How would you feel If Michael said No to his fans?

Doing so, would only open the door for lunatics to send everything from fan mail, to shipping themselves in a box.
I have never sent Michael fan mail and I have never met him, with this I have to maturely accept that in all probability, I will never meet him in person. Therefore, if Michael said, "Don't send me fanmail" or "I won't sign that bra" then I probably wouldn't be bothered, since it would never happen to me.. However, I do think that Michael is far more humble than that jumped up Ringo! Using "Peace and Love" to make his fans feel guilty about sending him appreciaton is just wrong. Well over the top..
Some of you are not answering the question posed, almost as if the very thought is unconscionable.

The question is 'how would you feel if MJ said NO to his fans'? I for one would not be bothered by it at all -- after all, MJ is one of few celebs who has bent over backwards for the fan community time and time again. Because he gives so much, many in the fan community unreasonably demand more. There ought to be things that celebrities can count on being off limits to fans.

As for the notion that it doesn't matter because MJ would never do this -- never say never. He's practically a recluse right now as it is. Obviously he values his time with his children and he did state in last year's Ebony magazine that he doesn't envision himself being like a James Brown, touring well into his late sixties and seventies.

That is not to say that he will not release this CD at some point in the future, whenever that will be or that he won't give that 'tour of the ages'. But I do think that his staying quiet and in his own world at the moment speaks to his priorities without really having to say it.
I think Michael has always been aware refusing to sign autographs in bad PR. I once read that Michael is one of the best and most approchable stars for autograph signing. Michael lets fans have there photo taken with him, and even lets some hug him.

Michael is still a human, and I'm sure he sometimes feels annoyed when out in resurant or in a hotel living a private live when he hears "can I have your autograph". I'm sure autograph signing is fun when someone has just become famous, but it must become irritating after a while. Michael said in his autobigraphy Moonwalk that he finds it strange when fan tell him they love him, when they don't really know this. I'm sure some fans make Michael feel uncomfortable, Michael looked very uncomfortable in a hotel garage in the LWMJ documentary (if you can call it a documentary) when a German girl was crying hugged Michael and said "Germany Loves You".

Michael said in a 2001 interview that fans really think they know him, because his music and pictures are in many fans homes. I think he is very aware of how fans think and view him, and because if this never refuses to sign, though he has everyright to especially having his photo taken.

Some stars like George Clooney hates fans taking photos if him on their mobiles, and some like Ewan McGregor refuse to sign Star Wars Prequal merchindise because of people selling it for a profit. As someone already said, their is a lot of money to be made from autographs and famous people must sometimes wonder if the people they sign for are fans, or people out to make a profit. Though some stars autographs aren't worth as much as they would like to think.

I get what Ringo Starr is saying, and I'm sure he gets lot's of Thomas The Tank Engine trains and Yellow Submarine toys to sign when it talks about fans sending him parcels. And with John Lennon being murdered by Mark Chapman who earlier got John Lennon's autograph, I can see how Ringo Starr could be quite cynical about signing autographs. But his video message was over the top, and he should have said nothing and just not reply to autograph requests.

Also Ringo hasn't exactly said he's no longer signing autographs, he's said he's not sending back letters and parcels sent after 20th Oct that are requesting autographs. So If I wrote a letter to Michael and asked for an autograph, I wouldn't expect a reply and if I did I'd wonder if it was really Michael's autograph and I've never written to Michael because of this. If Michael said he's no longer replying to letters from fans asking for autographs, I wouldn't think it was such a big deal because he has the right not to sign autographs form strangers who've written to him when at home. Fan mail is in someways an invasion of privacy. If Michael or any famous person reply's to fan mail it's at their own discression, and not something fans should expect or feel entitled to.

If I saw Michael in a resuraunt or was staying a hotel room near him, and I asked him for his autograph and he said "No", I would feel let down but at the sametime I would understand I have intruded on his private time and could respect that. But in reality I wouldn't ask Michael for his autograph in such a sitiuation and would feel nervous about doing so. Only if I saw Michael in a shop where he would obviously have some fans and passers by asking for his autograph would I approch him even though that is private time.

