I hope Jan 18th Doesn't Go By

The investigation is supposedly meant to be concluded on that day and arrests made. Hopefully.

i think you are jumping the gun there. the investigation is alredy concluded according to reports and nothing was stated about what would happen on that date. your building yourself up for a fall. the date comes from a request for a search warrant to be sealed upto that date.the reason why was not given.doesnt mean something huge will happen. it could relate to something they were looking for in the warrant and were waiting on info for eg.from past experiences dont be holding on to a date for something to happen. even if something is planned it may get pushed back/forward. theres always delays.grabbing onto a date then when nothing happens just leads to disapointment. dont expect anything to happen around that date and if something does its a nice surprise
i think you are jumping the gun there. the investigation is alredy concluded according to reports and nothing was stated about what would happen on that date. your building yourself up for a fall. the date comes from a request for a search warrant to be sealed upto that date.the reason why was not given.doesnt mean something huge will happen. it could relate to something they were looking for in the warrant and were waiting on info for eg.from past experiences dont be holding on to a date for something to happen. even if something is planned it may get pushed back/forward. theres always delays.grabbing onto a date then when nothing happens just leads to disapointment. dont expect anything to happen around that date and if something does its a nice surprise

I have to agree with elusive on this one. Because a search warrant release was sealed until the 18th may say something, but I sure didn't get any impression that an arrest or anything like it would suddenly happen on that date.

Maybe I missed something else of significance r/t the release of the search warrant? And this still has to make it's way through whatever channels necessary, grand jury, DA, etc. Also, as has been stated, it is a national holiday in the U.S., most if not all government offices/agencies will be closed (except for the police depts necessary personnel, etc).
I have to agree with elusive on this one. Because a search warrant release was sealed until the 18th may say something, but I sure didn't get any impression that an arrest or anything like it would suddenly happen on that date.

Maybe I missed something else of significance r/t the release of the search warrant? And this still has to make it's way through whatever channels necessary, grand jury, DA, etc. Also, as has been stated, it is a national holiday in the U.S., most if not all government offices/agencies will be closed (except for the police depts necessary personnel, etc).

no matter what...dont know if someone already mentioned it, specifically, it's quite ironic that this day is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, across the nation(except in Arizona, where they don't acknowledge it)

"Does this mean i owe everyone a drink on the 23rd? :| "
This is the very not of the laughable matters as much as I like to laugh....Are u already drunk?
Peace to you, no offence meant.

Sorry if my post offended you, but it obviously wasn't meant to. Maybe I shouldn't have posted it.

I think it was just meant that if anything happend we will be happy that they are finally getting off there arses and doing something!! She was not laughing in any way!!

Thanks for understanding hun :) x
Exactly! It's Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day here in the USA. No banks, courts, schools, post office, is open.

So it COULD be the there are private gov't offices that are working today, but not open to the public.

BTW, there is a lot of symbolism there. On MLK's day, the case gets presented to the LA District Attorney.


it's also a national holiday where government offices are closed. I don't think that anything would happen on that day (unless they want to surprise and move on a holiday day).
i think you are jumping the gun there. the investigation is alredy concluded according to reports and nothing was stated about what would happen on that date. your building yourself up for a fall. the date comes from a request for a search warrant to be sealed upto that date.the reason why was not given.doesnt mean something huge will happen. it could relate to something they were looking for in the warrant and were waiting on info for eg.from past experiences dont be holding on to a date for something to happen. even if something is planned it may get pushed back/forward. theres always delays.grabbing onto a date then when nothing happens just leads to disapointment. dont expect anything to happen around that date and if something does its a nice surprise

Seems like you were correct. *sigh*
Well, the lapd tried to keep one of the search warrents sealed till the 18th didnt they, so maybe somethings gonna happen around then but maybe not exactly on the 18th...
That said im keeping my fingers crossed, hoping for actual news, GOOD news at that.
Yeah. I don't think anyone official ever actually said that everything would be wrapped up or anything would be announced on this date. I think everyone just assumed that since they wanted the warrant/affidavits sealed until Jan 18th. :timer:
Nothing seems to be happening, murray conrad seems to be back to his damn private clinic, i want justice for michael =( i really want that, if that stupid man wasn't in michael's life.. this all wouldn't have happened, This is it concerts, new albums, new movies and short films, new music videos, new projects, new music, michael being happy watching fan's reactions! michael being relaxed home, eating cakes on birthdays with his kids ='( but sadly won't happens
No arrest YET?
Corrupted lapd! I have no faith in them of giving justice to MJ.
it's also a national holiday where government offices are closed. I don't think that anything would happen on that day (unless they want to surprise and move on a holiday day).
Oh wow, that's right. Been away too long. Starting to forget my own country's special days :doh:
Oh wow, that's right. Been away too long. Starting to forget my own country's special days :doh:

like i say no news is good news
just forget about michael
i too want to doc murrey to lost his job? or get in big trouble over the murder of michael
im not here to judge doc murrey im just thinking of michael
like i say no news is good news
just forget about michael
i too want to doc murrey to lost his job? or get in big trouble over the murder of michael
im not here to judge doc murrey im just thinking of michael
Oh, I was talking about Martin Luther King Jr Day being Jan 18th, but I agree with news idea. I don't care how long it takes (within reason), just as long as they do a 100% thorough investigation and all guilty parties are charged.
It's still early in the States. So if something happens it will be later.... But frankly I am not holding my breath :(
What is bothering me, Tito keeps saying on the show we may never know what really happened to Michael. He said it again on the show. They must know nothing about what is going on.
If I were a the lapd I would not tell them anything either some of them can't shut up.
It's still early in the States. So if something happens it will be later.... But frankly I am not holding my breath :(

Same here.
Anyway, I think in order to make things right, they just can go publishing the days they are actually going to take action... whatever action that might be.
I am already tired of waiting for nothing. I just want them to do their best. I woul hate it if someone came later claiming they weren't given enough time to conduct a good research so that there's no justice.

But as some of you said, nothing will bring Mike back, that's the truth. BUT... that doesn't mean we are going to just be happy with no action been taken. All of us want that, I know it.