How hard is it to find a guy you really like?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
UK, England
Hi there

Sorry I haven't posted on this forum much lately.

Please could someone tell me is it really that hard to find a guy that you like ALOT?
Or am I being too fussy?

I went on a date with this guy today, and he was nice and that, but i bit bitchy lol and i dunno im not sure if I like him enough to meet up with him again, am I being too fussy or something, or if I look hard enough will I find a near perfect match?

Im not expecting miracles to happen or the perfect man anything like that, but I would like a good match.

Can anyone give me some advise??

Thank you
Jackie :)
Well Jackie, I don't know. I've gotten advice to let him find ME.
But even at trying that, it ain,t working either. Lol. Nothing wrong in being choosy.
But one thing I won't do is just 'settle'....if you know what I mean.
Sorry, I don't have better advice for you. Being patient bites.
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well thank you Silouette, you sound just like me, I really don't wanna settle, ok I need to learn to be more patient I guess :)
I am sooooo picky with guys. I know I need to really lower my expectations but I find it difficult to meet guys. I know your pain Jackie but in the end of the day you cannot force yourself to like someone.
Very hard really.Especially if you are already married like I am ;)

Sorry , I don't know what to tell you, it seems like I was married all of my life I can't remeber anything before that :)

But you will find him eventually, when you least expect, just stop looking and waiting.Enjoy being single while you can.:girl_smile:
I wish I could advise you, but I have been single now for 3 years already hahaha
I'm not just gonna settle with any man either :)

yay go us!!! lol :)

I am sooooo picky with guys. I know I need to really lower my expectations but I find it difficult to meet guys. I know your pain Jackie but in the end of the day you cannot force yourself to like someone.

aww hey Sophie :) me too I must be one of the fussiest haha, your right - you cannot force yourself to like someone

Very hard really.Especially if you are already married like I am ;)

Sorry , I don't know what to tell you, it seems like I was married all of my life I can't remeber anything before that :)

But you will find him eventually, when you least expect, just stop looking and waiting.Enjoy being single while you can.:girl_smile:

How did you meet your husband? thankyou for sharing, and thanks for the advice.
I do not really know what to say. :( The world and people are a complete mess :wacko: and love completely lost the value :(, I have seen it in so many relationships. I believe the right person always comes unexpectedly in a person's life and of course, always have God's hand to make it happen. Sure! God will put the right person in his way at the right time. So, keep the faith! ;)
umm, what?

*guy got lost in girl thread*
Lol! Come back here! ....what's your point of view?! :girl_flirt:

I do not really know what to say. :( The world and people are a complete mess :wacko: and love completely lost the value :(,
I have seen it in so many relationships. I believe the right person
always comes unexpectedly in a person's life and of course, always have God's hand to make it happen. Sure! God will put the right person in his way at the right time. So, keep the faith! ;)
Very true Ash. :)


I do not really know what to say. :( The world and people are a complete mess :wacko: and love completely lost the value :(, I have seen it in so many relationships. I believe the right person always comes unexpectedly in a person's life and of course, always have God's hand to make it happen. Sure! God will put the right person in his way at the right time. So, keep the faith! ;)

yes the world and people are in a complete mess. Yeah i've noticed most people don't seem care about love. Ok be patient and keep the faith, I hear ya! :) Thank you

Lol! Come back here! ....what's your point of view?! :girl_flirt:

Yeah, come back here, lol, we want your point of view too

I haven't had that much experience yet to say something about this :D haha :)

well what kind of guy are you?? Describe yourself, we're not gonna berate you, your safe :)

Thank you all for your input x
well what kind of guy are you?? Describe yourself, we're not gonna berate you, your safe :)

Thank you all for your input x

Hmm, I'm quite young actually. I'm just 15 now (though in mind I feel a lot older). I don't think I can help much about this matter :lol:
Hmm, I'm quite young actually. I'm just 15 now (though in mind I feel a lot older).
I don't think I can help much about this matter :lol:
What!? Child, I got socks older than that! :sleep: :lol:

Hi there

Sorry I haven't posted on this forum much lately.

Please could someone tell me is it really that hard to find a guy that you like ALOT?
Or am I being too fussy?

I went on a date with this guy today, and he was nice and that, but i bit bitchy lol and i dunno im not sure if I like him enough to meet up with him again, am I being too fussy or something, or if I look hard enough will I find a near perfect match?

Im not expecting miracles to happen or the perfect man anything like that, but I would like a good match.

Can anyone give me some advise??

Thank you
Jackie :)

And how young are you Miss Jackie? :busted:
I go for "the Butterflies in stomach feel" thingy :wub:

and the SAVE feeling he gives you... Oh, and the AURA thingy is IMPORTANT too... If you FEEL him coming into the room without even 'seeing' him with your eyes... WEIRD to explain but oh so Thrilling...

Its a 'feeling' you can't force it and only FEEL it wash over you...

Okay, I hear you say... You're still SINGLE, Duh... Officially I am... its just my :heart: belongs to Michael ever since I felt the butterflies when I watched Beat it for the first time...
I did try to DATE guys but NO ONE really made feel SPECIAL like Michael does... TRUE, I fell in love with a lookalike :blush: ONLY to realize it was the Michael part I fell in love with...

I was exactly 'engaged' once... Hard to believe hey :smilerolleyes: I didn't LOVE him though... He was just a 'mate' and I wanted to give him a try as he was such a 'gentleman' but then he 'disappeared' for about 2 months claiming he spent those in hospital and didn't wanna worry me with that... We were 'engaged' DUH...
So, thats why I 'broke' it off with a letter saying he would always be N° 2 as Michael would always be my N° 1 and I wanted him to have a wife that would put him FIRST... So thats my 'boring' guys story...

The RIGHT guy is NOT in what he tells you... its in the FEEL... The GLANCE...
For me? Not very hard at all.

Rephrase the question, however: How hard is it to find a guy you really like who isn't:

1. Married
2. Your Teacher/Professor
3. A Celebrity
4. Gay
5. Dead (Well, this one might be a bit of an advantage earlier on, but if he's been dead 200+ yrs, not so much...)
6. Fictional
7. Any combination/all of the above

If these are the conditions under which we must operate... then, REALLY F--KING HARD.
To me it seems so easy for others to find someone. I see people changing guys like I change shoes. I don't know how they do it. It's hard for me because I really don't go out and socialize. They say to "put yourself out there" but I don't want to be seen or heard lol. Sorry, the only advice I have is one that I won't follow myself...just keep kissing (literally kissing...nothing else for a reasonable amount of time heh) lots of different princes (not all at the same time) and one day the right one will come along.
For me? Not very hard at all.

Rephrase the question, however: How hard is it to find a guy you really like who isn't:

1. Married
2. Your Teacher/Professor
3. A Celebrity
4. Gay
5. Dead (Well, this one might be a bit of an advantage earlier on, but if he's been dead 200+ yrs, not so much...)
6. Fictional
7. Any combination/all of the above

If these are the conditions under which we must operate... then, REALLY F--KING HARD.

haha aww you can also add Doesn't have time for you, or lives really far away on your list lol

To me it seems so easy for others to find someone. I see people changing guys like I change shoes. I don't know how they do it. It's hard for me because I really don't go out and socialize. They say to "put yourself out there" but I don't want to be seen or heard lol. Sorry, the only advice I have is one that I won't follow myself...just keep kissing (literally kissing...nothing else for a reasonable amount of time heh) lots of different princes (not all at the same time) and one day the right one will come along.

yeah I really don't like the idea of "changing guys like I change shoes" haha i used to see that alot too. I do go out and socialize but I will admit its mostly with my dad haha and im quite shy talking to people I don't know lol. aww why don't you want to be seen or heard?? ok that sounds good sort of haha ;)

Thank you

I think she means "safe feeling".

@Jackie...You're still young, so feel confident that the right guy will come
along....hopefully soon.

oh sorry lol haha

ok i suppose im just getting restless or something, I've only ever met one guy who I really liked and our relationship ended almost 4 years ago due to his lack of communication. I can't say i've been squeaky clean since then haha but i just can't seem to find guys who really interest me, and thank you too for your words

^Yes, I could, except I've never ever gotten far enough with a guy to actually experience the "doesn't have time for you" problem. "Lives too far away" is generally not an issue for me if they reciprocate the feeling (which has never ever happened), so it is no wonder that neither of those things came to mind.

Then again, I'm f-cking hideous, and I tend to go for impossibly hot/sexy men who would never ever look my way. So... -shrugs-
aww im sure your not hideous. btw Happy Birthday for the other day!! :) sorry its late. Well im almost 3 years older than you, so I have had a little more time to pull men lol xx
Thanks for the birthday wish. And, I dunno, the lot of them are usually one of the magic seven up there. Well, not usually. ALWAYS.

Although, admittedly, I could have a bit of luck with no. 05 if the occurrence was recent.
^Yes, I could, except I've never ever gotten far enough with a guy to actually experience the "doesn't have time for you" problem. "Lives too far away" is generally not an issue for me if they reciprocate the feeling (which has never ever happened), so it is no wonder that neither of those things came to mind.

Then again, I'm f-cking hideous, and I tend to go for impossibly hot/sexy men who would never ever look my way. So... -shrugs-

Okay, that's it.If you really believe that, and I start to think you do because you keep saying that, you definitely need therapy, don't get me wrong and don't get mad at me but you are beautiful, interesting, intriguing and smart and this is a killer combination.Maybe you are just too young to realize that yet.I didn't mean to sound condescending, sorry if I did.
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the best advice that I can give you...stop looking. that special someone usually comes along when we least expect it. :) A person can be single for years,,and then one day,,is seems as though that special person magically appears.