I think one of the reasons Michael often wears a surgical mask is to keep a distance from fans and autograph hunters in public. My view is that when Michael is out in public when shopping etc, even though it draws attention the mask gives him a shield of privacy with most of his face being hidden so his private self isn't fully exposed to strangers with cameras etc.
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It's hypothetical since Michael's never acted that way and never will most likely. If he did, I would understand, because it's got to be frustrating as hell being bombarded all the time, constintely asked for your attention and time, etc... But again, it's really not in Michael's personality to do that. He's always treated the fans like they're as important to him as anything, which often times fans themselves show little gratitude for. I'll never forget how on the day of the verdict in that trial, Michael stopped and turned around to wave to the fans before going in to the courtroom, not knowing if he would be coming out a free man. That's how much Michael cares about us. Too bad some fans don't show the same selfless love towards him sometimes.
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As I would feel?Well depends on the reason! When we said that we love Michael this means that we understand it in any situation. I would feel a little sad,but If he take this decision he would have a reason very seriously.

i'd understand it on one level...

MJ can do whatever he wants.

the reality is, he has represented himself to fans, in a way that is more impressive than anyone i have ever seen.
Gee whizz.... talk about people not having the ability to answer a simple question :rofl:

The question was not "do you think MJ would say no"

The question was.... "how would you feel if he did."

so all of you guys answering "oh I don't think MJ would blah blah blah... I'm guessing you all would have serious issues if he ever did deliver a similar instruction to what Ringo has :rofl:

oh well each to their own but please folks let's answer the question posed as opposed to all going off on another tangem
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No Michael will never do this he loves all the Fans around the world he respect us and he always said without his fans he will be nothing
LOL @ the comment about Prince sticking it to his fans...and they're still there. :lol:

Some famous people don't sign for their fans. I heard Frank Sinatra rarely signed autographs. If someone famous is out shopping living their private live and a fan asks for an autograph at an inappropriate time, that that famous person has the right not to sign. But I think Ringo Star's video message is over the top !

I know Katharine Hepburn (may her soul rest in peace) never signed autographs early on. In fact, it was very well known that she wouldn't so I imagine most of her fans didn't dare ask...or got a rude awakening if they did. :lol: She did, in her golden years (while she could still write legibly due her shakes) relented and would answer fanmail with a personal note and whatnot.

As for Ringo, to each his own. That's his prerogative. Is he even doing anything musically these days for him to care about ticking off his fans? :unsure: And I agree that the autograph biz is major. He could be doing it to stop ppl from leeching off his name. He was a member of The Beatles so his signature is quite valuable.

As for MJ, I wouldn't be bothered. It's his prerogative, too. We all know he's gone far beyond what most celebrities would do for their fans. In fact, I think he's done so much that it's become expected of him and that's where a lot of the feelings of entitlement come in (hence fans prying into his biz thinking they have a right to know and trying to control what he does, wear, sings, who he works with, employs and dates, etc..). And MJ saying things like fans are a quintessential part of what he does, doesn't really help the situation. :lol: But I get the gist of what he means. He values his fans a great deal, but I do think some of us take that for granted and use it to justify horrid and intrusive behavior. So if he said "No more autographs or gifts and mail", that would be fine. You have to respect that. Out of nearly 30 years of fanhood, I've only sent 2 things and that was only in the past 2-3 years (cuz it was more than likely that he'd get it). That sort of thing has always felt weird to me from the get-go so I was never an autograph or picture seeking fan anyway...whether it be MJ or anyone else. So I wouldn't miss it or be upset if he drew a line about that.

But if he said "NO, I'm not making any more music and retiring from entertainment altogether", I would miss that. Most definitely. BUT I'd completely understand. He's already given so much, entertainment-wise and on a personal level with his fans. You have to respect when the end comes. You might not like it, but you have to respect it.
I answered the question. I just commented on the likelyhood of it as well, which basically shows the uselessness of the question in itself.
Wouldn't bother me a bit...he does have a life outside of his career and given he has 3 kids his priorities most certainly have changed. I doubt most celebs have time to sift through all the mail they get long would that take given the amount of mail he gets....seriously, think about it. Would you? He wouldn't have a life and nor would anyone else if they didn't draw the line somewhere.
wouldnt bother me, id get tired of signin my name on useless junk lol, but id do it 4 my fans so hey
I answered the question. I just commented on the likelyhood of it as well, which basically shows the uselessness of the question in itself.


