I have my driving test on Friday :)

L.T.D - Keep checking for cancellations. Thats what I did and managed to get one, I was checking at school literally every 5/10 mins. I Started learning soon after my 17th in Nov and passed in Feb! Driving comes natural (See Username) to me but honestly, just stay calm and the test will be over before you know it. IIRC its 20 mins?

Im actually quite happy with it being on the 28th now. Thats a week from Wednesday I believe. Besides I dont think I can change it if there is a cancellation :\

It appears as if now, they have blocked it so you can no longer check or change your test online. I tried and it directed me to the number. I wonder why.......-_-

Apparently what happened to me has happened to quite a few people.

Ive been having lessons on and off for like 16 months now. I just want to put it all behind me. If I fail my test, I will actually go insane -_-
Don't worry L.T.D it will be over soon and I wish you all the luck for the 28th, then its the fun part of finding your car then the not so fun part,insurance, tax etc..! In fact I just this past hour put in £101 petrol in my car, ouch. :(
Don't worry L.T.D it will be over soon and I wish you all the luck for the 28th, then its the fun part of finding your car then the not so fun part,insurance, tax etc..! In fact I just this past hour put in £101 petrol in my car, ouch. :(

I already have my car :D Its not on the road yet :\

Bought it from a friend. Its a nice little Renault Clio. 1998 I think. I cant wait to drive it!

Ive allways regretted not doing some out of lesson driving with my mum or dad. Ive only just started over the past week :\

I cant wait to just be able to drive without the pressure of having someone watching your every move.
Don't worry L.T.D it will be over soon and I wish you all the luck for the 28th, then its the fun part of finding your car then the not so fun part,insurance, tax etc..! In fact I just this past hour put in £101 petrol in my car, ouch. :(

Urgh, dont even say it. Insurance is £35 a month for me as I'm under 25, need to renew the tax at the end of Nov, have the MOT due on the 10th Dec, and fuel I am putting in £30 a week and I only work a 5 min drive away!
I failed. I failed on mirrors and speed.

With mirrors fair enough, I wasnt looking before indicating.

On speed, I was going about 35 at times and wasnt braking to correct it to 30.

I didnt make all the proper observations when doing my left hand reverse. Overall im pretty gutted and now wont get to do another test till December :\
I failed. I failed on mirrors and speed.

With mirrors fair enough, I wasnt looking before indicating.

On speed, I was going about 35 at times and wasnt braking to correct it to 30.

I didnt make all the proper observations when doing my left hand reverse. Overall im pretty gutted and now wont get to do another test till December :\

Don't beat yourself over this. You'll get it next time :better:
If it makes you feel any better when I did mine, when the guy told me to bull back into the DMV I couldn't find it until the last minute and totally had to cut someone off to get in...yeah was totally marked down for that one:doh:
Good luck, i passed 1st time at 17, my trick was to imagine my instructor was sat next to me and imagine its just another driving lesson and don't think of it as a test, just relax, treat it like another lesson and you'll be fine next time :)
Good luck, i passed 1st time, my trick was to imagine my instructor was sat next to me and imagine its just another driving lesson and don't think of it as a test, just relax, treat it like another lesson and you'll be fine :)

That's great advice!
I passed my first time too.
If your comfortable driving and you know the laws of the road and know what the signs mean than you should be fine. I was scared when I went in but than I reminded myself that I love driving and it's not hard at all. The guy kept making me do all these turns, and made me go through a few school zones but it was really no big deal.
I failed. I failed on mirrors and speed.

With mirrors fair enough, I wasnt looking before indicating.

On speed, I was going about 35 at times and wasnt braking to correct it to 30.

I didnt make all the proper observations when doing my left hand reverse. Overall im pretty gutted and now wont get to do another test till December :\
Aww, I'm sorry :better: But you'll get over this and next time you'll pass! Try not to think about it too much.

(I've had two driving lessons now, and though it's fun to finally get to drive a car, I find it little uncomfortable to sit in the car with the man. Can't wait this to be over already so I can drive by myself)
I failed. I failed on mirrors and speed.

With mirrors fair enough, I wasnt looking before indicating.

On speed, I was going about 35 at times and wasnt braking to correct it to 30.

I didnt make all the proper observations when doing my left hand reverse. Overall im pretty gutted and now wont get to do another test till December :\

Don't worry about it. It took me three times to pass. I know how gutting it is but it'll happen eventually.
my brothers told me that their driving test wasn't that hard....
so don't worry about it :huggy:
I failed. I failed on mirrors and speed.

With mirrors fair enough, I wasnt looking before indicating.

On speed, I was going about 35 at times and wasnt braking to correct it to 30.

I didnt make all the proper observations when doing my left hand reverse. Overall im pretty gutted and now wont get to do another test till December :\
well at least u know what u need to change for next time. when i learnt to drive my instructor told me to basically go OTT with the mirrors. u can never look in your mirrors enough and when u look make it obvious to the examiner. mirrors and speed and prob the most important things interms safety . make sure u keep an eye on you speed o but make sure you dont over compensate cause they will mark u down for driving to slow aswell.. just gone 13 years since i passed. seems like it was a lifetime ago.
im amazed your next test is so far apart. i failed the first time myself by turning right on a red light ,...fine, but there was another vehicle turning left on the opposite side, lmao, so i got beeped at, i got so angry at myself for that. what made it worse is i got the parallel parking right! and that was the only thing i was worried about going in, but that came naturally for me apparently. geez, but i got my license the second time around, so i wish you luck there!
im amazed your next test is so far apart.
just depends on how busy they are i guess and how much more tution your instructor feels u need. they may get a cancellation i ended up getting one and took my test a couple of week earlier
Hey. I need to talk about this again.

Ok, since this thread ive failed my test another 2 times haha

So thats 3 in total. I failed again at the end of last month. But booked another one.

The next available test date was 5th May! Can you believe that? 4 months!

Thankfully after a week of checking the site I found a cancellation for the 23rd February! I was so lucky!

Now the real problem, its that this driving thing is really really getting to me. As I said at the start of the thread. I started to learn to drive in June 2008! Now its February 2010 and I still havent passed.

I go to sleep at night and I think about my tests and I just find it really hard to get to sleep. Then I see someone years younger than me who has passed after like 4 or 5 months of lessons and it really gets to me! Im normally automatically good at things, especially practical things but driving has just been quite hard for me to grasp I guess. Maybe its due to my low attention span. haha

Ive said this before every test, but I mean it more than ever now. I really really need to pass this time! I want to pass in time for Spring time and dont want to suffer the embarrassment of failing 4 times.

I honestly thought id pick driving up fast because im a practical person. But here I sit a year and a half later still not able to pass my test :\
I started learning to drive in April 2003. I passed in December 2005. It is hard and I know how frustrating it is. I passed my test on the third time and the main difference in my attitude was that in the test I passed I just thought 'screw it' and just treated it like a lesson. You'll pass eventually, its not a competition to see who can pass the quickest. We all grasp things differently and a lot of it does depend on your tester. I've seen 17 year olds who passed first time that drive like maniacs. Passing first time does not make you a good driver whatsoever. I know two people that passed first time Good luck mate, we're rooting for you!
I started learning to drive in April 2003. I passed in December 2005. It is hard and I know how frustrating it is. I passed my test on the third time and the main difference in my attitude was that in the test I passed I just thought 'screw it' and just treated it like a lesson. You'll pass eventually, its not a competition to see who can pass the quickest. We all grasp things differently and a lot of it does depend on your tester. I've seen 17 year olds who passed first time that drive like maniacs. Passing first time does not make you a good driver whatsoever. I know two people that passed first time Good luck mate, we're rooting for you!

I cannot tell you what it would mean to me to pass. I will actually throw the biggest celebration ever.

Aprt from the first time, ive failed for stupid things.

Last time I failed for not looking out my back window when doing a 3 point turn (there was a bin truck coming up the road and I kept checking to see how close it was). The other reason was he thought I was going to follow some traffic through turning right at traffic lights when I wasnt. But I didnt want to argue with him.
im still learning ive had 10 lessons so far. cant wait to i pass.
i havent even past my theory yet tho... i really dont wana learn for it.. i know thats not the right mind frame...but i couldnt be bothered...lets face it the practical end is more fun.
i have problems with roundabouts.. for example not knowing whens safe to go and what not, other things i have problems with are not looking in the mirrors before indicating, and i keep looking down at the gear stick before i change. grrrr.
i hate when i go out on a lesson and have a really good lesson then the next one is shitty. :(
i love driving like... its so great!!! :D
I cannot tell you what it would mean to me to pass. I will actually throw the biggest celebration ever.

