I was around for the original, "Thriller" Era!!!!

^ It was magic in the J-5 era, it was magic in the Off the Wall/Triumph era it was magic in the Thriller era and the rest is magical HIStory! :yes: yes its been interesting. I feel the greatest blessing was to be a kid when MJ was a kid. Hard to explain that but it gave a sense of comeraderie, brotherhood, hard to explain...like we were equals...when I was at school I used to wonder what it was like to be at a studio instead. . . that kind of thing. To be at those J-5 concerts was wonderful...I'd go just to watch Michael's FEET :lol: I think the first one I went to was when Natalie Cole opened for them ... :unsure: or was it the Commondors? Gee I have the funniest story of the time Natalie opened for them though.

Me and my little friends 14/15 years old were dying to meet them, say hello after the concert and we went racing across the parking lot toward the awesome tour bus!! :wild:

The door flung wide open and there Live and in living color!...was

Natalie Cole

She was so nice. She said, "I'm not the Jackson Five but you all are welcome to come on in" which was cool because we were friends but we were also a singing group that sang ALL of her songs....she showed us around the tour bus and stuff...

still we left there feeling the night was ruined because we didn't get to meet the Jackson Five

kids can be such ingrates sometimes :lol:
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Hello Everybody,
Since I am new and we have recently just celebrated the rerelease of "Thriller", I thought I's share from memory what that era was like for those too young to remember or for the fans who weren't born yet.
I am an older fan. I have been a Michael Jackson and Jackson fan since the 70's!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My entire family are fans, so are my kids.
When Thriller was released there was no internet, all we had was cable TV,a few music shows and radio air play. We were not prepared for what was about to hit and hit he did!!!!
I remember, Thriller playing all types of stations, simultaniously, easy listening stations played, "human nature", and "The girl is mine". Pop stations played" beat it", and "wanna be startin something"to death. R&b stations playes, "billie jean", "wanna be starting somethin", and "beat it". In one given day Michael Jackson's songs from thriller could easily be heard 12 times or more! All radio DJ's were competeing to give the best'Michael Jackson radio air show". They all had there Michael Jackson stories to tell. Many of them were fans themselves and they openly admitted to there love for him and his music. They spoke of him as if he were a living GOD! He owned the air waves.
Look alikes were starting to appear everywhere you turned. They were on every street corner in every black
neighborhood in the country. Black people were truly feeling him and claimed him as their own but something elese happened. Michael Jackson began to trancsend race. White people were loving and feeling him too. His race didn't matter. For the first time in Music History, white people who controlled the information we were recieving at the time didn't have to remind us of his race. He had become such a world wide phenomenum, it didn't matter.
Everybody wanted to see him dance, and see him we did! The world was in awe of his moves, we did not know a human being could move so effortlessly.
And another thing we noticed, he was FINE! FINE as hell. We females all became hopelessly in love!

Wow, thank you SOOOOOO much for this! I love this! I wish I was there. Man you're so lucky, you don't even know.

Well, I was around at the time, walking the earth, in my mid-twenties, but I recall none of it. It is as if I had blinders on. I didn't know Michael Jackson gained so much fame until last year. In fact, I only saw the Thriller "short film" for the first time maybe six months ago.

Thanks for sharing. :) Now I have a good feel of what it was like. All that paraphernalla around, really, SoS? Wow. I don't remember seeing any of it. *shakes head at herself* It's like I blinked and Michael Jackson went from the young man who made "Off the Wall" to who he is today. *laughs* I've had some major catching up to do.

I'm sorry but that's kind of funny (the bolded part).
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Hello Everybody,
Since I am new and we have recently just celebrated the rerelease of "Thriller", I thought I's share from memory what that era was like for those too young to remember or for the fans who weren't born yet.
I am an older fan. I have been a Michael Jackson and Jackson fan since the 70's!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My entire family are fans, so are my kids.
When Thriller was released there was no internet, all we had was cable TV,a few music shows and radio air play. We were not prepared for what was about to hit and hit he did!!!!
I remember, Thriller playing all types of stations, simultaniously, easy listening stations played, "human nature", and "The girl is mine". Pop stations played" beat it", and "wanna be startin something"to death. R&b stations playes, "billie jean", "wanna be starting somethin", and "beat it". In one given day Michael Jackson's songs from thriller could easily be heard 12 times or more! All radio DJ's were competeing to give the best'Michael Jackson radio air show". They all had there Michael Jackson stories to tell. Many of them were fans themselves and they openly admitted to there love for him and his music. They spoke of him as if he were a living GOD! He owned the air waves.
Look alikes were starting to appear everywhere you turned. They were on every street corner in every black
neighborhood in the country. Black people were truly feeling him and claimed him as their own but something elese happened. Michael Jackson began to trancsend race. White people were loving and feeling him too. His race didn't matter. For the first time in Music History, white people who controlled the information we were recieving at the time didn't have to remind us of his race. He had become such a world wide phenomenum, it didn't matter.
Everybody wanted to see him dance, and see him we did! The world was in awe of his moves, we did not know a human being could move so effortlessly.
And another thing we noticed, he was FINE! FINE as hell. We females all became hopelessly in love!