lol. yeah..just call me hypothetical Vince. better yet, dismiss me as unstable, cus i democratically have my own thoughts about MJ. and as an MJ fan, he better not disappoint me, because if he does, i'll be unstable, because, as an MJ fan, i'm incapable of adapting to change.
I wouldn't feel disappointed or sad. Personally I'm not into getting autographs, so his decision wouldn't directly affect me as an individual fan. Also, it wouldn't make me question or doubt his love and appreciation for his fans. I'd rather think about how much he had to go through before he feels pressured to make that firm statement.

And think about it. He would never bluntly or angrily say "No more autographs!" even if he makes his mind to do it the way Ringo Starr did. As we all know, even when he would have to officially released the statement that basically says the same thing "no more autographs!", he's the kind of person who would make every effort not to hurt his fans' feelings and make sure he will always love his fans. We know he's just that type of person. I mean, I can easily imagine he would deliever his message clearly yet warmly:yes:in that soft voice. If anyone would still feel mad or offended after hearing his explanation like that, s/he should go through some soul-searching and ask oneself, "Am I his true fan or not?" You don't only think about what you can get from a star, when you're a true fan.
I wouldn't feel disappointed or sad. Personally I'm not into getting autographs, so his decision wouldn't directly affect me as an individual fan. Also, it wouldn't make me question or doubt his love and appreciation for his fans. I'd rather think about how much he had to go through before he feels pressured to make that firm statement.

And think about it. He would never bluntly or angrily say "No more autographs!" even if he makes his mind to do it the way Ringo Starr did. As we all know, even when he would have to officially released the statement that basically says the same thing "no more autographs!", he's the kind of person who would make every effort not to hurt his fans' feelings and make sure he will always love his fans. We know he's just that type of person. I mean, I can easily imagine he would deliever his message clearly yet warmly:yes:in that soft voice. If anyone would still feel mad or offended after hearing his explanation like that, s/he should go through some soul-searching and ask oneself, "Am I his true fan or not?" You don't only think about what you can get from a star, when you're a true fan.

beautiful post.

and just to be fair to Ringo Starr, i did notice that he kept repeating the phrase..'peace and love...peace and love'

Still.... some people cannot read a simple question! I never asked if Michael would do it!

Lol its pissed me off that people cant answer simple questions.

Still.... some people cannot read a simple question! I never asked if Michael would do it!

Lol its pissed me off that people cant answer simple questions.

It's like trying to pull a tooth with a pair of tweezers, eh? :lol:

Still.... some people cannot read a simple question! I never asked if Michael would do it!

Lol its pissed me off that people cant answer simple questions.

:better: Would you calm down? To answer your question, I would be a little sad if he had said that, especially since I don't have his autograph, and it has been my life's goal to obtain one.

They sell them on ebay, but I'm not 100% sure if it's authentic (some look authentic, but anyone who's good at copying handwriting can do a desent job, I guess) and it it not personalized just for me. So I wouldn't buy those.:tease:

Still.... some people cannot read a simple question! I never asked if Michael would do it!

Lol its pissed me off that people cant answer simple questions. to be pissed off a lot, cus u have gotten an insight into the minds of a lot of MJ fans, concerning how they feel about him. chances are, if you just limited your thread to people who might wish to envision how they would feel if they could conceive of MJ being that way, then your thread would have a lot less posts. it's a risk you take when posting such a question. it's the affect that MJ has had on these fans. and it's understandable. i don't see why people can't stretch their minds far enough to understand these responses that you find less desirable. nor do i see why people are worried about the mental health of fans who choose to feel this way about MJ, in the hypothetical case that MJ were to do what Ringo did. how one fan feels about MJ shouldn't affect another fan. it's between that fan, and MJ. and, so far, those fans and MJ seem to be alright. i don't know why i'm one of the few that understand why this thread got the responses that it got..the responses that you don't want on this thread.

what we have learned here, is, that certain fans want to stress that the situation that exists with Ringo Starr does not currently exist with Michael. and the fans that do not wish to venture into that hypothetical situation, are not necessarily required to cross that bridge, because, right now, for them, that bridge doesn't exist.

maybe i'm reaching, delving into the minds of those fans, but it's worth the risk to make my point.

it's simply a question not worth answering, as far as those fans are concerned, because the situation doesn't exist for them, because of the impression Michael has made on them.

although i have stated that this 'bridge' may not exist for these fans, i'll just state, for the sake of speaking:

i guess some fans will cross that bridge IF they get to it.

i think these fans approach your subject like many other situations regarding Michael, and hypothetical dark cloud questions, that some may want to raise based on his dramatic life that he has survived, with flying colors(not saying that you necessarily raised your question for that reason). at least, i know a big part of me does. in fact, i fully do.
I've never understood the whole autograph thing so I'd be ok with it if Mike decides that he won't sign them anymore. But the "don't send me fan mail" is a bit weird. I hope he won't ban fan mail.
The only authentic autographs I have that are authentic are those of the three members of the band Keane, and that's for personal reasons - not cos they're my idols (which they aren't) and not JUST because I love their music (which of course I do). Although Michael is my favourite artist of all time, I would never push him to sign an autograph, give me a hug or even talk to me - i don't know him personally, and at the end of the day it's a man's signature on a piece of paper.

Anyway, to answer the question properly, if Michael was to say 'no' I would be upset, but more because he felt the need to than anything else (that's taking into account Michael as we see him). Fans of any celeb should be curteous and fact, everyone should be like that anyway!
:clapping: to be pissed off a lot, cus u have gotten an insight into the minds of a lot of MJ fans, concerning how they feel about him. chances are, if you just limited your thread to people who might wish to envision how they would feel if they could conceive of MJ being that way, then your thread would have a lot less posts. it's a risk you take when posting such a question. it's the affect that MJ has had on these fans. and it's understandable. i don't see why people can't stretch their minds far enough to understand these responses that you find less desirable. nor do i see why people are worried about the mental health of fans who choose to feel this way about MJ, in the hypothetical case that MJ were to do what Ringo did. how one fan feels about MJ shouldn't affect another fan. it's between that fan, and MJ. and, so far, those fans and MJ seem to be alright. i don't know why i'm one of the few that understand why this thread got the responses that it got..the responses that you don't want on this thread.

what we have learned here, is, that certain fans want to stress that the situation that exists with Ringo Starr does not currently exist with Michael. and the fans that do not wish to venture into that hypothetical situation, are not necessarily required to cross that bridge, because, right now, for them, that bridge doesn't exist.

maybe i'm reaching, delving into the minds of those fans, but it's worth the risk to make my point.

it's simply a question not worth answering, as far as those fans are concerned, because the situation doesn't exist for them, because of the impression Michael has made on them.

although i have stated that this 'bridge' may not exist for these fans, i'll just state, for the sake of speaking:

i guess some fans will cross that bridge IF they get to it.

i think these fans approach your subject like many other situations regarding Michael, and hypothetical dark cloud questions, that some may want to raise based on his dramatic life that he has survived, with flying colors(not saying that you necessarily raised your question for that reason). at least, i know a big part of me does. in fact, i fully do.

That was stated so beautifully. I thnk you explained very well.
How I would feel is that I would understand, but I am not someone that would following him around or hand around outside of his home or hotel, I respect his right to be able to go out and about without people pestering him.
How would i feel?...if this question,had been done some years ago,i would have to say that although i don't think Mike would never do it,i would feel very sad.

But right now,..and after all i've seen and learned,i would say that i think i would feel happy for him.
To me he knows very well who are His real fans,and sometimes those are not the ones doing all to have an autograph,or meet him.
If he could find peace with himself and rest,i would feel very happy for him.After all, He is only human, so he has the right to decide what he wants to do with his life.
I'd be surprised but you have to accept people's wishes. I imagine there are times when Michael wishes people would leave him alone, his last visit to London had him and the children virtual prisoners in a hotel because fans just wouldn't let him have some privacy.

Is not only fans in London,UK that should leave Micahel alone.. There are some,
crazy fans in Southern California too. That needs to leave Michael alone. They have like meet
Michael 100 times..
