How could Michael write "Billie Jean" if it's not about his own life?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I mean they say "Billie Jean" can't be written 'bout his own life because he had no life with other youngsters and he was also shy and disciplined by his father..

But I've always wondered if he hadn't seen that life just like others how could he wrote songs like that? You can't write messages like that from nowhere. So he was in disguises to explore I think? There are so many songs from Michael just can't fit into who they (the media) think he is. I wasn't the fan when he was a child but I was a fan when the Thriller short film came out. And I've always thought his childhood troubles are actually oversized by the media, what do you think..?
He has said many times that his song writing doesn't come from him. He says he always felt a song has been written from above by some one else already. He is just lucky to be the messenger of the song.
He has said many times that his song writing doesn't come from him. He says he always felt a song has been written from above by some one else already. He is just lucky to be the messenger of the song.

But that's not the real reason obviously.

He is saying that spiritually, it's not like God actually threw a song at him and told him "record this, trust my homez" :lol: No, he actually wrote it. But to the OP, I think you can write about anyone or anything even if you've had no experience of it.
well and if you believe in god that creativity comes from Him, and sometimes it feels like it's not even you that's writing it. so that answer prob is true as well.
I think you can write about anyone or anything even if you've had no experience of it.

I'm sorry but I don't. How could you?! So, did Michael read so much or just was in contact with that kind of people? Were his brothers day after day like that?

Just thinking about my own life, it's completely impossible to write something like that. I mean it's so mature lyrics he has been written. Not only "Billie Jean" but many other songs. So where did he get his knowledge for them from and how, that interests me..
Aw come on, people do it all the time. It's fiction writing lol. And MJ has always been mature. He likes children and childlike things but he has always been smart and mature and NEVER childish. He had experienced a lot in his life, don't get it twisted lol.
I'm sorry but I don't. How could you?! So, did Michael read so much or just was in contact with that kind of people? Were his brothers day after day like that?

Just thinking about my own life, it's completely impossible to write something like that. I mean it's so mature lyrics he has been written. Not only "Billie Jean" but many other songs. So where did he get his knowledge for them from and how, that interests me..

I can write a song like that- let's try....

Here I Am
Watching the sun go down
across the ocean....

Alrighty that was horrible :lol: :rofl:
Yes you can write things that is not even related to you. I mean it could have been an experience one of his friends went through, and decided to write through their experiences.
It could have been a brother of him, or an other artist (don't forget he was in touch with them). Or maybe the biography of Charlie Chaplin COULD have had inspired him. Probably he was reading a book (he often does) and thought that could be a great idea. Or he just met someone who told him the story. There can be ways and ways. Newspapers. TV...
It's not too uncommon for an artist to write a song without personal significance. I've heard plenty artists use movies to write, for example. They take a character from the movie and place themselves in the position.

Michael obviously was exposed to the situation when he wrote "Billie Jean" one way or another.
Aw come on, people do it all the time. It's fiction writing lol. And MJ has always been mature. He likes children and childlike things but he has always been smart and mature and NEVER childish. He had experienced a lot in his life, don't get it twisted lol.

I have to say it's NOT "fiction". That's why it keeps me wondering. It's mostly something that happens all the time. So if it isn't not about his own life, I'd just like to know how he got to know about that. The first thing that came in to my mind was that Michael really had had sex with someone in the night life, but being shy and like we know Michael I think it must be about his friend. It would be great to know who is the guy he is writing about. It would make the hit song even more understandable.
It could have been a brother of him, or an other artist (don't forget he was in touch with them). Or maybe the biography of Charlie Chaplin COULD have had inspired him. Probably he was reading a book (he often does) and thought that could be a great idea. Or he just met someone who told him the story. There can be ways and ways. Newspapers. TV...

Exactly. You don't have to experience a certain situation to write on that subject. I mean just reading about it, or watching a friend/sibling going through it is enough to write about it.
What Michael has said about Billie Jean

"When I was very little, around 10 years old I used to go on these Tours with my brothers, The Jackson 5 and I hear these crazy stories that these girls would claim my brothers had relationships with them, which they didn't and that they are going to have their children. And I thought that to be so strange and so crazy. Then a couple of years later there was this girl named Billie Jean, who used to stand outside my gate and I would drive outside the gate she would say "here's the keys to our car" and she would say "here's the keys to the front door" and she would say that Im actually the father of her child, which never ever happened and that inspired the song cos the chorus goes "Billie Jean is not my lover, she just a girl who claims that I am the one, but the kid is not my son". I guess that's how it happened"
What Michael has said about Billie Jean

"When I was very little, around 10 years old I used to go on these Tours with my brothers, The Jackson 5 and I hear these crazy stories that these girls would claim my brothers had relationships with them, which they didn't and that they are going to have their children. And I thought that to be so strange and so crazy. Then a couple of years later there was this girl named Billie Jean, who used to stand outside my gate and I would drive outside the gate she would say "here's the keys to our car" and she would say "here's the keys to the front door" and she would say that Im actually the father of her child, which never ever happened and that inspired the song cos the chorus goes "Billie Jean is not my lover, she just a girl who claims that I am the one, but the kid is not my son". I guess that's how it happened"

I thought God gave it to him :rolleyes:

*waits for negative reputation and pms to flood me*
It is TRUE! I just posted a video on the previous page explaining it.

The video is very interesting. I am suprised how normal guy Jermaine is there. I have never met him but that's something I'd like to be someday in the future. I mean like Jermaine.
i guess writing music lyrics is like acting, actors take on a role, they study the character in details and they improvise, doesn't mean that the character is about them.
It's an audio clip where he says that.

That's cool. So basically "Biilie Jean" is the same than "Dirty Diana"..?

Btw I'm kinda scared how same way I wear with Jermaine.. And Jermaine sounds like a really nice guy. And so normal..
Doesn't he explain it a little bit in LWMJ as well? Or am I just imagining that?

I'm sorry I don't remember all the things he has said and done. It's because I mainly just like his music and his prescence.. I've been his fan about 25 years but never before that much interested in details..

It sounds cool if Michael really had fun with girls in the past. Because it's kinda normal. You can try to evade it but it's still normal. Just after all the years it's so hard to imagine with Michael. Well, he had the relationship for example with Lisa Marie, but still..
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I'm sorry I don't remember all the things he has said and done. It's because I mainly just like his music and his prescence.. I've been his fan about 25 years but never before that much interested in details..

It sounds cool if Michael really had fun with girls in the past. Because it's kinda normal. You can try to evade it but it's still normal. Just after all the years it's so hard to imagine with Michael. Well, he had the relationship for example with Lisa Marie, but still..

Listen Michael is very normal, he just doesn't like to spill the beans on every detail of his sex life, because he is a gentleman.
I do believe that you can write a song and not go through the situations. Many artists have talked about writing the songs based on what a friend of theirs went through or something like that. MJ often stated what "Bille Jean" was about. I also do believe, based on what he says in his songs, that he went through some of it in his own life. The questions is: which songs?

Topflux, I understand where you are coming from and I do not think some people on here are reading what the poster posted carefully. It is very possible that the things that MJ talks about in his songs is what he personally went through. Being creative is one thing, but going through it is another. I think songs like "Dirty Diana" and "I Can't Let Her Get Away" are songs that are deeply personal. Even "Will You Be There" must have been personal for MJ as well. The way he sang that song had to come from a really personal place in his life. As for the media, I mean, MJ tells them something and these losers blow it up into something completely different so it is possible about the media.

It's fiction writing lol. And MJ has always been mature. He likes children and childlike things but he has always been smart and mature and NEVER childish. He had experienced a lot in his life, don't get it twisted lol.

So, everything that he sang in his songs are fiction? Is that what you are trying to say? How would you know for sure? MJ has always been mature and childlike, but this discussion isn't really about that. We really have no idea for sure what MJ truly experience in his life so I do not think anyone is getting anything twisted. I think that some people are missing the point of Topflux topic. I am not trying to put you out there, I am just simply stating.

It would make the hit song even more understandable

I see what you are saying. I think MJ just improvised some things in the song and sang it.

BTW, I do not have speakers and I want to know what Jermaine was saying about "Billie Jean".