How could Michael write "Billie Jean" if it's not about his own life?

What about the Swedish chicks laying naked in the Jackson's driveway?...No wonder why he's always making reference to "streetwalkers," J/K :hysterical: ...really some things are better left alone...that cracked me up totally though. Picture it... I bet the Jacksons have lots of stories like that to tell that are in fact true...of nutty women trying to get at them among other things. Weirdos!
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What about the Swedish chicks laying naked in the Jackson's driveway?...No wonder why he's always making reference to "streetwalkers," J/K :hysterical: ...really somethings are better left alone...that cracked me up totally though. Picture it... I bet the Jacksons have lots of stories like that to tell that are in fact true...of nutty women trying to get at them among other things. Weirdos!

They're no different than the Rolling Stones, Beatles, Temptations, Four Tops, etc. So they definitely have had their share.
Billie Jean was written by MJ INSPIRED by a true event..

Think of movies.. is every horror movie producer a killer???? lol!

Take ED GEIN for example.. he (a serial killer) inspired so many movies..
*Texas Chainsaw Masacre
* Silence of The Lamb
* Psycho

None of those are TRUE stories, but a producer took the ED Gein story and created a movie INSPIRED by a true story.. Than another producer created another movie from the same story.. and then again..

You don't have to LIVE it to write about it..

Sorry to corrilate billie jean to horror movies etc... lol! I know it does not fit, but gets my point accross

Horror genre is more like fantasy.. Normal fiction and fantasy are two different things.
^ The point is that they are inspired by true stories.. read my full post

ED GEIN is a REAL serial killer. no movie, no fantacy..
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Some songs MJ wrote from inspiration but "Billie Jean" DID happen to him since he was accused even before "Thriller" for fathering a child. :lol: Maybe not the "she told my baby we danced 'til three/then showed a photo of the baby, his eyes looked like mine..." lyric but I reckon everything else was for real. Maybe he was talking about all of them (Joseph included). It happened to the Jackson men, all of them being accused of fathering somebody's child, and we know Joe has a child with another woman so... lol.
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It happended to his brothers. And even a girl claimed Michael was the father of her child, but that doesnt mean that Michael is really his father.
Ok I'm a writer...I equated it to fiction because 99.9 percent of the time, fiction comes from real life experiences. There is truth to fiction. Of course, there is truth to what he's took what i said to a whole 'notha level lol

But it IS possible that BJ isn't word for word truth. It IS possible that he might have came up with the story himself, taking what he knows from LIFE in general, and what he has experienced with his brothers...without him going through it himself. It is possible. People write stories by grabbing things that they know about in life, what others have experienced, and interpreting them into a new story. That's fiction.

And no i don't claim to know what Mj did in his life, but based on what MJ has said about the subject...i'm sticking to the notion that BJ isn't a real person that had sex with MJ and all that lol. It might be true or not, but in this instance I'm taking MJ's word for it cuz that's all i got to go on. (besides tabloid hoochies that proclaim they're MJ's baby's mommas) lol

And what others have said here is true... Mj wrote about a TON of topics. He wrote about aliens, war, gangsters, gangs, zombies, monsters, ghosts...everything. So if everything MJ wrote was experienced, he had a pretty damn eventful life lol

I do not think that I took what you said to a whole other level. You stated that it is ALL FICTION writing. I asked, "how would you know".

You do not cliamed to know what MJ did in his life, but you did not hesitant to say that it is ALL FICTION WRITING. Before you are sure on what you were going to say, think first. I believe that notion as well that BJ is not a real person at all. I think BJ represents groupies that accused him and his brothers of being the fathers to their children.

well Quincy Jones has always said.. Michael's songs are autobiographical...

Interesting. So, maybe "Dirty Diana" fits in that category. BTW, I thought SC was about domestic violence. Well, I read an article that stated that.

Matter of fact, I blame MJ now for creating the Maury Povich "I am not the father" episodes

LOL. Those are the best episodes. BJ was the first Baby Momma drama songs that touched a nerve with men. LOL.
I do not think that I took what you said to a whole other level. You stated that it is ALL FICTION writing. I asked, "how would you know".

