How many of you like myself could not bring yourself to go to work or school today?

I called my boss, he answered the phone and already knew...I just broke down. he said, take the day to mourn and I just hungup, couldn't get anything out
I had to go into college. I wore my MJ t-shirt as tribute. They were playing his music in the common room and i just broke down in the middle of everyone having their lunch. My friends were really supportive though, they kept hugging me at lunch, i couldnt talk all day. Felt like i was just a zombie walking round, not really there. I feel lost.
Me to. just to 4:00am thinkig what happen and cant belive,still can't !!! :(

Omg why???
Had to go in today, despite hradly any sleep. Spent the entire day bottling up a flood of tears that have now released themselves. I hope it makes me feel better.
Compared to some of you guys, I just feel like I had a normal day. I was extremely saddened, but I didn't show it.

I went to bed at about 2AM and woke at 7AM. I had school (I'm 15) but I didn't want to go. I knew everybody would be talking about it, and when I got there everybody asked me if I was upset about not being able to go to the O2 anymore. I really wanted to tell them it was so much more than that, but I couldn't.

It got worse though. Last night, I told one of my friends I was crying about it. He told a few people throughout the day, so now I have to lie and say I wasn't to stop them from making a joke out of me. Very bad day today. I don't know what I'm to do now.
I couldn't go to work today. I had planned on it but didn't sleep last night and the tears have continued today.

I didn't go to work either. I spent whole night crying, in the morning called in and said I wasn't able to come. Still keep crying all day...
same here.:no::no:cried all night and couldn't sleep. i had called my boss last night and asked for the day off.
I called my boss and requested two days off, she was ok with it.
I dont want to go back there after what my coworkers did to me yesterday.
poking fun at me for crying when I found out the news. I think nothing of them now, they mean nothing to me.
I was on my way to work when the news broke, Sydney is 10hrs ahead of Europe, but I had to leave..I only managed to half a day in the office...
need the weekend to recover to be able to go on with professional life
I live in NYC. And it seems everyone around me was trying to avoid talking about it. The sadness in the air was palpable. I would walk around and look at the faces of some folks and you knnow what was going on in their minds.

I just feel so heavy. Couldn't eat last night, couldn't really eat today. I am heavy and in shock. I still haven't digested it at all. This morning i cried a bit but it is because I don't understand.

And he isn't an idol to me like that, but like many folks I felt I knew the person, like a friend, somebody I cared alot for. Now I will just pretend he is somewhere doing his thing in private.

I cannot comprehend.
I live in NYC. And it seems everyone around me was trying to avoid talking about it. The sadness in the air was palpable. I would walk around and look at the faces of some folks and you knnow what was going on in their minds.

I just feel so heavy. Couldn't eat last night, couldn't really eat today. I am heavy and in shock. I still haven't digested it at all. This morning i cried a bit but it is because I don't understand.

And he isn't an idol to me like that, but like many folks I felt I knew the person, like a friend, somebody I cared alot for. Now I will just pretend he is somewhere doing his thing in private.

I cannot comprehend.

Lisa B....This post is exactly how I feel....what I bolded above is how I said I will view his absence as well...
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I couldn't go to work today. I am devastated, I am crying for 20 houres and I can't stop! I can't believe it! This is not true! For me he is still alive...somewhere...
I know I should be concentrating on employee evals....but I just can't bring myself to do it....I can't eat, can't think...How ...HOW could something like this stomach is turning in tormoil......thank God this is friday, I can't face anyone right now ....there would be no way I would be making it to work for the rest of the week....

I somehow managed to pull through the day at work but I was dreading the moment I'd have to leave and face reality. That he's gone. My boss doesn't know that I'm a fan so he jokingly asked me if I'm mourning. I didn't know what to say. And I still don't.
Well When I was about to go out the door last night to go to my evening class I heard the news and stopped in my tracks,and just stayed home
Starting a new job tomorrow, I really don't want to go. I know there's going to be discussions about Michael and I know I'm going to end up crying. God, it's awful. :(
No, this weekend is dedicated to Michael...I want to remember him and all the things he gave us, the songs, the dance, the joy and the sorrow...

I have been a fan since I was 9.I am now 30. Michael was and still is a true inspiration. I love you Michael. God bless you. I hope you found your peace...
I could never go to work. But they said it's okay if I don't go.
i woke up in the morning, saw the news for the first time and not having any idea what to do i went to work. but it was a mistake, i felt so alienated there, i was only shaking and thought i'd proceed but after reading some news reports on the net i burst into tears. my colleagues and boss let me go home, i didn't even have to say anything, left the office around 11. not knowing where to go and what to do i was wandering the streets for some time then i got a massive headache from crying and got back home, took a few pills, and in the evening agreed to go out for a walk with my only friend who knows me since childhood and understands how i'm feeling today. thankfully it's weekend tomorrow.
I would've called out of work today but i had called out Monday and Tuesday, so it took all I had in me to go in today. I was up till about 3 in the morning, so I was a total zombie. Today felt like the longest day ever for me, i just wanted to be home and mourn... but somehow I managed to make it through.
cant do anything.

tasted my own tears for the first time.
I'm suppose to go to a pool party tomorrow, but don't know how I'm going to make it....It might be good for me to get out of the house...I can't watch anything on tv especially not the news or magazine programs....also as I was talking with my sister...she pointed this out to me...I'm sure some of you already thought of this........see below.

Seriously how random is this:

James Brown- Dec. 25
MJ - June 25
Had to go to work today regardless. And cnn was on most of the time. On many occasions I was simply too busy to think about it, but then a man who wasn't a fan per say, but respected his legend and artistry, started talking to me, and that's when I started thinking about it. Then I started paying more attention to the tv and I almost lost it.

Going into work I felt fine, and I tried to be strong and actually thought I was doing well. But then this guy started talking to me about Michael, and I had to go outside for a sec. I literally almost lost it completely. I felt hysterical...
i was sent home like 20min ago due 2 crying and throwing up,i hope i can get through my day 2morro
I got very little sleep last night, and woke up to all the news channels devoting segments to MJ. It was comforting to see that at least (from a few of them). Listened to the Steve Harvey radio show on the way to work (steve wasn't there), and they did a wonderful tribute to him. But, when I started listening to some of his tunes on my ipod while at work (daily routine), I shed a few tears here & there. I sucked it up when i had to deal with a few vendors & co-workers, but my heart was heavy all day. Friends & family texted me throughout the day and that helped me get through it.
Luckily for me, I did not have work today. I had more than a few moments of breakdowns today, and right now as I'm typing this.

Tomorrow I have to work all day. I'm just going to have to take it one step at a time.
i couldn't come to class today

i wasn't good