How do you spend your sundays

Sundays... I try to relax; watch tv.. go to town for a hot chocolate sometimes... try to avoid all kind of physical effort.. :D

Sundays are always F1 day, too, when the season stars :lol:
Working, have been since 1978. There's something called the Baylor Plan for hospital nurses. Work every Sat/Sun 12.5 hrs per day, get paid full time wages with full benefits (except accrue paid time off only for the actual hours worked). The plan was designed to maintain a reliable weekend work force, no calling in sick with a hangover, etc.

Every once in awhile when I get overstaffed and have a weekend day off, I hate going anywhere, there's people everywhere. Having Mon-Fri off gives me the freedom to go just about anyplace and enjoy the half-empty stores, plus be able to make an appt with a dentist or whatever without having to juggle it into an already full week working as others do. Plus get to spend time babysitting my 2 young grandsons while my daughter-in-law tutors kids after school.

Definitely works for me or I wouldn't have maintained the schedule as long as I have. About the only thing I really miss out on are the occasional festivals that usually occur on the weekend.

Wow your life well your working life is like the complete oppisite to mine. I work Mon to Fri 8am - 4.30pm, 37.5 hours a week in an office.

Yeah i love going out on the weekends, i havent seen any live music for a while, but that is something i enjoy, and the pubs are quite lively on the weekends, but im trying to be heathier and not let myself get carried away with the drink which im doing quite well.

I wake up at 3:30 AM GO to church (i have a church task) then go back home 4 hours later (sometimes earlier than that), help in our eatery, rest a while then go back at chuch at 3:30 PM...

Whoa, are you crazy???????????????????????

HAHA only joking, wow i love your commitment, i didnt think church would be open that early? How many people go at the same time as you??

Jackie xx
Last sunday 22 feb, I went to the cinema wiv a mate i hadnt seen for ages, so that was kool, and the sunday just gone, i went for a walk, and a bike and fixed my computer.

I hardly ever have an action packed sunday, and i want one. Im always kinda lonely on sundays i guess, need to get some mates who are free on sundays.

Jackie xx
I don't do much Sunday's. Once in a while i'll go to church in the mornings, but most of the time I spend the day doing hw, house chores or visiting family. Yup, Sunday is usually family day for me when I visit my Grandma and everyone. I don't usually do anything exciting though 'cause the next day is school/work, so I usually take it easy.
Whoa, are you crazy???????????????????????

HAHA only joking, wow i love your commitment, i didnt think church would be open that early? How many people go at the same time as you??

Jackie xx

since i have a church task i have to be at church an hour before the exact time of worship.. worship starts at 6:45am, im kind of a "turtle" at early mornings; i'm "afraid" taking cold bath and i eat slowly at morning so to avoid hurrying up, i try to wake up early..
sundays are so depressing looking..espeically here in indiana:bugeyed
its almost like you should stay busy on that day. and not sit around.

sunday dinners are the best though. i cant stop thinking about food. i noticed some people like me use sundays as cheat days when it comes to food if they must stay in shape or need to with health. :mello:
On Sundays normally I relax!! :cheeky:
I sleep very long, don´t move too much - :D - really, I´m very lazy on Sundays. Like Garfield, the lazy cat!!! :yes:
After Lunch my 10 year old Nephew spends the day with me watching films, then after tea my 11 year old Nephew, 5 year old niece and 13 year old niece join us in my room to play games and watch tv. Sometimes they gang up on me and wrestle me to death.

At 8.30 time to myself and watch a film and then head off to Neverland.
my sunday already started it consists mainly of this

Getting up early, listening to classical music, working on my computer, writing, reading books and the newspaper, making phone calls, washing my hair, going out for a walk, taking my camera with me, meeting friends, going for a drink or dinner. I love springtime :)
since i have a church task i have to be at church an hour before the exact time of worship.. worship starts at 6:45am, im kind of a "turtle" at early mornings; i'm "afraid" taking cold bath and i eat slowly at morning so to avoid hurrying up, i try to wake up early..

kool so i bet u dont spend saturday nights out late haha
I go to church, if at all possible... And once a month or so I do translation to English in church...
Sleeping... and worrying about Monday meeting at my Uni :lol: (I do a PhD in Imperial College if you've heard of it).
watching movies and trying to avoid my parents since they're both home all day on sundays.
i often relax on Sundays because i get up so early during the week i need the rest :)
not exactly i was kicked directly in the leg by a horse and now one leg looks like its been blown up by a bicycle pump and the other looks thin :lol: im more like little and large

ouch :bugeyed the must be very sore at least you can laugh about it :D