I might be pregnant, need help!

one more bit of advice...stop trying so hard too...the more your mind is on it the longer it takes to get pregnant...this happened to my husband and I it took 5 years for us to get pregnant...I went to the doc...and she said...stop trying so hard...relax with the idea.....so I did and 3 months later....There I was preggo...
This is also good advice. Stress and tension can certainly go against you. Relax and zen yourself...it will help.
Hey everyone! Yea, maybe we are just trying way too hard. We really get our hopes up. I really can't wait to get pregnant though. I'm 27 and my family has a history of ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages so I'm kind of anxious to get pregnant now because I know my biological clock is ticking. I always go to my friend's house who is only a few blocks away just so I can play with her baby. I know I'm destined to be a mother and I can't wait to experience being pregnant.

Y'all are some wonderful people. Thank you for the support. I've been in bed all day cuz I'm so sad but when I saw your guys replies, I feel a little bit better knowing that my husband and I got some support from a bunch of friendly people here on MJJC. See...I'm getting emotional now. I love y'all!
Hey everyone! Yea, maybe we are just trying way too hard. We really get our hopes up. I really can't wait to get pregnant though. I'm 27 and my family has a history of ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages so I'm kind of anxious to get pregnant now because I know my biological clock is ticking. I always go to my friend's house who is only a few blocks away just so I can play with her baby. I know I'm destined to be a mother and I can't wait to experience being pregnant.

Y'all are some wonderful people. Thank you for the support. I've been in bed all day cuz I'm so sad but when I saw your guys replies, I feel a little bit better knowing that my husband and I got some support from a bunch of friendly people here on MJJC. See...I'm getting emotional now. I love y'all!

dont worry when you least expect it ...that is when it will happen..:hug:
Maybe you can get a surrogate. Have you considered that?? I can't get preggers - I don't have a cycle every month ; my last one was in Oct. 09 I would either loose it IF I did get PG or miscarry or it be one of them fake PG's.

My wife and I have been trying for our 2nd child for the last 2 years, so I feel your frustration. Hopefully soon you'll have some good luck.
well maybe if you tried thinking of michael jackson during the Bad era while trying...? that could help :yes:
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omg you guys!!!! After weeks of waiting and 2 tests....I AM PREGNANT!!

Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!! So happy that i wanted to share it with all of you!!!

AAAAWWWW!!! Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you!!! We need more MJ fans!!! yay! LOL
Thanks u guys! I'm currently reading about pregnancy stuff online...I don't think I'll be able to sleep for a few hours, I'm so excited and scared at the same time :)
omg you guys!!!! After weeks of waiting and 2 tests....I AM PREGNANT!!

Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!! So happy that i wanted to share it with all of you!!!

i am so happy for you humannature3,congratulations hon,let us know how you get on in these coming months,maybe us mums experience can help you there too,
oh i am so happy for you,
i am so happy for you humannature3,congratulations hon,let us know how you get on in these coming months,maybe us mums experience can help you there too,
oh i am so happy for you,

thank you so much! I will definitely keep you posted and I will also be needing some help throughout my pregnancy. Right now I'm experiencing minor cramps, back ache and my breasts are getting sore, kind of like I'm about to get my monthly visitor but I read that that's normal and my friends have also experienced the same thing. I will be going to my OBGYN on Monday.

aww congratulations sweetie :cry: i know i shouldnt cry but i couldnt help it

Missy! thank you! You are always the sweetest and I am crying too...I'm just so happy and I thank you for being happy for me too . :)

thank you so much! I will definitely keep you posted and I will also be needing some help throughout my pregnancy. Right now I'm experiencing minor cramps, back ache and my breasts are getting sore, kind of like I'm about to get my monthly visitor but I read that that's normal and my friends have also experienced the same thing. I will be going to my OBGYN on Monday.

Missy! thank you! You are always the sweetest and I am crying too...I'm just so happy and I thank you for being happy for me too . :)

very welcome hun :hug:
omg you guys!!!! After weeks of waiting and 2 tests....I AM PREGNANT!!

Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!! So happy that i wanted to share it with all of you!!!

:wild: I'm soooo happy for you!!!! Congrats so much :huggy:

And Prince Of Pop is becoming a daddy again too, our MJ fan family is growing :)

Aww I love this.
Thanks everyone! Took another test this morning, cuz I just wanted to be extra sure haha. TheOne, I saw Prince of Pop's thread as well, and I too am happy that our MJ family is forever growing. :)

Ah no way?! Congratulations! Hey, I saw 4 magpies today, which means 4 for a boy! And you're the first person I found out is pregnant since then! Just throwing that out there if you're superstitious! :lol:
omg you guys!!!! After weeks of waiting and 2 tests....I AM PREGNANT!!

Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!! So happy that i wanted to share it with all of you!!!

OMG I am so happy for you. At first, I had trepidation reading the subject of this post - but this is one lucky child to be born to one who is so happy to be having one. May all the children be as happy and blessed as your child...:angel:
HumanNatur3, I just wanted to say a big huge, super duper, congrats to you. I'm hoping for a safe and beautiful bundle of joy!
Thanks guys! StaceyMJ, you know what? I have a feeling that this one is goin' to be a boy! I just feel it. My husband is jumping up and down of course hehe.

Love y'all!