I might be pregnant, need help!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Sunny San Diego
Ok ladies, my husband and I have been trying lately for me to get pregnant. I felt really lightheaded today and all of a sudden I started craving for some chocolate pecan!! My husband is at Wal-Mart right now trying to look for some. Aww I know, sweet right? :D I will be taking my pregnancy test first thing tomorrow morning.

So, for those of you who's been pregnant before, if you could give me some tips on how to handle pregnancy...any tips at all would be AWESOME!

Awww.... I'm still in uni... and not planning to have one soon :p but I wish you luck..

I don't know... Maybe you should listen to Michael's songs- kinda like how other pregnant Moms listen to Mozart... You never know you might get a genius out from this...but I'm sure you're going to do that already. xD

Anyways, stay healthy and give us an update of how you're doing... :hug:
Cant help you much with advice but....

If it turns out you are pregnant...... A. Congrats! B. Name it Michael haha! C. I agree with MySerenity, play a lot of MJ tunes.... some people put those big stereo headphones on their belly to make sure the baby can here :p

Hope it comes back positive ;)
Aww thank you guys...I am really excited and nervous at the same time! And yes, I am going to put those headphones on my belly and play MJ songs to the baby...I'll also read it MJ's Dancing the Dream poems. :D
AWwww that would be great news!!! I cant help you but I wish you all the best!!! :hug:
I m sure your baby is moonwalking inside your belly!!! lol
Take the test as soon as you can so you know for sure. I'm pregnant and due very very soon. My tips would be:

Listen to your body, the first 12 weeks can mean sickness and nausea, always carry water with you and some dry biscuits for when you get caught short and think sickness is coming on. Ginger is supposedly good for nausea though I got fed up easily with ginger
Try to keep active
Enjoy people looking after you and treating you special
Register on some baby websites that can give you a week by week look at your babies growth, its fascinating
Get plenty of Iron and vitamins
Buy maternity clothes as and when you need them instead of getting loads in one go
Most of all, I hope you enjoy the experience, its the most amazing thing I've ever gone through.

Good luck!
Ahh that's so sweet! Let's hope for the best test result!
Another MJ fan in the world :give_heart:
Awww! That's great! Congratulations to you and I hope everything works out! Just stay healthy, play some Michael, and keep us updated on how you're doing. :yes:

Good luck! Do you have any specific names in mind?
Congrats to you !! I'm not planning on getting pregnant for a few more years, so I can't help ya out...BUT, yes, I agree, first things first...let that little one listen to some Michael! :D
Aw congrats!! I have two boys under 3, it's a ton of work so enjoy being pregnant lol. The first trimester is the most "critical" it's when the baby develops from an egg to an alien looking thing lol. So, eat really healthy, exercise at least 20 minutes a day (walking is good), take you prenatal vitamins and LISTEN TO YOUR BODY! When you get tired or feel just, yuck (you'll know what yuck means) then either sit down or take a nap! Second trimester is the fun stage, you find out what you're having and you can see a baby, not this weird looking thing lol. You should also feel the baby move, it feels almost like gas bubbles or a flutter, it's so cute! Just if you put a bowl of cereal on your belly, hold onto it, speaking from personal expierence. Third Trimester, not going to lie, was not that fun. The baby is like a full size baby and they like to kick, probably in the middle of the night, so we'll be seeing you on here all hours of the night here! Some women feel pain in their back, just take a nice warm bath and make sure someone is home because it's not easy to get out of the tub with an attached beach ball...once again trust me you might need help getting out! Overall, it's one of the best times of my life, feeling a human form inside you (that didn't sound right..but you understand). After it's said and done, and you hold a little baby in your arms, it's the best, indescribable feeling in the world. So, congrats and welcome to the mommy club!!!! Oh FYI, if you get morning sickness, they sell these sour candies at Motherhood Maternity they work!!! And, for reading material read Jenny McCarthys Belly Laughs!! She tells it like it is, and she's funny about it,
Aww, are the test results in yet??