You do not cliamed to know what MJ did in his life, but you did not hesitant to say that it is ALL FICTION WRITING. Before you are sure on what you were going to say, think first. I believe that notion as well that BJ is not a real person at all. I think BJ represents groupies that accused him and his brothers of being the fathers to their children.

sheesh bee. it's fiction writing...because there's a lot of fiction writing that is very closely related to the truth. Or that there are portions of truth in it but spiced up. Good writers do that. You can't really write convincingly about just made up stuff...even fantasty writers pull things from EARTH and life experiences lol in this instance, in the instance of billie jean, it is like fiction writing in the fact that most writers take real life stuff and "spiced it up". The thread isn't saying "How could MJ write all of his songs"'s just billie jean...and billie jean is what i'm referring too. I thought about it thankyouverymuch lol.

I was quick to say it's fiction because as a writer, that's what it is to me based on what MICHAEL has said. I already said i believe MJ because of the reasons stated, and I already said its fiction writing because of the reasons stated. To me fiction writing doesn't equal COMPLETELY false.
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Ok i'm not gonna use metaphors on this board anymore lol...cuz even when i explain them peeps still trippin lol

Fiction, to me, being a writer..99% of it comes from truth. 99% of it is truth that's "spiced up" a little. Just like BJ.
How do you know he was being fictional with this song? :lol: :shifty: I mean there is such a thing called third-person point of view as it clearly was on the second and third verses. :giggle:
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How do you know he was being fictional with this song? :lol: :shifty: I mean there is such a thing called third-person point of view as it clearly was on the second and third verses. :giggle:
If the story is a third person truth, and he tells it like it was his truth, then the story is fictional. It is fictional cause he tells it as his story, and not the trird person's story. it is based on a true story, but not his story, therefore fictional..
Let's all not start assuming on Michael private sex life hey ;) don't be tripping that wire that makes me pop up :p

I actually like the fact that we don't know the real truth behind Billie Jean, that's what makes the song work so well :p
Stuff like having Quincy Jones quote MJ saying it's about a woman who claimed I was the father of one of her twins, helps build the legend of the song.
Not actually finding out whether MJ really had a billie jean or not
Hey. We are getting complaints about this thread. I will take a look at it. But as long as the conversation is respectful, comments will stand as posted.
How do you know he was being fictional with this song? :lol: :shifty: I mean there is such a thing called third-person point of view as it clearly was on the second and third verses. :giggle:

I already said why in my posts lol I'm not gonna repeat it for a 3rd time lol

It's like fiction writing based on what MJ has said himself about the song and what Q has said. I'm not going on some assumptions that have not come from the source him/themselves. Ya'll can believe what you want about MJ's sex life, but like i said, I choose to believe MJ in this instance.

And you guys are also assuming that I'm saying everything in that song is untrue without reading my whole posts. I've clearly said over and over again that I equate it to fiction writing (because that's what I DO lol)...because you often take a very real situation and stretch the truth. Which, ACCORDING TO MJ and Q, is what he did.
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Let's all not start assuming on Michael private sex life hey ;) don't be tripping that wire that makes me pop up :p

I actually like the fact that we don't know the real truth behind Billie Jean, that's what makes the song work so well :p
Stuff like having Quincy Jones quote MJ saying it's about a woman who claimed I was the father of one of her twins, helps build the legend of the song.
Not actually finding out whether MJ really had a billie jean or not

Michael doesn't do any better claiming "Billie Jean" was another pseudonyms for groupies. :lol:
I mean they say "Billie Jean" can't be written 'bout his own life because he had no life with other youngsters and he was also shy and disciplined by his father..

But I've always wondered if he hadn't seen that life just like others how could he wrote songs like that? You can't write messages like that from nowhere. So he was in disguises to explore I think? There are so many songs from Michael just can't fit into who they (the media) think he is. I wasn't the fan when he was a child but I was a fan when the Thriller short film came out. And I've always thought his childhood troubles are actually oversized by the media, what do you think..?

