I believe 'Breaking News' is 100% authentic and I want to talk about it here


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
What do you all think of the new preview of the unreleased MJ song Breaking News?

What are your opinions?
Re: What do you all think of the new preview of the unreleased MJ song Breaking News?

I love it. Iam curious to know if it will be a fast song or slow.
"Breaking News" Genuine Song Talk Here (Not For Fake Or Not Talk. For Those Who Appreciate the Song)

Well what can i say... I LOVE this track!...and YES Michael is on it!

The vocals in parts have been layered (like a lot of artists) but it is definitely Michael Jackson singing...I suggest you get some killer headphones, sit back and listen because its undenyably The King of Pop on the track...anyways enough of this as i know that people are never going to agree...too many crazy conspiracy theories out there.

The Track itself...

What can i say the beat is infectious, its catchy as hell and I have played it to a lot of people who are not MJ fans and they have all said they liked it!

Michaels vocals are great, its good to hear him in his lower register again, and of course those head notes and faulsetto are still clear as day! :)
The trade mark heee heee's and aowws are there (as always) and reminded me a lot of the ones on "Weve had enough"...if u listen to Michaels vocal phrasing on that its very similar to "Breaking News".

FINALLY NEW MJ MUSIC! cant wait for the album!

Re: "Breaking News" Appreciation Thread

I also totally support this song ;)

anyway they should have used his original voice without and filter or such stupid stuff -.-

finally a positive thread :)
Re: "Breaking News" Appreciation Thread

I just have mixed feelings about this.Indeed it doesn't sound like Michael that we all knew...but why would Sony use a fake singer?

Firstly it's illegal,and Sony it's a big and serious company.They wouldn't fall in disgrace just for only one song.They have over 100 MJ unreleased songs,why choose an incomplete one and use a fake MJ and with this make people hate you/not buy the album?Also,maybe they layered Michael's vocals too much or maybe it's an effect...I don't know,maybe MJ tried a new style of singing or things like this...there could be many reason.The track is hot anyhow...
Beside this...this might be a marketing method as the Breaking News is just a `street single` and it's not on the album.
Apart from this,Sony payed 250.000.000$ for this.I don't think they would screw up for such a big sum of money...
Teddy Riley and Epic Records said also that the vocals are legit...but as we see The Estate doesn't really agree with this

I have mixed feelings about this...I really have.To me it doesn't really sound like Michael only at parts...but I really can't see the reason for doing something like this having so many other opportunities.It seems that it's too much fuss for a fake track.It doesn't really seem like MJ,but I really want to believe it's him.It's been so long since we last heard something for him.

Finally I would like to talk a bit about the Sony screwing up.Sony doesn't have anything to do with the album.The songs were selected by The Estate,all they do is distribute them.

I can't wait for Sony/The Estate to clarify this...all I have to say is that I fully support the upcoming album as long as clarifications are made...
Re: "Breaking News" Appreciation Thread

I like the song... its very catchy. I would just like some proof that the song is 100% Michael (like Sony stated) and then I will be happy.
Re: "Breaking News" Appreciation Thread

To say Michael isnt on this track is ridiculous. he is clearlly on it. (even if he is masked by layers of other vocals, which COULD be that of Jason).

Its a shame that they have had to do this. Best thing is for SONY to come out with the acapella to set the record straight.

As for the song itself, It is catchy, upbeat and is playing nicely in my itunes lol

... I will admit im more excited about all the other tracks though now lol
Re: "Breaking News" Appreciation Thread

You cannot compare that to Breaking News. No one is impersonating Michael on that track.

We don't know that yet.... we haven't heard the finalised version where there are more "MJ vocals". We'll see.
Re: "Breaking News" Appreciation Thread

They cant prove the song is him because it isnt........

I do like the song though. I just wish MJ was on it.

I think it sounds like the vocals were took from a very rough, early demo. They have added heavy backing vocals to cover over some of the weaker parts of the song. I really do understand everyone's concerns, this morning I felt the same. Since hearing the demo (or the 'acapella version' as its called on YT), the vocals have obviously been taken from this and you can hear in the finalised track that some are quite rough, which leads me to the conclusion that the song has been built around a very, rough demo. That is my opinion anyway. I can understand why other fans don't think its really Michael.
Re: "Breaking News" Genuine Song Talk Here

The song has a catchy beat, I admit that. But.. the more important part seems to be missing for most of the song.. :unsure:

This is all so confusing :(
Re: "Breaking News" Appreciation Thread

It is what WE(Fans) Decided! We NEVER heard anything about it from anyone. We just said it sounded like JM. It just went too far. Why not go to his Myspace page and ask him? Thats what i'm gonna do now!


And hopefully.. He may gonna lie to you. :|
Re: "Breaking News" Appreciation Thread

And hopefully.. He may gonna lie to you. :|

Well we wont know until we ask now will we. So before brining in a person to Try him, we need to find out what the truth is. We dont really know Jack! What we know is that It's not fully Michael in that song! Thats it. Lets just wait and see what becomes of this!!!

Thankyou for sharing ur opinion openly. :)

I know ppl. who say they hear Michael in the song are not rally paid attention to but there are some of us who think that way so we better start respecting eachother's opinion cuz we're gonna be here together standing up for Michael until the end! :)

I'm going to be honest and say that I don't particularly like it. It started off well, with some potential, but I'm not sure how I feel about the lyrics, especially the bit where he says his name (it doesn't sound very MJ-ish to me).

"Everybody wanting a piece of Michael Jackson.
Reporters stalking the moves of Michael Jackson.
Just when you thought he was done,
he comes to give it again.”

The lyrics make it sound like something that I could imagine Britney Spears releasing (like "Piece of me")

Besides, people are saying that it's not even the real MJ singing it.. :S
Re: What do you all think of the new preview of the unreleased MJ song Breaking News?

Twiter de TJ (3T)

There's many MJ vocal impersonators. Some better than others. But there is only ONE Michael Jackson. Deceptively

Sounds like Jason Malachi to me too. The vibrato is a dead give away that it's not my uncle. Fans, I am so sorry you were put through this

If you heard the acapella you would be even more disgusted. Sampled breaths after sampled breaths mixed in with fake vocals to try to fool

They said this is 100% my Uncle. Not 70, 80 or 90 but a 100%. Every line, every word. My Uncle's legacy didn't deserve this!

There's many MJ vocal impersonators. Some better than others. But there is only ONE Michael Jackson. Deceptively merging shady vocals with MJ samples (from prior MJ records) will never fool me. Why they would ignore the obvious, look the other way and rush a suspicious track that was NEVER on my Uncle's radar is beyond me. I'm disgusted, disappointed and saddened. And before the media starts to smear our name, just remember we are COMMITTED (as our Uncle Michael always knew) to protect his name and his amazing legacy he worked his whole life for. We have nothing to gain and we know they will try to drag our name through the mud. But we know how much he valued his legacy and his fans. And cheating either is unacceptable. "Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons"
Shelter from the storm: if BREAKING NEWS has broken your brain, come in here!

Hi friends, how about a thread to support each other through this strange "BREAKING NEWS" situation? I feel like things might not get straightened out right away, and maybe it would be nice to have a place to chat while leaving more serious conversation/news/updates for the main BN thread?

Just a place to say you are frustrated or sad or whatever you are feeling, whether in words or a Kermit gif ;) No judgment, no real/fake vocals discussions, no meanness! Just MJ fans doing what we do so well when crazy **** happens: come together and try to help others.

I'll start: I'm so frustrated that I feel like I'm losing my mind! Last night I was went from celebratory to let down over such a short period of time. Now I feel like I'm going crazy scouring the internet for info, refreshing threads, and listening to that one song over and over! I'm ready for the insane asylum... AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!


Anyone else? :)
Re: Shelter from the storm: if BREAKING NEWS has broken your brain, come in here!

I just want to sit somewhere in a corner and cry. Instead I have to sit at work and pretend I'm working. On Sunday I'll be going on a vacation to Barcelona for a week with a friend who is not a fan, so I'll try to stay away from this mess.

my heart is bleeding for Michael. I keep thinking why did he deserve this? why did we deserve this? and I can't find an answer.

I thought this release will unite and support the fan community and instead we have this. I cant' take it.
Re: Shelter from the storm: if BREAKING NEWS has broken your brain, come in here!

I also feel so bad for Michael.. Thats not fair, he didnt deserve this. I just wish he would be here clearing up this mess.
JMie;3060337 said:
I just want to sit somewhere in a corner and cry. Instead I have to sit at work and pretend I'm working. On Sunday I'll be going on a vacation to Barcelona for a week with a friend who is not a fan, so I'll try to stay away from this mess.

my heart is bleeding for Michael. I keep thinking why did he deserve this? why did we deserve this? and I can't find an answer.

I thought this release will unite and support the fan community and instead we have this. I cant' take it.

I feel the same :(… I can't begin to imagine what Michael would think of this, just does not derserve this ever.:no:

I was so unexplainably excited as the weekend started knowing that we'd be getting a new song, but then this happens.
I don't know what to think right now, just want Michael here. :sigh:
Re: "Breaking News" Appreciation Thread

It doesnt matter cause some people already set their mind to that the songs are fake
so any statement that comes from Sony they wont believe it,
and as Teddy said a Musicologist from FBI was gonna listen to it
and try to confirm if it was him or not,

but that wont matter some people already convinced themselves that it is not him
and no one can change their mind.
Re: Shelter from the storm: if BREAKING NEWS has broken your brain, come in here!

To me it sounds so unreal that the even dont know if its michael or not its so damn amateur!
Re: Shelter from the storm: if BREAKING NEWS has broken your brain, come in here!

Sony, the Cascios and whoever else was involved in releasing this bomb, this charicature of a bomb, better say, I think, knew what were doing. They've managed to at least temporarily cause a stir and multitudes of conflicts between the fans. Not to mention break the hearts of many.

I'm repeating myself, but what is going on is evil.
Re: Shelter from the storm: if BREAKING NEWS has broken your brain, come in here!

This is over dramatic don't you think? The song will not even be released as a single! Calm down and wait for the outcome!
Re: "Breaking News" Appreciation Thread

It doesnt matter cause some people already set their mind to that the songs are fake
so any statement that comes from Sony they wont believe it,
and as Teddy said a Musicologist from FBI was gonna listen to it
and try to confirm if it was him or not,

but that wont matter some people already convinced themselves that it is not him
and no one can change their mind.

Yes. I agree. This is really sad. Could you imagine it's proved being MJ's and his own fans say no, you're not good enough, you don't sound like you. Painful. I would gladly be convinced it's the real deal though. I'm on the fence now, but I do like the song a lot.
Re: "Breaking News" Genuine Song Talk Here

For me BN is fine, but....

anyway, there is NO chance for BN to be a hit - anywhere in the world..., simply its not playable for most of radio stations.... or at least its not attractive for most of the people/listeners...
Re: Shelter from the storm: if BREAKING NEWS has broken your brain, come in here!

I still feel so wrapped up in all the drama that it's hard for me to go about my life! I feel so bad for all the crap that Michael had to deal with. I can see how he must have felt betrayed by most around him.
Re: Shelter from the storm: if BREAKING NEWS has broken your brain, come in here!

I had mixed feelings about the album before BN was released. Now, I'm just disgusted. At this point, I actually feel like I don't want any of it - not the new album, the DVDs, or the video game. (I still kind of want to see the Cirque du Soleil show, though LOL). Right now, I feel like I just want to stick to the stuff that Michael actually made.
Re: Shelter from the storm: if BREAKING NEWS has broken your brain, come in here!

I still feel so wrapped up in all the drama that it's hard for me to go about my life! I feel so bad for all the crap that Michael had to deal with. I can see how he must have felt betrayed by most around him.

This is so true! All of the crap people put him through. How did he do it? I am sorry to say it but I understand why he stayed away from his family more and more.

I was so exited over the weekend about hearing the new song on Monday and Katherine was going to do the interview with Oprah. Taj said she would show the world the MJ they all knew ,blah blah blah.

I feel like I have been hit repeatedly by a baseball bat!!