How well we got to know eachother game...

^um guys the question is supposed to be about yourself:lol:
i dont think i am playing the game propley :doh:
[just read the title ] ..
for the record pets ..
ok ...
:thinking: hmm..let me see..she knows i am the winner?.:wild:..:p
ooo dear...see macapoo mesin tings up again ?..... yes you do like singing, Karom?
do i like to eat spagettttti :wild:

and I guess you like spaghetti:D

do I like spaghetti?

EDIT: popo faster:D
yes :lmao:


Do i like ballet? :p

angelik knows i am the winner always ..all the time :wild:
yes you like ballet ange, and karom i think you do like spagetttiii ?:clapping:
am i messin ths up :bugeyed ahaha..wendi shall go quitley more said from wendi ..
i promise.
do karom and angelik trust me ?:lol:

do I trust angelik?

omg popo faster again

your hair
i belive so ? runs around ..ok sorry guys confusin myself :lol:
[sits in corner]
I have no idea what a stone is:lol: I mean I know what it is but I don't know how much that's a English one:D but I think it's 60 something kilos or so:scratch:

ok my guess 145 pounds?

do I like olives?
I like olives:p

:shock: how can you be only 53? I hear you'r tall...are you any thicker that my thumb:lol:


did I just eat pizza?:toofunny:
im always between 53-55 kg :p Yes im thin, i can show u :p

no, i dont like fish :D

Yes? :lol:
:shock: I'm thin too but I'm 55 and I'm shorter than you

yeah I did

yes you're crazy about them:D

do I like swimming?