How do you spend your sundays


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
UK, England
Hi there im just wondering how u peeps spend your sundays, as i dont really do much as theres no public transport on sundays here and all my friends seem to work on sundays.

So what do u get up to?

Jackie xx:tease:
I spend my sundays watching all of you guys :shifty:


:lol: I joke :p I usually spend my sundays relaxing, I either visit friends, play the xbox, go bike riding, do some odd jobs around the house or prepare some lessons for the week ahead. :)
kool, yeah i go bike riding sometimes, i went out on my bike earlier but just down the street to the shop to get some phone credit

Jackie xx
haha nah i like to keep myself fit lol

thinking of food thou im just gonna make myself some lunch hehe:D:D

Jackie xx
Sundays were made for taking it easy lol. I read a book or watch some television. The most I'm willing to do is go for a ride or go over to a friend's for a late lunch. Just relaaaxing...
I like variety, so anything goes (I particularly love biographies though). Unfortunately, I'm mostly reading boring academic stuff lately :-(
depends. sometimes working other times sitting around going for a walk or falling asleep as some saturday nights i work till 3.30am
as theres no public transport on sundays here and all my friends seem to work on sundays

:unsure: Buses and trains run on a Sunday in the UK lol

I don't have a set plan, Usually I like to see my Mum for on a Sunday for a little while or my brothers and sisters..
I have a sunday lunch thats gotta be done :p tradition and all that :D
some Sunday's I don't though lol
It is a rest day, and I usually try to make it as restful as possible.
Make sure my kids have all their homework done for school.
Get their school uniform ready all the usual Mummy duties :)
:unsure: Buses and trains run on a Sunday in the UK lol


aww, theres not any buses running through my village on a sunday, theres trains about 6 or 7 miles away

so when the weather is nice i could bike to the train station, lock my bike up and go to colchester, or london or something
kool , like a bit of sci-fi, action and adventure books and also humour

wot job do you do??

im a door supervisor or what u might call a bouncer aswell as other things. i work on the doors of a nighclub a couple nights a week ontop of doing football, superleague games and concerts
i spend my sundays lying in bed all day. as it's pretty much the only day i do nothing a week! haha. but of course, it's also lined with washing clothes, tidying up and cooking!

Oh, and also completing uni work like i have been today. oh yeahhh! multi-tasking heaven!
I spent the week before last Sunday revising for A-level exams. Last Sunday was spent with a friend and we watched movies most of the day, then went out for a bit to mess about in the snow. And today was spent dusting, hoovering and cleaning the whole house. So it varies.
Since I am constantly on the go...and if I am not hangin it with family, have any appointments...

When the opportunity arises...I like to lay around like broccoli/veg out and watch movies ect....

Working, have been since 1978. There's something called the Baylor Plan for hospital nurses. Work every Sat/Sun 12.5 hrs per day, get paid full time wages with full benefits (except accrue paid time off only for the actual hours worked). The plan was designed to maintain a reliable weekend work force, no calling in sick with a hangover, etc.

Every once in awhile when I get overstaffed and have a weekend day off, I hate going anywhere, there's people everywhere. Having Mon-Fri off gives me the freedom to go just about anyplace and enjoy the half-empty stores, plus be able to make an appt with a dentist or whatever without having to juggle it into an already full week working as others do. Plus get to spend time babysitting my 2 young grandsons while my daughter-in-law tutors kids after school.

Definitely works for me or I wouldn't have maintained the schedule as long as I have. About the only thing I really miss out on are the occasional festivals that usually occur on the weekend.
I work alternate weekends but on my Sunday off Im often cooking a big family/friends roast dinner. All the other mummy/house owner duties!! Sometimes in the summer we go to the beach, or a long walk in the hills. I also like to chill with a good book if I get the time and listen to music (usually MJ's, lol) .
I have off on Sundays I usually get up around 11am or 12pm, then just hang out/go on the Internet till I go to Mass at 4:30, after that I go to my really close friend's house and hang out there till about 11pm or 12am...

sometimes I take naps.
yaaay finally a couple ppl mentioned church! :huh:

I wake up at 3:30 AM GO to church (i have a church task) then go back home 4 hours later (sometimes earlier than that), help in our eatery, rest a while then go back at chuch at 3:30 PM...

good for you thats awesome! I dunno if id be able to wake up that early though. geez!

I go to Mass at either 10:30 or 12 usually, then we go to lunch afterward somewhere. we then come home do chores, and there are no electronics until 5 pm.

I like that we have no electronics for a time, but i never got why my folks want us to work and do chores...on Sunday. but w/e. lol

id have to agree that Sunday is a good eating day :p i usually do a lot of that on Sundays.
Waking up at 9:30 AM and have breakfast with my parents. Then I prepare some things for school the next day. The rest of the day I like to go out walking,reading a book or spending some time on the internet . Sometimes I spend a whole weekend at a friend's place and sleep over.