I Am A Loser leaks [ Page 6] New info Page 12

Re: I Am A Loser leaks [ Page 6/ Post #89 ]

So, i've listened to it about a million times lol. I am a bit disapointed that he didn't record all new vocals, but that's just the way it is i guess.
Re: I Am A Loser leaks [ Page 6/ Post #89 ]

yeah..wow..what an beautiful article..:) damien you are awesome

thank u pentum for posting it..:)
Re: I Am A Loser leaks [ Page 6/ Post #89 ]

so the article also tells us, that he re-recorded HT in some way?
thought the whole take is from 1999.
Re: I Am A Loser leaks [ Page 6/ Post #89 ]

so the article also tells us, that he re-recorded HT in some way?
thought the whole take is from 1999.

I think he just re-recorded some parts. Michael had been working on it on and off all the way up to 2008 i'm pretty sure.
Re: I Am A Loser leaks [ Page 6/ Post #89 ]

Lovely song, but part of me hopes it isn't released on any upcoming album. It's probably the least strong of all the leaked/released demos since MJ died....that's not to say it's a bad song of course!

It's interesting that in the same time MJ was recording songs like Unbreakable, Heartbreaker, Escape etc from around that time tracks like this was also being made. Shows the immense scope of his creativity.
Re: I Am A Loser leaks [ Page 6/ Post #89 ]

Well, Damien is a reliable source, so I trust him, but I also doubt that it was recorded in 2003. It sounds similar to Beautiful Girl and a little bit to The Way You Love Me, both from 1998/1999.
Wonderful. I love it. Better than Beautiful Girl in my opinion.
Joe Vogel ‏@JoeVogel1 12h

@thegirlwasbad I believe this is the '03 version
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Joe Vogel ‏@JoeVogel1 13h

Looks like "I am the Loser" leaked. Another great collaboration between MJ and Brad Buxer. There are a few different versions
dangerous ‏@thegirlwasbad 13h

Spill the deets, @JoeVogel1
Joe Vogel ‏@JoeVogel1 13h

@thegirlwasbad I'll have to go back to my interview archives. I remember Brad telling me there was a later version called "I Was the Loser"
AMG;3899957 said:
It's two different songs with just similar bit, etc. only. :)
Its the same song just the one line I am a loser changed to I was the loser. The rest is the same

“I Was The Loser” is the final version of the track.
Jackson did not record the whole song again when it changed from “I Am A Loser” to “I Was The Loser”. He simply re-recorded that particular line, while the musical composition remained exactly the same.
@qbee: I know but I commented a comparison of IAAL an BG ;)
Re: I Am A Loser leaked?

people who've heard it, please stop saying it's boring and crap. it's a michael jackson demo. consider yourself a lucky person because i would do anything to hear another demo. smfh.

Yes, appreciate the demo for what it is. It was never meant to be heard by us in the first place. Remember that.
The song shows great potential IMO. Obviously a long way from being complete, but I love hearing stuff like this. As an MJ fan it doesn't get any better than being able to hear MJ's creative process in action.
The song shows great potential IMO. Obviously a long way from being complete, but I love hearing stuff like this. As an MJ fan it doesn't get any better than being able to hear MJ's creative process in action.

Exactly! This to me is more exciting than hearing MJ songs that have been re-produced after his death.
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Also I don't believe that Michael wouldn't have re-recorded the vocals if he were to finalise it for release.
I am a loser recorded in 2003 ..

I was the loser is the only line that changed instead of I am a loser

which that line has been recorded in 2008
The reason I stated that I think he would have re-recorded the vocals is because to me the lyrics in the verses don't seem finalised, Michael's enunciation is a bit sloppier than usual, he seems to be holding back a little, the ad libs at the end sound like he's just trying things out searching for something, and I'd think he'd want to have a better quality recording on a better mic perhaps. Just the feeling I get listening to it.

