How would you feel If Michael said No to his fans?

Michael needs to start to say no,

to some fans.. I don't want to meantion any names, but

if i were michael or in his team . I' would do it..

Some fans need to cool of a little.. I haven't
seen michael jackson in person for like 3 years now. . & i
won't die over it..

Michael knows that i love him..

Just give him space. If you love & care for him you would do it.. What would you do or say if someone followed you every where 24/7 ..
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Michael needs to start to say no,

to some fans.. I don't want to meantion any names, but

if i were michael or in his team . I' would do it..

Some fans need to cool of a little.. I haven't
seen michael jackson in person for like 3 years now. . & i
won't die over it..

Michael knows that i love him..

Just give him space. If you love & care for him you would do it.. What would you do or say if someone followed you every where 24/7 ..

I think the same way!You was perfect!
This is the point...If we really love him we can do it! to be pissed off a lot, cus u have gotten an insight into the minds of a lot of MJ fans, concerning how they feel about him. chances are, if you just limited your thread to people who might wish to envision how they would feel if they could conceive of MJ being that way, then your thread would have a lot less posts. it's a risk you take when posting such a question. it's the affect that MJ has had on these fans. and it's understandable. i don't see why people can't stretch their minds far enough to understand these responses that you find less desirable. nor do i see why people are worried about the mental health of fans who choose to feel this way about MJ, in the hypothetical case that MJ were to do what Ringo did. how one fan feels about MJ shouldn't affect another fan. it's between that fan, and MJ. and, so far, those fans and MJ seem to be alright. i don't know why i'm one of the few that understand why this thread got the responses that it got..the responses that you don't want on this thread.

what we have learned here, is, that certain fans want to stress that the situation that exists with Ringo Starr does not currently exist with Michael. and the fans that do not wish to venture into that hypothetical situation, are not necessarily required to cross that bridge, because, right now, for them, that bridge doesn't exist.

maybe i'm reaching, delving into the minds of those fans, but it's worth the risk to make my point.

it's simply a question not worth answering, as far as those fans are concerned, because the situation doesn't exist for them, because of the impression Michael has made on them.

although i have stated that this 'bridge' may not exist for these fans, i'll just state, for the sake of speaking:

i guess some fans will cross that bridge IF they get to it.

i think these fans approach your subject like many other situations regarding Michael, and hypothetical dark cloud questions, that some may want to raise based on his dramatic life that he has survived, with flying colors(not saying that you necessarily raised your question for that reason). at least, i know a big part of me does. in fact, i fully do.
:clapping:Even though you admitted you couldn't get into other fans' minds, I think you broke it down so throughly. Many others might feel you're representing and summing up the shared emotion about this thread.
And I agree on the bolded part cuz I can feel most of the members here are REAL and full of love for him. Even though some members would feel sad, it doesn't mean they wouldn't respect his choice. That'd be simply how they feel while still taking his choice as it is and respecting it to the fullest.

vncwilliam said:
and just to be fair to Ringo Starr, i did notice that he kept repeating the phrase..'peace and love...peace and love'
I didn't mean Ringo Starr was angry and blunt:D I meant the way he took the measure, which is an official statement. And I believe Michael would be much more warm and affectionate:wub:, if he ever should do the same thing.
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I don't think many people have read or understood my reply before, so I will repeat -

Michael does say no, when he wants to. A lot of times, he says 'yes' to fans, because he really does appreciate fans more than a lot of other artists seem to. But when he wants his privacy, he does tell fans when it's not appropriate and then proceeds about his business without giving them any attention. Or he simply goes away without telling anyone and then goes about his business. This makes me confident that if he would ever want to stop altogether, he would. I believe he's not planning to at the moment, though.

So how does it make me feel when he says 'no'? I'm very happy and proud of him when he does that, it makes me happy that he knows to set those limits.
I'd be surprised but you have to accept people's wishes. I imagine there are times when Michael wishes people would leave him alone, his last visit to London had him and the children virtual prisoners in a hotel because fans just wouldn't let him have some privacy.
i agree a real fan accepts that their sh0uld be an acceptable distance so the artist and his family can live a live as normal as possible AND IT HAS BEEN PROVEN SPECIALLY IN MJ CASE THAT THE FANS WHO DO THAT HAVE A BETTER CHANGE TO MEET AND TALK TO HIM WHEN THERE IS SOME TIME LEFT OR WHEN THERE ARE JUST A FEW FANS
do you guys remember how scared blanket wasd for the fans once that he was really crying i think this was also in london i find that one of the most unacceptable things a fan can do scare th stars kids
The sad truth is that the vast majority of fans he meets are out of their minds...I'll leave it at that. I mean sure, If i ever meet him I would be ecstatic but you would never see me chase or run after a freakin' car or yelling and screaming like a mad man especially in front of his children. I might go "Oh my God its you" and shake his hand maybe get an autograph if possible and that be the end of it.

If people would learn to be respectful to these artists, maybe they wouldn't have to get so "heartbroken" when they don't get what they want. Too many people fail to realize that these artists are human and they don't have to complete your every need or desire.
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I wouldn't care. Michael's human too. I mean I'm sure he HAS said no a few times. Big deal. I can understand Ringo's anger too. Some fans CAN be relentless and a bit scary. :unsure:
The sad truth is that the vast majority of fans he meets are out of their minds...I'll leave it at that. I mean sure, If i ever meet him I would be ecstatic but you would never see me chase or run after a freakin' car or yelling and screaming like a mad man especially in front of his children. I might go "Oh my God its you" and shake his hand maybe get an autograph if possible and that be the end of it.

If people would learn to be respectful to these artists, maybe they wouldn't have to get so "heartbroken" when they don't get what they want. Too many people fail to realize that these artists are human and they don't have to complete your every need or desire.

Thing is the fans he does meet are the same fans who he met ten years before but they keep screaming as if they're seeing him for the first time. :lol: I'd be looking at videos of crazed fans and I be wanting to say "shut the hell up" if I was Mike, lol! I mean, dad gone it, I'm glad that y'all love me but sh*t, can a playa play without getting hassled, sh*t?! :lol:
it wouldnt bother me at all, but for the new fans it would be such a disappointment.
i dont think mike would ever do that but it would help to avoid thks from coming if all fans keep a respectfull distance from out of their own heart and mind specially if the man has his kids with him
that will show michael as well as the res tof the world that michaels fans are made of respect and mannours instead of crazyness and histeria what the magazines think of us now
Michael would have every right to say no to an autograph request in my opinion, i dont think i would feel let down as long as it is said in a respectful manner (assuming that i have asked for it in a respectful manner as well LOL).

Last summer i had a chance to meet Mika, he would shake hands and talk but did not want to sign anything.
That was fine for me,i dont think i'd be too fond about signing myself.

Some were still pushing for an autograph though, you could feel that he felt bad about turning them down but it was said that he wouldnt sign anything beforehand by his securitypeople and i think that was rude of these fans to ask him regardless .
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I would think, good for him.

People need to learn to be a bit selfish when they are naturally completely giving. He needs to value himself enough to be able to say no when he needs to say no. I have to learn that more for myself as well so that is why I say it. I think a fan should be understanding and compassionate to understand that he isn't there for our every whim and desire. He does not belong to us. He is allowed to have time OFF.. like anyone with any other job. Why does he have to be "on Call" every second he is in public?

Also.. what is an autograph? All it is is bragging rights. What purpose does it serve? If we care about him, why would we need an autograph for that? Why not just appreciate the time we get with him? Why not spend that time in something that could actually be meaningful such as ask him how his day is, or even just smile at him or give him some space to feel like a regular person. Why does an autograph hold value to a fan? We know it happened... do we NEED to have something to prove it to others? Is it so we can sell it later? Doesn't that really cheapen the whole experience?

Maybe I just don't get it. I certainly don't see why a fan would be upset with him for not giving an autograph, unless it is at an actual autograph signing event that they went to for that specific purpose. Still.. I don't understand the purpose of that. (sorry.. just don't)
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Lol so many people can't read questions in here. The question wasn't do you think Michael *WILL* say no to his fans, it was How would you feel *IF* Michael said No to his fans?

Personally it wouldnt bother me in the slightest if he did say no to fan mail and autographs, if he wants to be left alone when it comes to that, its fair enough init, but it would be a different story if he was to go about it like Ringo did.