Hi!! I am a long time fan too...been that way since 1968!! I loved the first time I saw Thriller on MTV....it scared me at the end when he looked into the camera and he had those wolf eyes!
Thanks to everyone who has contributed their "Thriller" era memories to this thread.

Don't want to get off topic here but with its success, Thriller25 should have been all over the media! If it was any other artist, hmmmmmmmmmm? let's see, Elvis or the Beattles, every national news prgramming would have been shoving the sales down our throats, it would have beeen masterfully hyped until the point of nausea. But in the case of Michael, I only get to learn of it's chart performance when I am online and a fan post the lastest stats.

Sorry, I just had to go there.

Only Michael can rerelease a 25 year old album and have in sell in the millions AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i was around and when the album first dropped some of the DJ's were riding hard for Baby Be Mine and thought the album would go double Platinum at most.

nobody had a idea about the impact and it's place in history.

i bought my thriller tape my first of at least 4 for 9 dollars and 54 cents.

had the album and was all into it. in my old hood nobody was feeling "the girl is mine" but Billie Jean shut the whole Hood down and the rest was history.

crazy jerri curl activator bottles were being bought up along with zipper jackets, gloves hats, white socks,etc.. after motown 25 it was a wrap.

heck i had some folks in the old hood who bought the ET storybook album and that poster up on the walls along with buying all the tribute Right On! rock and soul, black beat and other R&B based magazines speaking on MJ.

the toops cards, sun glasses,etc...

ain't been nothing like it since and I doubt that will ever happen again. MJ was unstoppable and running the radio. Heck back then Him and the national Enquier were cool with each other and he had pictures and things ran in there.

i mean he truly opened the door for so many. MTV and other outlets that wouldn't play Black Music like that had to acknowledge MJ. he was talked about and he had the whole world by the tail. Incredible time for being a MJ fan.

he was Black Royality back in the day. because of Him I cared about Music. after Motown 25 I threw away most of my sneakers and bought any type of loafers you could get and the high water pants with white socks. MJ had everybody from head to toe grooving and feeling him like that. i still couldn't get into Pepsi.

Beat it, Human nature, wanna Be startin somethin, Billie Jean,PYT,thriller song and video,etc.. you couldn't avoid it and that was a great thing.
You are right Mistermaxxxx, Michael was considered, looked at and treated as if he was "Black Royalty", or a living God by some. It was incredible and as someone elese pointed out when his music videos aired, no one, I mean not even the neighborhood corner whinos could be found outside! It was like a ghost town. The airing of his videos were an event. The media made a big deal out of the air date and rightfully so, we were on pins and needles for days due to the hype and anticipation!!!!!!!!
This all reminds me of the thread, Why Are You Still a Michael Fan in 2008? Well, this is why. Because whatever happens, MJ is timeless.
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Welcome Moddie!!!

I loooove hearing you guys' stories about the Thriller era!!!! The videos, Motown25, the pepsi commercial :(
I wish I was aliiiiivvvvee!!! lol!

I bet it was magical :yes: I get SO excited reading about the Thriller era because Michael transcended so many boundaries, including racial. lol, there is a pic of my sister when she was little and she is wearing the "I 'heart' Michael Jackson" pin!!!

Thanks everyone for sharing ur stories and keep 'em coming!!! LOL
Thanks for sharing all the Thriller era memories! :) It's always fun to read how the "Michaelmania" was before "your time" as a fan.

