How well we got to know eachother game...

o yes ur right :lol:

i love learnin syntax-grammar :D

French :wild:

Do i like traveling?
you forgot German:D

I can teach you romanian grammar and then you can do my homework:wild:

yes you do:D

do I like being kissed?
yes German :lol:

omg no more homework :toofunny:

no, u dont like kiss ppl u just met :D

Do i put make up?
i like mascara, blusher, lipstick, eye shadows, eye pencil, but i never put make up :D

No, u dont :p

Is my hair short?
unless you cut it since you took that photo no:lol:

I like makeup too...I just never wear it:lol: it makes me look old:D

did I ever die my hair?
no, i didnt :lol:

when i say make up i mean the paint :fish: u know the one u put on ur face to cover etc, i never use it, but i put the other i mentioned :lol:

no u didnt :p

Do i have piercing?
oh you mean foundation cream:lol:

you didn't last time I checked

is my hair curly?
yes, thats what i meant :lol:

i have, my ears :p

no, its straight :p

do i have a tattoo?
those are earrings, a piercing is usually someplace else ...or it could also be up on the top part of your ear...:D

I don't

do I paint my nails?
I do sometimes:D


do I wear skirts or dresses?
:lol: I meant skirts/dresses:D

I hope not...but since you asked that I guess you are:D

will I log out as soon as you do?
:toofunny: you dont wear? :lol:

yes, i ll go :p

no, ure staying? :p
no I don't

no I'll go:p as soon as you do:D

forgot the question again:D
kinda yeah but i can be girly too:p

do I hate that disrespectful jerk?
he's a jerk who said very disrespectful things to me:angry:

do I love you?:lol:
:nono: I just told you

forgot the question again:toofunny:
were you?


do i like cookies?:wild:
yes i was :p

yes lipgloss :yes:

yes you like :lol:

do i like short or long hair on men more?
:bugeyed freakishly alike:lol:

I think long:p

how 'bout me?:p