How would you feel If Michael said No to his fans?


Proud Member
Jan 12, 2008
Manchester, England
Ive just watched the news and seen the video of Ringo Starr where he says he doesnt want to receive anymore fan mail and wont be doing autographs for anybody anymore.

Im not a fan of him but that must be pretty harsh for his fans.

How would you feel if Michael did this?
Michael will not do this to his fans ,he is a good artist not like bad stars that we see in MTv this days :(
I'd be surprised but you have to accept people's wishes. I imagine there are times when Michael wishes people would leave him alone, his last visit to London had him and the children virtual prisoners in a hotel because fans just wouldn't let him have some privacy.
That was when he was at The Royal Gardens Hotel, right?

Did anyone actually get a chance to meet him then?
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The question was 'how would you feel'. I think we know he would probably never do that.

I would be shocked if he did it just for the fact that he is so close and appreciates his fans like few artists truely do. But I wouldn't be mad at him or anything I mean he is human. Which is something I think some people forget. But I'm not quite sure why you would flat out say something like that. When its much easier to just say "I can't I have to go" or something than just flat out say "No I'm not doing it".
That's not a bad idea. After what some of these "fans" do to him, I'd be like "no no!" for an autograph. Learn your limits, Michael Jackson fanatics!
That's not a bad idea. After what some of these "fans" do to him, I'd be like "no no!" for an autograph. Learn your limits, Michael Jackson fanatics!
and you know he still wouldn't lose them lol

it worked out alright for Prince when he fingered his internet fans in the wrong hole.
Well like most of you have said I doubt he'd ever do this, but even if he did I wouldn't be upset. He is one of the nicest celebrities when it comes to his fans, but it actually wouldn't hurt him to say no sometimes. I think some of the fans go overboard, so it would be a good thing if he'd say no to fans sometimes I think.
I think this is a moot question...Mr.Jackson has way too much respect and admiration for his fans/admirers...!
It wouldn't bother me at all ^_^

I'm not interested in all that stuff, I might have a tiny bit of misery if he decided to say "No L.J I'm not making music any more"

but autographs and all that stuff.... I don't think any celebrity should feel compelled to sign stuff simply cause its being shoved in their face.
It wouldn't bother me at all ^_^

I'm not interested in all that stuff, I might have a tiny bit of misery if he decided to say "No L.J I'm not making music any more"

but autographs and all that stuff.... I don't think any celebrity should feel compelled to sign stuff simply cause its being shoved in their face.

do agree! :yes: but well everybody has the very right to say enough is enough. I'd understand.
Some famous people don't sign for their fans. I heard Frank Sinatra rarely signed autographs. If someone famous is out shopping living their private live and a fan asks for an autograph at an inappropriate time, that that famous person has the right not to sign. But I think Ringo Star's video message is over the top !
Some famous people don't sign for their fans. I heard Frank Sinatra rarely signed autographs. If someone famous is out shopping living their private live and a fan asks for an autograph at an inappropriate time, that that famous person has the right not to sign. But I think Ringo Star's video message is over the top !

What you said there reminded me when I watched Parkinson interview Liza Minelli and she was talking about how hard it was to go on a date and that she lost a lot of potential boyfriends through the celebrity effect.

She chatted about how she would go out for dinner with her man and the first date it would be "oh wow" everytime she would get asked for autographs as they sat there having a meal, but by the third date the man would become frustrated and annoyed by the people approaching her.... and it didn't matter whether she asked them to please wait until her meal was over or whether she quickly signed something to send them on their way. I think I remember her saying that she was always happy to sign something for those who waited for her to finish her meal and approach her nicely outside. and I think that's lovely of her.

Personally everytime I've watched people swoop on a celebrity as they dine or shop I've been nothing but disgusted.
But like I said before I don't understand the autograph business, I would rather just wave and say hello and wish them a good day and get a nice response back. To me that would be a much more enjoyable memory as opposed to rushing someone and then watching them sign something. :lol: but that's just me :)
well I'm very proud of the times when he does say no... he's been starting to do so more and more, over the past twenty years, setting limits. Unlike the 'image' that the fans who travel to see him have when being talked about on boards like this one, we've been asking him time and time again if he's okay with us being there... and nine out of ten, the answer is yes, he's happy to have the fans there. I'm very proud of the one out of ten times that he says no, because it makes me realize that when he says yes, he means it and doesn't simply say so out of obligation.

I'm not talking now about the mass-crowd situations like at the London hotels, he obviously has no control over that. Or about autograph-hunters, they are not fans, they're more like paparazzi, very rude.
But when it's a few fans showing up, he does set the limits according to his own needs. I suppose this is something that is hard to believe for those fans who don't know that situation, but that's how it is. You're really underestimating him if you think he's in any way a 'victim' of his fans' attention. Most of the time, he wants us there and I know he does because he does say so if he doesn't want it at that particular time and place. Mind you, he's always nice about saying 'no', too, he's a gentleman, I've never felt rejected by the 'no'-s, because I know that when listening to them, they make the 'yes'-es even better.
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As always I respect his decision ,but Michael will not do this to his fans :)

...He sends us messages of love :

Just know that I truly love and apreciate all of you, from the bottom of my heart. I will do the best for you musically and creatively, visually.
"I love you".

I love you all from the bottom of my heart. Youre a quintessential part of everything I do, of everything I create. I feel your purity and innocence from all across the world. I feel your love and it inspires me to create music every day. You inspire me and I remember everything that you do. I love you all so much.
Michael Jackson - 08

He wouldn't do this he is different, that's why I love him. I know that many other artists do not bother to read fan letters and they are not interested on fan gifts at all. They even gave the order to burn them, before they have seen the stuff.
i do worry about the fans who are claiming that MJ is too nice to do this.
I worry because it makes me think that they are putting undue pressure on Mj.
MJ should have the right to say no, without feeling guilty. fans have been inside his house and have intruded into his personal space. some have even slept at his house. this should never have been allowed.
Sometimes we need to use our own descretion and decide for our selves whether our own behaviour is appropriate as fans and not allow Mj to have to say no.
I do not think Michael would say something like that! Is very well educated ... And he loves his fans ...
excited and happy...maybe the obsessives will find hobbies and no longer devote their every waking moment to thinking of him and his excistence
Michael would never do this.he's been trought a lot with his fans!
Lol so many people can't read questions in here. The question wasn't do you think Michael *WILL* say no to his fans, it was How would you feel *IF* Michael said No to his fans?

Personally it wouldnt bother me in the slightest if he did say no to fan mail and autographs, if he wants to be left alone when it comes to that, its fair enough init, but it would be a different story if he was to go about it like Ringo did.
Ringo is 68 yrs old. When Michael reaches 68, and if he opts to say "no more" to letters and requests for autographs, personally I would have absolutely no problem with it. (nor would it seem unreasonable or bother me in the least if Michael would choose to say/request something like this when he is 58, 57,56, etc)

Whether or not he would ever do this, I just don't think we can really know. Life changes, priorities change. If he ever chooses to "retire" from the public eye, so be it.
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How I would feel?

I would feel sad, it will never happen I guess, but if he sad I've had it, leave me alone, I would understand!

But knowing MJ, it will never happen!
That was when he was at The Royal Gardens Htel, right?

Did anyone actually get a chance to meet him then?
yeah when he left to the airport he signed autograph from his car at the hotel, there were just a few fans :)

i remember i happened to be at the hotel here accidentaly (just walking around) when Paul McCartney was here. There were like 50 fans...and as he was driving slowly with his car from the hotel to the airport, he had the window down...and some fans wanted to ask for autographs, but he pointed and said "no" and was not really nice. His fans were kinda disappointed.

I think Michael would never say no to his fans. I have witnessed situation when he reached out to fan to hug her etc...he reads from our minds, and he always wants to give us :) he is unique