I despise Lisa just as much as Condrad Murray

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I promise that this will be my last LMP/MJ thread... lol

- I hold her responsible for Michael's death because if it wasn't for her mother and the fucking scientology crew, they could have worked on their marriage and he would still be with us today. The 2005 trial would never have happend.

- I was absolutely disgusted when I heard she was granted a few minutes alone with Michael's casket before the funeral. If I was Katherine I would have refused.

- I was disgusted that the pic of her and MJ's MTV kiss was in the funeral booklet. Why oh why.

- I was disgusted/angry/hurt as I read her pathetic blog entry on her myspace posted on Friday 26th June. Those words really hurt me and I felt not only sympathy for her (to some extent) because the poor girl became so deluded having to bash him on every fucking interview almost a decade following their divorce but also hate. I hated her even more. She hurt him bad.

- To some extent, I also feel like hitting Michael. For not bitching back and putting her in her place.

Feel free to add whatever.

I agree with you. I wish he did hit her...or never even bothered with her in the first place.
Lisa was selfish!

Lisa always knew about the painkillers but she said:

"OK!I'm done!

I have my own life,my own children and I dont want to deal with!

I'm OUT!"

Now I dont give one penny for her grief.

word. I couldn't agree more. Thats actually the thruth yet ppl say we shouldnt talk like that about her.
The only two women I believe who were "worthy" to have Michael as a husband were of course Elizabeth Taylor and Princess Diana.
There are many fans out there and other women who would have been perfect too but these are the only two "famous" people that I could think of.

Yes! The life of Princess Diana and Liz is very similar to Michael's life. The problem is that Liz is much older than Michael and so could not give him children. Princess Diana was married (I always thought she was never happy. I always saw the sadness in her eyes. :( I always admired her.:wub:)

But I believe there is someone like Michael, a woman very, very, very special as he lost the world. Unfortunately there was a mismatch and God did not allow this to happen, but maybe one day? :)
Even I think this thread is going too far. Look, what exactly went on between LMP and MJ we will never know. Apart from the fact that yes, Lisa does seem to have a strong LOVE/HATE thing towards him but that is normal in any broken relationship. I don't know why she felt the need to try and defend her "crazy" actions by marrying Michael, and turn around and tell everyone that he's only "normal" when he wants to be, and all this "oh, at the time" discussion that transpires between her and every hack TV journalist. Maybe she was just bitter about the fact that she could never get through to him, and as far as I know and what she tells us in her blog, she did make an effort. I am glad at least that Michael had someone to talk to while the allegations were going on. I even hope she gets the chance to talk to his children, as Lisa understands what its like to lose a father at a very early age. Of coarse I don't agree with everything she's had to say about Michael I at least understand that there is always hurt feelings in every divorce, only Michael had the class to not say anything about it, he has always been head and shoulders above the rest in terms of class. :) That is why I am so proud to call myself a fan.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But I am a little over seeing these types of headings in this forum. Didn't Michael teach us love, and forgiveness, and everything else?

Yes, Michael and Lisa Marie had problems, but really, how much of their marriage do we know? Some yes, but not everything. Yes, Lisa Marie has done some pretty shitty things in the past, but we all know Michael had done a few things he'd regretted. Not everyone is perfect (although, Michael was pretty damn close to perfection:p)

Basically, as I look at it, if Lisa Marie's marriage to Michael hadn't have ended...this world might not have Prince, Paris and Blanket. Michael's world might not have had these 3 children.

I don't know...I just think Michael wouldn't have liked all this Lisa bashing.
I just read the op post and a few comments and I have come to the conclusion that MJJC is suffering some sort of 2nd wave of mass depression this weekend. The 25th is around the corner and of course tii. So we are all super emotional.

Thus the need for all these aggressive and angry threads/comments. I have been trying to catch up on alot of posts and I just keep shaking my head.

So OP and anyone else agreeing that LMP is in the same catagory as that murderer Dr. Murray, I will let you grieve it out.

Bless and love. : (
I just read the op post and a few comments and I have come to the conclusion that MJJC is suffering some sort of 2nd wave of mass depression this weekend. The 25th is around the corner and of course tii. So we are all super emotional.

Thus the need for all these aggressive and angry threads/comments. I have been trying to catch up on alot of posts and I just keep shaking my head.

So OP and anyone else agreeing that LMP is in the same catagory as that murderer Dr. Murray, I will let you grieve it out.

Bless and love. : (

someone posted a video with the Lisa Marie Presley interview with Oprah Winfrey, this past week. i believe that opened up old wounds. i do wish Oprah had never done that interview. it wouldn't have given Lisa Marie Presley the chance to say anything, but i remember Oprah Winfrey saying 'we're gonna go there'. and the floodgates opened. of course Lisa Marie Presley could have avoided the Oprah Winfrey Show, too.
someone posted a video with the Lisa Marie Presley interview with Oprah Winfrey, this past week. i believe that opened up old wounds. i do wish Oprah had never done that interview. it wouldn't have given Lisa Marie Presley the chance to say anything, but i remember Oprah Winfrey saying 'we're gonna go there'. and the floodgates opened. of course Lisa Marie Presley could have avoided the Oprah Winfrey Show, too.

