I don't like how the Party City commercial uses 'Thriller'

Its just that you all want to keep Michael's legacy alive well this is doing that. Thriller was MADE for Halloween! I love turning on the tv and seeing that someone somewhere thought that an MJ song would be perfect for this ad or that ad. Its keeping Michael in mind and doing that keeps him alive.

When you see a new advertisement and it has Michael's Music or dance move in it... How can you hate it? How can you not look at it and see that he gave them the idea to make an advertisement like that? He planted the seed and from that seed grows a great idea.

I hate that commercial. I will say this much. I don't care if it was inspired by MJ or not. It is still badly done. I just don't like it. And it is not about making a mountain out of a mole hill. It is just about me not finding pleasure in the commercial. There are many things that I do not like and this is just one of them.
well without commercials like that Michael is truly dead.

I'm indifferent about the commercial, but Michael still has; a video game coming out, an album, his short films are still in rotation, contemporary performers are inspired by Michael's music, style, dance, and performances, etc.. With or without that commercial Michael's legacy lives on.
really hmmm yea the dancers are inspired by it so whats the difference between the dancers on the street and the dancers in the commercial? Nothing. Especial since if there never was a Michael Jackson there wouldn't be anything to aspire to.
:lol: Just thought I'd add that I saw this commerical about a week ago Guess..I'm not alone is taking notice. I was just sitting at my computer desk and heard "Thriller" coming from my TV.. turned my head to see the Party City commerical for Halloween and the ppl. kind of doing the Thriller dance :lol:

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really hmmm yea the dancers are inspired by it so whats the difference between the dancers on the street and the dancers in the commercial? Nothing. Especial since if there never was a Michael Jackson there wouldn't be anything to aspire to.

Like I said, I'm indifferent about the commercial. I was just disagreeing with your statement that "without commercials like that Michael is truly dead". There's many current popular performers that credit MJ as a personal influence, not to mention Michael's own work is still widespread. Then there's all his charity work which still has an impact on people to this day. Regardless of commercials like that, Michael's legacy is alive and well. :)
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He can copyright a logo or trademark, but a dance step can't be copyrighted. Anybody can use it.

well the trademark came from the dancestep. and besides...the free publicity is probably selling more Thriller albums. for all intents and purposes, despite all arguments, the estate probably can't lose, anyway. they say the best things in life are free. well..free publicity certainly is. so..even if you do find the answer to which came first, the chicken or the egg, let's just say, for this twenty or so year span, the stars aligned to copyright the moves for MJ, anyway. because the average joe ain't looking for the answer to which came first, in this case. the majority of people associate those moves with MJ. certainly, that was the case with the Ferris Bueller movie. that's most likely why they put that scene in there. as Austin Brown said...the reason why everybody's doing all these line dance videos in this fashion, is because of his uncle. it's probably why MJ never had a problem with youtube. so what are we arguing for? free publicity trademarked it all for MJ, for these current generations. too bad Prince doesn't see it that way for his stuff.

by the way..i don't see what the Beyonce video has to do with this...i don't really see dancing in that video. in fact, in all the videos you posted, i don't see the MJ specific thriller moves that this discussion was about, in the first place, except for the movie clip Ferris Bueller. the party city commercial was thriller specific. whether or not business arrangements were made, the free publicity was golden for the thriller album. that's what most people are thinking about, in this generation. the commercial got much play after MJ died..so they were thinking about him..the vids on youtube are named after the album, and party city seems almost secondary. so, they were thinking about him. if people don't know what thriller is, chances are, they're going to want to find out. free publicity..the greatest copyright/trademark strategy in the world, for MJ, in this case. by the way, when was the Ferris Bueller movie released?
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by the way..i don't see what the Beyonce video has to do with this...i don't really see dancing in that video. in fact, in all the videos you posted, i don't see the MJ specific thriller moves that this discussion was about, in the first place, except for the movie clip Ferris Bueller.
The point is that dance moves aren't under copyright and I put up examples. Ferris Bueller copied Thriller, Beyonce copied Mexican Breakfast, & Paula Abdul copied All That Jazz. As far as the commercial goes, I don't see any Thriller moves, it's just the song. You said it copied MJ moves, no one else did.
The point is that dance moves aren't under copyright and I put up examples. Ferris Bueller copied Thriller, Beyonce copied Mexican Breakfast, & Paula Abdul copied All That Jazz. As far as the commercial goes, I don't see any Thriller moves, it's just the song. You said it copied MJ moves, no one else did.

you didn't really look at the commercial. there's fast editing but some of the thriller choreography is in there.

also..i mentioned the trademark. copyright..trademark..just about the same ballpark.

and the general point of my conversation was what MJ/the estate could gain from the commercial. the answer is...much. Rod Temperton aside. MJ was a savvy businessman. he was able to gain more, financially, than many musicians before him, from what his art was about. that's why they called him a savvy businessman.
Edit: GinnyJackson beat me to it, lol. Damn.