I met Michael Jackson when he was in disguise, and I can say that it was quite eventful to say the least. I would like to share with you and other fans some of my thoughts and facts that I know, but unfortunately, truth (good or bad) is not always easily handled for some people.

SO all I'm gonna say regarding your question is:

Based on what (I) know, this song and many, many others do have a direct correlation with his life . All the lyrics in the song "Billie Jean" happened in some shape or form, before and after it was written and NONE of the scenarios that have been stated, are accurate. I would help people dissect the song line by line, but I'm a little bit embarrassed (not in a bad way), that the things we said/did are in a song(s) for the whole world to try to interpret. Does anyone really think MJ would tell people what BJ is really about? I think Not. Everyone that doubts should go and re-listen to Thriller from 82/83, and then re-listen to the remixes on Thriller 25. If you listen carefully you can HEAR what he is saying. By the way, while singing and dancing, he's too excited with The Billie Jean for it to be about Groupie(s). Also, last thing. The line about "she called me to her room" has been further expanded on in "Wanna B Startin' Something 08". Just listen, you'll see. By the way, I WISH I COULD TELL YA WHAT I SAW!!!

By the way, when I met MJ in 82 and when I realized I met him in 84, the only stars I knew about were the ones twinklin' in the sky. lol.

Here's a couple of tidbits...

Oct/Nov 1982
When MJ was in the room with my husband and I, every now and then he (MJ) would just out of nowhere belt out singing in a deep strong serious voice the words (The Girl is Mineeeeeeee) while raising his hand in the air as he sang. This happened at least twice in one day on a couple of different occasions. Each time he did that I was so afraid my husband would fight him or something.

MJ wanted my husband to beat it. In March 83 MJ saved me in a real-life gang scene.

There's more but that's all I'm saying.

I don't think Michael makes it a habit of writing about exact instances all the time, he's a Genius and I can't blame him for wanting to show it in his creativeness. Actually, if what he says in his music isn't personal, then he probably would just put something together in what, a day? Whatever he has to say on his next album you can rest assure it will be something personal and worth listening to. Maybe it's therapeutic, cause I'm feelin' real good saying some of what I KNOW.

Okay everyone, remember to breathe out.

Sorry Topflux if my post closes your thread.
Interesting, but forgive me if it sounds a bit fantastic. I think that the open speculation and guessing was better...
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:rollin: *goes to get a cup of coffee and laughs some more* wait did someone say Tony?
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wow.....well look at that crazy ass nona jackson. she's accusing mj or debbie of something or other and that she's the kids''s not hard to accuse someone of being the father of yo' chile.....just watch maury
Wow...... I was thinking of not making a comment, but I decided that I should.

Your story is bizarre and very weird. I do not believe a word that you are saying. Everything you stated is creepy.....

Interesting, but forgive me if it sounds a bit fantastic. I think that the open speculation and guessing was better...

LOL. Much better. That whole story was just weird.

MFlowers... wait a minute? Wasn't there a woman name Michelle Flowers who claims that Bille Jean was about her? Remember that crazy story back in the day? Could this MFlowers be that person? LOL.
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It seems like many people here have no idea how you write a song... It really does not have to do anything with your own life.. And it surely is hard to explain.. You must surrender to music and let the stories write themselves.. Of course the mood you are in and the experiences you have had affect sometimes a lot to what kinds of melodies and"Energies" you receive..
it can be difficult to understand the process of writing a song if you have never done it before.
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It seems like many people here have no idea how you write a song... It really does not have to do anything with your own life.. And it surely is hard to explain.. You must surrender to music and let the stories write themselves.. Of course the mood you are in and the experiences you have had affect sometimes a lot to what kinds of melodies and"Energies" you receive..

:yes: Mmmmm Hmmmmm :yes:

I just figured from what Quincy Jones said and that old Rolling Stones interview of MJ who "Billie Jean" is/was/may represent
I'm kinda suprized how this thread kinda took off.. Not that it's a bad thread, I enjoy it.. I just find it interesting that everyone flocked to it as it did..

Kinda cool though!
It looks like there's kinda "mystery" surrounding "Billie Jean". That's why I started this thread.. It's been so interesting to read how people see it. I love MJ fans.