watching that interview just made me so grrrrr
MJ : She had no problem doing that but her and I had several big arguments ' cause she's very terretorial with her children. Her children were [her major concern]....and I said "No, all children are our concern," and she never liked that coming from me. She was very angry about that. Pluse she had a fight with me one time when 2 little boys in London killed this other kidand I was going to visit them cause the queen gave them adult sentencing of life. These were like 11 and 10 year old boys and I was going to the prison and visiting them. SHe said, "You idiot. You're just rewarding them for what they did." I said" How dare you say that." I bet if you trace their lives you can find they did'nt have parents around, they did'nt have any love, nobody there to hold them look in their eyes and say "I love you,." They deserve that even if they are going to get life, I just want to say I love you and hold them. " She said, "Well you're wrong." I said "No, you're wrong." The information came out they came from broken families, were never watched as little kids, attended to. Their pacifier was those Chucky movies with the stabbings and the killings. And that's how they became conditioned to that.
SB : Did she admit then you had a good point?
MJ : Nope, she thinks I'm rewarding bad kids.
SB : Did she want you to be a father to her kids?
MJ : Well that was once asked of her. She was asked that question on tv and she said, "No, they have a father. Theit father is Keogh," that other guy.
But I was really good to her children. Every day I'd bring them home something and they'd be waiting by the window for me and hug me. I love them. I miss them so much.
SB : Did she get used to living at Neverland or was it too isolated?
MJ : Lisa did'nt live at Neverland. We visited Neverland the way...I lived at her house in the city and every once in a while we visited Neverland. It would be like our fun weekend.
SB : And her children liked it?
MJ : Are you kidding me? They were like in heaven.
SB : And you were happy to show it to them?
MJ : Mmm hmm

SB : But I'm a believer in marriage. So when your relationship with Lisa started to fall apart was it very hard? Your idealism about the family, everthing you believed in building the intimate family you always wanted, especially because you knew....

MJ : I wanted children and she did'nt.

SB : She felt she had her kids.

MJ : Yeah, and she promised me before we married, that would be the first thing we'd do was have children. So I was broken-hearted and I walked around al the time holding these little baby dolls and I'd be crying, that's how badly I wanted them. So I was determined to have children. It disappointed me that she would'nt keep her promise to me, you know? After we got divorced she would hang out with my mother all the time. I have all these letters saying, " I'll give you nine children. I'll do whatever you want." and of course the press don't know all these stories and she just tried for months and months and I just became too hard-hearted at that point. I closed my mind on the whole situation.
SB : So she thought maybe you could get back together?
MJ : Uh huh
SB : But children were a major, major issue?
MJ : Of course.

SB : She had the kids and that was it.
MJ: She had hers and I wanted us to feel like we all were one big family and have more. Just my dream is to have 9 or 10 children, that's what I want.

I dont know what happened BUT..............the bolded parts are enough to me...

She made him suffer.
I dont like her.

Let's bring out the violins!

It's the same ol' same ol'..
Ever since he married Lisa, people have been complaining about this and that.
Not to say that in recent years, there has not been something to complain about but STILL, even with all that was been said in the media, we know about 10% of what went on in their marriage.

You don't know WHY she didn't give him children.
You don't know WHY she felt she had to leave him

You don't Know Michael's True personality in private
You don't know Lisa's True personality in private


You wanna blame someone. You wanna protect Michael.. Fine..
It's easy to have have a go at people, who for whatever reason did something stupid.

Are people not allowed to learn from their mistakes? To have regrets?
You want to keep hitting people in the head with something that happened in the past because it's convienient for you. You have to direct your anger that Something.

Michael, though sensitive, was Very strong willed. Lisa couldn't 'save' Michael.
Michael could save Michael.. Sometimes, he was better at it than others.
That goes for everyone. Ultimately, we have save ourselves.

Michael and Lady Di together would be a nightmare.
Not personally perhaps, but the pressure on them, as a couple, from the media/world would be INSANE. Worse than marriage to a Presley.

I hold Michael in the highest regard, but some of you are all rosey and naive when it comes to Michael, like he was the constant victim, having no say in the directions his life took.

I think that's selling Michael short. He was SO much more than that!

Finally, I think it's disrespectful to mock the appreance of Lisa's son.
What is that?? Do you Really have to go there?? Are you serious? Really?
I dont know what happened BUT..............the bolded parts are enough to me...

She made him suffer.
I dont like her.


All I can to that post is :clapping:

Michael KNEW how it was to have a rough childhood. He knew how it was to not have all the love of the world on him from his own parents. Katherine loved him , Joe didn't show it at all really.
Lisa on the other hand, well her father spoiled her rotten. Yes she had a hard life but she HAD the love from her father and mother, the thing Michael wanted more than anything! This is why he was the way he was, this is why he wanted to reach out to as many children he did. He knew their pain and he didn't want them to have to suffer through it. Lisa? Well she just never really understand Michael's pain than if she called him stupid for doing such things.
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Anyone who did Michael suffer even for a little .... deserves my contempt.

I love him more than everything...His pain is mine.
yea i think insulting him in interviews was her way of stopping the questions. like with diane sawyer, she pretends like she doesn't understand why she loved him, so she wouldn't have to face more speculation. it was the easiest thing for her to do, but it was weak and pitiful.

now that the questions are coming back, and the public views him more positively, she once again plays it out like she always cared so much for him, even after she left.
i think it's because she wants to be on the public's side.. i'm not sure, because i don't know her and i've never met her, but she has shown quite a few sides of herself through the years..

I dont know what happened BUT..............the bolded parts are enough to me...

She made him suffer.
I dont like her.


well I dont hate Lisa because I dont know her as a person...but....I dont like her for breaking Michael's heart like she did.....making him cry....:cry:
Wanting Michael to strike a woman? I've always thought of Michael as a pacifist and a healer of the world, so I cannot fathom the thought of him abusing or bringing violence against a woman, child, or fellow man; if faced with adversity, I imagine Michael rising above it, not sinking. . . . . I respect your opinions but this thread is a little too heavy for me so I respectfully bow out. Have a blessed day and be well.
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