Anyway, it's cringe-worthy. I recommend everyone watch it right now! =D
you guys are insane
Didn't your mother tell you it's not polite to call people names? No one is forcing you to come in this thread. There's plenty of other threads to read if this one bothers you so much. You keep coming in this thread and griping about everybody's comments, saying that people don't care about Mike's legacy, etc. It's not that serious. It's just an advertisement for Halloween costumes, nothing to get stressed out about.
Didn't your mother tell you it's not polite to call people names? No one is forcing you to come in this thread. There's plenty of other threads to read if this one bothers you so much. You keep coming in this thread and griping about everybody's comments, saying that people don't care about Mike's legacy, etc. It's not that serious. It's just an advertisement for Halloween costumes, nothing to get stressed out about.

i agree. this has been too consistent. it's a discussion board.
Didn't your mother tell you it's not polite to call people names? No one is forcing you to come in this thread. There's plenty of other threads to read if this one bothers you so much. You keep coming in this thread and griping about everybody's comments, saying that people don't care about Mike's legacy, etc. It's not that serious. It's just an advertisement for Halloween costumes, nothing to get stressed out about.

yea um that has been my point from the start.

BTW its a free country i can come in here and post as much as i want to.
damn I didn't think this was going to get so controversial lol. anyway for people who hate the commercial like I do please stay. The people who the commercial does not bother.... why are you posting here????
because... like i said and it may come as a shock so brace yourself...... WE CAN!!! omg!
um they've been using that song for years now!! has nothing to do with MJ passing away.. I've seen this every year for the past few. I know for at least 3 years for sure..

I'm all for it, I am one to want ppl to use MJ music like that because it subconciously gets into the brain connecting Thriller and MJ even more!! meaning a couple more ppl will buy the song off itunes, it means a few more people will hear it at halloween party, and a few more possible chances of fandom
yea um that has been my point from the start.

BTW its a free country i can come in here and post as much as i want to.
Calling people "insane" is not relevant to anything here. It's an insult. You just keep saying over and over that people should be happy about this commercial when they said they don't like it. If they don't like it, they don't. If it's a free country like you say (which is irrelevant since this is an international site, and everyone's country may not have the same freedoms), then if I want to talk about copyright law, that's my prerogative. You don't have to read what I post, skip over it. Problem solved.
um they've been using that song for years now!! has nothing to do with MJ passing away.. I've seen this every year for the past few. I know for at least 3 years for sure..

I'm all for it, I am one to want ppl to use MJ music like that because it subconciously gets into the brain connecting Thriller and MJ even more!! meaning a couple more ppl will buy the song off itunes, it means a few more people will hear it at halloween party, and a few more possible chances of fandom

OH! I had no idea this was played before his death. I've only seen the commercial since after his passing. Good to know it's at least been around for a little while, and wasn't brought up simply because he has recently passed.

And you're right about new people taking interest in the song. It does have the off-chance of them going to iTunes and buying the single, or something else.

I guess my musical self just still doesn't like it very much, ha. Eh well....what can ya do.
Just for 'fun' here's some other tv commercials

I dunno why the Party City gets on my nerves it just does. :lol: It's not a crime or nothing (not that I'm aware of anyway)

^^Thanks for posting. I love that Sobe commercial.

And yes anyone can post anywhere. What you cannot do is come in a thread posting insults at other members that you do not agree with.
thriller video just sky rocketed to num 23 and 71 on itunes video charts most probably it's halloween season and plenty of kids saw this commerical getting them into the halloween spirit
um they've been using that song for years now!! has nothing to do with MJ passing away.. I've seen this every year for the past few. I know for at least 3 years for sure..

I'm all for it, I am one to want ppl to use MJ music like that because it subconciously gets into the brain connecting Thriller and MJ even more!! meaning a couple more ppl will buy the song off itunes, it means a few more people will hear it at halloween party, and a few more possible chances of fandom

yeah but there was an increase in 2009,with the party city one. but yes i know that several companies refered to thriller, every halloween for the past few years.
Also it's not really the "Thriller" song they are using. It's a bad, bad imitation of the song. LOL. The dancing costumed party goers also do really bad Thriller dance imitations. Heh. But they repeat that commercial so often I want to scream.

LOL. It doesn't bother me. When people hear it they're going to think of MJ (I wish they had used his version though) and I want MJ to be remembered always.
It's not his likeness or voice, because it's different singers and music. The 3 remaining Beatles sued Nike in the mid-80's because Nike actually used the band's recording of Revolution without permission instead of using cover singers. In that case Nike used the Beatles' likeness. The makers of this commercial doesn't have to get any permission from or pay the estate since Mike has nothing to do with the songwriting ofThriller and they don't use his version. You don't have to get permission from anybody to remake a song, only to use or sample a previous recording. The act covering the song does have to pay royalties to whoever owns the copyright of the song, not necessarily the songwriter if the songwriter is not the owner.

I think you are right Duran which is why I prefer they use MJ's version.
I think you are right Duran which is why I prefer they use MJ's version.

that doesn't really matter, because free publicity most likely will have the affect of the song being played on radio, and help album sales. and though some might not want to believe it, Michael's name has magic and tends to break a lot of traditional rules. a lot of incidental stuff can most likely benefit MJ financially from this. sometimes, people don't account for x factors. and there is always the possibility of extracurricular stuff that MJ's crack lawyers know about that we don't know about. i'm sure he hired lawyers who would think like he did to some extent..outside the box. what you said about people thinking about MJ is true. and it's priceless. the value of people thinking about something, or making an association, is something madison avenue would kill for. i believe MJ wasn't uptight about suing people as much, because he was intuitive about the many x factors that could make him some serious money. and that is the difference between how he thought about his stuff on youtube, as opposed to how Prince felt about HIS stuff being on youtube. of course, that doesn't mean that the Beatles were wrong in suing Nike. they were right to do that, in that case.

but again, free publicity is important. that's why advertisers pay millions to let a tv station play their commercial for free.

and that's why it didn't matter that Gordy didn't give MJ any MOtown rights. even if you hear MJ's voice as a little boy, i'm sure there are many fans who will buy Thriller, just because of that, let alone, buy the Motown music. because Michael is the central figure in the fans' minds. and the general public, for that matter. that kind of thinking is the fantasy of madison avenue, and made some detractors jealous of MJ.

so hey..they can go ahead and hire other singers. wouldn't make much difference.

i'm sure we didn't get interested in this, to get the name of the singer to the left of center, that we can't see, in the ad. lol

indeed most people don't make as much money claiming copyright, as Michael/the estate does from free publicity.

that's why he was called a cash cow. his not being able to go outside, was a financial clue. he drew the public to him. that's why his detractors called him a 'trainwreck' in later years, because he was able to draw ratings, even 'when he wasn't supposed to', according to the jealous detractors.

so if advertisers want to 'hire' lizards, as they've done..if people want to dance in prison, on youtube, as they've done, and, if the other ads in this thread are to be made, from the motown days such as the state farm commercial, or if they want to 'hire' raisins, as the advertisers have done..so be it. it doesn't matter. Michael made and still makes, by way of the estate, more money than any copyright claimant could dream of., since he/the estate owns his own publishing, from songs included on the thriller album. an album that people keep on buying, whenever free advertising makes people think of Michael Jackson. this is why we never heard from Michael or his lawyers, in this age of piracy. there is no substitute for magic. there may have been fallout where people would buy bootlegs, but collectors don't like bogus stuff. and nobody can do without a piece of magic. other artists didn't have Michael's magic. so, Michael could sell his music by 'accident'. he could step out anywhere, and it meant money. other artists dream of this, and that's why the complained more about piracy than Michael did. if an artist doesn't have magic, then they're the ones who have more to worry about in this piracy age. that's why other artists were complaining about piracy. and they have a right to do that. but Michael was less affected by it all, than any other artist. because, indeed, there is no substitute for having the most kaching thing one can have...magic. Michael really is the first artist to have that magic, for his entire life, and beyond, non stop. so MJ is the least of all artists, that we have to worry about, being cheated, financially. he's so magical that someone on the street can say the word 'thriller', and somebody else, who is on the street with them will go buy the album, just because of hearing that.

it's sorta like Michael Jordan and Nike...one person says, on the street, 'i'll get some Jordan shoes' and the other person on the street, hearing them, goes out and buys some of those shoes, as long as Jordan has that mystique, in association with the shoes, which he still does, to this day.

so, Michael's likeness doesn't have to be there, for Michael's likeness to be there, and ultimately make Michael some money, anyway, no matter what. this is so rare, that people tend to forget it, in normal circumstances, and it's easy to apply the normal rules, that the label has an advantage over the artist. but in Michael's rare case, that was not the case. because of magic. magic was Michael's dear friend. and, in essence, it still is.
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Just for 'fun' here's some other tv commercials

I dunno why the Party City gets on my nerves it just does. :lol: It's not a crime or nothing (not that I'm aware of anyway)

What is up with the second commerical???! :lol: