I have my driving test on Friday :)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I really really really want to pass!

I am now 18 and have been learning to drive since the day I turned 17 which was June 13th 2008. So in that time I have gotten really sick of driving lessons and I am so eager to pass and get out there driving on my own!

I have a lesson tonight and of course a lesson just before my test, my test is at 8:20 am. Could anyone tell me if thats a good time to do it?

I think I am quite a decent driver by now but my only problem is roundabouts. Especially really busy ones, the only thing im worried about is that I will go to one on my test and mess up. I can do all my manuevers quite well.

I just cannot bare the thought of failing and going back to do more driving lessons next week :| I have had wayy to many of them!

Anyway, it would really help me if people could offer me some advice or talk about when they did their driving test :)
Wow you've had driving lessons for over a year?! :bugeyed

I have my first driving lesson on oct 27 and I'm already so nervous about it! So I can't give you any advice but I wish you good luck!!! I hope you pass the test :huggy:
Wow you've had driving lessons for over a year?! :bugeyed

I have my first driving lesson on oct 27 and I'm already so nervous about it! So I can't give you any advice but I wish you good luck!!! I hope you pass the test :huggy:

Yeah its my fault ive been taking them this long. I started out with one instructor and the lesson where an hour and 40 minutes. I couldnt stand them so I cancelled quite a few, then stopped having lessons with him and a month later got a new instructor. Ive cancelled a lot of lessons with him as well. I dont know what it is but I just cant stand the lessons. I think its the embarrasment of someone you barely know telling you off if you do something wrong and the fact you cant escape the situation if you feel uncomfortable in it.

I suppose in all ive been doing lessons about 10 maybe 11 months if you take away all the lessons I missed and stuff. But I started learning over a year ago.

I was very nervous about my first lesson, but I actually ended up really enjoying it! I finished the lesson and couldnt wait to get back in the car, unfortunately that wore off and by my 4th lesson I was getting sick of them already.
Good luck! I hope you pass! I started having driving lessons last year for about 2 months but had to give them up because I couldn't afford them anymore. I'm hoping to start again in the new year, but I know what you mean I hated my lessons too. I used to really dread them. :(
Good luck! I hope you pass! I started having driving lessons last year for about 2 months but had to give them up because I couldn't afford them anymore. I'm hoping to start again in the new year, but I know what you mean I hated my lessons too. I used to really dread them. :(

Yeah I dread them as well. Today was my last lesson before the actual day of the test and I still found myself hoping he wasnt going to turn up.

It went quite well btw. My lesson I mean. Now I have tomorrow to prepare myself and then its the big day on Friday.

If I pass I swear ill be the happiest guy in the world. Ive had a lot of bad things happen this year including Michael passing away. If I can pass my test it will be at least one positive thing to come from this hell of a year.
Seriously just relax and go into it like a driving lesson. I passed on my third attempt and it was that attempt I went in without a care in the world. The other two times I was as nervous as anything. Its hard but good luck. Relax and have fun. 8.20 is a bit difficult to predict as its during the school run but I had my test at 9 and it was great. No traffic so everyone is more relaxed. Just go for it and let us know!
Seriously just relax and go into it like a driving lesson. I passed on my third attempt and it was that attempt I went in without a care in the world. The other two times I was as nervous as anything. Its hard but good luck. Relax and have fun. 8.20 is a bit difficult to predict as its during the school run but I had my test at 9 and it was great. No traffic so everyone is more relaxed. Just go for it and let us know!

I sure will report back here on Friday. Its good that you have a lesson before it rather than just jumping in the car and going for your test.

I think the fact that there is a lesson before it will really really help.
I sure will report back here on Friday. Its good that you have a lesson before it rather than just jumping in the car and going for your test.

I think the fact that there is a lesson before it will really really help.

I got taught a brand new way of parallel parking that lesson. He basically said 'yeah forget the other way, this is easier!.' So I learnt this new way, had my test, and during the maneouvers one of my moves was parrallel park-my most hated one. But it worked and I passed the test, eventually. Good luck for tomorrow!
I got taught a brand new way of parallel parking that lesson. He basically said 'yeah forget the other way, this is easier!.' So I learnt this new way, had my test, and during the maneouvers one of my moves was parrallel park-my most hated one. But it worked and I passed the test, eventually. Good luck for tomorrow!

Thank you very much. I am starting to feel slightly nervous now. With me, I allways picture my driving worse than it actually is if you get me. I get so nervous about actual lessons, then when I actually get in the car its fine. Its quite strange.

I will post in this thread tomorrow to tell all those who actually care if I passed or not haha
Aw good luck! I'll be thinking of you with my fingers crossed!
Try to relax and do not worry to much about it, if I could do it you can do it :yes: I got my driving-license last December, and was pretty old when I decided to go for it :clapping: Before that I never really felt driving a car was anything for me. I really hated the driving lessons, my teacher would stress me out as hell by telling me things like I was so nervous that I would not be able to pass the tests... In the end it took me 7 weeks from I started my driving lessons until I had the license in my hand, and now I love driving :punk: Try to set yourself up for a success, and imagine in your head how great it's going to be after you pass the test :cheeky: that's what I did and it for sure helped me get through the stressing situation....
Try to relax and do not worry to much about it, if I could do it you can do it :yes: I got my driving-license last December, and was pretty old when I decided to go for it :clapping: Before that I never really felt driving a car was anything for me. I really hated the driving lessons, my teacher would stress me out as hell by telling me things like I was so nervous that I would not be able to pass the tests... In the end it took me 7 weeks from I started my driving lessons until I had the license in my hand, and now I love driving :punk: Try to set yourself up for a success, and imagine in your head how great it's going to be after you pass the test :cheeky: that's what I did and it for sure helped me get through the stressing situation....

Thank you. Im actually feeling fairly confident! But then I have this thing in my head which tells me im jinxing it if I feel to confident :\ haha
I really really really want to pass!

I am now 18 and have been learning to drive since the day I turned 17 which was June 13th 2008. So in that time I have gotten really sick of driving lessons and I am so eager to pass and get out there driving on my own!

I have a lesson tonight and of course a lesson just before my test, my test is at 8:20 am. Could anyone tell me if thats a good time to do it?

I think I am quite a decent driver by now but my only problem is roundabouts. Especially really busy ones, the only thing im worried about is that I will go to one on my test and mess up. I can do all my manuevers quite well.

I just cannot bare the thought of failing and going back to do more driving lessons next week :| I have had wayy to many of them!

Anyway, it would really help me if people could offer me some advice or talk about when they did their driving test :)

Wow......you've been having lessons for a loooooong time. I am sure you'll do fine!

Basically the best thing to do is make sure you've got everything under control. Anything you're not sure about, just ASK the instructor....so that when you're in certain situations, you'll be confident about the decisions you make.

Also, try to relax before going. Don't wind yourself up. Since you've been getting lessons for a year, you should be fine and used to being in a car, so just relax, and the rest will come naturally.

Good luck - It's never as bad as you think. Just relax on the test, and don't worry if you stuff up, because it only makes you stuff up more (my friend is living proof of that, haha)

All the best!
good luck to you!!!...ya know what they say if you get to nervous.....picture the instructor in his underwear...:lmao:
Wow......you've been having lessons for a loooooong time. I am sure you'll do fine!

Basically the best thing to do is make sure you've got everything under control. Anything you're not sure about, just ASK the instructor....so that when you're in certain situations, you'll be confident about the decisions you make.

Also, try to relax before going. Don't wind yourself up. Since you've been getting lessons for a year, you should be fine and used to being in a car, so just relax, and the rest will come naturally.


Ywahh thats really my fault that ive been having them so long. Ive hated them so much that I put them off and put them off when I should off been consistent :\
Ywahh thats really my fault that ive been having them so long. Ive hated them so much that I put them off and put them off when I should off been consistent :\
Okay well, you're finally going through with it. So good luck, and take my advice.....ask ask ask your instructor anything you're not sure about, so that when you take the test, you'll be confident :) It worked for me :yes:
Well. I didnt pass or fail.

The test didnt happen.

I originally had it booked for the 9th. But had to change it to the 16th.

It came up on the screen, your new test date is 16th October. However, apparently, you must click 'save changes' for it to work.

So now, I have payed £62 for the test which I have now lost, and £40 for the lesson and use of the car for the test for nothing!!!!!!

They wont give me the refund because I didnt have a booking confirmation as I didnt click 'save changes' apparently. Ive been robbed!

I am so annoyed right now!
^ :bugeyed OMG that sucks!

So when will you have the test, do you know it yet?
^ :bugeyed OMG that sucks!

So when will you have the test, do you know it yet?

Ive now booked it for the 28th. Good omen?

The point is, I am now having to pay for a test that I didnt even take. Thats just £60 down the drain!

I have no proof that I changed the test to today. Unless I have proof I changed it then I cant get the money back.
Ive now booked it for the 28th. Good omen?

The point is, I am now having to pay for a test that I didnt even take. Thats just £60 down the drain!

I have no proof that I changed the test to today. Unless I have proof I changed it then I cant get the money back.
Aww man that really sucks.

But good luck to the test in 28th!
Aww man that really sucks.

But good luck to the test in 28th!

Thank you!

I was really looking forward to getting it over with and then just looking forward to This Is It. Now I still have it to come and wont be able to look forward to This Is It the same knowing its on the same day as my test :\ haha
Ive now booked it for the 28th. Good omen?

The point is, I am now having to pay for a test that I didnt even take. Thats just £60 down the drain!

I have no proof that I changed the test to today. Unless I have proof I changed it then I cant get the money back.

Man that sucks and is that how much they're charging now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I paid £42 when I did my test(s) and I passed in Dec 05. The 28th huh, lets hope your examiner is an MJ fan. I'd be too much of a wreck to do it on the 28th-I'd be happy and excited one minute about seeing TII then I'd burst into tears the next as Mike's not here anymore. Well, good luck!
Aw no, that's so crap. :( I suppose a positive is that you have a little bit longer to practice, but I can imagine it's frustrating as hell! Good luck for the 28th!
L.T.D - Keep checking for cancellations. Thats what I did and managed to get one, I was checking at school literally every 5/10 mins. I Started learning soon after my 17th in Nov and passed in Feb! Driving comes natural (See Username) to me but honestly, just stay calm and the test will be over before you know it. IIRC its 20 mins?