How hard is it to find a guy you really like?

^Yeah I tried that too, but for different reasons. I lost 20 lbs, of everything except my boobs, which is what I wanted to get rid of. So now IDGAF about anything and I'll probably gain it all back, plus some.


I've accepted my fate anyway.

Ah, well... I think my 'prince charming' got 'crisped' by a dragon as he was too stubborn to ask for directions LOL :blink:

I DO NOT believe in TRUE love anymore since I got 'ditched' by the one I truly loved :boohoo
So, indeed its IMPOSSIBLE hard in my opinion :(

I feel the same way. I kind of gave up on it. I've been hurt way too many times not only in getting my hopes up
but also things aren't always want you want them to be. Oh well.