Aprt from the first time, ive failed for stupid things.

Last time I failed for not looking out my back window when doing a 3 point turn (there was a bin truck coming up the road and I kept checking to see how close it was). The other reason was he thought I was going to follow some traffic through turning right at traffic lights when I wasnt. But I didnt want to argue with him.

The first time I failed he gave me a major because an ambulance came by. I looked and pulled to the side of the road, but told me I didn't do it correctly! When do they ever teach you that in driving lessons and he wouldn't tell me the correct way when I asked him! The second time I failed was because I should have gone into the bus lane. I was really confused by this and he said 'well its after 11am so the bus lane becomes another lane.' So stupid. They have targets so they will fail people deliberatly on stupid things as they're only allowed to pass a certain percentage a day. Its really unfair as tests are so bloody expensive.
The first time I failed he gave me a major because an ambulance came by. I looked and pulled to the side of the road, but told me I didn't do it correctly! When do they ever teach you that in driving lessons and he wouldn't tell me the correct way when I asked him! The second time I failed was because I should have gone into the bus lane. I was really confused by this and he said 'well its after 11am so the bus lane becomes another lane.' So stupid. They have targets so they will fail people deliberatly on stupid things as they're only allowed to pass a certain percentage a day. Its really unfair as tests are so bloody expensive.

It is £100 eerytime I do it :| Its ridiculous. I usually let slip to the examiner how many times ive failed. He might feel a little sorry for me. :p haha

They are allways stupid little mistakes I think. That you just look back on and realise how easily they could be avoided!

All I had to do was break sooner at the lights and look out the back window and I would of passed. The bad thing is that I had no minor fails. Just two fails total, which were both major :S haha

I feel there should be different methods of passing. Perhaps your instructor could just do the test as a normal lesson. Or better yet, your instrcutor could just decide if you are ready!

There should also be a record kept after tests. Like, if youve done something right on a previous test, the record should be kept of it to show you can do it, then only do the things you failed on last time.
Now the real problem, its that this driving thing is really really getting to me. As I said at the start of the thread. I started to learn to drive in June 2008! Now its February 2010 and I still havent passed.

I go to sleep at night and I think about my tests and I just find it really hard to get to sleep. Then I see someone years younger than me who has passed after like 4 or 5 months of lessons and it really gets to me! Im normally automatically good at things, especially practical things but driving has just been quite hard for me to grasp I guess. Maybe its due to my low attention span. haha

Ive said this before every test, but I mean it more than ever now. I really really need to pass this time! I want to pass in time for Spring time and dont want to suffer the embarrassment of failing 4 times.

I honestly thought id pick driving up fast because im a practical person. But here I sit a year and a half later still not able to pass my test :\

Hey L.T.D.! Just came across your thread now.
I'd guess the fact that you've not passed up until now is really getting to you. But don't fret! Plenty of people do their test multiple times until they pass. Just think that this will make it all the sweeter when you actually do pass!
I'm trying to think of any advice I could give you (not that I'm assuming I'm a better driver than you or anything!).

I passed my test in May 2007 when I was 19 (I think, or May 2008?! It was a year after I'd started driving anyway, and my first test.). I think what helped me was just being as relaxed as I could. I remember when I was driving to the test centre I was freaking out though, haha. But once I got there I just tried to keep it under control and remember all the things I'd been taught.
My instructor advised me to keep a bit of the cold air on to keep you alert and relaxed. That might have helped?
Also, exaggerate everything - mirrors and observation, looking around to check your blind spots etc. Just try to keep a cool head and treat it like there's a regime associated with everything.
I remember I made a mistake and it got to me a little, I was like uh OH in my head ha, but try not to let mistakes get to you. Just pick up where you left off and get back into your groove.

It's just a drive at the end of the day. Enjoy it!! Be at ease and think that the examiner is on your side.

