in Michael's possession, after all. I would seriously urge boycotting if this wasn't the case.

We must all do what we feel in our hearts is the right thing to do.
Leonard Rowe...that guy's crazy! :doh:

Why he is crazy? Do you know him personally in order to drive such conclusions?

We must all do what we feel in our hearts is the right thing to do.

That's right. I feel in my heart that I am not buying anything from Sony. I will feel better that way. Anybody is free to do what they want and to start such discussion is pointless imo.
I am not saying that i am going to boycott the album...I would love to hear Michael's voice on new material...but I just want to say this and I really mean it.....The sales that would come from a album really wouldn't hurt PPB financially even if it WAS boycotted....Those children are so financially set for their futures and probably even their children s long as they do the right think with their inheritances. I cannot sit hear and say that I will buy this album...IMO..Sony has something to do with Michael's death...and why pay them for taking part in it.
Why would any fan want to boycott this album? Don't they know how damaging that could be to Michael's legacy? There's obviously going to be more posthumous releases after this one. Are fans just not going to buy anymore music period? I think that's a little ridiculous considering the circumstances here.

It's hard, I understand. But Michael is not here anymore. He can't magically bring us this music himself. I truly believe that he'd want us to hear it and enjoy it as it's all we have now. Boycotting the album won't bring him back or stop Sony and the estate from releasing anymore music in the future. I'm sorry to say, but it's true. This is the reality now.
Each to his own on this one. But, what Leonard Rowe has to say about this most certainly will NOT affect my actions. No offence meant.
No it wouldn't hurt PPB financially...but it would hurt Michael and his legacy.
I will never boycott something what deals with him. Unimaginable!
No it wouldn't hurt PPB financially...but it would hurt Michael and his legacy.
I will never boycott something what deals with him. Unimaginable!

It will NOT hurt Michael and his legacy cos album sales and Sony profits are nothing to do with his legacy. His legacy is children's festivals, some humanitarian efforts and such.
His music will live forever no matter what.
I'm not gonna buy the new album i think, but that has nothing to do with Sony. I feel is wrong to buy something Mike hasn't approved.

But to call fans traitors 'cause they aren't gonna buy the album is just stupid. Fans need to do what they feel is right.
I'll be getting the album too... boycotting won't do anything but hurt Michael's legacy IMV.
I have read a lot about this on twitter and i gotta say I am disappointed. I know a lot of you have a personal beef with Sony. And too be honest i completely understand. HOWEVER... Boycotting something never works the way you expect it to. It just adds to the hype and makes people want it more. Yes i do understand that Sony may or may not have aided in Michael's death but regardless of this fact, we can not boycott the album. I shall give you 3 reasons why. Paris, Prince and Blanket. they do not understand our hatred for Sony. Therefore i do not think it fair to punish them by not buying Michael's new album. For half the money that the album brings in will go to them. This boycott of Sony will do nothing but make them think we don't want the album at all. Personally I want the album, I understand full well the feelings of other fans on this subject and do not care if you agree or disagree with me.

The fans on twitter try and sway your emotions to where you believe them. I will not be swayed. Michael has meant a lot to me over the years and i respect his reasons for leaving Sony when Motolla was there. But i cannot tell you how bad that makes me feel. I know this is the only place willing to give us what Michael had finished. I hate to see the fans boycott something so wonderful. Michael would have given this to us in his own time which would have been MUCH later. Time meant next to nothing to this man if it wasn't perfect. I know what we get may not be up to Michael's standards but we all have to realize that Michael is no longer with us and what we get now is special. I know in my heart that Michael would have wanted his fans to have the music. Maybe not in this form but he would have wanted us to have it. My only wish is that the fans see this an take it as a gift instead of something evil and negative brainstormed by Sony.

I didn't read any of the other posts in this thread because yours was enough to me - such a wonderful post, couldn't be said any better than this!
Guys please stay on topic. I understand this is a topic that people feel strongly about and people will disagree with each other on it. Please respect that some people have strong feelings about this and will boycott the album in protest against Sony. Whatever you do when the album is released is entirely up to you and you only.
If we magically get every fan on board and each and every one of us refuse to buy Michael's music, who are we boycotting? Sony? or Michael? Refusing to buy Michael's music IS a boycott against Michael. And where would that get us at the end of the day? MJ lingering in the bottom of the charts... Media telling us no one is interested in Michael any more. He's over, Elvis is better blah blah blah. Even in the early 2000s, when MJ was against Sony, did he ever ever tell us not to buy Invincible? Did he ever tell us not to buy his music? Sure, Sony looses a couple of bucks, but how does Michael win? Explain it to me.
I can say I don"t like how Sony treated Michael and I will hold the grudge forever.
But at the same time can I not buy the album.??!!
I must have Michaels music, his voice...I am hungry for his music.
I will probably download it first but when it comes to the store I will just have to buy it....
If we magically get every fan on board and each and every one of us refuse to buy Michael's music, who are we boycotting? Sony? or Michael? Refusing to buy Michael's music IS a boycott against Michael. And where would that get us at the end of the day? MJ lingering in the bottom of the charts... Media telling us no one is interested in Michael any more. He's over, Elvis is better blah blah blah. Even in the early 2000s, when MJ was against Sony, did he ever ever tell us not to buy Invincible? Did he ever tell us not to buy his music? Sure, Sony looses a couple of bucks, but how does Michael win? Explain it to me.

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