I despise Lisa just as much as Condrad Murray

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Why dont you focus on keeping Michael's legacy alive and do something good for this planet instead of wasting your energy hating people.

It is your right to dislike a person but hate is suck a strong emotion, its poison for the sould, really...
And your post does not really contribute to a positive atmosphere on this board either...

Its a shame to see the board going downhill since Michaels death, all the negativity *sigh*
Again I'd like to say I don't HATE LMP, I've actually tried to get to see her point to where I don't dislike her to where I can just move on and not be angry with her. I've asked people to tell me in a civilized manner why I shouldn't despise her but it seems whenever someone asks about it we just get rude comments back.
I've never cared for her spoiled brat attitude.

After hearing from Michael's own mouth how badly she hurt him, I have no use for her.

I hope she is able to move passed her pain and heart break, but she needs to do it quietly and with respect.

I have an EX husband I can't stand, however, you would never see me on TV bashing him, no matter how much money I was given. It's disrespectful and rude.
I don't know how i feel about lisa, i guess i'm just neutral. seems like they were friends well after they divorced. she could have been nicer in her interviews about him, but i think she was just really annoyed with being asked about him over and over. his mother seemed to love her. i dunno, lisa is whatever. as far as blaming her for his death, no. but because i believe michael was murdered for money. i believe in the conspiracy against him. just like i do with jimi hendrix, john lennon, bob marley, tupac, etc. etc. things just don't add up, ya know
I don't hate Lisa Marie but I don't like her either, I mean she was pretty selfish promising Michael children and at the end of the marriage not making her promises true.
Also I always thought that Michael loved her more then she loved him, I could be wrong but that is what I always thought.
I don't hate Lisa Marie but I don't like her either, I mean she was pretty selfish promising Michael children and at the end of the marriage not making her promises true.
Also I always thought that Michael loved her more then she loved him, I could be wrong but that is what I always thought.

:clapping: Yes!
Michale said he hurt her, Michael said she promised him and took it back! I feel like she knew that he wanted children and that she didn't want to have any more children at the time and she knew she was going to hurt him but didn't care because it gave her more lime light and it would give her the opportunity to just crush someones feelings and yet she would be viewed in front of the world as the one who was the victim.

Again if you don't agree with me please just let me know, I would like to have a civilized conversation with someone and have someone tell me why I shouldn't dislike her so much because I don't like to dislike someone.
:clapping: Yes!
Michale said he hurt her, Michael said she promised him and took it back! I feel like she knew that he wanted children and that she didn't want to have any more children at the time and she knew she was going to hurt him but didn't care because it gave her more lime light and it would give her the opportunity to just crush someones feelings and yet she would be viewed in front of the world as the one who was the victim.

Again if you don't agree with me please just let me know, I would like to have a civilized conversation with someone and have someone tell me why I shouldn't dislike her so much because I don't like to dislike someone.

Oh I absolutely agree with you!
I mean the thing that bothers me the most is that I have a feeling when she promised Michael to have children with him that she already knew she wouldn't even before they married, so she made a promis that she already knew she wouldn't make true, that is what I think.
Oh I absolutely agree with you!
I mean the thing that bothers me the most is that I have a feeling when she promised Michael to have children with him that she already knew she wouldn't even before they married, so she made a promis that she already knew she wouldn't make true, that is what I think.

I so agree with you once again!

Another thing that really bothers me is she said that the first thing that came through her mind when thinking about having his children was the custody battle. :bugeyed who in the world thinks like that?!
It's lame how after he has children and she finds out what a wonderful father he is than she goes and wants to have his children. The funny thing to me is that he rejected her. :clapping: So happy when I heard that.
Your blaming LMP for his death....riiiiight.

Many people go through divorces. Much worse divorces, and dont die because of it. :\

She wasnt obliged to stay with him forever.
Your blaming LMP for his death....riiiiight.

Many people go through divorces. Much worse divorces, and dont die because of it. :\

She wasnt obliged to stay with him forever.

I wasn't blaming her for his death. I'm blaming her for breaking his heart than going out and claiming she's the victim while she goes to the media, the one source she KNEW who was already against MJ to tell them why she was the victim and why he was some horrible husband than after his death she tries to make a sob story of why she's sorry. She just... UGH! :throwingstones: What I really want to do to her sometimes.
I wasn't blaming her for his death. I'm blaming her for breaking his heart than going out and claiming she's the victim while she goes to the media, the one source she KNEW who was already against MJ to tell them why she was the victim and why he was some horrible husband than after his death she tries to make a sob story of why she's sorry. She just... UGH! :throwingstones: What I really want to do to her sometimes.

You basically said that if she hadnt divorced him he'd still be here.

The stress of preparing for the tour and Michael not getting enough sleep is what killed Michael. Michael collapsed rehearsing for his 'One Night Only' show in late 1995 due to stress and was rushed to hospital. While he was still with Lisa Marie.

I hope that last point doesnt come back to bite me in the ass. Some may atrribute some of the stress to Lisa Marie? :S hahaha

Ah well......
To despise and hate are the same thing.

"“Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated.”
Coretta Scott King

“Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it.”
Martin Luther King, Jr.
To despise and hate are the same thing.

"“Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated.”
Coretta Scott King

“Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it.”
Martin Luther King, Jr.

The thing is, I don't hate her. Let's say I have a deep dislikening for her.
I know people keep saying to love her, to not dislike her. I want people to tell me why though, not because Michael told us to love but because I want to know why there is a reason to love her. She hurt Michael, horribly. I don't see fans wanting to love or trying to reason with those horrible people who accused Michael of those horrible actions and yet here's someone who deeply hurt Michael and people are saying to not dislike her , to love her, to understand her.
I just can't unless someone can tell me why she's not just one of the worst people on this earth.
- I hold her responsible for Michael's death because if it wasn't for her mother and the fucking scientology crew, they could have worked on their marriage and he would still be with us today. The 2005 trial would never have happend.
Can't blame her for that IMO, Michael was taking medication before Lisa Marie and it was Murrays fault, not hers.

- I was absolutely disgusted when I heard she was granted a few minutes alone with Michael's casket before the funeral. If I was Katherine I would have refused.
She loved Michael just as much as he loved her - no doubt she was in nothing but pieces at the funeral and I think the fact that Katherine let her says something about what we think of her

We know nothing about what happened between Michael and Lisa Marie and I don't want to upset or offend anyone here but I find it very hyporcritical when we say the media are lying about Michael but when they print something about other people in Michaels live we bitch about them and take it as the truth.
No matter what, Lisa Marie loved Michael and Michael loved her, people who never supported or believed Michael during the trial were in mourning after his death so somebody who spent years of their life by his side and were actually married to him are obviously destroyed by it.

That's just my opinion anyway.

"Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; "
love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illumines it" - *Edit* Woops, didn't realise somebody had already quoted that.

And I'm not sure why we're bringing her children into this.. they've done nothing wrong and no matter what Lisa Marie 'said' or did, I don't think we should bring other members of their family into things.
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You said your not blaming her for his death. But you think she played a part in it?
You said your not blaming her for his death. But you think she played a part in it?

One of the first things I said in this thread was that I didn't agree with the original poster about Lisa being a part of his death.
I don't blame her for his death, I don't.
I blame her for breaking his heart and than coming out and trying to make amends now when he's not physically here. She's acting like she did nothing wrong, like she didn't say all those nasty things about him. It's disgusting.
One of the first things I said in this thread was that I didn't agree with the original poster about Lisa being a part of his death.
I don't blame her for his death, I don't.
I blame her for breaking his heart and than coming out and trying to make amends now when he's not physically here. She's acting like she did nothing wrong, like she didn't say all those nasty things about him. It's disgusting.

your feelings are your own. and other's feelings are their own. you don't have to look over your shoulder at 'mentors'. people who 'mentor' have their own skeletons. hopefully, those who are comfy with certain threads will use them. and those who are not will not use them. nobody is in a place to teach, anymore than they are in a place to learn. meanwhile, hopefully, the world will be healed, one day.
your feelings are your own. and other's feelings are their own. you don't have to look over your shoulder at 'mentors'. people who 'mentor' have their own skeletons. hopefully, those who are comfy with certain threads will use them. and those who are not will not use them. nobody is in a place to teach, anymore than they are in a place to learn. meanwhile, hopefully, the world will be healed, one day.

I know this.
My point is , I don't want to dislike her , I also want to have a discussion with those who feel differently than I do. I don't want to argue, just have a discussion where no one is biting each others head off.
- I hold her responsible for Michael's death because if it wasn't for her mother and the fucking scientology crew, they could have worked on their marriage and he would still be with us today. The 2005 trial would never have happend.
:smilerolleyes: :scratch:

Lisa is no saint. Why do people have the habit of thinking that she would be the savior of Michael? :smilerolleyes: :puke: Lisa never received have Michael in your life and NOW she is sorry for the things that happened in the past. Late Lisa. People are giving the proper value when they lose... Michael always had to have a woman much better than Lisa by his side. I hate when people say she saved the life of Michael. I do not like Lisa and me it is a very negative person.
:smilerolleyes: :scratch:

Lisa is no saint. Why do people have the habit of thinking that she would be the savior of Michael? :smilerolleyes: :puke: Lisa never received have Michael in your life and NOW she is sorry for the things that happened in the past. Late Lisa. People are giving the proper value when they lose... Michael always had to have a woman much better than Lisa by his side. I hate when people say she saved the life of Michael. I do not like Lisa and me it is a very negative person.

:clapping: exactly!
btw LOVE the siggy! Makes me want to marry him even more :blush:

I believe Michael needed to have a very supportive, very POSITIVE woman at his side. Not someone to say yes to everything, but to keep her promises and to love him no matter what anyone said or did.
:clapping: exactly!
btw LOVE the siggy! Makes me want to marry him even more :blush:

I believe Michael needed to have a very supportive, very POSITIVE woman at his side. Not someone to say yes to everything, but to keep her promises and to love him no matter what anyone said or did.

Thanks! I also love my siggy! Michael happy as a child at Neverland. :blush::wub:

I think the perfect woman for Michael, would be someone like him. The female version of Michael Jackson. lol! As you said, and love him, she would have to love their 3 precious angels.

Lisa had a bad past behavior. It was cruel to expose both Michael knowing how much he prized for its privacy. I can not even imagine what it must have felt about it. Michael is so amazing. Lisa said many things and he NEVER said anything about it, but I know deep down he was sad and disappointed... again in your life with people. Unfortunately, all people were only temporary in the life of Michael. None of these people who have had the honor and privilege to be at his side gave due weight to it. Liz Taylor is the only real person in Michael's life. She was always faithful to him and never left him. I am proud and I am very happy to be part of Liz Michael's life. :wub:
Thanks! I also love my siggy! Michael happy as a child at Neverland. :blush::wub:

I think the perfect woman for Michael, would be someone like him. The female version of Michael Jackson. lol! As you said, and love him, she would have to love their 3 precious angels.

Lisa had a bad past behavior. It was cruel to expose both Michael knowing how much he prized for its privacy. I can not even imagine what it must have felt about it. Michael is so amazing. Lisa said many things and he NEVER said anything about it, but I know deep down he was sad and disappointed... again in your life with people. Unfortunately, all people were only temporary in the life of Michael. None of these people who have had the honor and privilege to be at his side gave due weight to it. Liz Taylor is the only real person in Michael's life. She was always faithful to him and never left him. I am proud and I am very happy to be part of Liz Michael's life. :wub:

The only two women I believe who were "worthy" to have Michael as a husband were of course Elizabeth Taylor and Princess Diana.
There are many fans out there and other women who would have been perfect too but these are the only two "famous" people that I could think of.
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