I was around for the original, "Thriller" Era!!!!

I suggest anyone who were not born during this era to go to a college Library/internet (if you can pull these old articles) and pull up all periodicals to read what MIchael was going on. Even though words still can not describe it, these articles will just give you an idea of what it was like. It was beyond words. I do give the former host of TRL credit when he said, "Madonna, Prince, New Kids of the block, Nsyc, etc all COMBINE does not come close to the mania Michael had in 1983-84.
I suggest anyone who were not born during this era to go to a college Library/internet (if you can pull these old articles) and pull up all periodicals to read what MIchael was going on. Even though words still can not describe it, these articles will just give you an idea of what it was like. It was beyond words. I do give the former host of TRL credit when he said, "Madonna, Prince, New Kids of the block, Nsyc, etc all COMBINE does not come close to the mania Michael had in 1983-84.

Isn't that the truth...not anywhere close!!! Good memories, I have so many VHS tapes I have to figure out how to get on youtube, because I think they would help show people what it was like, and they're fun to watch! :D

I was at the mall with my kids the other day and I was thinking about when I would go to the mall with my mom when I was little and I swear you could find something Michael in almost any store! It didn't even have to say Michael Jackson or have a picture of him, I remember going into a bookstore and getting a bookmark that said Michael...and at that time you knew it was Michael Jackson... They didn't have any other names and it was purple!! I might still have it :cheeky:
[/b]Isn't that the truth...not anywhere close!!! Good memories, I have so many VHS tapes I have to figure out how to get on youtube, because I think they would help show people what it was like, and they're fun to watch! :D

I was at the mall with my kids the other day and I was thinking about when I would go to the mall with my mom when I was little and I swear you could find something Michael in almost any store! It didn't even have to say Michael Jackson or have a picture of him, I remember going into a bookstore and getting a bookmark that said Michael...and at that time you knew it was Michael Jackson... They didn't have any other names and it was purple!! I might still have it :cheeky:
I do not know if you remember when the High school in Philly or New Jersey PROTEST when the principal did not want the students to wear the white glove to school. Those kids wanted to wear that glove.
I do not know if you remember when the High school in Philly or New Jersey PROTEST when the principal did not want the students to wear the white glove to school. Those kids wanted to wear that glove.

:lol: :lol: It made the news? :lol: It's pure Michaelmania :wub: wub:
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[/b]Isn't that the truth...not anywhere close!!! Good memories, I have so many VHS tapes I have to figure out how to get on youtube, because I think they would help show people what it was like, and they're fun to watch! :D

I was at the mall with my kids the other day and I was thinking about when I would go to the mall with my mom when I was little and I swear you could find something Michael in almost any store! It didn't even have to say Michael Jackson or have a picture of him, I remember going into a bookstore and getting a bookmark that said Michael...and at that time you knew it was Michael Jackson... They didn't have any other names and it was purple!! I might still have it :cheeky:
OoOOo I sure hope you get thoses videos on youtube. :angel:

@ the white glove protest:hysterical:
I was an 80's kid, so luckily I was around to enjoy the mania. It was definately something that you have to experience to know what it was like. I don't really remember much about the Motown 25 moment (I was born in '77, so I was still young at the time). My parents had the Thriller album on vinyl and I got the Bad cassette when that came out, so I was always surrounded by his music. I was pretty much always a fan.

I remember even up to the "Dangerous"-era videos where they were nighttime events.
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I do not know if you remember when the High school in Philly or New Jersey PROTEST when the principal did not want the students to wear the white glove to school. Those kids wanted to wear that glove.

Do you happen to remember the name of the school? I'd be curious to know.
I first became a fan in 1983 so I lived through Michaelmania. I'll never forget watching the Thriller video for the first time. In Sweden it premiered on prime time national television. It was announced for weeks ahead of the event end EVERYBODY tuned in. I still vividly remember my whole family lining up on the couch to watch. My mom had to explain the disclaimer in the beginning 'cause I was only eight at the time. I also remember my parents covering my eyes during the really scary bits :lol:
I wasnt around for any of those eras cept for Invincible .. and HIStory[wen i was born]
but that would been awesome if i was around for the thriller era
i bet like all the kids on the block had Red leather jacket .. lol =]
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I do not know if you remember when the High school in Philly or New Jersey PROTEST when the principal did not want the students to wear the white glove to school. Those kids wanted to wear that glove.

HA!! I don't remember that, It almost surprises me that the principal wasn't sporting a glove him/herself!!

If you can find any info on that I would love to read it!:yes:
No pressure. I just hope you do. If so please post an update or just pm me. THANKS!
In the spring of '84 my elementary school put on a talent show. As was the sign of the times, the Michael Jackson numbers dominated the show. I think there were 8 different MJ acts during the course of the show. Almost every song on the Thriller album was used because I think it was a rule no songs could be repeated. I actually have a tape of good quality of this and I'll put a medley of clips on you tube in the next few days.
In the spring of '84 my elementary school put on a talent show. As was the sign of the times, the Michael Jackson numbers dominated the show. I think there were 8 different MJ acts during the course of the show. Almost every song on the Thriller album was used because I think it was a rule no songs could be repeated. I actually have a tape of good quality of this and I'll put a medley of clips on you tube in the next few days.

Thanks Marlon! I too remember the talent shows! Back in the early to mid 80's every school in the area had a Michael Jackson themed talent show. His videos dominated every show at every school! Every girl wanted to be Ola Ray from "Thriller"!
The Thriller era was awesome and the best era in music history. You had teenagers walking around school with picture pins of MJ from head to toe and sporting Beat it and Thriller jackets which was considered cool at the time. At the local malls people were sporting the Thriller and Beat it jackets along with the white Glove.
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Reading all the wonderfull memories of Michael Jackson back in the 80's has me wanting to talk about some more memories.

I remember my 11th birthday my mom bought me a"Billie Jean" type jacket and some leather pants with zippers and I would wear those things until I had a hole in the pants. With the pants I would wear white socks and my penny loafers. :rofl: I remember how I would think I was all that with those things on.

When the "Making of Thriller" VHS first came out I remember wanting to buy it but back then VHS movies were like $100 or so. I would rent it at the movie store every weekend and my dad would tell me that they would have to reserve that movie only for me if I kept renting it like how I would.

I read somewhere in this thread that people would be jamming to Michael in their neighborhood and that got to me thinking that I had this big silver jam box and would bring it out and play "Thriller" tape and i would have my friends come out and dance to him. One day before Holloween we decided that we should do a preformance outside that day. We had practiced day after day and when that day came we were disappointed that it had been raining all that time. :(

I remember I was in the 7th grade and it was during the bad era I had this huge crush on this boy that looked just like Michael Jackson. He had the jheri curls and and the big smile and kind of talked like him also. :wub: I wonder what happened to him.

I remember when I first got cable um back in 1984 I would stay up and watch MTV just to catch a glimpse of Michael's videos and "Making of Thriller" when they would show it.

I remember when the Jacksons were about to set their "Victory" tour I called up my cousin and asked her if she was going because she lived in Dallas and that was one of thier stops . She said she was going to go to the concert and if I wanted to go then I would have to find a way to get there and my aunt would buy my ticket for me. With my parents working all the time and not having time to take me there I was so disappointed that I couldn't see Michael or the Jacksons I cried for days and days and threatened my family I was going to run away. The furthest I went was to my best friend's house next door. -_-

Another memory was whenever the news was out that on the back of the "Thriller" there were some numbers there and that people were saying it was Michael's personal phone number (Does anyone remember that?)
Well any way one day me and my cousin were at my grandmother's house talking about it and we thought we would try it out since my grandparents were alseep. We got on the phone and started to dail the number. The phone rang once but then all was silent. We tried again but we didn't hear anything on the other end. I then had an idea that we could call the operator and ask them to help us. I dialed the operator and I asked if they could give me Michael Jackson's number and the lady at the end said, "Michael Jackson the singer?" and I said yes. She then started laughing and said no I can't do that because we don't give out any ones number. Then my cousin tired and she said she was a family member of Michael's and it was the same lady and she said didn't someone just call asking the same thing. She then said if we kept calling that she would call the cops so they could come to our house and talk to our parents, so we stopped. :ph34r:

My goodness that is alot that I wrote. :scratch:Glad to share more memories with yall. :D
wow these stories are great to read :D i really wish i was around for all of this

and lol at Dorothy_Marie for calling the operator for MJ's number :hysterical: , i bet you werent the only one!
Yes! Dorothy marie I remember the issue about the number on the back of "Thriller", It made the national news the fans were calling it like crazy and it happened to belong to some little old lady at least thats what the media had said! That was discussed for days in the news. I had alomst forgotten about that. I had never seen the number and therefore had never tried calling, but I heard some news program had found the lady and interviewd her about all the crazy calls she would get from fans!
I envy those who were around during 'Thriller'. Im sure there will never again be a time that will even closely resemble the excitement of that era. You should all feel blessed to have been a part of it!
I remember when the Jacksons were about to set their "Victory" tour I called up my cousin and asked her if she was going because she lived in Dallas and that was one of thier stops . She said she was going to go to the concert and if I wanted to go then I would have to find a way to get there and my aunt would buy my ticket for me. With my parents working all the time and not having time to take me there I was so disappointed that I couldn't see Michael or the Jacksons I cried for days and days and threatened my family I was going to run away. The furthest I went was to my best friend's house next door. -_-

My goodness that is alot that I wrote. :scratch:Glad to share more memories with yall. :D
ooh man you missed the V tour! That had to have been painfully to have been alive at the time and still missed it. Dag! Girl I would has gotten me a pair of nikes and ran all the way to dallas. :rofl:

But seriously couldn't your parents or your aunt have just gotten you a bus ticket to dallas?:doh:
ooh man you missed the V tour! That had to have been painfully to have been alive at the time and still missed it. Dag! Girl I would has gotten me a pair of nikes and ran all the way to dallas. :rofl:

But seriously couldn't your parents or your aunt have just gotten you a bus ticket to dallas?:doh:

I was merely the age of 11 years of age and I was too young to travel by myself.
awww sweet that is young. So it understandable. I know when I was young I forget how old anywhere from 13-15 that I travelled by myself on the bus. My mom told the bus driver to keep and EYE out for me and they did so. But 11...um..that's very young so...what can you do. Too bad you missed it though.:better:
ppl who are around to see thriller working its magic was so lucky!
I think HIStory had it big too in Europe, but the promotion was somehow too much part-timed. With better promotion and HIStory being one disc album, it could have sold at least 30 million copies. The album was just too expensive and someone (Sony?) was being too greedy...