Ok , I feel bad if he says no to some appropriate requests from the fans but I dont feel bad if he says no to some unappropriate requests becouse some fans expect so much of him and dont understand the situation. Why we have the right to say no but he shouldnt have to say no.He has to say no if it is essential. Am I give you the answer?:scratch:
I don't think many people have read or understood my reply before, so I will repeat -

Michael does say no, when he wants to. A lot of times, he says 'yes' to fans, because he really does appreciate fans more than a lot of other artists seem to. But when he wants his privacy, he does tell fans when it's not appropriate and then proceeds about his business without giving them any attention. Or he simply goes away without telling anyone and then goes about his business. This makes me confident that if he would ever want to stop altogether, he would. I believe he's not planning to at the moment, though.

So how does it make me feel when he says 'no'? I'm very happy and proud of him when he does that, it makes me happy that he knows to set those limits.
You are right, I hadn't read your reply. I kind of skipped everything. I think I am just in a mood. .. sorry. This is good. It's nice to hear this.
Thanks for understanding. I am in one of those rare (for me) grumpy boorish moods where I feel like jumping on everything that makes me remotely angry.. I should just get in a boxing ring.
ape and troubleman, i agree.

i can understand why fans would want something tangible from michael, maybe to think they have a little tiny piece of him through his autograph, but for me i think having his music and his performances/art is something much more personal that he gives to us. we all know how much of himself he pours into his work so that is more than enough for me.
I'd stop being a fan.

No, I dunno, I'd probably be offended. :mellow:

Why would you be offended?, Michael has the right to say NO he cant please everyone, hes given enough to his fans over the years its about time he should settle down and focus on Raising his Children and NOT what his fans want, Michael needs space away from his fans like any other artist, Some people just need to learn to respect his wishes :)
hmm well imo its not an obligation to sign autographs, if he does it its because hes fine with it, if he's not he'll say no, and thats ok. There are times when he's just not in the mood for public attention I guess. He's human. Fine.

If I someday travel to another country just to see him and if I ask for an autograph in an appropriate time/place and he says no, at first I'd be frustraded, but later I would understand...
But if I ask him for a hug and he says no, I think I'd just hug him anyway! :p And steal a kiss! :D
After a little searching, I found this:

"Dear Beatles Fans and Friends,

Most of you have already seen the video that Ringo sent out yesterday
regarding a cut-off date of 20 October for autographed articles, photos,
etc. After 20 October, Ringo will not be signing items mailed to him.

The video of Ringo explaining this to his fans comes across a little...
abrupt. But after a great deal of investigation into why he released
this video, I found that Ringo had been graciously offering to sign
anything that people sent to him. And the overwhelming TON of things
that he had received was mind-boggling.

On one fan site, there was a list of things that people had sent in and
then a list of complaints. Here is a typical complaint, "I sent in two
photos, one set of drumsticks, one t-shirt and one sweatshirt. The
drumsticks were returned unsigned, and one photo was unsigned."

The complaints went on and on. No one said a word of thanks for the
things that were signed. And my mind is spinning with the image of Ringo
signing endless t-shirts, sweatshirts, drumsticks, and who knows what

It was extremely generous for Ringo to offer to sign so many items for
his fans, but I imagine that when he offered to do this, he never
dreamed that people would take advantage of him by sending so many
things and expecting so much.

And it appears that he has reached his limit.

Bottom line... since August of 1962, Ringo has lived in a fishbowl.
We've watched every little thing he's done... we've commented,
critiqued, observed, and either cheered or booed. And now it's 2008...
almost 2009. Enough already. Let the man have some well-deserved time to
enjoy life. He had given us almost 50 years of smiles, songs, and
shenanigans. Now let's be gracious and give him the rest of his life.

Before 20 October... instead of a "gimme, gimme, gimme" attitude (or as
George would have phrased it, "I, me, me, mine!"), let's do something
for Ringo. Let's all write to him at the address below ONLY TO SAY THANK
YOU... thank you for the joy of your music, your positive attitude
through the years, your love toward the fans, your Ringoisms, your
headshakes and smiles, your humor, yourself. Let's send him a note to
say we love you, and we support you.

