I hope Jan 18th Doesn't Go By

the police wanted a search warrant sealed until that date and it took wings from there. no reason was given by the police for wanting it sealed until today.and considering there wasnt really anything in it we hadnt already read im unsure as to why htey wanted it sealed to start with
elusive unlike the previous search warrants , the items seized were not mentioned this time , we did not know what they recovered from the pharmacy , and that's what the LA detective wanted to be sealed .
^^^ I know. I am trying not to be disappointed. But I can't help but be. I really hoped I would be proved wrong and something would happen. Even though it was a holiday. the police don't take holidays. I was hoping fo a miracle. Oh well, maybe soon.
Well... it's the 19 already here.

The only emotion for me today was watching Avatar 3D.

Besides that, nothing else -_-
the crime scene is Michael's body. What was in Michael's body vs what Murray says he put there
I have a fear of the crime scene not being secure. Here an attorney talks about that.


I knew it.

God I knew this was going to happen. They're totally screwing with the case and everyone else. VNC is right. They can totally make this disappear like nothing happened. They found their loophole. LAPD takes the fall. Because everyone knows how inadequate they are. Its easy to believe they ruined the case by allowing people to come in and out of the scene which should have been locked down.

Yeaah right.

I'm so sick of this.
Unfortunately the killers made sure to cover thier tracks so we won't know when Mike died or his TOD. And If MJ died on the scene we won't know that because he was taken to the hospital, (although the ambulance was backing out really slowly out the house) and therefore the body was moved taking and the crime scene was messed with.
I'm so frustrated. I just wish Murray and whoever else may be responsiable would be arrested to get the ball of justice rolling for Michael and his family.
This whole thing- being without Michael I will never get over but I'm learning to live with it.