I was 8 years old when Thriller came out and I really don't have many memories about Michael from that era. I mean, that was when E.T. and Annie were in the movies and I was just TOTALLY into those two movies then. ESPECIALLY Annie!! :lol: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaBUHUH1G0A&feature=related) When ever I was playing with my friends, we would re-enact the whole Annie story and fight about who gets to be Annie this time. :lol: (I saw Annie as a musical in Toronto a couple of years ago and I knew all teh songs by heart and I was crying because it just reminded me of my childhood and playing all the scenes as a kid!! You have GOT to se the movie if you haven't!! It is the BEST!! :kickass:)

The only things abut Michael that I can remember from the Thriller era are:

1. My sister had an MJ poster on her wall. It was the Thriller cover pic.

2. My sister had MJ's Thriller album. I don't know how I knew she had it, because I can't remember ever hearing any of the songs before I became a fan in 1987.

3. I can remember how I was playing outside with my friends one day and we were talking about "some Michael Jackson". Someone said that they had heard that "this Michael Jackson guy" only eats two strawberries a day and he could die if he doesn't eat more. And I had no idea who we were talking about but we were all still so worried and didn't want him to die. That's the only recollection I have of anyone mentioning MJ's name around me during that time. :(

4. My sister's choir performed "We Are The World" at their concert and I can remember sitting and watching the rehearsals and tehn having the song stuck into my head all day after that. They had a "choreography" to it (each of them was standing alone at their "spot" on stage, with their back towards the audience and didn't turn around until it was their turn to sing...something like that) and it looked really cool and I loved the song.

So that's all I can remember. My sister told me though that EVERYONE was wearing MJ jackets around that time. She said she had one too. But I can't remember any of it. Maybe because I wasn't really paying attention I guess...In my world, what mattered was playing outside with my friends at that time. I was ALWAYS outside playing with my friends...mostly in the woods playing hide and seek or climbing trees or making "imaginary meals" out of whatever we could find, etc. etc. etc. You know...I was just busy being a kid. I wasn't into pop music then. And the only songs I can remember from that time are Paul McCartney's "No More Lonely Nights" (my sister usde to always play it in the evenings) and Gloria Gaynor's "I Am What I Am" (we used to listen to that one with my sister overa and OVER again and we used to "perform" it in our living room together....singing into a hair brush....:lol: And we'd dance like crazy to it. :lol: We LOOOVED that song! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWSobRjebkk ) and then of course I can remember all the Julio Iglesias songs from that time because my mom was playing them over and over again! :lol: (I still know Hey by heart! :lol: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeddQstwfK4&feature=related )


I became a fan when Bad came out and I can still remember it like yesterday! :yes: When the Bad video was aired for the first time on TV....EVERYONE was talking about it the next day at school. Just EVERYONE. It was like "DID YOU SEE THAT NEW MICHAEL JACKSON VIDEO???!!!! IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOO COOL!!!". We even had an MJ poster on the wall in our classroom! :kickass: It was a pic of Michael in his Bad video outfit. And when Smooth Criminal came out everyone was going "Annie are you ooookkk kaaaaayyyyy....annie are you ooookkkkaaayyy...."...and I can remember us watching MJ's videos during our music class a couple of times. (I went to a school that specialized in music and art...so we had tons of different kinds of music classes).

And I can remember a funny story from the BAD era...My parents wre having a dinner party and had invited their friends and I was just completely bored because there were no kids to play with. So I was just watching my MJ footage. Then at one point one of our guests came to chat with me. She was this lady who was in her mid 40's then...really sophisticated and all that....but when she saw MJ's Bad video she went NUTS!!!! :lmao: It was so funny! :lol: She was like "OMG, I LOVE THIS SONG!!!" and she started singing along and imitating all of MJ's moves...she knew the WHOLE choreography and everything. And of course after that I thought she is the COOLEST adult ever! :lmao: She was like "I always play this song at home when I'm alone and watch the video and dance to it and try to learn the choreography when no one is watching!!" and I had to laugh because that was exactly the SAME thing I always did. :lol:
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Thanks for sharing all the Thriller era memories! :) It's always fun to read how the "Michaelmania" was before "your time" as a fan.

I was 8 years old when Thriller came out and I really don't have many memories about Michael from that era. I mean, that was when E.T. and Annie were in the movies and I was just TOTALLY into those two movies then. ESPECIALLY Annie!! :lol: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaBUHUH1G0A&feature=related) When ever I was playing with my friends, we would re-enact the whole Annie story and fight about who gets to be Annie this time. :lol: (I saw Annie as a musical in Toronto a couple of years ago and I knew all teh songs by heart and I was crying because it just reminded me of my childhood and playing all the scenes as a kid!! You have GOT to se the movie if you haven't!! It is the BEST!! :kickass:)

The only things abut Michael that I can remember from the Thriller era are:

1. My sister had an MJ poster on her wall. It was the Thriller cover pic.

2. My sister had MJ's Thriller album. I don't know how I knew she had it, because I can't remember ever hearing any of the songs before I became a fan in 1987.

3. I can remember how I was playing outside with my friends one day and we were talking about "some Michael Jackson". Someone said that they had heard that "this Michael Jackson guy" only eats two strawberries a day and he could die if he doesn't eat more. And I had no idea who we were talking about but we were all still so worried and didn't want him to die. That's the only recollection I have of anyone mentioning MJ's name around me during that time. :(

4. My sister's choir performed "We Are The World" at their concert and I can remember sitting and watching the rehearsals and tehn having the song stuck into my head all day after that. They had a "choreography" to it (each of them was standing alone at their "spot" on stage, with their back towards the audience and didn't turn around until it was their turn to sing...something like that) and it looked really cool and I loved the song.

So that's all I can remember. My sister told me though that EVERYONE was wearing MJ jackets around that time. She said she had one too. But I can't remember any of it. Maybe because I wasn't really paying attention I guess...In my world, what mattered was playing outside with my friends at that time. I was ALWAYS outside playing with my friends...mostly in the woods playing hide and seek or climbing trees or making "imaginary meals" out of whatever we could find, etc. etc. etc. You know...I was just busy being a kid. I wasn't into pop music then. And the only songs I can remember from that time are Paul McCartney's "No More Lonely Nights" (my sister usde to always play it in the evenings) and Gloria Gaynor's "I Am What I Am" (we used to listen to that one with my sister overa and OVER again and we used to "perform" it in our living room together....singing into a hair brush....:lol: And we'd dance like crazy to it. :lol: We LOOOVED that song! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWSobRjebkk ) and then of course I can remember all the Julio Iglesias songs from that time because my mom was playing them over and over again! :lol: (I still know Hey by heart! :lol: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeddQstwfK4&feature=related )


I became a fan when Bad came out and I can still remember it like yesterday! :yes: When the Bad video was aired for the first time on TV....EVERYONE was talking about it the next day at school. Just EVERYONE. It was like "DID YOU SEE THAT NEW MICHAEL JACKSON VIDEO???!!!! IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOO COOL!!!". We even had an MJ poster on the wall in our classroom! :kickass: It was a pic of Michael in his Bad video outfit. And when Smooth Criminal came out everyone was going "Annie are you ooookkk kaaaaayyyyy....annie are you ooookkkkaaayyy...."...and I can remember us watching MJ's videos during our music class a couple of times. (I went to a school that specialized in music and art...so we had tons of different kinds of music classes).

And I can remember a funny story from the BAD era...My parents wre having a dinner party and had invited their friends and I was just completely bored because there were no kids to play with. So I was just watching my MJ footage. Then at one point one of our guests came to chat with me. She was this lady who was in her mid 40's then...really sophisticated and all that....but when she saw MJ's Bad video she went NUTS!!!! :lmao: It was so funny! :lol: She was like "OMG, I LOVE THIS SONG!!!" and she started singing along and imitating all of MJ's moves...she knew the WHOLE choreography and everything. And of course after that I thought she is the COOLEST adult ever! :lmao: She was like "I always play this song at home when I'm alone and watch the video and dance to it and try to learn the choreography when no one is watching!!" and I had to laugh because that was exactly the SAME thing I always did. :lol:

LMAO yeah she's the coolest ever :lol: Not long ago I watched a health program about how an old lady in China overcame her ill health by learning to dance like Michael. U should have seen her doing the Moonwalk :lol::lol: She's completely obssessed and watched and danced all the time. Her children were worried but eventually her health improved significantly and she's even become a renown dancer on TV shows :lol: :D Michael's surelymagical :wub:
I still save some magazine scans about Thriller era. It seems like he's worshipped by the whole world during Thriller-Bad era :lol:
And BTW how it's like when he announced his Bad world tour :wild: I think fans from other countries must have been hysterical then :wild:
Thanks to everyone who has contributed their "Thriller" era memories to this thread.

Don't want to get off topic here but with its success, Thriller25 should have been all over the media! If it was any other artist, hmmmmmmmmmm? let's see, Elvis or the Beattles, every national news prgramming would have been shoving the sales down our throats, it would have beeen masterfully hyped until the point of nausea. But in the case of Michael, I only get to learn of it's chart performance when I am online and a fan post the lastest stats.

Sorry, I just had to go there.

Only Michael can rerelease a 25 year old album and have in sell in the millions AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Uh, I don't know about that. I actually saw Thriller 25 being talked about and promoted on a few news stations, as well as commercial advertisements for the album, as well as the sobe water commercial with the lizards, as well as dance shows making tributes, as well as festivals and events for Thriller 25, I mean it goes on and on lol. Where were you?! :p
I remember the day I bought the Thriller album (vinyl) when it came out. I read all the lyrics on the sleeve on the way home in the car and tried to imagine the music (can you imagine not yet knowing Billie Jean or Beat It because they hadn't been released???!?!?!!). I was REALLY impressed by Michael's drawings of himself.

I played and played and played that album to death, until I did actually wear it out (that took a couple of years) and went and bought another one (and the cassette version for back-up and to play in my Walkman).

Oh, and by the way (this is best part), the REASON I actually bought the Thriller album in the first place was because I saw it in the store and liked the look of the guy on the cover!!!!

Oh man, I've got GREAT taste!
There were several memorable moments of Michael and the impact that Thriller had during that time that stand out in my memory back then, I was 15. A friend and I were at the mall ( in JC Penney) when the Thriller short film came on the tv inside the store. I wanted to stay there and watch as I hadn't been able to see it all the way through...as we were sitting there watching Mike's moves and grooves...I realized by the end of it...there were a dozen or more people...a crowd behind us watching with us. They were so quiet, I didn't even know they were there. Attention shoppers!:lol: Another great memory I have is going "trick or treating" during Halloween. Several houses (not just one) were blasting "Thriller" the song through their speakers which were placed in their windows, so that everyone in the neighborhood could hear it while going house to house begging for candy :lol:.. those were the days...and they were great! Of course I wore the white socks and black penny loafers, for years even. I even had little sparkly glove earrings...still do. I'm not giving them up...I don't care how old they are!:p
Yes, I was about 8 when I first heard Billie Jean, Beat it, and Thriller. My dad actually liked Michael, and he would play the Billie Jean video over and over again, and I also saw it on MTV all the time too. I just remember that I loved that video and how he made everything light up. I remember seeing Thriller on TV for the first time, and it was supposed to be this huge deal, and I asked my dad about it. He said it was the first video that was like a movie and long. I loved it and it never scared me. I actually used to laugh when the one zombie's arm falls off and I also imitated the one who opened his mouth and let it hang open with that black stuff coming out (I'm sure my parents loved that!). I loved how they danced in it, and I also acted like the girl in the video who was so scared.
My sister and I used to take baggies and put them on our feet with rubber bands and try to moonwalk on the kitchen floor. I also remember how much I loved We are the world. I saw that so many times, and I used to sing along with it, and I taped it. My parents didn't buy me anything but those bubble gum cards, and I actually still have them! I had taken them out of the packages, of course.
All I know, is he was the ish then, that's for sure. I loved all of his videos, and it continued with Bad. I just can't stop lovin you was played on the radio all the time during the summer when I was 13, and I absolutely loved it and bought the single for it.
I could go on, but I guess this is just supposed to be about the Thriller era, lol.
There were several memorable moments of Michael and the impact that Thriller had during that time that stand out in my memory back then, I was 15. A friend and I were at the mall ( in JC Penney) when the Thriller short film came on the tv inside the store. I wanted to stay there and watch as I hadn't been able to see it all the way through...as we were sitting there watching Mike's moves and grooves...I realized by the end of it...there were a dozen or more people...a crowd behind us watching with us. They were so quiet, I didn't even know they were there. Attention shoppers!:lol: Another great memory I have is going "trick or treating" during Halloween. Several houses (not just one) were blasting "Thriller" the song through their speakers which were placed in their windows, so that everyone in the neighborhood could hear it while going house to house begging for candy :lol:.. those were the days...and they were great! Of course I wore the white socks and black penny loafers, for years even. I even had little sparkly glove earrings...still do. I'm not giving them up...I don't care how old they are!:p