If Ringo is feeling overwhelmed, taken advantage of, besieged... then
let's give back to him some of the joy he has given us.

Please send a word of thanks or support (and NOTHING TO SIGN) to:

Ringo Starr
1st Floor
90 Jermyn Street
London SW1Y6JD

And please pass the word on to everyone you know. I'd love to see his
mailbox full of thanks and love, not requests and complaints.

Jude Kessler
author of Shoulda Been There"

Source: ... -little-he

Judging by this, it looks like Ringo was overwhelmed by the amount of fanmail he was getting, not to mention people's reactions. He could have put it a bit nicer, but I don't blame him for getting upset about it. And I can see Michael and other celebrities reacting in the same way if it happened to them. Michael doesn't owe us anything, he's already given us so much already, and if people bitch and moan about somebody not signing something that they don't really have to (when it comes down to it), it's solely their fault if that said celebrity decides to stop signing completely. I thought fans was the word?

On the other hand, I don't see Michael stopping answering fan mail otherwise.
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One thing I was curious about. Does he actually answer fan mail? The only ones who could really answer are the ones who have received a note back or some kind of response. I wouldn't mind that actually. It is an unobtrusive way of reaching out to him. He is free to read or respond as he wishes and when he wishes and IF he wishes.

Thank you for that letter ship of fools. We never really know till we get the full story do we? Nice to have more of his side.
Also.. what is an autograph? All it is is bragging rights. What purpose does it serve? If we care about him, why would we need an autograph for that? Why not just appreciate the time we get with him? Why not spend that time in something that could actually be meaningful such as ask him how his day is, or even just smile at him or give him some space to feel like a regular person. Why does an autograph hold value to a fan? We know it happened... do we NEED to have something to prove it to others? Is it so we can sell it later? Doesn't that really cheapen the whole experience?

After a little searching, I found this:

Judging by this, it looks like Ringo was overwhelmed by the amount of fanmail he was getting, not to mention people's reactions.

One thing I was curious about. Does he actually answer fan mail? The only ones who could really answer are the ones who have received a note back or some kind of response. I wouldn't mind that actually. It is an unobtrusive way of reaching out to him. He is free to read or respond as he wishes and when he wishes and IF he wishes.

Thank you for that letter ship of fools. We never really know till we get the full story do we? Nice to have more of his side.

yeah, thanks for that piece of insight, Shipoffools. It does put Ringo Starr's video in a much better and more human perspective. :flowers:

and thank you for your responses, Ape, you make some good points. And to aswer your last question: yes, he does reply to fanmail sometimes. I've written him many letters over the course of 20 years, and he's written back to me personally 4 times. I know several other fans he's written notes to, in answer to letters or gifts they have given him. In addition, he has called fans in response to things they've written to him. So yes, he does make a real effort to reply to fanmail, an generally really seems to appreciate what fans send him. But do keep in mind that he receives a lot, so it would be humanly impossible for him to reply to everything! So I can really understand Ringo's reaction in that respect, but Michael seems to be handling the situation a little smarter, by being selective about who and what he replies to, instead of trying to keep 'everybody' happy.

I have to agree that asking autographs is quite something else from sending him fanmail, though. With sending fanmail and gifts, I like it that, as you said Ape, "He is free to read or respond as he wishes and when he wishes and IF he wishes." I would like it to be like that for him always...
:) Thank you for answering my question Satyagrahi. I guess maybe I should write him a letter someday. Of course, he may never get it, and he may never read it, and if he does, he doesn't have to respond, but it sounds like it could be possible. Much more meaningful than a signature.

I agree that it's not to be expected of course. But if he wants to read it, and respond, then maybe it would be nice for him as well.
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If I knew he was doing that, I would've sent him something to sign. That was very kind of him to do so. Too bad I'm not really a fan.
..............If he says that he has a' valid reasonto say so,and I respect him fully!:D:yes: he needs space to walk,breath live like we all do:yes::D
Wouldn't really bother me but I don't think Michael is like that..I could understand if there were hundred's of us chasing him..but one on one, metting MJ, I'm pretty confident he would sign and pose for photo's etc.