Best of luck for your next attempt! :)
Hey L.T.D.! Just came across your thread now.
I'd guess the fact that you've not passed up until now is really getting to you. But don't fret! Plenty of people do their test multiple times until they pass. Just think that this will make it all the sweeter when you actually do pass!
I'm trying to think of any advice I could give you (not that I'm assuming I'm a better driver than you or anything!).

I passed my test in May 2007 when I was 19 (I think, or May 2008?! It was a year after I'd started driving anyway, and my first test.). I think what helped me was just being as relaxed as I could. I remember when I was driving to the test centre I was freaking out though, haha. But once I got there I just tried to keep it under control and remember all the things I'd been taught.
My instructor advised me to keep a bit of the cold air on to keep you alert and relaxed. That might have helped?
Also, exaggerate everything - mirrors and observation, looking around to check your blind spots etc. Just try to keep a cool head and treat it like there's a regime associated with everything.
I remember I made a mistake and it got to me a little, I was like uh OH in my head ha, but try not to let mistakes get to you. Just pick up where you left off and get back into your groove.

It's just a drive at the end of the day. Enjoy it!! Be at ease and think that the examiner is on your side.

Best of luck for your next attempt! :)

Thank you, I will try and put your advice into practice.

When im doing a manuever, im focusing so much on actually doing it right that I forget certain observations.

I think he could of let me of with not looking out my back window at the right time during 3 point turn last time. There was a bin truck stopping then coming quite fast up the road which I kept having to check.

I didnt mention that at one point I took a wrong turn of a roundabout. He said it wasnt part of the test, but he was trying to get me to reverse into a side road to turn round to go back onto the roundabout. I reversed back and went into a grid haha It was so embarrassing. By that point I had failed anyway.
Good luck to you! I'm 46 and have yet to take that stupid test. And I'm talking about the multiple choice test, not even the road test, lol. So many rules to follow...

awww dont worry you will pass soon! :) It took me 3 tries to get mine and I was 20 years old when I passed. The first two times I had crabby instructors that made me very nervous. The 3rd time I had a instructor that was alot more calm that helped my nerves alot. Even though I passed I dread driving really. I have a license but I have phobia of going on highways and busy roads.
awww dont worry you will pass soon! :) It took me 3 tries to get mine and I was 20 years old when I passed. The first two times I had crabby instructors that made me very nervous. The 3rd time I had a instructor that was alot more calm that helped my nerves alot. Even though I passed I dread driving really. I have a license but I have phobia of going on highways and busy roads.
I don't like driving so much either. It's nice when it's quiet and not traffic but as soon as there is many cars behind me and everywhere I don't like it anymore :p

And the school's car was so much easier to drive than our own! :(

Good luck with the test LTD - again, hehe! :)
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When I pass I plan on driving to a caravan site we go to which is 2 hour away. Im going to drive down there at night with some MJ playing. I cant wait! XD
aww good luck my brother has his test on april 1st 2010

Ahh I wish him luck! I hope he can pass. I feel its something you should only have to go through once. . . .

People have told me that its the most nerve racking thing theyve ever encountered. Personally, I get more shy about meeting certain people. Or working in a group with people I dont know. I dont get that nervous about something im doing myself.
People have told me that its the most nerve racking thing theyve ever encountered. Personally, I get more shy about meeting certain people. Or working in a group with people I dont know. I dont get that nervous about something im doing myself.

Definitely not the most nerve wracking thing I've encountered! I was much more nervous when I had to read at Christmas Day mass when I was 18! :lol:

When I pass I plan on driving to a caravan site we go to which is 2 hour away. Im going to drive down there at night with some MJ playing. I cant wait! XD

Now THAT is something to look forward to!!!! :yes:
Michael keeping me company is something I love when driving. :)
Ahh I wish him luck! I hope he can pass. I feel its something you should only have to go through once. . . .

People have told me that its the most nerve racking thing theyve ever encountered. Personally, I get more shy about meeting certain people. Or working in a group with people I dont know. I dont get that nervous about something im doing myself.

ohh it's not the most nerve wracking thing unless you make it to be :) PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE! I passed my driving test when I was 19 and I'm 27 now. Trust me, it's fun driving the first year after you passed your test then it gets tiring, with all the traffic and rush hour, it can get under your nerves hehe. Goodluck with your test and let us know what happens. :D