First thing I would suggest is to buy the book "What to Expect When You're Expecting"... I loved that book when I was preggo. A perfect guide...with great advice and everything you want to know about the process...including the stages the fetus develops. Love it.

My next piece of advice would be to buy cocoa butter! Lots of it!! Rub it on your belly every day and this will prevent stretch marks. Even if you start to get nauseous from the smell (anything with a smell made me nauesous when I was preggo :-/ ) ...do it! You will be grateful you did later!

Good luck! :heart:
congrats.........I have two children 19 and 16...I havent been pregnant in a long time.....I must say it was a beautiful experience to bring another life into the world....it seems as though alot of the girls are giving you great advice already...also..dont smoke...baby can have lung problems such as asthma also it causes low birth weight.....dont drink either......other than that advice the other ladies have done a great job giving you advice....keep us updated..:)
Hi guys, thank you for all the tips and for being excited in the possibility of me being pregnant. I appreciate it a lot. I just took the test, however, it was negative :no: I know, my heart sank as soon as I saw the negative sign. I am so devastated. We have been trying and I just can't get pregnant. It's so weird though because I've been feeling nauseous lately and been getting these weird cravings. I don't know what's going on. I really thought I was finally pregnant this time. I get my monthly visitor the 20th each month (though not regularly) so if I don't get it, I'll be sure to take another one. I am just really sad right now and I haven't told my husband yet because he was really excited too. We shouldn't have gotten our hopes high. :(

Thank you for the wishes everyone, y'all are the best.
Aw, sorry to hear it came back negative. It could be too early to tell though...or the test could've been wrong. Hang in there, don't give your hopes up just yet. Sending baby vibes your way! :huggy:
Aww I'm sorry HumanNature :better: But yeah the test might have been wrong so all hope isn't gone yet :)
yes..definitely test again in a couple of days if you dont get your friend because...I also had a false negative results when I was pregnant with my son....I KNEW I was so I tested a few days later and it was positive...I wish you luck..:hug:
Aww, It will happen. People might call me weird for saying this, But pregnancy is great. :wub: It's just such an amazing experience.

Good luck, I hope it happens for you real soon. :)
all i can say is enjoy it,hoping that your test comes back positive,pregnancy is actually wonderful,no you are not wierd lorraine,especially when they start moving,it,s the most amazing feeling ever,that you have this whole other human being growing inside you.
Aww thank you guys...I am really excited and nervous at the same time! And yes, I am going to put those headphones on my belly and play MJ songs to the baby...I'll also read it MJ's Dancing the Dream poems. :D

aww I can totally see myself doing the same thing!
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one more bit of advice...stop trying so hard too...the more your mind is on it the longer it takes to get pregnant...this happened to my husband and I it took 5 years for us to get pregnant...I went to the doc...and she said...stop trying so hard...relax with the idea.....so I did and 3 months later....There I was preggo...
Hi guys, thank you for all the tips and for being excited in the possibility of me being pregnant. I appreciate it a lot. I just took the test, however, it was negative :no: I know, my heart sank as soon as I saw the negative sign. I am so devastated. We have been trying and I just can't get pregnant. It's so weird though because I've been feeling nauseous lately and been getting these weird cravings. I don't know what's going on. I really thought I was finally pregnant this time. I get my monthly visitor the 20th each month (though not regularly) so if I don't get it, I'll be sure to take another one. I am just really sad right now and I haven't told my husband yet because he was really excited too. We shouldn't have gotten our hopes high. :(

Thank you for the wishes everyone, y'all are the best.
just read your post,,i,m sorry to hear that human nature,but hey don,t worry,i know your feeling of dissapointment,i tried to get pregnant for 5 months,i had all my dates down,i knew when i was most likely to get caught and each month i,d get so excited if i was a few days late,and i,d take the test and was dissapointed to see a negative,on the 5th month i was a couple of days late and i was getting you know the monthly pains ,so i thought another dissapointing month,but i took a test anyway and to my surprise it was positive,so try not to worry to much,it will happen,maybe you are getting to stressed about it,
my daughter is now 11yrs old now,good luck
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