I despise Lisa just as much as Condrad Murray

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Proud Member
Nov 12, 2008
I promise that this will be my last LMP/MJ thread... lol

- I hold her responsible for Michael's death because if it wasn't for her mother and the fucking scientology crew, they could have worked on their marriage and he would still be with us today. The 2005 trial would never have happend.

- I was absolutely disgusted when I heard she was granted a few minutes alone with Michael's casket before the funeral. If I was Katherine I would have refused.

- I was disgusted that the pic of her and MJ's MTV kiss was in the funeral booklet. Why oh why.

- I was disgusted/angry/hurt as I read her pathetic blog entry on her myspace posted on Friday 26th June. Those words really hurt me and I felt not only sympathy for her (to some extent) because the poor girl became so deluded having to bash him on every fucking interview almost a decade following their divorce but also hate. I hated her even more. She hurt him bad.

- To some extent, I also feel like hitting Michael. For not bitching back and putting her in her place.

Feel free to add whatever.
I never liked Lisa too, so I agree with you up to a point. But I don"t think she is responsable for his death.
She was allways so full of herself and suddenly ....she is hurting so much.wtf
Where were all of you in Michael"s time of need ?
She needs some publicity. Maybe she"s recording another pathetic CD like she was when she was with MJ.....
I promise that this will be my last LMP/MJ thread... lol

- I hold her responsible for Michael's death because if it wasn't for her mother and the fucking scientology crew, they could have worked on their marriage and he would still be with us today. The 2005 trial would never have happend.

- I was absolutely disgusted when I heard she was granted a few minutes alone with Michael's casket before the funeral. If I was Katherine I would have refused.

- I was disgusted that the pic of her and MJ's MTV kiss was in the funeral booklet. Why oh why.

- I was disgusted/angry/hurt as I read her pathetic blog entry on her myspace posted on Friday 26th June. Those words really hurt me and I felt not only sympathy for her (to some extent) because the poor girl became so deluded having to bash him on every fucking interview almost a decade following their divorce but also hate. I hated her even more. She hurt him bad.

- To some extent, I also feel like hitting Michael. For not bitching back and putting her in her place.

Feel free to add whatever.
I agree !!! I hate LMP !!!
I agree on some points but some others I don't. Lisa hurt him yes but not to where it led to his death. I would rather put that blame on those stupid jerks who accused him of all the wrongful accusations and of course Dr. Dummy.
I never have gotten mad at Michael for not coming out and bashing Lisa like she did with him. That just wasn't Michael's way. I think a lot of fans would have been let's say disappointed in him if he ever had. He did tell that Rabbi guy, but that was private not on say Oprah.
I despise Lisa too, I have made a thread about it too. I don't though like I said blame her for his death. Maybe her and Michael got together in the recent past and because friends again or forgave each other, I don't know. Until I do I still despise her and will always blame her for hurting Michael and for lying to him and breaking his heart by not giving him children.
For any that know me will always say that I too deeply despise her. Can't stand her!!!

BTW nice thread!
I was getting sick of all the "I love Lisa threads"!!!
Lisa was selfish!

Lisa always knew about the painkillers but she said:

"OK!I'm done!

I have my own life,my own children and I dont want to deal with!

I'm OUT!"

Now I dont give one penny for her grief.
Lisa was selfish!

Lisa always knew about the painkillers but she said:

"OK!I'm done!

I have my own life,my own children and I dont want to deal with!

I'm OUT!"

Now I dont give one penny for her grief.

Couldn't agree more!
I can't believe some people who say "Well she had her children she couldn't handle him." Well she married him, he was her HUSBAND, she was his WIFE, usually when you say you love a person and you marry them you promise to stick with them through thick and thin. She had her children before she married Michael and she knew what she was getting into. People claim that she was strong to have left him, I believe she was the complete opposite! She was weak and I don't believe she ever fully loved him because if she did she would have give him children and she would have made their marriage work. She blames Debbie Rowe for part of it for saying she would give Michael children, well LMP knew how much Michael wanted children and that should have made her LISTEN to him and TALK to him not just tell him no and to go ahead and do it. I still can't believe she let such a wonderful man go, want him back, and than go bash him.
Wow... such hatred! You weren't party to their marriage so you should not judge her actions any more than his.
i dont like lisa threads, but this title is bad sorry.

its amazing to me how an EX WIFE (EX EX EX EX EX) gets so many postings and threads, ever since michael died, can we please stop attaching women to him now that he is gone? they weren't married when he died. they divorced over a decade ago, and never had kids.

its meaningless to say ''if lisa did this michael would be alive or still married'' seriously???

theres remarks from fans and this one saying ''ohh if they were still married and had kids it would have saved michael'' ...yet forgetting if they had kids there would be no Prince, Paris and Blanket, OR lisas twin girls. were those kids never mean't to be? come on! i dont think fans are thinking too clear. people get divorced often, what makes people assume that michael and lisa would have lasted if lisa did this or that??? why do we keep hitting a dead chicken? time to move on and get out of the 90's. i also personally think michael felt connected more with Elvis. but thats me. moving on. please lets try!
I promise that this will be my last LMP/MJ thread... lol

- I hold her responsible for Michael's death because if it wasn't for her mother and the fucking scientology crew, they could have worked on their marriage and he would still be with us today. The 2005 trial would never have happend.

- I was absolutely disgusted when I heard she was granted a few minutes alone with Michael's casket before the funeral. If I was Katherine I would have refused.

- I was disgusted that the pic of her and MJ's MTV kiss was in the funeral booklet. Why oh why.

- I was disgusted/angry/hurt as I read her pathetic blog entry on her myspace posted on Friday 26th June. Those words really hurt me and I felt not only sympathy for her (to some extent) because the poor girl became so deluded having to bash him on every fucking interview almost a decade following their divorce but also hate. I hated her even more. She hurt him bad.

- To some extent, I also feel like hitting Michael. For not bitching back and putting her in her place.

Feel free to add whatever.

Hate is not the way to deal with it. Yes, she made some mistakes we've all said things we didn't mean and been forgiven for it. It doesn't mean she didn't love him and I truely believe she was deverstated by his death like the rest of us. It must have been extremely painful re living her own fathers death aswell. Michael remained friends with Lisa and it's his opinion that counts to me. If you don't like her then fine that's your opinion but don't give out hate vibes to the universe, it's bad for everyone especially you. How any MJ fan could say 'To some extent, I also feel like hitting Michael' I will never understand. You probably didn't mean it like that but calm down, hating people and being aggressive is not the answer - Michael knew that and that's why he chose not to enter into a 'bitching contest' with Lisa. Michael has left us all with lessons to learn so lets focus our energy on that.
all i have to say is everybody is entitled to their own opinions about Lisa Marie Presley, and no one knows Michael enough to assess him.
everyone is capable of love anger bitterness and hate. even the gods of many religions are capable of all those emotions.
For me I started to make comments about her and why I disliked her because there had been people who were saying it was Michael's fault and that Lisa wasn't too blame. Well I wasn't going to just let that slide. I wanted to defend Michael and not let more people blame him and not Lisa without saying anything.
you know what some of ya'll just surprise the hell out of me
you say "stop the hate you're mentally disabled" and yet you go hate on other ppl
everyone has there own opinion being rude to one and other wont change it
and like it or not LMP really screwed up
all i have to say is everybody is entitled to their own opinions about Lisa Marie Presley, and no one knows Michael enough to assess him.
everyone is capable of love anger bitterness and hate. even the gods of many religions are capable of all those emotions.

^^ agreed.
what we know is all we can base our opinions from.. anything more is speculation.

what lisa did upsets me too, but i'm sure she realizes she was wrong, and she will have to live with this for the rest of her life.
but she isn't a terrible person..
hating lisa marie is about as useful as sticking a fork in an apple.
^^ agreed.
what we know is all we can base our opinions from.. anything more is speculation.

what lisa did upsets me too, but i'm sure she realizes she was wrong, and she will have to live with this for the rest of her life.
but she isn't a terrible person..
hating lisa marie is about as useful as sticking a fork in an apple.

I never said I hated her, I just said I despise her.
I'm angry at the fact that now is the time she decided to know she was wrong. Now...not back when she was talking crap, no now. Now when she basically has to.
^^ agreed.
what we know is all we can base our opinions from.. anything more is speculation.

what lisa did upsets me too, but i'm sure she realizes she was wrong, and she will have to live with this for the rest of her life.
but she isn't a terrible person..
hating lisa marie is about as useful as sticking a fork in an apple.

well..whatever emotions those fans feel toward lisa marie presley is useful for them. it might help them heal. i cannot help but think that some of those fans that committed suicide were not allowed to feel certain emotions, because of what other people expected of them. and the fact is, Lisa Marie Presley did some terrible things, because using the media to help your agenda is an extremely powerful thing. it can be like bullets. and we all know that. there may be fans of hers and fans of elvis who heard what she said, and felt justified to threaten Michael...we don't know the extent of it..
legions of people could've felt galvanized to pressure Michael to the point where he felt there was no escape, on top of the other shit that was hurled at Michael. it all could have been used to galvanize the media, itself..and the many talking heads of the media, who felt justified to say stuff about Michael, and stir stuff up, based on their words. and we all know that words are like weapons. and we all know that those words used in the media are empowered, in multiplicity. and we all know the media is countrywide. and we all know that it was all aimed at one person...Michael.

we all know it's true. both lisa marie presley and oprah winfrey used that media platform to the hilt, in that interview, on her show.
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yea i think insulting him in interviews was her way of stopping the questions. like with diane sawyer, she pretends like she doesn't understand why she loved him, so she wouldn't have to face more speculation. it was the easiest thing for her to do, but it was weak and pitiful.

now that the questions are coming back, and the public views him more positively, she once again plays it out like she always cared so much for him, even after she left.
i think it's because she wants to be on the public's side.. i'm not sure, because i don't know her and i've never met her, but she has shown quite a few sides of herself through the years..
everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

those that love LMP has a never ending thread.

those that hate/ detest/ despise/ dislike should be able to post their view without another fan being rude and hateful.

how do you say stop hating by spewing hate on another fan?

so you disagree, be respectful share your two cents and don't come to this thread if it is too hateful.

everyone grieves differently.

unfortunately, this thread will end like most threads on this board.... it will be closed eventually because people are finding so hard to be civil to each other.

tick tock tick tock.....
I blame the break up of their marriage on Lisa's mother, a she wasn't happy about their marriage and I think helped cause the break up.

We don't know why they broke up, if she really hurt MJ do people think Katherine and Janet would have remained good friends with her over the years.

They broke up on good terms it seems, unlike Debbie.
yea i think insulting him in interviews was her way of stopping the questions. like with diane sawyer, she pretends like she doesn't understand why she loved him, so she wouldn't have to face more speculation. it was the easiest thing for her to do, but it was weak and pitiful.

now that the questions are coming back, and the public views him more positively, she once again plays it out like she always cared so much for him, even after she left.
i think it's because she wants to be on the public's side.. i'm not sure, because i don't know her and i've never met her, but she has shown quite a few sides of herself through the years..

I would think that, yet she claims she doesn't care what people think about her :doh: Just being two-faced.
everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

how do you say stop hating by spewing hate on another fan?

so you disagree, be respectful share your two cents and don't come to this thread if it is too hateful.

if you are referring to me, i wasn't trying to be hateful by any means. this is a pretty healthy and mild conversation actually.
Look, ok Lisa was a spoilt brat who can't deal with not getting her own way, that is why she has been married so often, but she is not responsible for his death, and it is unfair to blame her. The mother was racist, let's face it, the daughter of Elvis marrying an african american man was just not on, that is the time and age they were raised in, some of Elvis's people admitted it.
Conrad Murrey killed Michael, what drove him to get involved with those drugs is the pressure, the persecution I think. But Lisa did not put those drugs in his system.
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