How's everybody doing?

I feel very empty inside...I feel like I lost part of my identity...
I try to keep going as normal as I can for the people around me, but inside I feel really bad.

I have said it many time on here already: Nothing makes sense to me anymore! Everything is meaningless without our beloved Michael :(
And then a hero comes along
with the strength to carry on
and you cast your fears aside
and you know you can survive.
So, when you feel like hope is gone
look inside you and be strong
and you'll finally see the truth
that a hero lies in you.

You can find love
If you search within yourself
And the emptiness you felt
Will disappear

(Mariah Carey)
depressed. every day getting more harder for me now.

I feel very empty inside...I feel like I lost part of my identity...
I try to keep going as normal as I can for the people around me, but inside I feel really bad.

I have said it many time on here already: Nothing makes sense to me anymore! Everything is meaningless without our beloved Michael :(

This is how I feel too :(
Plus I wake up with the worst headache and pain.. my spirit is still very weak. I dont want to go to work and deal with my coworkers again. I feel so sick. :puke:
I feel pain, saddness and depression. I am afraid I won´t get over this at all.
I am still devastated. I wake up and for a moment or two I have to try and convince myself that what has happened is real. That Michael Jackson is actually dead. Although I know it is so, I cannot yet get a handle on it. Also as I was due to see him at the O2 on opening night, I was so very, very excited and was getting everything ready to go to London next week. I was really fired up about seeing him on the 13th.
It feels now like a black cloud is looming the nearer that date gets. I was so close to seeing him in 11 days time, and I feel as if I want to push away the fog that has descended and dulled my senses.
I am still going to London, still going to the O2 on 13th, but I still cannot get over that Michael will not be there doing his opening concert. It just doesn't seem real.
Maybe when I have been I will feel better, maybe I will feel worse. I have very odd emotions at the moment.
Thanks for asking. Nice to know people care. x
I feel like something is squeezing my heart & soul. :(
I'm going to need a lot more than a week to get used to this.
I feel the same Fujon :(

Michael is in Heaven and can see us.

he don't want us to do stupid things, don't make him sad with it, please.
don't separate yourself this way from him forever. you know how much he loves us and if you love him, continue to live and you'll meet him again.

we should stay together like a family and support each other. our mission
here still not over. someone should continue to try to heal the world, right?
Michael is resting now. He gave everything from his heart.
Maybe it's our time now to get busy with it. He left for us messages and many precious gifts. he is the teacher for us all.

i know, we missing him phisically very much now :( and it so heavy to deal with it.
just to see how he walking, to hear his laugh, to see his eyes and smile would be a blessing now.

i watched Private Home Movies,
the part with ''You rock my world'', the end of it where he is laughing on the street.
i listened this part with his laugh again and again, laughing so free, so happy.
that's how he feel now, i think.
such a beautiful soul like Michael deserve the best. and God decided to make him fully happy now.

and i think maybe with physical death Michael even can bring more people to God, someone who never believed in anything maybe will find a way to church, to get a comfort.

he is still with us, open your mind and feel his spirit.
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I don't feel very good... I just can't stop crying and the pain just keep on growing. I threw up once. It just hurts so much. I don't know what to do with myself. I thought it would get better after a couple of days, not worse. I've never felt this much pain before. I'm just so torn. I don't know how to handle it.

Thanks for asking, really. It's amazing how much a website can do. This place just keep on saving me over and over again. I really hope that ya'll will feel better soon. I hate that so many wonderful human beings are being so hurt.
I just simply can't believe that we are all on this forum talking about Michael's death! It feels more than unreal! I can't accept it and I don't know what to do without him! It's just terrible :( *CRY*
I still feel very sad about all of it. I haven't really cried yet. It's all too surreal for me. But everyday, I am listening to more and more of his music, though it's difficult. At the same time, I want to celebrate the man and his art. That's the best to remember him along with continuing his legacy and message to the world.
Since i heard the news a week ago,i started to feel sick to my stomac anytime i eat.
I almost don't sleep,and there was even one night that i was very scared because after several hours trying to sleep,when i do,i wake up scared because i was listening Michaelcalling my name.
It was so real that i amost paniced...
This week was to me one of the worsts i can remember.
I can't listen to Michael's music at all.To the point that if i am in a place and a song starts,i have to leave imediatly before my stomac acts weird.
I'm not doing too well. I still can't eat and the pain feels just as fresh as it did when Michael first left us. I feel so lost without him, I don't know if I'm ever going to get over this.
Tell us how you feel, come on. How are you getting on?

Please keep this updated, I'm worried about our dear MJJC family! :wub:

ya know I was feeling a little better until I seen this new tape with Michael dancing up a storm and looking beautiful. Know I feel so bad all over again. I am sooo angry at someone and I dont know who.. I am mad at that doctor. ohhhh I am so mad
I was feeling a little better too until I watched this video with Michael's rehearsal of TDCAU. He had a smile on his face at the end... I am devasted again! My God, I cannot believe I'd be watching this LIVE at the O2 in few days!!! My dream was about to come true. Now days have been a nightmare. I really CANNOT accept this! Why? What is the major reason for this?! Cuffin, autopsy, funeral...? I want to SCREAM!!!
I know it tore me apart my mom started to cry too this is all so terrible!

I've been praying for Michael, his children, his family and YOU (the fans) every night since his passing. Keeping updating guys.
Each day i think get's harder and harder because it's slowly sinking in the reality of it all. I haven't cried since tuesday but instead vented my feelings through depression.

Urgh. I hate my 'friends' i really do, just the other day one of them said "haven't you got over Michael Jackson yet?"

I've found i can't talk to anybody about MJ at the moment, my voice breaks in mid sentance and tears come to my eyes..

You know, since the news broke out i thought about you guys. I was on holiday when it happened so i couldn't get on to a computer, i SO hoped this site wouldn't shut down before i made it back!

I also pray for his children.
I'm actually alright, i think about him almost all of the time I'm awake, from the time i go to bed to when I wake up, but I'm not really sad...cause' i think he was happy before he died.
Thank you all for sharing your feelings here. So many people are still absolutely heartbroken, depressed and even physically ill from this... I wish I could do something. But all I can do is send all of you big hugs, and my love. I'm here for you guys! The whole community is.

You know, it can get worse before it gets better.. Just hang in there, and one day you'll be able to enjoy all the beautiful things in your life again.
I know I've never posted here but I am a huge Michael fan and I wanted to post with other fans who could understand my love for Michael. I am still so very sick about this whole thing. I can't look at the words "RIP Michael" or hear someone mention the words "death" or "passing" without becoming completely numb. My heart drops and I get sad all over just thinking about the funeral. I've been crying everyday since Thursday. I feel like I'm in a bad dream and one day I will wake up and it'll be like none of this ever happened. :( For the first few days i couldn't listen to his music or watch any footage because I would get so sick. Now listening to his music makes me smile and songs like "Will You Be There" and "Stranger in Moscow" (which happen to be my favorite MJ songs) are getting me through. The only thing that comforts me is at least I know that he is finally at peace. He no longer has to worry about the negativity of the world and the media beating him down. He was a great spirit with so much love to give...I truly believe he had the most innocent & pure heart ever known to man and I am so lucky to have known him through his music :(
I just wanna say how happy I am to see how Michael Jackson fans are supporting one another. Really, we are truly following his example and making him proud if we care about each other. It's so sweet. I love you!
I am doing alright right now. Even though I still have not been able to eat much since it happen. Right now I am getting in to Michael's 95 MTV VMAs performance. I so remember seeing that performance when I was 15. That was such an awesome performance back then.