Disclaimer: I'm not moaning about anything as can be seen by my previous couple of posts. Just stating why I don't believe Michael wouldn't have re-recorded his vocals for final release.
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so there is a 320kbits mp3 file available?
a youtube rip? if not can someone please send me a pm for the mp3?
There's no pleasing anyone. Why can't MJ fans just be happy we got something new with MJ on it, rather then bitch and moan about it. The fans bitch because it's not in the greatest of quality, or because it's a demo, or they don't think it's his vocals (which this time they are).

It's a demo track, demo tracks aren't ment to sound in great CD quality. There could be a number of reasons why this track doesn't sound good. Whomever had it, maybe they transferred it that made the quality not so great, or it was recorded by MJ and his producer in a pinch on some half assed quality equipment.

And this crap about people saying it's not from 2003 or not, how do you know what Michael was doing? If Buxer was the one who worked with MJ on this track, and knows the complete story of when it took place and how it came up, why do people doubt him?
Hearing a raw Michael Jackson outtake is very pleasing. Anyone who wants to moan about this will be ignored while I and plenty of others enjoy what is a very good start to what would've been I imagine a great song.

I like the song.
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I am surprised to read that some people think this is one of MJ's weaker demos. Personally I think it is one of his best. I love the calm melancholy of it, both musically and vocally. There's no need to be dramatic about it, he (the character singing the song) knows and has accepted that he is a loser. It reminds me of Much Too Soon and to a lesser degree That's What You Get For Being Polite in that sense.

Musically I love the transition into the verses. When MJ starts singing "if losing you makes me happy..." and those strings swell it sounds like his thoughts are drifting off for a second, asking questions: how did this happen, why did it happen? But then, as the new verse starts and we are left with just those simple rhodes chords and MJ's voice (and in the later verses one piercing note on the strings), it sounds like the harsh realization sets in again: he is "born to lose." I just love that transition. Simple but wonderful.

The Damien Shields article is really interesting. Great to read about the origins of the song. I can see why MJ wanted to change "I am a loser" to "I was the loser" but I like the former more. It is more powerful to hear the character share his pain in the moment, rather than reflecting on something that happened in the past.

Overall, a very promising demo imo. The work with Buxer and Prince we have heard thus far all sounds very solid and distinctive. Can't wait to hear more.
I am surprised to read that some people think this is one of MJ's weaker demos. Personally I think it is one of his best. I love the calm melancholy of it, both musically and vocally. There's no need to be dramatic about it, he (the character singing the song) knows and has accepted that he is a loser. It reminds me of Much Too Soon and to a lesser degree That's What You Get For Being Polite in that sense.

Musically I love the transition into the verses. When MJ starts singing "if losing you makes me happy..." and those strings swell it sounds like his thoughts are drifting off for a second, asking questions: how did this happen, why did it happen? But then, as the new verse starts and we are left with just those simple rhodes chords and MJ's voice (and in the later verses one piercing note on the strings), it sounds like the harsh realization sets in again: he is "born to lose." I just love that transition. Simple but wonderful.

The Damien Shields article is really interesting. Great to read about the origins of the song. I can see why MJ wanted to change "I am a loser" to "I was the loser" but I like the former more. It is more powerful to hear the character share his pain in the moment, rather than reflecting on something that happened in the past.

Overall, a very promising demo imo. The work with Buxer and Prince we have heard thus far all sounds very solid and distinctive. Can't wait to hear more.

Going to listen again...:happy:. Love this post.
So happy this was leaked for many reasons but all is not lost with this leak as I'm sure it will be released someday in the near future
For the people complains here:


I mean guys, C'MON it's A DEMO! If you listen the early versions of Billie Jean and Smooth Criminal you realize none of them sound as epic as the final products because they were molded and sculpted, they were great demos nontheless.

Relax and enjoy it as it is, a nice, raw, promising work in progress besides, Michael's vocals are so beautiful and mesmerizing. :wub: