How do you spend your sundays

not exactly i was kicked directly in the leg by a horse and now one leg looks like its been blown up by a bicycle pump and the other looks thin :lol: im more like little and large

ouch, yeah like the other post said at least u can laugh about it :)
Tomorrow is going to be spent with family and eating lots of chocolate :D
ouch, yeah like the other post said at least u can laugh about it :)

yeah hun im getting better slowly i had some herbal stuff for bruising and it seems to have done the trick its brought the bruising down a hell of a lot to what it looked like the day i did it


im gonna spend tommorow alone with my cat's
my oldest cat is poorly with a cold so im gonna
spend the day with him and the other cats and
make their day lovable give them some cat easter egg
and some catnip treats so they wont feel left out

they are like my family when i lose one it upsets
me so much please dont call me stupid for loving
my animals like they were human being's
yeah hun im getting better slowly i had some herbal stuff for bruising and it seems to have done the trick its brought the bruising down a hell of a lot to what it looked like the day i did it


im gonna spend tommorow alone with my cat's
my oldest cat is poorly with a cold so im gonna
spend the day with him and the other cats and
make their day lovable give them some cat easter egg
and some catnip treats so they wont feel left out

they are like my family when i lose one it upsets
me so much please dont call me stupid for loving
my animals like they were human being's

kool yeah natural remedies are always the best!!!

well have a nice day!! :)