heeey im 4rm milwaukee WI lol
It was this month that I went to the Victory tour. Talk about Michaelmania. No words can explain it. Even the hotels had their light signs saying "welcome Michael jackson fans in Jacksonville, FL. That was an event.x
AAAhhh!!! I love reading u guys' stories!!!!!!! SO cool! lol!
That HAD to have been a magical time *sigh*
michaelsson, I'm from Madison, WI.. lol!
Another Great part of the Thriller Era was all the Hype swirling around Michael wearing his shades. Everybody wanted to see this man. They all wanted to feast their eyes upon this unique, one of a kind talent.
The media went wild over him wearing shades all the time, he was either the first celebrity to wear them inside of a building or the biggest celebrity to do so, either way, for some reason this made him seem inhuman, only human if people could see his eyes. I remember other celebrities being interviewed about their own projects (unrelated to Michael), but they would be asked by the reporter, "have you ever met Michael Jackson"? "What do you think of him"? "He must be really shy, huh?", "have you seen him without the shades'?, If they would answer "yes", to seeing him without shades, then next question was always an enthusiastic, "what's he like"? Back in the day, many celebrities themselves reacted to Michael the same way we did. They showed their love for him, many showed their bedrooms in magazines, complete with his posters, they wanted the public to know, they too were a Michael Jackson fanatic!!!!
back to the shades, for those who don't know, remember the historic night MJ won the 8 grammy's and when he was going up to accept one, he said in his soft voice, how he promised Katherine Hepburn he would take them ( off)?, The whole shade phenomenum about the world wanting to see his entire face was the reason people in the audience went balistic!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I remember I was only 12 at the time and unfortunately, my parents didn't have cable so I had to wait until it appeared on regular tv. There was a show called Friday Night Videos on NBC. Sort of a hour long old school MTV like show, but on regular tv back in the day. I felt so left out because all the kids in elementary school we're talking about it all week and it just ate at me inside for not being able to put pictures to their words.

I also remember going to the malls back in the day and finding MJ Thriller and Beat It leather jackets everywhere. A ton of stores had them. I thought I was the baddest cat around when I bought the leather jacket like Michael wore in the Making of Thriller VCR tape during dance rehersals. I still had that jacket up until 7 or 8 years ago, I finally gave it away, but kept it around for sentimental reasons.
I have to agree with what Moddie777 says in her post. MJ transcended everything with Thriller. It appealed to pretty much everyone.

I was in my teens when it came out. MJ was all over the airwaves, and the Billie Jean and Beat It vids were played aaaall the time. When I first saw the Thriller vid I was soooo scared. lol

What MJ accomplished with Thriller was absolutely huge. Unheard of.

It's funny; I remember when I first heard Billie Jean, I was like, 'what the hell is this?' The drum beat intro was so simple, and well, boring. Then when the bass kicked in, I was like, 'oh.' And then when the vocals and everything else kicked in, I was like, 'ah. Ok, yes!' :lol:

I appreciate Thriller even more now than I did then, because I realize the entire significance of that album. At the time I was more about just enjoying the music.
I love this thread thanks Moddie!

and yes I'm damn jealous I was born the year Thriller was released :lol:
Here is an account of my first recollection of the Thriller Album. I was in a department store or a record store around the time when Thriller hit stores. It had to be December of '82 before Christmas or thereabouts (since the album was released December 1, 1982). I was an 8 year old third grader. There was not yet any great buzz surrounding the album. The Girl Is Mine might have been on the radio at this point but nothing else was released. I remember seeing an album on a display shelf and innocently asking my older sister, "Who is Michael Jackson?? She was laughing incredulously "omg you don't know who Michael Jackson is" But at that time the name did not ring a bell or mean anything to me! That would completely change very soon! That's pretty funny to think about now.

I remember when the album was finally purchased and into my household it was a few months later after Billie Jean and Beat It were already huge singles, but the title track Thriller was a curiosity to me. This was during the time when all across America and the planet the album became a basic neccesity into people's homes almost like bread and milk.
I love this thread thanks Moddie!

and yes I'm damn jealous I was born the year Thriller was released :lol:

You are welcome L. J. and thanks eighthnoterojo and everyone elese who are taking the time to recollect
a memorable time in our culture!
With the success of Thriller, Michael has paved the way for all the up and coming wannabe's, it's good to know how so many of them do recognize his contribution.
*sigh* you guys are so lucky. Sometimes I feel like a fish out of water nowadays. Thanks for all of the experiences . A trip down good ol Memory lane.