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First off congrats on the record deal! Been a while since you got signed?? I'll subscribe your videos. Good luck on everything. We're all praying for your success.

The group's name is not official? Is it mididreamz family??
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First off congrats on the record deal! Been a while since you got signed?? I'll subscribe your videos. Good luck on everything. We're all praying for your success.

The group's name is not official? Is it mididreamz family??

yea its been a while and we really couldnt say anything lolololol. we are only allowed to speak on the music and of course the videos. Also we cant upload our music until it gets that stamp of approval lol so then the label will start our myspace music page. and we are all real brothers and my oldest bro (the one who ripped his shirt) came up with MidiDreamz. And that will also be the name of our own label under the label we are signed to. (im not really allowed to say which label yet either but, for promo on the vids we were allowed to finally tell pple we have be signed but when the music starts coming you will know, we finished 3 more songs today) the "Mididreamz family" are the other artist that are signed to our label. we have a beautiful girl named "ni ni" gosh she can sing. u guys r gonna hear from her aswell. my younger brother and i are writing songs for her,and other pple aswell as our own songs. im just sooo excited! (sorry 4 ranting lol) but thanx for subscribing and the support. We really appreciate it.
yea its been a while and we really couldnt say anything lolololol. we are only allowed to speak on the music and of course the videos. Also we cant upload our music until it gets that stamp of approval lol so then the label will start our myspace music page. and we are all real brothers and my oldest bro (the one who ripped his shirt) came up with MidiDreamz. And that will also be the name of our own label under the label we are signed to. (im not really allowed to say which label yet either but, for promo on the vids we were allowed to finally tell pple we have be signed but when the music starts coming you will know, we finished 3 more songs today) the "Mididreamz family" are the other artist that are signed to our label. we have a beautiful girl named "ni ni" gosh she can sing. u guys r gonna hear from her aswell. my younger brother and i are writing songs for her,and other pple aswell as our own songs. im just sooo excited! (sorry 4 ranting lol) but thanx for subscribing and the support. We really appreciate it.
Oh no:) If I were you I would do the same thing and talk and talk and talk about my project. Wow your family is one talented clan! Didn't know you guys are all blood brothers. Looking forward to hear the music by MidiDreamz and Ni ni (heard her name when one of your brothers in the vid where you two filmed). Watched almost all of the clips:yes: The clips make me wanna hear the music.
P.S. You're so cute! You're gonna have a lot of female fans for sure.

Can I ask you one question? You're a songwriter...Many artists are night owls, are you one? Do you feel you get most inspired to write songs at nighttime??
Oh no:) If I were you I would do the same thing and talk and talk and talk about my project. Wow your family is one talented clan! Didn't know you guys are all blood brothers. Looking forward to hear the music by MidiDreamz and Ni ni (heard her name when one of your brothers in the vid where you two filmed). Watched almost all of the clips:yes: The clips make me wanna hear the music.

P.S. You're so cute! You're gonna have a lot of female fans for sure.

Can I ask you one question? You're a songwriter...Many artists are night owls, are you one? Do you feel you get most inspired to write songs at nighttime??

lol awww thanx hahaha and i sure hope i do lolololol

and its soooooo freakin weird u asked me that question! like seriously thats when i write. @ night time idk why, but its awkward and i never really thought about it until u asked me that. buts its true. im up till like 5 or 6am sumtimes lol. wow. and the night always inspires me, idk what it is.
hey guys kool video's man, im def gunna get ur cd :):) I hope you guys get to the top cuz u seem so genuinly nice, and i wish you all the best of luck in makin it babbyyy!! haha lol nah but seriously were all here supportin u nd il write comments nd do everythin to help u guys out :p :D Look at me kissin ass haha!!!!
hey guys kool video's man, im def gunna get ur cd :):) I hope you guys get to the top cuz u seem so genuinly nice, and i wish you all the best of luck in makin it babbyyy!! haha lol nah but seriously were all here supportin u nd il write comments nd do everythin to help u guys out :p :D Look at me kissin ass haha!!!!

thannnnnnx so much. so fare we have 3cds dols not counting te numerous copies our family and us are gonna buy lololol
but thanx soo much we really really appreciate
lol awww thanx hahaha and i sure hope i do lolololol

and its soooooo freakin weird u asked me that question! like seriously thats when i write. @ night time idk why, but its awkward and i never really thought about it until u asked me that. buts its true. im up till like 5 or 6am sumtimes lol. wow. and the night always inspires me, idk what it is.
My pleasure, Shaun:D

You hadn't realize that until I asked and you don't know why you stay up late writing songs, I see. IMO, that means you're a true artist cuz you don't consciously think about your creating process and you just do it with your gut.

I'm kind of person who has respect for all real-deal artists, even though I have personal preferences:yes: I can guess it ain't always easy and fun to create something new. I hope your hard work will pay off bigtime.
My pleasure, Shaun:D

You hadn't realize that until I asked and you don't know why you stay up late writing songs, I see. IMO, that means you're a true artist cuz you don't consciously think about your creating process and you just do it with your gut.

I'm kind of person who has respect for all real-deal artists, even though I have personal preferences:yes: I can guess it ain't always easy and fun to create something new. I hope your hard work will pay off bigtime.

thank u soo soo much. and ur right im just blah when im actually trying to write but @ night when im ready to sleep a light always pops on and im up all night writing and writing. im so glad u pointed that out and ur kind words means alot 2me
Good for u... a lil jealous but its all good :D Oh and u should have Mike Jack cut a track witch'all; very useful, I might add. :cheeky: